American Library Association. Library Administration and Management Association. Planning library buildings: a select bibliography. Chicago: American Library Association, Library Administration and Management Association, 1990.
Churchville, Lida Holland, comp. CCIDA bibliographies from the Canadian Centre for Information and Documentation on Archives, National Archives of Canada. ALIC Bibliography 1990 - 2; ERIC ED328247. Washington: National Archives, Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 1990. 8 pp.
Churchville, Lida Holland, and Catherine Hale, comp. Disaster planning. ALIC Bibliographies 1990 - 1; ERIC ED328246. Washington: National Archives, Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 1990. 23 pp.
Commission on Preservation and Access. Directory: information sources on scientific research related to the preservation of books, paper, and adhesives. Commission on Preservation and Access Reports; ERIC ED319405. Washington: The Commission, 1990. 31 pp.
Conway, Paul. Administration of preservation programs in archives: a selective bibliography. ALIC Bibliographies 1990 - 4. Washington: National Archives, Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 1990.
Administration of preservation programs in archives: a selective bibliography
Cox, Richard J. "RAMP studies and related UNESCO publications: an international source for archival administration." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 484-487.
RAMP studies and related UNESCO publications: an international source for archival administration
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 484
) de Torres, Amparo R., ed. Collections care: a basic reference shelflist. Washington: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. 183 pp.
Collections care: a basic reference shelflist
pg. 183
de Torres, Amparo R., ed. Collections care: a selected bibliography. Washington: National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. 119 pp.
Collections care: a selected bibliography
pg. 119
de Torres, Amparo R., comp. The conservation assessment: bibliography. Marina del Rey, CA and Washington: Getty Conservation Institute and National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. 45 pp.
The conservation assessment: bibliography
pg. 45
Ford, Jeannette White. Archival principles and practice: a guide for archives management. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 1990. vi, 154 pp.
Archival principles and practice: a guide for archives management
, vol. vi
Fothergill, Richard, and Ian Butchart. Non-book material in libraries: a practical guide. London: Library Association, 1990. 328 pp.
Non-book material in libraries: a practical guide
pg. 328
Hampson, Jill. "Filing practice: an annotated bibliography." Business Archives [Great Britain] 59 (May 1990): 89-94.
Filing practice: an annotated bibliography
, Business Archives [Great Britain]
, vol. 59
(pg. 89
) Heber, Jochen, ed. "Bibligraphie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1985-1987 [Bibliography on archival material for the years 1985-1987]." Der Archivar 43:2 (May 1990): Supplement.
"Bibligraphie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1985-1987 [Bibliography on archival material for the years 1985-1987]
, Der Archivar
, vol. 43
International bibliography of directories and guides to archival repositories. New York: K.G. Saur, 1990. xxix, 195 pp.
Johnson, William S., ed. Nineteenth-century photography, an annotated bibliography, 1839-1879. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. xv, 692 pp.
Nineteenth-century photography, an annotated bibliography, 1839-1879
, vol. xv
Luey, Beth E., ed. Editing documents and text: an annotated bibliography. Madison, WI: Madison House for the Association for Documentary Editing, 1990. xi, 289 pp.
Editing documents and text: an annotated bibliography
, vol. xi
Marcoux, Yves. Standards and guidelines applied to archival institutions, archival education programs and ethics. CCIDA Bibliographies 50. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada Library, Canadian Centre for Information and Documentation on Archives (CCIDA), 1990. 4 pp.
Standards and guidelines applied to archival institutions, archival education programs and ethics
pg. 4
Matters, Marion, ed. Automated records and techniques in archives: a resource directory. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 75 pp.
Automated records and techniques in archives: a resource directory
pg. 75
Murowanyj, Una. Select bibliography of archives management and administration literature. Edmonton: Provincial Archives of Canada, 1990. 33 pp.
Select bibliography of archives management and administration literature
pg. 33
Murray, Toby. Bibliography on disaster, disaster preparedness and disaster recovery. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Conservation Congress, 1990. 59 pp.
Bibliography on disaster, disaster preparedness and disaster recovery
pg. 59
O'Toole, James M. Understanding archives and manuscripts. Archival Fundamentals Series. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 79 pp.
Understanding archives and manuscripts
pg. 79
Pask, Judith M. User education for online systems in libraries: a selective bibliography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1990. viii, 212 pp.
User education for online systems in libraries: a selective bibliography
, vol. viii
Research Libraries Group. Documents that move and speak: a selective bibliography from the RUIN database. Mountain View, CA: Research Libraries Group, 1990. 19 pp.
Society of American Archivists. SAA Newsletter index, 1974-1988. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 58 pp.
Van Den Akker-Landrum, Linda. CIDS bibliographies: research papers prepared by members of the Archivist Career Training Program. ALIC Bibliography 1990-3; ERIC ED328248. Washington: National Archives, Archives Library Information Center (ALIC), 1990. 24 pp.
CIDS bibliographies: research papers prepared by members of the Archivist Career Training Program
pg. 24
Walch, Victoria Irons. "Checklist of standards applicable to the preservation of archives and manuscripts." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 324-338.
Checklist of standards applicable to the preservation of archives and manuscripts
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 324
) Walne, Peter. Selected guidelines for the management of records and archives. RAMP Study PGI-90WS6. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. 214 pp.
Selected guidelines for the management of records and archives
pg. 214
Abrahamffy, Steve, Kathryn Dan, Michael McCarthy, Greg O'Shea, Kerrie Scott, and Steve Stuckey. "Disposal in the Australian Archives: new directions and new challenges." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:2 (November 1990): 203-212.
Disposal in the Australian Archives: new directions and new challenges
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 203
) Canada. National Archives of Canada. Disposition of the records of the Government of Canada - a planned approach. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1990.
Dean, Jenny, and Wendy Southern. "The practice of sampling in the disposal of Commonwealth records." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:1 (May 1990): 53-62.
The practice of sampling in the disposal of Commonwealth records
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 53
) Gallagher, Connell. "Problems of the collection development archivist." AB Bookman's Weekly 85:12 (March 19, 1990): 1225-1230.
Problems of the collection development archivist
, AB Bookman's Weekly
, vol. 85
(pg. 1225
) Grimard, Jacques. "Gathering archives…or constituting our society's long-term memory." Archivist [National Archives of Canada] 17:6 (November-December 1990): 12-14.
Gathering archives…or constituting our society's long-term memory
, Archivist [National Archives of Canada]
, vol. 17
(pg. 12
) Hives, Christopher, ed. Archival appraisal: theory and practice. Vancouver: Archives Association of British Columbia, 1990. 208 pp.
Archival appraisal: theory and practice
pg. 208
Iacovino, Livia. "The development of the principles of appraisal in the public sector and their application to business records [part II]." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:1 (May 1990): 19-38.
The development of the principles of appraisal in the public sector and their application to business records [part II]
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 19
) Joyce, William L., ed. Archives accessions annual, 1988. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990. 200 pp.
Archives accessions annual, 1988
pg. 200
Jung, Maureen A. "Documenting nineteenth-century quartz mining in Northern California." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 406-418.
Documenting nineteenth-century quartz mining in Northern California
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 406
) Kennedy, Patricia. "Reassembling our scattered documentary heritage." Archivist [National Archives of Canada] 17:6 (November-December 1990): 6-8.
Reassembling our scattered documentary heritage
, Archivist [National Archives of Canada]
, vol. 17
(pg. 6
) Lockwood, Elizabeth. "‘Imponderable matters:’ the influence of new trends in history on appraisal at the National Archives." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 394-405.
‘Imponderable matters:’ the influence of new trends in history on appraisal at the National Archives
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 394
) Mattern, Carolyn J. "Documenting the Vietnam soldier: a case study in collection development." Midwestern Archivist 15:2 (1990): 99-108.
Documenting the Vietnam soldier: a case study in collection development
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 99
) Richmond, Lesley M. "A national documentation strategy for business." Business Archives [Great Britain] 59 (May 1990): 37-46.
A national documentation strategy for business
, Business Archives [Great Britain]
, vol. 59
(pg. 37
) Schwartz, Joan M. "The challenge of acquiring contemporary photography." Archivist [National Archives of Canada] 17:6 (November-December 1990): 25-27.
The challenge of acquiring contemporary photography
, Archivist [National Archives of Canada]
, vol. 17
(pg. 25
) Sink, Robert. "Appraisal: the process of choice." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 452-458.
Appraisal: the process of choice
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 452
) Smith, Brian S. "British archives and acquisitions policies." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 47-51.
British archives and acquisitions policies
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 47
) Turnbaugh, Roy. "Plowing the sea: appraising public records in an ahistorical culture." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 562-565.
Plowing the sea: appraising public records in an ahistorical culture
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 562
) U.S. Congress. House. House Administration Committee. Guidelines for Standing and Select Committees in the preparation, filing, archiving, and disposal of committee records. Washington: GPO, 1990. 59 pp.
U.S. General Accounting Office. Information Management and Technology Division. Space operations: NASA is not archiving all potentially valuable data. GAOIMTEC-91-3 B-240427. Washington: General Accounting Office, Information Management and Technology Division, 1990. 51 pp.
U.S. General Accounting Office. Information Management and Technology Division. Space operations: NASA is not properly safeguarding valuable data from past missions. GAOIMTEC-90-1 B-237585. Washington: General Accounting Office, Information Management and Technology Division, 1990. 76 pp.
Witthus, Rutherford W. "The importance of appraisal in archival preservation: the case of architectural records." Colorado Libraries 16:2 (June 1990): 20-22.
The importance of appraisal in archival preservation: the case of architectural records
, Colorado Libraries
, vol. 16
(pg. 20
) Association of College and Research Libraries. Paper terms: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1990. 41 pp.
Association of College and Research Libraries. Type evidence: a thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloging. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1990. 19 pp.
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Archives & museum data models & dictionaries
, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report
, vol. 10
Black, Sharon. Thesaurus of subject headings for television: a vocabulary for indexing script collections. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 1990. 84 pp.
Thesaurus of subject headings for television: a vocabulary for indexing script collections
pg. 84
Boas, Norman F., ed. The Manuscript Society criteria for describing manuscripts and documents. Burbank, CA: Manuscript Society, 1990. 11 pp.
The Manuscript Society criteria for describing manuscripts and documents
pg. 11
Brilliant, Ira. "The Manuscript Society Information Exchange Database opens at Arizona State University." Manuscripts 42:1 (Winter 1990): 5-12.
The Manuscript Society Information Exchange Database opens at Arizona State University
, Manuscripts
, vol. 42
(pg. 5
) Burnett, Timothy. "Theory and practice in archive classification at the British Library." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 17-20.
Theory and practice in archive classification at the British Library
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 17
) Byrne, Deborah J. MARC manual: understanding and using MARC records. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited, 1990. xxi, 260 pp.
MARC manual: understanding and using MARC records
, vol. xxi
Canada. Bureau of Canadian Archivists, Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards. Rules for archival description. Ottawa, Canada: Bureau of Canadian Archivists, 1990. 152 pp.
Chan, Lois Mai. Library of Congress subject headings: principles of structure and policies for application. Advances in Library Information Technology 3. Washington: Library of Congress, Cataloging Distribution Service, 1990. xiii, 65 pp.
Library of Congress subject headings: principles of structure and policies for application
, vol. xiii
Clack, Doris Hargrett. Authority control: principles, applications, and instructions. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. 232 pp.
Authority control: principles, applications, and instructions
pg. 232
Cook, Michael. "The British move toward standards of archival description: the MAD standard." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 130-138.
The British move toward standards of archival description: the MAD standard
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 130
) Cook, Michael. "The ‘MAD’ standard: standards and possibilities for archives." Outlook on Research Libraries [Great Britain] (May 1990): 3-10.
Crawford, Walt. "Information standards in 1989." In The Bowker annual: library and book trade almanac, compiled and edited by Filomena Simora, 57-61. 35th ed. New York: Bowker, 1990.
