Archival literature includes two prominent theoretical currents: the implementation of minimal descriptive practices and the need for more inclusive, reparative practices. Although prominent, these threads are not often considered together to explore how minimal processing frameworks may impact efforts for a diverse and representative archival record documenting marginalized communities and experiences. This article discusses these two frameworks, the apparent tension between them, and possible methods for reconciling the two to integrate more inclusive practices directly into standard archival workflows. This article argues that implementing inclusive practices into archival work is necessary to create a more representative historical record. Balancing both perspectives is necessary to create access points discoverable to a broad range of archival researchers. Creating access points for marginalized researchers is part of the core of archivists’ professional responsibilities and cannot be performed as a specialized project or contingent upon specialized funding—it must be embedded directly into all accessioning and processing workflows. By simultaneously considering these two theoretical currents, archivists can incorporate inclusive and reparative practices within an overarching extensible processing workflow.