In 2004, the A*CENSUS survey identified several challenges related to the future of the archival field, including enhancing the recruitment, training, and retention of archivists. The A*CENSUS II survey conducted in 2021 shows that the archival field has grown and grown younger in the intervening period, but recruitment constitutes only one part of a robust archival enterprise; retention depends upon ensuring rewarding career experiences. This exploratory research examines archival students’ and early career professionals’ perceptions of the prospects of developing an archival career. Drawing on a survey of 406 students and early career professionals (five or fewer years in the field), the authors examine topics of credentials, career paths, professional development plans, and attrition. Findings indicate overall satisfaction with their experiences, though concerns were raised regarding preparation for entering the field; employers’ reception of transferable skills; the ability to secure full-time, well-compensated positions; and the perception that success requires multiple degrees and credentials. The authors discuss the implications of these findings for practice and provide directions for further research.

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