Information standards in 1989
(pg. 57
) Dehart, Florence E., and Karen Matthews. "Subject enhancements and OPACs: planning ahead." Technical Services Quarterly 7:4 (1990): 35-52.
Subject enhancements and OPACs: planning ahead
, Technical Services Quarterly
, vol. 7
(pg. 35
) Dryden, Jean E. "Dancing the continental: descriptive standards in Canada." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 106-108.
Dancing the continental: descriptive standards in Canada
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 106
) Getty Art History Information Program. Art & architectural thesaurus. New York: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Getty Art History Information Program, 1990. 3 vols.
Gorman, Michael, ed. Library and information technology standards. LITA monographs, vol. 1. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. vii, 90 pp.
Library and information technology standards. LITA monographs, vol. 1
, vol. vii
Gorman, Michael, ed. MARC format integration: three perspectives. LITA guides, no. 2. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. vii, 19 pp.
MARC format integration: three perspectives
, vol. vii
Green, James L. "The new space and earth science information systems at NASA's archive." Government Information Quarterly 7:2 (May 1990): 141-147.
The new space and earth science information systems at NASA's archive
, Government Information Quarterly
, vol. 7
(pg. 141
) Healy, Susan. "The classification of modern government records in England and Australia." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 21-26.
The classification of modern government records in England and Australia
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 21
) Hensen, Steven. Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts. 2d ed. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. ix, 196 pp.
Archives, personal papers, and manuscripts
, vol. ix
Hickerson, H. Thomas. "Standards for archival information management systems." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 24-28.
Standards for archival information management systems
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 24
) Hoy, Marian, and Lorraine Macknight. "National database cooperation: a case study." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:2 (November 1990): 231-241.
National database cooperation: a case study
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 231
) Hurley, Chris. "Standardisation 1987: a recapitulation." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:1 (May 1990): 63-74.
Standardisation 1987: a recapitulation
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 63
) International Federation of Film Archives [FIAF]. Subject headings. 5th ed. London: International Federation of Film Archives, 1990. 56 pp. plus appendices.
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A MARC-based information structure and data dictionary for the Syracuse University art collection
, Information Retrieval & Library Automation
, vol. 25
(pg. 1
) Matters, Marion. "The development of common descriptive standards: lessons from the archival community." Spectra 17:2 (Summer 1990): 11-13.
The development of common descriptive standards: lessons from the archival community
, Spectra
, vol. 17
(pg. 11
) Matters, Marion. "Reconciling sibling rivalry in the AACR2 ‘family’: the potential for agreement on rules for archival description of all types of materials." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 76-93.
Reconciling sibling rivalry in the AACR2 ‘family’: the potential for agreement on rules for archival description of all types of materials
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 76
) Miller, Fredric M. Arranging and describing archives and manuscripts. Archival Fundamentals Series. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 131 pp.
Arranging and describing archives and manuscripts
pg. 131
National Information Standards Organization. "American National Standards for libraries, publishers, and information services." In The Bowker annual: library and book trade almanac, compiled and edited by Filomena Simora, 557-563. 35th ed. New York: Bowker, 1990.
Nelson, W. R. "Theoretical and archival considerations in the description of historical photographs." Archifacts [New Zealand] (October 1990): 22-31.
Oetting, Edward C. "The Information Exchange Database: the future is now." Manuscripts 42:1 (Winter 1990): 13-17.
The Information Exchange Database: the future is now
, Manuscripts
, vol. 42
(pg. 13
) Ostroff, Harriet. "Subject access to archival and manuscript material." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 100-105.
Subject access to archival and manuscript material
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 100
) Parkhurst, Carol A., ed. Library perspectives on NREN: the National Research and Education Network. Chicago: American Library Association, Library Information Technology Association, 1990. 73 pp.
Library perspectives on NREN: the National Research and Education Network
pg. 73
Pepler, Jonathan. "The impact of computers on classification theory." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11: 1-2 (January and April 1990): 27-31.
The impact of computers on classification theory
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 27
) Petersen, Toni. "Developing a new thesaurus for art and architecture." Library Trends 38:4 (Spring 1990): 644-658.
Developing a new thesaurus for art and architecture
, Library Trends
, vol. 38
(pg. 644
) Research Libraries Group. On-site access guide to RLG archival, manuscript, and special collections. Mountain View, CA: Research Libraries Group, 1990. 1 vol. (looseleaf).
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Manuscripts and archival materials in the catalog
, DLA Bulletin
, vol. 10
(pg. 8
) Robinson, Geoffrey, and Ken Bakewell. "Glossary of documentation terms." Information and Library Manager 9:3 (1990): 13-15.
Glossary of documentation terms
, Information and Library Manager
, vol. 9
(pg. 13
) Roe, Kathleen D. "From archival gothic to MARC modern: building common data structures." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 56-66.
From archival gothic to MARC modern: building common data structures
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, vol. 53
(pg. 56
) Smiraglia, Richard P., ed. Describing archival materials: the use of the MARC AMC format. Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 1990. 228 pp.
Describing archival materials: the use of the MARC AMC format
pg. 228
Stout, Leon J. "Doing it by numbers: standard statistics for describing archives." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 68-75.
Doing it by numbers: standard statistics for describing archives
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 68
) Studwell, William E. Library of Congress subject headings: philosophy, practice, and prospects. Haworth series in cataloging and classification 2. Binghamton, NY: Haworth, 1990. 120 pp.
Library of Congress subject headings: philosophy, practice, and prospects
pg. 120
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Evolution of the Thesaurus of University Terms
, Provenance
, vol. 8
(pg. 13
) Thibodeau, Sharon Gibbs. "External technical standards for data content and data values: prospects for adoption by the archival community." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 94-99.
External technical standards for data content and data values: prospects for adoption by the archival community
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 94
) U.S. Library of Congress. Combined Authority Files Committee. Report of the Combined Authority Files Committee. Washington: Library of Congress, 1990. 53 pp. plus appendices.
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U.S. Library of Congress. Network Development/Library of Congress. MARC Standards Office. USMARC specifications for record structure, character sets, tapes. Washington: Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office, 1990. 45 pp.
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The role of standards in the archival management of electronic records
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(pg. 30
) Weber, Lisa B. "The ‘other’ USMARC formats: authorities and holdings. Do we care to be partners in this dance, too?" American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 44-51.
The ‘other’ USMARC formats: authorities and holdings. Do we care to be partners in this dance, too?
, American Archivist
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) Adelstein, P. Z., J. M. Reilly, D. W. Nishimura, and C. Erbland. Humidity dependence of deterioration in acetate and nitrate base films. White Plains, NY: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 1990.
Humidity dependence of deterioration in acetate and nitrate base films
Albro, Sylvia Rodgers, and Thomas C. Albro III. "The examination and conservation treatment of the Library of Congress Harkness 1531 Huejotzingo Codex." Journal of the American Institute for Conservation 29:2 (Fall 1990): 97-115.
The examination and conservation treatment of the Library of Congress Harkness 1531 Huejotzingo Codex
, Journal of the American Institute for Conservation
, vol. 29
(pg. 97
) Allen, Susan. "Theft in libraries or archives." College & Research Libraries News 51:10 (November 1990): 939-943.
Theft in libraries or archives
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(pg. 939
) American Association for State and Local History. Paperworks: stabilizing archival collections VT-423V. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History, [1990]. 25-minute videotape.
American Library Association. Association for Library Collections & Technical Services. Guidelines for preservation photocopying of replacement pages. Chicago: American Library Association, Association for Library Collections & Technical Services, 1990. 4 pp.
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Library security information and the Educational Resources Information Center [ERIC]
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, vol. 10
(pg. 123
) Banks, Paul N. "Preservation, library collections, and the concept of cultural property." In Libraries and scholarly communication in the United States: the historical dimension, edited by Phyllis Dain and John Y. Cole. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.
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Computerized leafcasting
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) Barnard, Bob. "The way ahead." Library Conservation News [Great Britain] 26 (January 1990): 1, 7-8.
The way ahead
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, vol. 26
(pg. 1, 7
) Battin, Patricia. "The importance of archives." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 188-190.
The importance of archives
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(pg. 188
) Batton, Susan Sayre. "Nonaqueous deacidification at Princeton, 1982-1989: a progress report." Abbey Newsletter 14:5 (August 1990): 80-82.
Nonaqueous deacidification at Princeton, 1982-1989: a progress report
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, vol. 14
(pg. 80
) Bethy-Kozocsa, Ildiko. "Parchment codex restoration: using parchment and cellulose fibre pulp." Restaurator [Denmark] 11:2 (1990): 95-102.
Parchment codex restoration: using parchment and cellulose fibre pulp
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(pg. 95
) Bourke, Thomas A. "Research libraries reassess document preservation technologies." Inform 4:8 (September 1990): 30-34.
Research libraries reassess document preservation technologies
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) Bowling, Mary B. "Literature on the preservation of nonpaper materials." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 340-348.
Literature on the preservation of nonpaper materials
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, vol. 53
(pg. 340
) Bredereck, Karl, Anna Haberditzl, and Agnes Blher. "Paper deacidification in large workshops: effectiveness and practicability." Restaurator [Denmark] 11:3 (1990): 165-178.
Paper deacidification in large workshops: effectiveness and practicability
, Restaurator [Denmark]
, vol. 11
(pg. 165
) Broeren, Lawrence A. "Deinking of secondary fiber gains acceptance as technology evolves." Pulp & Paper 64:3 (March 1990): 71-75.
Deinking of secondary fiber gains acceptance as technology evolves
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, vol. 64
(pg. 71
) Bruemmer, Bruce H. "The Midwestern Inquirer: Fax Facts." MAC Newsletter [Midwest Archives Conference] 17:4 (March 1990): 19-21.
The Midwestern Inquirer: Fax Facts
, MAC Newsletter [Midwest Archives Conference]
, vol. 17
(pg. 19
) Butcher-Younghans, Sherry, and Gretchen E. Anderson. "A holistic approach to museum pest management." History News 45:3 (May-June, 1990): 8-page insert.
A holistic approach to museum pest management
, History News
, vol. 45
(pg. 8
-page insert
) Butler, Randall R., and Sheryl Davis. "IELDRN stages disaster recovery workshop." Conservation Administration News 40 (January 1990): 1-3.
IELDRN stages disaster recovery workshop
, Conservation Administration News
, vol. 40
(pg. 1
) Cains, M., and P. Ferguson. "Map conservation project at Trinity College Library, Dublin." Cartographic Journal 27:1 (1990): 40-42.
Map conservation project at Trinity College Library, Dublin
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, vol. 27
(pg. 40
) Canada. Canadian Council of Archives. Basic conservation of archival materials: a guide/Manuel de conservation des documents d'archives. Ottawa: Canadian Council of Archives, 1990. 119, 130 pp.
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Guidelines on preservation and conservation policies in the archives and libraries heritage. RAMP study PGI-90WS7
, vol. iv
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Mass deacidification in the 1990s [review essay]
, Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship
, vol. 5
(pg. 95
) Clydesdale, Amanda. Chemicals in conservation: a guide to possible hazards and safe use. 2d ed. East Lothian, Scotland: Scottish Society for Conservation and Restoration, 1990. Looseleaf.
Chemicals in conservation: a guide to possible hazards and safe use
Conway, Paul. "Archival preservation practice in a nationwide context." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 204-222.
Archival preservation practice in a nationwide context
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, vol. 53
(pg. 204
) Cook, Cherie. "Preservation-related assistance in Oklahoma." Oklahoma Field Advisory Service Technical Bulletin 4 (April 1990).
Preservation-related assistance in Oklahoma
, Oklahoma Field Advisory Service Technical Bulletin
, vol. 4
Cote, William C. "Fire prevention: controlling the human element." Library & Archival Security 10:1 (1990): 67-75.
Fire prevention: controlling the human element
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(pg. 67
) Crombie, L., ed. Recent advances in the chemistry of insect control II. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 1990. xii, 296 pp.
Recent advances in the chemistry of insect control II
, vol. xii
Cunha, George Martin. "Current trends in preservation research and development." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 192-202.
Current trends in preservation research and development
, American Archivist
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) Curtin, Bonnie Rose. The NAGARA guide & resources for archival strategic preservation planning [GRASP]. Chicago: Society of American Archivists for National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, 1990. 2 vols. (looseleaf) plus 3 computer disks.
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) Dean, John F. "Cornell University: a developing preservation program." Conservation Administration News 43 (October 1990): 4-5, 30.
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) Dean, John F. "The preservation of books and manuscripts in Cambodia." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 282-297.
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) Depew, John. An investigation of preservation service needs and options for Florida's libraries. Professional librarians series; LSCA Title III. Tallahassee: Florida State University, School of Library and Information Studies, 1990. 1 vol.
An investigation of preservation service needs and options for Florida's libraries. Professional librarians series; LSCA Title III
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) Feather, John. "National and international policies for preservation." International Library Review 22:4 (December 1990): 315-327.
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) Feller, R. L., and M. Wilt. Evaluation of cellulose ethers for conservation. Research in conservation no. 3. Marina del Rey, CA: Getty Conservation Institute, 1990. 161 pp.
Evaluation of cellulose ethers for conservation
pg. 161
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(pg. 463
) FMC Corporation. Evaluation strategy, paper preservation systems. ERIC ED327186. Gastonia, NC: FMC Corporation, Lithium Division, 1990. 97 pp.
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The Boston case of Charles Merrill Mount: the archivist's arch enemy
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) Garfield, Donald, Cynthia Cote, and Helen Wilks. Conservation in storage. Marina del Rey, CA: Getty Conservation Institute, 1990. 375 pp.
Conservation in storage
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Planning an effective holdings maintenance program
, American Archivist
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) Gleaves, Edwin S. "The document preservation imperative in Tennessee. Part I: Slow fires in our libraries and archives." Tennessee Librarian 42:1 (Winter 1990): 17-23.
The document preservation imperative in Tennessee. Part I: Slow fires in our libraries and archives
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(pg. 17
) Harris, Carolyn L., and Paul N. Banks. "The library environment and the preservation of library materials." Facilities Manager (Fall 1990): 21-24.
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Preservation at the Library of Congress in the 1990s: success is a journey
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) Harris, Kenneth E., Susan Lee-Bechtold, William K. Wilson, Charles W. Mayn, William M. Holmes, and Alan R. Calmes. National Archives preservation research priorities: past and present. Technical information paper - TIP 07 NTIS PB90-206210. Washington: National Archives, 1990. 14 pp.
National Archives preservation research priorities: past and present
pg. 14
Hazen, Dan C. "Preservation in poverty and plenty: policy issues for the 1990s." Journal of Academic Librarianship 15 (January 1990): 344-351.
Preservation in poverty and plenty: policy issues for the 1990s
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) Herrera, Mariona. "Analysis of ozone concentration and its influence on the archives of the Kingdom of Aragon, Barcelona." Restaurator [Denmark] 11:3 (1990): 208-216.
Analysis of ozone concentration and its influence on the archives of the Kingdom of Aragon, Barcelona
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(pg. 208
) Herrick, Roxanna. "Preservation at the State University of New York at Stony Brook." Conservation Administration News 40 (January 1990): 4-5, 7.
Preservation at the State University of New York at Stony Brook
, Conservation Administration News
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(pg. 4
-5, 7
) Herrick, Roxanna. "The value of hands-on experience to the preservation administrator." Conservation Administration News 39 (January 1990): 1, 2, 28.
The value of hands-on experience to the preservation administrator
, Conservation Administration News
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Our past preserved: a history of American library preservation, 1876-1910
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) Jackanicz, Donald W. "Theft at the National Archives: the Murphy Case, 1962-1975." Library & Archival Security 10:2 (1990): 23-50.
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(pg. 23
) Jacobs, David. "Developments in the conservation of oriental [Islamic] manuscripts at the India Office Library, London." Restaurator [Denmark] 11:2 (1990): 110-138.
Developments in the conservation of oriental [Islamic] manuscripts at the India Office Library, London
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) Johns Hopkins University. Milton S. Eisenhower Library. Policy for a mass deacidification program at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore: The Library, 1990.
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Archival copies of thermofax, verifax, and other unstable records
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LAPNet 2: earthquake preparedness workshop
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) Kastaly, Beatrix. "Preservation and conservation of library materials in Hungary." Conservation Administration News 41 (April 1990): 1-2, 30.
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-2, 30
) Keene, Suzanne, ed. Managing conservation. London: United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, 1990. 32 pp.
Managing conservation
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Collections conservation: an emerging perspective
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) Lienardy, Anne, and Philippe Van Damme. "Practical deacidification." Restaurator [Denmark] 11:1 (1990): 1-21.
Practical deacidification
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) Lincoln, Alan Jay. "Library legislation related to crime and security." Library & Archival Security 10:2 (1990): 77-101.
Library legislation related to crime and security
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) Livingston, Richard A. "Implementing an environmental monitoring program." The Construction Specifier 43:7 (July 1990): 137-141.
Implementing an environmental monitoring program
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) Longstreth, Karl E. "The preservation of library materials in 1989: a review of the literature." Library Resources & Technical Services 34:4 (October 1990): 455-465.
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) Lowry, Maynard, and Philip M. O'Brien. "Rubble with a cause: earthquake preparedness in California." College & Research Libraries News 51:3 (March 1990): 192-197.
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) Lull, William P. Conservation environment guidelines for libraries and archives. Albany: New York State Library, 1990. 82 pp.
Conservation environment guidelines for libraries and archives
pg. 82
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Paper preservation: current issues and recent developments
pg. 150
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Conserving the records of the first Astronomer Royal
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) Menges, Gary L. "ACRL guidelines for the security of rare book, manuscript, and other special collections." College & Research Libraries 51:2 (March 1990): 240-244.
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Comparison of pH pens on the market
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Administering and preserving district records in Pakistan
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) Morris, Patricia A. "PALMCOP: a statewide preservation effort in South Carolina." Conservation Administration News 40 (January 1990): 10-11, 30.
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) Nyuksha, J. P., O. A. Gromov, J. V. Pokrovskaja, and M. E. Saltykov. "Mass processing of documents for fungi contamination control." In ICOM Committee for Conservation preprints, edited by Kirsten Grimstad, 478-481. Los Angeles: The Committee, 1990.
Mass processing of documents for fungi contamination control
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) Oakland Library Consortium. Standing Committee on Preservation. "Conservation of library materials: identification and treatment of problems." In Publications in preservation, vol. 3. Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University, Oakland Library Consortium, Standing Committee on Preservation, 1990.
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) Paris, Jan. Choosing and working with a conservator. Atlanta: SOLINET, 1990. 24 pp.
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) "Permanence standards." Alkaline Paper Advocate 3:6 (December 1990): 63.
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) Hays, Samuel P. "Manuscripts for recent history: a proposal for a new approach." Journal of American History 77:1 (June 1990): 208-216.
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) Kalfus, Richard. "Euphemisms of death: interpreting a primary source document on the Holocaust." History Teacher 23:2 (February 1990): 87-93.
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) Kiemele, S. A. "A study of archivists’ perceptions of reference service." Canadian Library Journal 47:5 (October 1990): 355-357.
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) Levine, Arthur. Global copyright issues in the secondary information industry. NFAIS Report series 4. Philadelphia: National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services, 1990. 96 pp.
Global copyright issues in the secondary information industry
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Archives and records management for decision makers
pg. 79
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) Muratori, Fred. "RLIN special databases: serving the humanist." Database 13:5 (October 1990): 48-57.
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) O'Connor, John E., ed. Image as artifact: the historical analysis of film and television. Malabar, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1990. 344 pp.
Image as artifact: the historical analysis of film and television
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Local history and genealogy in the classroom: without cooperation between teachers and librarians, research assignments risk failure
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) Peters, Gayle, and David Hilkert. "Bankruptcy case files: an underutilized source for social and economic history." Court Historian 1:3 (October 1990): 1-2.
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) Preece, Phyllis, and Floren Preece. "Successful research in state land states: part 1 of a three-part series." Genealogical Helper 44:2 (March/April 1990).
Successful research in state land states: part 1 of a three-part series
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) Rohfeld, Rae. How are libraries and archives different? Introduction to archival research. ERIC ED324005. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University, Kellogg Project, 1990. 8 pp.
How are libraries and archives different? Introduction to archival research. ERIC ED324005
pg. 8
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(pg. 33
) Shuman, Bruce A., and Joseph J. Mika. "Copyright issues: the law and library issues." Library & Archival Security 10:2 (1990): 103-115.
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) Skupsky, Donald S. "User requirements for records retention programs." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:1 (January 1990): 28, 33-35.
User requirements for records retention programs
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) Smith, Clive. "Archives and copyright." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:2 (November 1990): 243-257.
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) Society for Scholarly Publishing. Knowledge for sale: the future of intellectual property. Washington: Society for Scholarly Publishing, 1990.
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Private photographic collections as an ethnological source
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) U.S. Congress. Senate. Judiciary Committee. Copyright Clarification Act. Washington: GPO, 1990. iv, 163 pp.
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Copyright, derivative rights, and the First Amendment
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Deinking equipment demand increases as more mills study wastepaper use
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) Perritt, Henry H., Jr. Federal agency electronic records management and archives. Washington: Administrative Conference of the United States, 1990. ii, 75 pp.
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Report and recommendations on federal agency electronic records management and archives
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CD-ROM technology for information managers
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From town safe to your shelf: the original Massachusetts vital records
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) Horder, Alan. Guidelines for the care and preservation of microforms in tropical countries. RAMP study PGI 90WS17. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. 20 pp.
Guidelines for the care and preservation of microforms in tropical countries
pg. 20
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The use of optical disc for archival image storage
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) Jones, Virginia A. "What's new in micrographics…standards and products." International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology 8:1 (1990): 19-23.
What's new in micrographics…standards and products
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) Krayeski, Felix P. Transition of an image system: from paper to microfiche to optical disk. Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1990.
Transition of an image system: from paper to microfiche to optical disk
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Microform vs. CD-ROM: is there a difference
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) Lovely, Linda. "DocuTech: the curtain rises on the document's future." Benchmark [Xerox Quarterly] 7:4 (Winter 1990): 4-8.
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) Lynn, M. Stuart. Preservation and access technology: the relationship between digital and other media conversion processes: a structured glossary of technical terms. Washington: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1990. 68 pp.
Preservation and access technology: the relationship between digital and other media conversion processes: a structured glossary of technical terms
pg. 68
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CAR solves problem for State of California
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) Marks, Laura U. "Classified information: new technologies in the archive." Afterimage: a publication of the Visual Studies Workshop 18:1 (Summer 1990): 19-21.
Classified information: new technologies in the archive
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) Nicholls, Paul T. CD-ROM collection builder's toolkit: the complete handbook of tools for evaluating CD-ROMS. Weston, CT: Pemberton Press, 1990. 180 pp.
CD-ROM collection builder's toolkit: the complete handbook of tools for evaluating CD-ROMS
pg. 180
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Laser disc technology allows quick access to USDA photos
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(pg. 1
) Patterson, Elizabeth L. "Hidden treasures: bibliographic control of microforms, a public services perspective." Microform Review 19:2 (Spring 1990): 76-79.
Hidden treasures: bibliographic control of microforms, a public services perspective
, Microform Review
, vol. 19
(pg. 76
) Ranade, Sanjay. "Archive storage media alternatives." Optical Information Systems 10:1 (January-February 1990): 7-13.
Archive storage media alternatives
, Optical Information Systems
, vol. 10
(pg. 7
) Ranade, Sanjay, and James Ng. Systems integration for write-once optical storage. Optical Information Systems no. 6. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990. 144 pp.
Systems integration for write-once optical storage
pg. 144
Rupp, Dale. "CAPS: an initiative for creating a digital standard format." IMC Journal [International Information Management Congress] 26:4 (July-August 1990): 6-8.
CAPS: an initiative for creating a digital standard format
, IMC Journal [International Information Management Congress]
, vol. 26
(pg. 6
) Saffady, William. Microfilm in records management. Silver Spring, MD: Association for Information and Image Management, 1990. 30 pp.
Microfilm in records management
pg. 30
Saffady, William. Optical disks vs. magnetic storage. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990. 121 pp.
Optical disks vs. magnetic storage
pg. 121
Saffady, William. Optical storage technology: a state of the art review. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990. 230 pp.
Optical storage technology: a state of the art review
pg. 230
Steuart, Bradley W. "Preservation microfilming, a joint venture." Microform Review 19:2 (Spring 1990): 73-75.
Preservation microfilming, a joint venture
, Microform Review
, vol. 19
(pg. 73
) Stone, Gerald, and Philip Sylvain. "ArchiVISTA: a new horizon in providing access to visual records of the National Archives of Canada." Library Trends 38:4 (Spring 1990): 737-750.
ArchiVISTA: a new horizon in providing access to visual records of the National Archives of Canada
, Library Trends
, vol. 38
(pg. 737
) Stubley, Peter. "Image handling for museums and libraries: report of a conference." Automated Library and Information Systems 24:4 (October 1990): 381-385.
Image handling for museums and libraries: report of a conference
, Automated Library and Information Systems
, vol. 24
(pg. 381
) Urrows, Henry, and Elizabeth Urrows. "Converting Computer Output Microfiche [COM] to CD-ROM." Optical Information Systems 10:2 (March-April 1990): 93-98.
Converting Computer Output Microfiche [COM] to CD-ROM
, Optical Information Systems
, vol. 10
(pg. 93
) Wallace, Jim. "Electronic imaging in a comprehensive program of photographic preservation." Agricultural Libraries Information Notes 16:11-12 (November-December 1990): 10-12.
Electronic imaging in a comprehensive program of photographic preservation
, Agricultural Libraries Information Notes
, vol. 16
(pg. 10
) Walter, Gerry. "Standards help advance document management system progress." Optical Memory News (May 1990): 25-27.
Westcott, David. "Response to the real final report on preservation microfiche." Inform 4:4 (April 1990): 16-19.
Response to the real final report on preservation microfiche
, Inform
, vol. 4
(pg. 16
) Williams, Robert F. "Is optical storage legal?" Optical Memory News 86 (August 1990): 17-19.
Is optical storage legal?
, Optical Memory News
, vol. 86
(pg. 17
) Allen, John S. "Some new possibilities in audio restoration." ARSC Journal [Association of Recorded Sound Collections] 21:1 (Spring 1990): 39-44.
Some new possibilities in audio restoration
, ARSC Journal [Association of Recorded Sound Collections]
, vol. 21
(pg. 39
) Calas, Marie France. "Legal deposit of audiovisual materials in national collections." Phonographic Bulletin [Great Britain] 56 (May 1990): 2-9.
Legal deposit of audiovisual materials in national collections
, Phonographic Bulletin [Great Britain]
, vol. 56
(pg. 2
) Gilmore, Valita, and William H. Leary. Managing audiovisual records. Instructional guide series. Washington: National Archives, Records Administration Information Center, 1990.
Managing audiovisual records
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Audiovisual three-ring circus in Ottawa/Hull, Canada
, Audiovisual Librarian [Great Britain]
, vol. 16
(pg. 182
) Lochead, Richard. "A home for audio-visual archives." Archivist [National Archives of Canada] 17:6 (November-December 1990): 30-33.
A home for audio-visual archives
, Archivist [National Archives of Canada]
, vol. 17
(pg. 30
) Paton, Christopher Ann. "Whispers in the stacks: the problem of sound recordings in archives." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 274-280.
Whispers in the stacks: the problem of sound recordings in archives
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 274
) Storm, William. "Audio equipment considerations for sound archives." IASA Phonographic Bulletin 57 (November 1990): 38-46.
Audio equipment considerations for sound archives
, IASA Phonographic Bulletin
, vol. 57
(pg. 38
) Stosich, Michael N. "Archival revival: problems and solutions in long-term tape performance." Audio 74:11 (November 1990): 61-67.
Archival revival: problems and solutions in long-term tape performance
, Audio
, vol. 74
(pg. 61
) Ward, Alan. A manual of sound archive administration. Aldershot, Hants, England and Brookfield, VT: Gower Publishing, 1990. xi, 288 pp.
A manual of sound archive administration
, vol. xi
Anderson, S. I., and R. L. Ellison. "Image stability of black and white photographic products." Journal of Imaging Technology 16:1 (1990): 27-32.
Image stability of black and white photographic products
, Journal of Imaging Technology
, vol. 16
(pg. 27
) Arlen, Shelley. "Photographs: interpretive and instructional strategies." Special Libraries 81:4 (Fall 1990): 351-359.
Photographs: interpretive and instructional strategies
, Special Libraries
, vol. 81
(pg. 351
) Bridgers, Barbara. "Preservation of the photo studio archives at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York." Museum Archivist 4:1 (February 1990): 14-21.
Preservation of the photo studio archives at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
, Museum Archivist
, vol. 4
(pg. 14
) Burger, Barbara Lewis. "American images: photographs and posters in the Still Picture Branch." Prologue 22:4 (Winter 1990): 353-368.
American images: photographs and posters in the Still Picture Branch
, Prologue
, vol. 22
(pg. 353
) Clark, Susie. "The preservation of photographic material." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 41-43.
The preservation of photographic material
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 41
) Daily, Jess. "The care and handling of hazardous nitrate film at UCLA's unique projection facilities." SMPTE Journal 99:6 (June 1990): 453-456.
The care and handling of hazardous nitrate film at UCLA's unique projection facilities
, SMPTE Journal
, vol. 99
(pg. 453
) Gorman, Michael, ed. Video technology and libraries. LITA guides, no. 1. Chicago: American Library Association, 1990. 30 pp.
Video technology and libraries
pg. 30
Kazymyra-Dzioba, Nadia. "The architectural program at the Archives." Archivist [National Archives of Canada] 17:5 (September-October 1990): 14-16.
The architectural program at the Archives
, Archivist [National Archives of Canada]
, vol. 17
(pg. 14
) Keefe, Laurence E., and Dennis Inch. The life of a photograph: archival processing, matting, framing, storage. 2d ed. Boston: Focal Press, 1990. 400 pp.
The life of a photograph: archival processing, matting, framing, storage
pg. 400
Koehler, John Stuart. Legal aspects of visual resources archive management: effect of the 1976 Copyright Act and U.S. admission to the Berne Convention [1988] on scholastic collections of photographic materials. American University, M.A. thesis, 1990. 59 pp.
Towe, Kenneth M. "The Vinland Map: still a forgery." Accounts of Chemical Research 23:3 (1990): 84-87.
The Vinland Map: still a forgery
, Accounts of Chemical Research
, vol. 23
(pg. 84
) Tulsi, Ram A. "Archival preservation of photographic films: a perspective." Polymer Degradation and Stability [Great Britain] 29:1 (1990): 3-29.
Archival preservation of photographic films: a perspective
, Polymer Degradation and Stability [Great Britain]
, vol. 29
(pg. 3
) Turner, James. "Representing and accessing information in the stockshot database at the National Film Board of Canada." Canadian Journal of Information Science 15:4 (December 1990): 1-22.
Representing and accessing information in the stockshot database at the National Film Board of Canada
, Canadian Journal of Information Science
, vol. 15
(pg. 1
) Wallis, Helen. "The Vinland Map: fake, forgery or jeu d'esprit?" Map Collector 53 (Winter 1990): 2-7.
The Vinland Map: fake, forgery or jeu d'esprit?
, Map Collector
, vol. 53
(pg. 2
) Farrell, Paul. "Managing company documents at the Companies Registration Office, Dublin." Information Media & Technology 23:6 (November 1990): 252-253.
Managing company documents at the Companies Registration Office, Dublin
, Information Media & Technology
, vol. 23
(pg. 252
) Foster, M. R. "Copyright and the business archivist." Business Archives [Great Britain] 69 (1990): 1-18.
Copyright and the business archivist
, Business Archives [Great Britain]
, vol. 69
(pg. 1
) Hainsworth, Melody. "The role of the law librarian in a legal archives program." Legal Reference Services Quarterly 10:1-2 (Spring-Summer 1990): 135-147.
The role of the law librarian in a legal archives program
, Legal Reference Services Quarterly
, vol. 10
(pg. 135
) Jones, Arnita A., and Philip L. Cantelon, eds. Corporate archives and history: making the past work. Melbourne, FL: Robert E. Krieger Publishing Company, 1990.
Corporate archives and history: making the past work
Kerr, K. Austin, Amos J. Loveday, and Mansel G. Blackford. Local businesses: exploring their history. Nearby history series vol. 5. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History, 1990. 128 pp.
Local businesses: exploring their history
pg. 128
Meissner, Dennis. "Corporate records in noncorporate archives: a case study." Midwestern Archivist 15:1 (1990): 38-50.
Corporate records in noncorporate archives: a case study
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 38
) Orbell, J. "Access to business archives for biographical studies: a viewpoint from the archives of Baring Brothers." In The great and the good, 10-17. London: Business Archives Council, 1990.
Access to business archives for biographical studies: a viewpoint from the archives of Baring Brothers
(pg. 10
) Shkolnik, Leon. "The role of the archive in the corporate structure." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:4 (October 1990): 18-23, 57-58.
The role of the archive in the corporate structure
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 18, 57
-23, 58
) Society of American Archivists. Directory of business archives in the United States and Canada. 4th. ed. Chicago: Society of American Archivists, 1990. 96 pp.
Winterbottom, Philip. "Using ASSASSIN at the Archives of Imperial Chemical Industries." Business Archives [Great Britain] 59 (May 1990): 47-63.
Using ASSASSIN at the Archives of Imperial Chemical Industries
, Business Archives [Great Britain]
, vol. 59
(pg. 47
) Allen, Marie B. The Intergovernmental Records Project. ERIC ED329278. Washington: National Archives, 1990. 159 pp.
The Intergovernmental Records Project. ERIC ED329278
pg. 159
Allen, Marie B. Sharing information on intergovernmental records. Albany, NY and Lexington, KY: NAGARA and Council of State Governments, 1990. 8 pp.
Sharing information on intergovernmental records
pg. 8
Brune, Eugene C. "Middlesex County registry records: a nation's first." International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology 8:3 (1990): 145-148.
Middlesex County registry records: a nation's first
, International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology
, vol. 8
(pg. 145
) Dearstyne, Bruce W. "A government information policy: an emerging association priority." NAGARA Clearinghouse 6:4 (Fall 1990): 1-3.
A government information policy: an emerging association priority
, NAGARA Clearinghouse
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Fitzpatrick, Sheila. "A closed city and its secret archives: notes on a journey to the Urals." Journal of Modern History 62:4 (December 1990): 771-781.
A closed city and its secret archives: notes on a journey to the Urals
, Journal of Modern History
, vol. 62
(pg. 771
) Jones, H. G. "The role of local records." In The role of archives in the communities they serve, 11-19. Lansing, MI: Department of State, Bureau of History, 1990.
The role of local records
(pg. 11
) Moody, Carol. "Circular A-130 and its effect on federal information policy." Show-me Libraries 41:3 (Spring 1990): 34-42.
Circular A-130 and its effect on federal information policy
, Show-me Libraries
, vol. 41
(pg. 34
) Mustardo, Peter. "The Municipal Archives: preserving New York City history." Notes: New York City Department of Records and Information Services 4:3 (Summer 1990): 3-5.
The Municipal Archives: preserving New York City history
, Notes: New York City Department of Records and Information Services
, vol. 4
(pg. 3
) New York State Archives and Records Administration. A statewide archives and records database and services: background and issues. Albany: New York State Archives and Records Administration, [1990]. 16 pp.
New York State. State Education Department. The quiet revolution III: report to the governor and legislature on local government records management. Albany, NY: State Education Department, 1990. 12 pp.
Rimmer, David. "Coventry City Record Office." Archives: Journal of the British Records Association 19:84 (October 1990): 199-212.
Coventry City Record Office
, Archives: Journal of the British Records Association
, vol. 19
(pg. 199
) Slater, G. "The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and records management in the Northern Ireland Civil Service." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 52-59.
The Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and records management in the Northern Ireland Civil Service
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 52
) Stevens, Michael E. "Alarm in Wisconsin." Inform 4:10 (November-December 1990): 22-27.
Alarm in Wisconsin
, Inform
, vol. 4
(pg. 22
) U.S. Congress. House. Government Operations Committee. Federal information dissemination policies and practices. Washington: GPO, 1990. v, 904 pp.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Government Affairs Committee. Federal Information Resources Management Act. Washington: GPO, 1990. ii, 121 pp.
Weiss, Mark. "History buried in Bayonne: your family records may be among archives’ treasures." Jersey Journal (November 15, 1990).
Wisconsin Task Force on Court and Local Government Records. Wisconsin Task Force on Court and Local Government Records final report, Fall 1990. Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1990. 40 pp.
Averill, Harold. "The church, gays, and archives." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 85-90.
The church, gays, and archives
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 85
) Dorrington, Mark. "The administration of cathedral archives." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:4 (October 1990): 123-137.
The administration of cathedral archives
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 123
) Foulkes, George Herbert. "The archives of the Sisters of Mercy of the Blessed Sacrament: a prototype of religious archives in Mexico." Catholic Archives 10 (1990): 40-47.
The archives of the Sisters of Mercy of the Blessed Sacrament: a prototype of religious archives in Mexico
, Catholic Archives
, vol. 10
(pg. 40
) Hande, D'Arcy, and Erich Schultz. "Struggling to establish a national identity: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and its archives." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 64-70.
Struggling to establish a national identity: the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada and its archives
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 64
) Patkus, Ronald D. "Proposed guidelines for access to diocesan archives." ACDA Bulletin [Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists] 5:4 (December 1990): 9-19.
Proposed guidelines for access to diocesan archives
, ACDA Bulletin [Association of Catholic Diocesan Archivists]
, vol. 5
(pg. 9
) Reid, Elspeth M. "Women's Missionary Society records in the Presbyterian Archives." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 171-179.
Women's Missionary Society records in the Presbyterian Archives
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 171
) Speisman, Stephen. "The keeping of Jewish records in Ontario: Toronto Jewish Congress/Canadian Jewish Congress Ontario Region Archives." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 160-162.
The keeping of Jewish records in Ontario: Toronto Jewish Congress/Canadian Jewish Congress Ontario Region Archives
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 160
) Spragge, Shirley. ‘"One parchment book at the charge of the Parish…’: a sample of Anglican record keeping." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 55-63.
‘One parchment book at the charge of the Parish…’: a sample of Anglican record keeping
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 55
) Stephens, Doreen, and Garth Walker. "Development of a religious archives network: the Anglican Church archivists in the Province of British Columbia." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 188-191.
Development of a religious archives network: the Anglican Church archivists in the Province of British Columbia
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 188
) Stewart, Bob. "Nurturing the spirit: reflections on the role of a church archivist." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 110-113.
Nurturing the spirit: reflections on the role of a church archivist
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 110
) Stielow, Frederick J., John J. Treanor, and Timothy A. Slavin, eds. Two hundred years of Catholic record keeping in America: current issues and responsibilities. Chicago: Association of Catholic Diocese Archivists, 1990. 113 pp.
Two hundred years of Catholic record keeping in America: current issues and responsibilities
pg. 113
Sweeney, Shelley. "An act of faith: access to religious records in English-speaking Canada." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 42-54.
An act of faith: access to religious records in English-speaking Canada
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 42
) Thompson, Teresa. "Ecumenical records and documentation strategy: applying ‘total archives’." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 104-109.
Ecumenical records and documentation strategy: applying ‘total archives’
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 104
) Watts, Heather. "The Canadian Unitarian-Universalist record survey." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 163-166.
The Canadian Unitarian-Universalist record survey
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 163
) Wicks, Linda, and Marc Lerman. "The archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 180-184.
The archives of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 180
) Zavitz, Jane V. "The Canadian Quaker Archives at Pickering College." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 192-194.
The Canadian Quaker Archives at Pickering College
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 192
) Ellison, J. Todd. Carnegie Branch Library for Local History, Boulder Public Library, Colorado: procedure manual. rev. ed. Boulder, CO: The Library, 1990. i, 50 pp. plus appendices.
Evans, Frank B. Development and preservation of the manuscript collections of the National Diet Library. RP1981-1983510.103. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. 48 pp.
Development and preservation of the manuscript collections of the National Diet Library
pg. 48
Finch, Herbert. "John Nolen and the planning archives of Cornell." Documentation Newsletter 16:1 (Spring 1990): 1-23.
John Nolen and the planning archives of Cornell
, Documentation Newsletter
, vol. 16
(pg. 1
) Foundation of the New York State Nursing Association. Developing a strategy for documenting the discipline of nursing in New York State. Guilderland, NY: Foundation of the New York State Nursing Association, 1990. 1 portfolio.
Hackman, Larry J., James M. O'Toole, Liisa Fagerlund, and John Dojka. "Managing the records of higher education: the state of records management in American colleges and universities." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 548-561.
Managing the records of higher education: the state of records management in American colleges and universities
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 548
) Hart, Susan. "The archives of voluntary associations." ABCA Newsletter [Association of British Columbia Archivists] 16:2 (Autumn 1990): 4-6.
The archives of voluntary associations
, ABCA Newsletter [Association of British Columbia Archivists]
, vol. 16
(pg. 4
) Hoover, Austin. Report of findings and recommendations for developing an archives and records program for the Pueblo of Zuni. Las Cruces, NM: Rio Grande Historical Collections and New Mexico State University for the Pueblo of Zuni, [1990]. 1 vol., various pagination.
Jones, David J. ‘"Please destroy all my letters on this subject’." Australian Library Journal 39:2 (May 1990): 101-115.
Please destroy all my letters on this subject
, Australian Library Journal
, vol. 39
(pg. 101
) Klaassen, David J. "The archival intersection: cooperation between collecting repositories and nonprofit organizations." Midwestern Archivist 15:1 (1990): 25-38.
The archival intersection: cooperation between collecting repositories and nonprofit organizations
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 25
) Meyers, Thomas B. "The museum archivist and the documentation of the archaeological record." Museum Archivist 4:1 (February 1990): 13-14.
The museum archivist and the documentation of the archaeological record
, Museum Archivist
, vol. 4
(pg. 13
) Sheehy, Carolyn A. "Chicago Dance Collection: a case in pointe." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 432-440.
Chicago Dance Collection: a case in pointe
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 432
) Skemer, Don C., and Geoffrey P. Williams. "Managing the records of higher education: the state of records management in American colleges and universities." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 532-547.
Managing the records of higher education: the state of records management in American colleges and universities
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 532
) Tough, Alistair. "Trade unions and their records." Archives: Journal of the British Records Association 19:83 (April 1990): 121-144.
Trade unions and their records
, Archives: Journal of the British Records Association
, vol. 19
(pg. 121
) Wallace, Janet. "The Central Archives of the British Museum." Archives: Journal of the British Records Association 19: 84 (October 1990): 213-223.
The Central Archives of the British Museum
, Archives: Journal of the British Records Association
, vol. 19
(pg. 213
) Bearman, David. "Functional requirements for collections management systems." Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report 3 (1990): Issue.
Functional requirements for collections management systems
, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report
, vol. 3
Caduff, Hugo, Bernhard Flckiger, and Christoph Graf. "Computer science in the service of research and administration [Electronic data processing in the Swiss Federal Archives]." Janus [International Council on Archives] 2 (1990): 5-24.
Computer science in the service of research and administration [Electronic data processing in the Swiss Federal Archives]
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 2
(pg. 5
) Cisco, Susan L., and William W. Wright. "Bar coded inventory provides cost effective way to track records." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:2 (April 1990): 18-23.
Bar coded inventory provides cost effective way to track records
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 18
) Cox, Lynn, and David Bearman. "1990 Directory of software for archives & museums." Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report 12 (1990): Issue.
1990 Directory of software for archives & museums
, Archives and Museum Informatics Technical Report
, vol. 12
Darrington, Lyn. "Preserving America's heritage: the Bureau of Land Management's Eastern States office has initiated a unique project to automate historical land records." Title News 69:2 (May-June 1990): 6-9.
Preserving America's heritage: the Bureau of Land Management's Eastern States office has initiated a unique project to automate historical land records
, Title News
, vol. 69
(pg. 6
) Fahmy, Eanass, and David T. Barnard. "Adding hypertext links to an archive of documents." Canadian Journal of Information Science 15:3 (September 1990): 25-41.
Adding hypertext links to an archive of documents
, Canadian Journal of Information Science
, vol. 15
(pg. 25
) Gray, Elaine. Automation in local government: a partially annotated bibliography. Chicago: Council of Planning Librarians, 1990. 30 pp.
Automation in local government: a partially annotated bibliography
pg. 30
Green, Adam. "Reference codes and computer-based systems." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:4 (October 1990): 144-146.
Reference codes and computer-based systems
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 144
) Hopkinson, Alan. Implementation notes for users of the Common Communication Format [CCF]. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. 56 pp.
Implementation notes for users of the Common Communication Format [CCF]
pg. 56
Johnston, Sarah Hager. "Desperately seeking authority control: automated systems are not providing it." Library Journal 115:16 (October 1, 1990): 43-46.
Desperately seeking authority control: automated systems are not providing it
, Library Journal
, vol. 115
(pg. 43
) Luckenbill, Dan. "Using dBASE III+ for finding aids and a manuscripts processing workflow." Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship 5:1 (1990): 23-32.
Using dBASE III+ for finding aids and a manuscripts processing workflow
, Rare Books & Manuscripts Librarianship
, vol. 5
(pg. 23
) McCallum, Sally H. "Standards and linked online information systems." Library Resources & Technical Services 34:3 (July 1990): 360-366.
Standards and linked online information systems
, Library Resources & Technical Services
, vol. 34
(pg. 360
) Pederson, Ann. "Do real archivists need Archives & Museum Informatics?" American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 666-675.
Do real archivists need Archives & Museum Informatics?
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 666
) Pritchard, John. "Electronic filing and retrieval: developments in full text retrieval systems." Information Media & Technology 23:2 (March 1990): 63-66.
Electronic filing and retrieval: developments in full text retrieval systems
, Information Media & Technology
, vol. 23
(pg. 63
) Rowell, Hilary. "Automation in the Australian Archives." Janus [International Council on Archives] 2 (1990): 25-36.
Automation in the Australian Archives
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 2
(pg. 25
) Ryan, Hugh W. "Assessing the risk of new technology." Journal of Information Systems Management 7:1 (Winter 1990): 68-72.
Assessing the risk of new technology
, Journal of Information Systems Management
, vol. 7
(pg. 68
) Schuegraf, Ernst J. "A survey of expert systems in library and information science." Canadian Journal of Information Science 15:3 (September 1990): 42-57.
A survey of expert systems in library and information science
, Canadian Journal of Information Science
, vol. 15
(pg. 42
) Seloff, Gary A. "Automated access to the NASA-JSC image archives." Library Trends 38:4 (Spring 1990): 682-696.
Automated access to the NASA-JSC image archives
, Library Trends
, vol. 38
(pg. 682
) Smith, R. "Compact national bibliographies? CD-ROM as a distribution medium for bibliographic records." Cataloguing & Indexing 96 (Spring 1990): 8-11.
Compact national bibliographies? CD-ROM as a distribution medium for bibliographic records
, Cataloguing & Indexing
, vol. 96
(pg. 8
) Thomas, Wendy. "Building a microforms database at the New York Public Library." Microform Review 19:3 (Summer 1990): 142-145.
Building a microforms database at the New York Public Library
, Microform Review
, vol. 19
(pg. 142
) Williams, Gareth Haulfryn. "The construction and allocation of reference codes: a starting point for discussion." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:3 (July 1990): 85-94.
The construction and allocation of reference codes: a starting point for discussion
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 85
) Cohen, Henry. Copyright law: fair use of unpublished materials. Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1990. 16 pp.
Copyright law: fair use of unpublished materials
pg. 16
"Copyright decisions exert influence over writing of history." Access Reports/FOI Newsletter 16:4 (February 21, 1990): 3-6.
Copyright: interpreting the law for libraries and archives. Lanham, MD: Unipub, 1990. 128 pp.
"Judge orders NARA to contact individuals." Access Reports/FOI Newsletter 16:15 (July 25, 1990): 1-3.
Elias, A. W. "Copyright, licensing agreements and gateways." Online Review 14:4 (August 1990): 225-237.
Copyright, licensing agreements and gateways
, Online Review
, vol. 14
(pg. 225
) "Heavyweight title: public archives versus the historical manuscripts tradition again [National Archives and University of Berkeley provenance dispute]." NAGARA Clearinghouse 6:3 (Summer 1990): 11, 13-14.
Kaston, Erica A. "The expanding right of access: does it extend to search warrant affidavits?" Fordham Law Review 58:4 (March 1990): 655-676.
The expanding right of access: does it extend to search warrant affidavits?
, Fordham Law Review
, vol. 58
(pg. 655
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Toward a fair use standard
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) Lyons, Patrice. "Copyright in 1989." In The Bowker annual: library and book trade almanac, compiled and edited by Filomena Simora, 62-71. 35th ed. New York: Bowker, 1990.
Copyright in 1989
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) McGrath, William T. "Who owns the copyrights." Byte 15:4 (April 1990): 269-271.
Who owns the copyrights
, Byte
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) Mittchell, Clyde. "Privacy and secrecy: further concerns." New York Law Journal 203:123 (June 27, 1990): 3.
Privacy and secrecy: further concerns
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pg. 3
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Copyright and preservation: a serious problem in need of a thoughtful solution
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Federal electronic information policy
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) Relyea, Harold C. The administration and operation of the Freedom of Information Act: an overview, 1966-1990. Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1990. 19 pp.
The administration and operation of the Freedom of Information Act: an overview, 1966-1990
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Legal requirements for business records; basic state requirements
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) Skupsky, Donald S. "Legality of optical disk: an update." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:3 (July 1990): 46-52.
Legality of optical disk: an update
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, vol. 24
(pg. 46
) Tryon, Jonathan S. "Premises liability for librarians." Library & Archival Security 10:2 (1990): 3-21.
Premises liability for librarians
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Ethics and the archival profession
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, vol. 1
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Ethics and public history: an anthology
, vol. vi
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Information ethics: concerns for librarianship and the information industry
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The ethics of privacy protection
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) Pemberton, J. Michael, and Lee O. Pendergraft. "Toward a code of ethics: social relevance and the professionalization of records management." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:2 (April 1990): 3-4, 6-11, 15.
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The ‘do-it-yourself’ move for a 1.5 million-volume library
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Library bookstacks: an overview with test reports on bracket shelving
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The solution of the space requirements of state archives in Slovakia
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) Gyeszly, Suzanne D. "Computer aided storage design." Technical Services Quarterly 8:1 (1990): 51-59.
Computer aided storage design
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(pg. 51
) Morrow, Mary Frances. "Moving an archives." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 420-431.
Moving an archives
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, vol. 53
(pg. 420
) "NEDCC seminar addresses building design and preservation." Library & Archival Security 10:2 (1990): 132-135.
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The role of the Technical Service of the Direction des Archives in the construction of archival buildings in France
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 140
) Rhodes, Barbara, ed. Hold everything! A storage and housing information sourcebook for libraries and archives. New York: Metropolitan Reference and Research Library Agency, 1990. 63 pp.
Hold everything! A storage and housing information sourcebook for libraries and archives
pg. 63
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Moving classified records: Archives II. CIDS 1990 Schlessinger
pg. 48
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Seismic safety standards for library shelving: manual of recommended practice
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Managing our past to plan for our future: a five-year plan for cooperative efforts to preserve the documentary heritage of the Western New York region
pg. 24
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The archivist as public administrator
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 17
) Green, Sara Wolf, ed. The conservation assessment: a tool for planning, implementing, and fundraising. Marina del Rey, CA and Washington: Getty Conservation Institute and National Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Property, 1990. iv, 45 pp.
The conservation assessment: a tool for planning, implementing, and fundraising
, vol. iv
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Involving volunteers in archives
pg. 14
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Performance measurement and standards
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 78
) Bigelow, Martha Mitchell. "A history of the archives of the State of Michigan." In The role of archives in the communities they serve, 39-64. Lansing, MI: Department of State, Bureau of History, 1990.
A history of the archives of the State of Michigan
(pg. 39
) Evans, Frank B. "American archives, 1959-1989: a personal perspective." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 12-21.
American archives, 1959-1989: a personal perspective
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 12
) Martin, G. H., and Peter Spufford, eds. The records of the nation: the Public Record Office, 1838-1988, the British Record Society, 1888-1988. Woodbridge, Suffolk, England: Boydell Press, 1990. 312 pp.
The records of the nation: the Public Record Office, 1838-1988, the British Record Society, 1888-1988
pg. 312
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Glasnost’ in archives?: commentary by Soviet historians and archivists
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The archives profession overseas: a Dutch viewpoint
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(pg. 147
) Couture, Carol, and Marcel Lajeunesse. "L'archivistique, instrument de développement: le cas de la Côte d'Ivoire [Archival science, instrument of development: the case of the Ivory Coast]." Archivaria [Canada] 29 (Winter 1989-1990): 18-32.
L'archivistique, instrument de développement: le cas de la Côte d'Ivoire [Archival science, instrument of development: the case of the Ivory Coast]
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 18
) Cox, Richard J. American archival analysis: the recent development of the archival profession in the United States. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1990. 363 pp.
American archival analysis: the recent development of the archival profession in the United States
pg. 363
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Archivists and professionalism in the United States revisited: a review essay
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, vol. 15
(pg. 5
) Foster, Janet, and Julia Sheppard. "British Archives and archives in Britain." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:4 (October 1990): 151-155.
British Archives and archives in Britain
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 151
) Gelting, Michael H. "The archivist as historical researcher; research and archivists at the Danish State Archives." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 148-156.
The archivist as historical researcher; research and archivists at the Danish State Archives
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 148
) Hall, K. Pilot project on national archival networking: an evaluation FMRIPSUIS90108. Paris: UNESCO, 1990. 25 pp.
Pilot project on national archival networking: an evaluation
pg. 25
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Details for Izvestia: what the archives tell us
, The Current Digest of the Soviet Press
, vol. 42
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Improving archives-library relations: user-centered solutions to a sibling rivalry
, Journal of Academic Librarianship
, vol. 15
(pg. 355
) McShane, Stephen G. "Planning is prologue: the planning process and the archival profession." Midwestern Archivist 15:2 (1990): 109-116.
Planning is prologue: the planning process and the archival profession
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 109
) Michigan. Department of State. Bureau of History. The role of archives in the communities they serve. Lansing, MI: Department of State, Bureau of History, 1990. 64 pp.
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The three national libraries, the National Archives, and the National Technical Information Service
(pg. 333
) Pillak, Peep. "Reforms in Estonian Archives." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 576-581.
Reforms in Estonian Archives
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, vol. 53
(pg. 576
) Roberts, John W. "Archival theory: myth or banality." American Archivist 53:1 (Winter 1990): 110-120.
Archival theory: myth or banality
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 110
) Symposium en archivistique: la place de l'archivistique dans la gestion de l'information: perspectives de recherche [Symposium on archival science: the place of archival science in information management: research perspectives]. Montreal: GIRA, 1990. 292 pp.
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New Mexico's historical records: an assessment
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Report on archival activity in the United States since publication of "Planning for the archival profession". Part I: Narrative summary; Part II: Data sorts and tabulations
, vol. 2
Weldon, Edward. "The role of state archives." In The role of archives in the communities they serve, 21-29. Lansing, MI: Department of State, Bureau of History, 1990.
The role of state archives
(pg. 21
) Whittick, Margaret. "The family silver: privatisation and the archivist." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 1-9.
The family silver: privatisation and the archivist
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 1
) Zupancic, Tonka. "National archives systems and structures in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." American Archivist 53:3 (Summer 1990): 476-483.
National archives systems and structures in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
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(pg. 476
) Archives Center for Professional-Technical Questions. The Archives Centre for Professional-Technical Questions. Maribor, Yugoslavia: The Center, [1990]. 15 pp.
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Graduate education and training for the archives conservator
pg. 64
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Archival education: basic characteristics and core curriculum
, Perspectives: American Historical Association Newsletter
, vol. 28
(pg. 1, 9
) Bressor, Julie P. Caring for historical records: workshop curriculum and resource materials. Storrs: University of Connecticut, Historical Manuscripts & Archives, 1990. v, 94 pp.
Caring for historical records: workshop curriculum and resource materials
, vol. v
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L'adaptation des programmes de formation aux développements modernes dans le domaine de l'archivistique [The adaptation of training programs to modern developments in the area of archival science]
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 1
(pg. 44
) "Continuing education survey results." SAA Newsletter [Society of American Archivists] (September 1990): 6-8.
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Post-appointment and continuing education: Alberta's five-year plan
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 142
) Couture, Carol. "La formation en archivistique l'école de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information de l'Université de Montréal [Training in archival science at the library and information sciences school of the University of Montreal]." Archivaria [Canada] 29 (Winter 1989-1990): 88-103.
La formation en archivistique l'école de bibliothéconomie et des sciences de l'information de l'Université de Montréal [Training in archival science at the library and information sciences school of the University of Montreal]
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 88
) Cox, Richard J. "Textbooks, archival education and the archival profession." Public Historian 12:2 (Spring 1990): 73-81.
Textbooks, archival education and the archival profession
, Public Historian
, vol. 12
(pg. 73
) Eso, Elizabeth, and Robin G. Keirstead. "A survey of students of the Master of Archival Studies programme at the University of British Columbia, 1981-88." Archivaria [Canada] 29 (Winter 1989-1990): 89-90, 104-127.
A survey of students of the Master of Archival Studies programme at the University of British Columbia, 1981-88
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 89, 104
-90, 127
) Franz, Eckhart G. "Curriculum contents for various levels of archival training." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1 (1990): 27-33.
Curriculum contents for various levels of archival training
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 1
(pg. 27
) Gracy, David B., II. "Between muffins and mercury…the elusive definition of preservation." New Library Scene 9:6 (December 1990): 1, 5-7.
Between muffins and mercury…the elusive definition of preservation
, New Library Scene
, vol. 9
(pg. 1, 5
) "Guidelines for the development of a two-year curriculum for a Master of Archival Studies Programme [December 1988]." Archivaria [Canada] 29 (Winter 1989-1990): 128-141.
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Training for audiovisual archivists
, Audiovisual Librarian [Great Britain]
, vol. 16
(pg. 116
) Kaima, Sam I. "The development of a series of short workshops in archives and records management in Papua, New Guinea." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:2 (November 1990): 223-229.
The development of a series of short workshops in archives and records management in Papua, New Guinea
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 223
) Kaplan, Hilary S., and Brenda S. Banks. "Archival preservation: the teaming of the crew." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 266-273.
Archival preservation: the teaming of the crew
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 266
) Kartous, Peter. "State archives in the Slovak Republic and the national economy." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1 (1990): 13-15.
State archives in the Slovak Republic and the national economy
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 1
(pg. 13
) Kenamore, Jane A. "Continuing Education Survey results." SAA Newsletter [Society of American Archivists] (September 1990): 6-8.
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Reaction versus proaction: moving from here to there
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 197
) Marcum, Deanna B. Preservation Education Institute final report from School of Library and Information Science, The Catholic University of America. ERIC ED327213. Washington: Commission on Preservation and Access, 1990. 17 pp.
Preservation Education Institute final report from School of Library and Information Science, The Catholic University of America
pg. 17
Menne-Haritz, Angelika. "Adaptation of existing training programmes to modern developments in the archival field." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1(1990): 38-43.
Adaptation of existing training programmes to modern developments in the archival field
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 1
(pg. 38
) Morris, Patricia A. "Educational options for preservation administrators: an afterword on the Preservation Management Institute." American Archivist 53:2 (Spring 1990): 244-248.
Educational options for preservation administrators: an afterword on the Preservation Management Institute
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 244
) National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators. Archival administration in the electronic information age: an advanced institute for government archivists. [Pittsburgh, PA]: University of Pittsburgh, School of Library and Information Science, 1990. 43 pp.
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Curriculum development in archival education: a proposal
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(pg. 461
) René-Bazin, Paule. "Les programmes aux divers niveaux de la formation archivistique [Programs for archival training on diverse levels]." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1 (1990): 34-37.
Les programmes aux divers niveaux de la formation archivistique [Programs for archival training on diverse levels]
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) Stielow, Frederick J. "The practicum and the changing face of archival education: observations and recommendations." Provenance 8:1 (Spring 1990): 1-12.
The practicum and the changing face of archival education: observations and recommendations
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(pg. 1
) Thurston, Anne. "New directions in archival training." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1 (1990): 48-52.
New directions in archival training
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(pg. 48
) Turner, James. "Training for audiovisual archivists and librarians." In IFLA General Conference, 1990, Booklet 6 ERIC ED329287. The Hague, Netherlands: International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), 1990.
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The preservation education problem: looking for solutions
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) Wimalaratne, K. D. G. "Training in archives and records management for third world countries, its impact on development." Janus [International Council on Archives] 1 (1990): 7-12.
Training in archives and records management for third world countries, its impact on development
, Janus [International Council on Archives]
, vol. 1
(pg. 7
) Buisman, Frank Keverling. "The Dutch Association of Archivists." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 582-587.
The Dutch Association of Archivists
, American Archivist
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(pg. 582
) Dunhill, Rosemary C. "The National Council on Archives: its role in professional thinking and development." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:1-2 (January and April 1990): 32-36.
The National Council on Archives: its role in professional thinking and development
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(pg. 32
) International Council on Archives. Directory 1990/Annuaire 1990. Paris: International Council on Archives, 1990. 73 pp.
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) ARMA, Standards Records Management. Criteria for developing/evaluating records management software. Prairie Village, KS: ARMA, 1990. 10 pp.
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Designing and conducting a records management study
, Records & Retrieval Report
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Barber, Donald T. "The accelerating growth of paper-based filing." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:4 (October 1990): 13-17.
The accelerating growth of paper-based filing
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 13
) Barr, Jean, and Juanita Payne. "Vital records workshop." In Proceedings of the ARMA International 35th Annual Conference, 459-468. Prairie Village, KS: Association of Records Managers & Administrators, 1990.
Vital records workshop
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) Bates, M. J. "Design for a subject search interface and online thesaurus for a very large records management database [at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power]." In ASIS '90, 20-28. Medford, NJ: Learned Information, 1990.
Design for a subject search interface and online thesaurus for a very large records management database [at the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power]
(pg. 20
) Canada. National Archives of Canada. Managing information in office automation systems: final report on the FOREMOST project. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1990.
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comps. and eds. Directory of information management software for libraries, information centers, records centers, 1989-1990
, vol. x
Commercial Driver Center. Record storage. Melrose Park, IL: Commercial Driver Center, 1990. 38 pp.
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comp. Management of recorded information: converging disciplines
pg. 218
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Electronic records management in state government: planning for the information age
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, vol. 24
(pg. 26
) Gairns, Robert A., and J. Michael Pemberton. "Strengthening the vendor-customer relationship: what every records manager should know." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:4 (October 1990): 3-4, 6-10, 12.
Strengthening the vendor-customer relationship: what every records manager should know
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 3, 6
-4, 10, 12
) Garbarino, John. "Staff training and development." Records & Retrieval Report 6:8 (October 1990): 1-10.
Staff training and development
, Records & Retrieval Report
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Garland, Sue, ed. Approaches to problems in records management III - financial records. London: Society of Archivists, Records Management Group, 1990. 49 pp.
Approaches to problems in records management III - financial records
pg. 49
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Small-engine giant Briggs & Stratton installs computer-aided records management
, International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology
, vol. 8
(pg. 211
) Hurley, Chris, and Sue McKemmish. " ‘First write your disposal schedule…’." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:2 (November 1990): 191-201.
First write your disposal schedule…
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 191
) International Institute of Municipal Clerks. The language of local government [records management]. Pasadena, CA: International Institute of Municipal Clerks, [1990]. 40 pp.
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Shred it!
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 14
) Marrese, Marylynn. "Effective records management: the district administrator's role." School Business Affairs 56:2 (February 1990): 16-19.
Effective records management: the district administrator's role
, School Business Affairs
, vol. 56
(pg. 16
) McCarthy, Gavan. "Records disposal in the modern environment." Archives and Manuscripts [Australia] 18:1 (May 1990): 39-52.
Records disposal in the modern environment
, Archives and Manuscripts [Australia]
, vol. 18
(pg. 39
) New York State Archives and Records Administration. Establishing an agency records management program. ERIC ED329293. Albany: New York State Archives and Records Administration, 1990. 15 pp.
New York State Archives and Records Administration. Records retention and disposition schedule CO-2: for use by counties. Albany: New York State Archives and Records Administration, 1990. 95 pp. (looseleaf).
Patterson, Patricia. "Law firm automates record management." Legal Management 9:3 (May-June 1990): 64-66.
Law firm automates record management
, Legal Management
, vol. 9
(pg. 64
) Phillips, John T., and Albin Wagner. Software directory for automated records management systems. Prairie Village, KS: Association of Records Managers and Administrators, 1990. 220 pp.
Software directory for automated records management systems
pg. 220
Popiul, Jacklyn. "Information & image management professionals: all too often hidden assets." IMC Journal [International Information Management Congress] 26:6 (1990): 4-8.
Information & image management professionals: all too often hidden assets
, IMC Journal [International Information Management Congress]
, vol. 26
(pg. 4
) Read, Donald, Caryl Masyr, and Roberta Freifeld. "Computer-based records management." Records & Retrieval Report 6:7 (September 1990): 1-15.
Computer-based records management
, Records & Retrieval Report
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Ridgway, W. R., R. B. Cooper, and R. Fung. "A system for the storage and management of research and development records." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:4 (October 1990): 34-39.
A system for the storage and management of research and development records
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 34
) Riess, Hanley L. "Records management in the Engineering & Construction Department of the New York City Transit Authority." International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology 8:2 (1990): 91-96.
Records management in the Engineering & Construction Department of the New York City Transit Authority
, International Journal of Micrographics & Optical Technology
, vol. 8
(pg. 91
) Rintoul, David. "Records management in the corporate environment." Records & Retrieval Report 6:5 (May 1990): 1-16.
Records management in the corporate environment
, Records & Retrieval Report
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Sanders, Robert L. "The saga of the records manager and the renegade process." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:3 (July 1990): 3-7.
The saga of the records manager and the renegade process
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 3
) Skupsky, Donald S. "Legal requirements and legal considerations - the basis for the legal retention period." Records Management Quarterly [ARMA] 24:2 (April 1990): 32, 34, 39-40.
Legal requirements and legal considerations - the basis for the legal retention period
, Records Management Quarterly [ARMA]
, vol. 24
(pg. 32, 34, 39
) Skupsky, Donald S. Records retention procedures. Prairie Village, KS: Association of Records Managers and Administrators, 1990. 178 pp.
Records retention procedures
pg. 178
Tweedy, Donald B. "Principles of forms management, part II." Records & Retrieval Report 6:4 (April 1990): 1-12.
Principles of forms management, part II
, Records & Retrieval Report
, vol. 6
(pg. 1
) Utah Division of Archives & Records Services. Utah general retention schedule, 1990. Salt Lake City: Utah Division of Archives & Records Services, 1990.
Utah Division of Archives & Records Services. Utah municipal general records retention schedule, 1990. Salt Lake City: Utah Division of Archives & Records Services, 1990. 177 pp.
Heideking, Jürgen. "A troubled past and a few great men: historical editing in Germany." Documentary Editing 12:3 (September 1990): 66-69.
A troubled past and a few great men: historical editing in Germany
, Documentary Editing
, vol. 12
(pg. 66
) Saatkamp, Herman J., Jr. "The editor and technology." Documentary Editing 12:1 (March 1990): 9-12.
The editor and technology
, Documentary Editing
, vol. 12
(pg. 9
) Theoharis, Athan. "Editorial reflections on compiling FBI files for publication in microform." Microform Review 19:4 (Fall 1990): 186-191.
Editorial reflections on compiling FBI files for publication in microform
, Microform Review
, vol. 19
(pg. 186
) Zboray, Ronald J. "Archival standards in documentary editing." Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville 43 (1990): 34-49.
Archival standards in documentary editing
, Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Charlottesville
, vol. 43
(pg. 34
) Blatti, Jo. "Public history and oral history." Journal of American History 77:2 (September 1990): 615-625.
Public history and oral history
, Journal of American History
, vol. 77
(pg. 615
) Blatz, Perry K. "Craftsmanship and flexibility in oral history: a pluralistic approach to methodology and theory." Public Historian 12:4 (Fall 1990): 7-22.
Craftsmanship and flexibility in oral history: a pluralistic approach to methodology and theory
, Public Historian
, vol. 12
(pg. 7
) Frisch, Michael. A shared authority: essays on the craft and meaning of oral and public history. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1990. xxiv, 273 pp.
A shared authority: essays on the craft and meaning of oral and public history
, vol. xxiv
Linke, Daniel J. Oral history project: procedure manual. Norman, OK: Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, 1990. ii, 14 pp. plus appendix.
Oral history project: procedure manual
, vol. ii
pg. 14
Mbaye, Saliou. "Oral records in Senegal." American Archivist 53:4 (Fall 1990): 566-575.
Oral records in Senegal
, American Archivist
, vol. 53
(pg. 566
) Bigelow, Susan. "Duels or dialogues? The relationship between archivists and conservators." Archivaria [Canada] 29 (Winter 1989-1990): 51-56.
Duels or dialogues? The relationship between archivists and conservators
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 29
(pg. 51
) Craig, Roger. "The modern role of the conservator." Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain] 11:3 (July 1990): 95-101.
The modern role of the conservator
, Journal of the Society of Archivists [Great Britain]
, vol. 11
(pg. 95
) Beckett, J. V. "The computer and the local historian." Archives: Journal of the British Records Association 19:84 (October 1990): 192-198.
The computer and the local historian
, Archives: Journal of the British Records Association
, vol. 19
(pg. 192
) Karamanski, Theodore J. "Making history whole: public service, public history, and the profession." Public Historian 12:3 (Summer 1990): 91-101.
Making history whole: public service, public history, and the profession
, Public Historian
, vol. 12
(pg. 91
) Ryerson, Richard S. "The other historians: archivists, editors, and collective biographers." Pennsylvania History 57:1 (January 1990): 3-12.
The other historians: archivists, editors, and collective biographers
, Pennsylvania History
, vol. 57
(pg. 3
) Society for History in the Federal Government/American Historical Association/National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History. Directory of federal historical programs and activities. Washington: Society for History in the Federal Government, American Historical Association, and the National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History, 1990. 87 pp.
Fleckner, John A. "Archives and museums." Midwestern Archivist 15:2 (1990): 67-76.
Archives and museums
, Midwestern Archivist
, vol. 15
(pg. 67
) Kavanagh, Gaynor. History curatorship. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 1990. [224] pp.
History curatorship
pg. [224]
Matelic, Candace Tangorra, and Elizabeth Marie Brick, eds. Cooperstown Conference on Professional Training: needs, issues, and opportunities for the future. Nashville, TN: American Association for State and Local History, 1990. 128 pp.
Cooperstown Conference on Professional Training: needs, issues, and opportunities for the future
pg. 128
Wood, Scott. "Natural history collections, archives, and databases: a curator's perspective." ASC Newsletter [Association of Systematic Collections] 18:6 (December 1990): 87-89.
Natural history collections, archives, and databases: a curator's perspective
, ASC Newsletter [Association of Systematic Collections]
, vol. 18
(pg. 87
) Alsobrook, David E. "Resources for recent Alabama history in the Jimmy Carter Library: a preliminary survey." Alabama Review 43:2 (April 1990): 122-134.
Resources for recent Alabama history in the Jimmy Carter Library: a preliminary survey
, Alabama Review
, vol. 43
(pg. 122
) Anderson, Kathleen S., and Daniel M. Fox. "History of medicine archives in New York State." New York State Journal of Medicine 90 (January 1990): 23-31.
History of medicine archives in New York State
, New York State Journal of Medicine
, vol. 90
(pg. 23
) Archives of American Art. Art-related archival materials in the Philadelphia region: 1984-1989 survey. Washington: Smithsonian, Archives of American Art, [1990]. 56 pp.
"Tiananmen archive [at the New York Public Library]." AB Bookman's Weekly 85:11 (March 5, 1990): 960-961.
Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan New York. Tri-state business archives directory. New York: Archivists’ Round Table of Metropolitan New York, 1990. 11 pp.
Arlington County Public Library. A guide to the community archives of the Arlington County Public Library Virginia Room. [Arlington, VA: Arlington County Public Library, 1990]. Various pagination.
Armstrong, John. "An introduction to archival research in business history." Business History 33:1 (January 1990): 7-34.
An introduction to archival research in business history
, Business History
, vol. 33
(pg. 7
) Ashyk, Dan, and Wendy S. Greenwood. "Labor history resources at the Ohio Historical Society." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 133-138.
Labor history resources at the Ohio Historical Society
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 133
) Auman, Elizabeth H. "Living treasures: from Brahms to the Gershwins: the Music Division's special collections." Library of Congress Information Bulletin 49:15 (July 16, 1990): 258-263.
Living treasures: from Brahms to the Gershwins: the Music Division's special collections
, Library of Congress Information Bulletin
, vol. 49
(pg. 258
) Bailey, Robert E., and Elaine Shemoney Evans. Index to the descriptive inventory of the archives of the State of Illinois. Springfield: Illinois State Archives, 1990. 106 pp. plus microfiche.
Index to the descriptive inventory of the archives of the State of Illinois
pg. 106
Baumann, Roland. Guide to women's history sources in the Oberlin College Archives. Oberlin, Ohio: Oberlin College, 1990. 119 pp.
Guide to women's history sources in the Oberlin College Archives
pg. 119
Becker, Ronald L. "Labor history resources at the Rutgers University Libraries." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 67-70.
Labor history resources at the Rutgers University Libraries
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 67
) Bernhardt, Debra E. "Labor history resources at New York University. 2: The Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 54-58.
Labor history resources at New York University. 2: The Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 54
) Black, Sharon, and Elizabeth Sue Moersh. Index to the Annenberg Television Script Archives: Volume 1, 1976-1977. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx, 1990. 206 pp.
Index to the Annenberg Television Script Archives: Volume 1, 1976-1977
pg. 206
Boehm, Randolph H. "Historical records of the U.S. Department of Justice at the National Archives as illustrated in the Peonage Files and the Strike File." Microform Review 19:4 (Fall 1990): 214-219.
Historical records of the U.S. Department of Justice at the National Archives as illustrated in the Peonage Files and the Strike File
, Microform Review
, vol. 19
(pg. 214
) Brown, Lauren. "Labor union history and archives: the University of Maryland at College Park libraries." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 113-116.
Labor union history and archives: the University of Maryland at College Park libraries
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 113
) Bruno, N. J. "Press reform in occupied Japan [1945-1952]: the records of the Press and Publications Branch, Information Division, Civil Information and Education Section of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers at the National Archives and Records Administration, Suitland, Maryland." Committee on East Asian Libraries Bulletin 89 (February 1990): 1-15.
Press reform in occupied Japan [1945-1952]: the records of the Press and Publications Branch, Information Division, Civil Information and Education Section of the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers at the National Archives and Records Administration, Suitland, Maryland
, Committee on East Asian Libraries Bulletin
, vol. 89
(pg. 1
) Burger, Barbara Lewis. Guide to the holdings of the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives. Washington: National Archives, 1990. 166 pp.
Guide to the holdings of the Still Picture Branch of the National Archives
pg. 166
Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center. Guide to the audio-visual collections at the Carl Albert Center. Volume One: Materials in the Congressional Archives from the collections of Carl Albert, Dewey Bartlett, Page Belcher, John "Happy" Camp, J. Howard Edmonson, Robert S. Kerr, Mike Monroney, and Frank J. Smist. Norman, OK: Carl Albert Congressional Research and Studies Center, 1990. 143 pp.
Carson, Clayborne. Guide to research on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the modern Black freedom struggle. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Libraries, 1990.
Guide to research on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the modern Black freedom struggle
Carter, Sarah. Women's studies: a guide to information sources. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, 1990. 278 pp.
Women's studies: a guide to information sources
pg. 278
Chepesiuk, Ron, and Gina Price. A guide to the records relating to Winthrop College. Rock Hill, SC: Winthrop College Archives and Special Collections, 1990. 88 pp.
A guide to the records relating to Winthrop College
pg. 88
Cooper, Eileen Mountjoy. "Labor archives at Indiana University of Pennsylvania." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 77-80.
Labor archives at Indiana University of Pennsylvania
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 77
) Cortada, James W. Archives of data-processing history: a guide to U.S. collections. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. xiv, 181 pp.
Archives of data-processing history: a guide to U.S. collections
, vol. xiv
Cunningham, Miriam Ann. Calendar of documents and related historical materials in the Archival Center, Archdiocese of Los Angeles for the Episcopate of the Right Reverend Thomas James Conaty. Mission Hills, CA: St. Francis Historical Society, 1990. lii, 296 pp.
Calendar of documents and related historical materials in the Archival Center, Archdiocese of Los Angeles for the Episcopate of the Right Reverend Thomas James Conaty
, vol. lii
Dawson, James T., William E. Henson, Anita Jo Ross, and Lee Skelton. A guide to the Lauderdale County Department of Archives & History. Meridian, MS: Lauderdale County Department of Archives & History, 1990. 30 pp.
A guide to the Lauderdale County Department of Archives & History
pg. 30
Dawson, Joseph G., III. "Government documents and manuscript collections." In The late 19th century U.S. Army, 1865-1898: a research guide 15-48. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1990.
Government documents and manuscript collections
(pg. 15
) DeWitt, Donald L. American Indian resource materials in the western history collections, University of Oklahoma. Norman: The University, 1990. 272 pp.
American Indian resource materials in the western history collections, University of Oklahoma
pg. 272
Dinwiddie, Robert, and Leslie S. Hough. "The Southern Labor Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 124-132.
The Southern Labor Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 124
) D'Ooge, Craig. "Rare recordings document pre-revolutionary Russia." Library of Congress Information Bulletin 49:22 (November 5, 1990): 382.
Rare recordings document pre-revolutionary Russia
, Library of Congress Information Bulletin
, vol. 49
pg. 382
Embardo, Ellen. "Directories of special collections on social movements evolving from the Vietnam era." RSR [Reference Services Review] 18:3 (1990): 59-97.
Directories of special collections on social movements evolving from the Vietnam era
, RSR [Reference Services Review]
, vol. 18
(pg. 59
) Emory University. Robert W. Woodruff Library. Manuscript sources for Civil War history: a descriptive list of holdings in the Special Collections Department. Atlanta, GA: Emory University, Robert W. Woodruff Library, 1990. 48 pp.
Eskind, Andrew H., and Greg Drake, eds. Index to American photographic collections. 2d ed. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1990. 800 pp.
Index to American photographic collections
pg. 800
Fones-Wolf, Ken. "Labor history sources at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Sping 1990): 31-38.
Labor history sources at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 31
) Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. Guide to Yale University Library Holocaust video testimonies, Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies. New York: Garland Press, 1990. 1 vol.
Fritze, Ronald H., Brian E. Coutts, and Louis A. Vyhnanek. "Guides to archives, manuscripts, and special collections." In Reference sources in history: an introductory guide 245-271. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 1990.
Guides to archives, manuscripts, and special collections
(pg. 245
) Gannon University, Nash Library. Gannon University Archives: holdings list. Erie, PA: Gannon University, 1990. 81 pp.
Georgia Historical Society. Central of Georgia Railway collection #1362. Savannah: Georgia Historical Society, [1990]. 5 vols.
Gibson, Michael D. "Manuscript collections: the archival collections at the Center for Dubuque History." Annals of Iowa 50 (Spring 1990): 389-393.
Manuscript collections: the archival collections at the Center for Dubuque History
, Annals of Iowa
, vol. 50
(pg. 389
) Gottlieb, Peter, and Diana L. Shenk. "Historical Collections & Labor Archives, Penn State University." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 81-85.
Historical Collections & Labor Archives, Penn State University
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 81
) Grubel, Fred, ed. Catalog of the archival collections: Leo Baeck Institute, New York. Tubingen, Germany: Mohr, 1990. 409 pp.
Catalog of the archival collections: Leo Baeck Institute, New York
pg. 409
Guide to archives and manuscripts at Harvard and Radcliffe. Alexandria, VA: Chadwyck-Healey, 1990. 56 pp. plus 17 fiche.
Hagy, James W. "The death records of Charleston." South Carolina Historical Magazine 91:1 (January 1990): 32-44.
The death records of Charleston
, South Carolina Historical Magazine
, vol. 91
(pg. 32
) Ham, Debra Newman. "‘We shall overcome, someday’ collections relating to the civil rights movement in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress." Library of Congress Information Bulletin 49:4 (February 12, 1990): 67-70.
‘We shall overcome, someday’ collections relating to the civil rights movement in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
, Library of Congress Information Bulletin
, vol. 49
(pg. 67
) Hamm, Thomas D., ed. "Resources for scholars: four Quaker collections in the United States. Part 1: Guilford College and Swarthmore College." Library Quarterly 60:1 (January 1990): 44-65.
"Resources for scholars: four Quaker collections in the United States. Part 1: Guilford College and Swarthmore College
, Library Quarterly
, vol. 60
(pg. 44
) Hamm, Thomas D., and Diana Franzusoff Peterson, eds. "Resources for scholars: four Quaker collections in the United States. Part 2: Earlham College and Haverford college." Library Quarterly 60:2 (April 1990): 139-158.
Resources for scholars: four Quaker collections in the United States. Part 2: Earlham College and Haverford college
, Library Quarterly
, vol. 60
(pg. 139
) Harris, Sherry. Civil War records - "A Useful Tool": a step-by-step guide to the availability and acquisition of Civil War records. Granada Hills, CA: Shumway Family History Services, 1990. 125 pp.
Civil War records - "A Useful Tool": a step-by-step guide to the availability and acquisition of Civil War records
pg. 125
Haynes, John E. "Labor history sources in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 89-97.
Labor history sources in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 89
) Hill, Ruth Edmonds, and Patricia M. King, eds. The Black women oral history project: guide to the transcripts. London: Meckler, 1990. 160 pp.
The Black women oral history project: guide to the transcripts
pg. 160
Jimerson, Randall C. "The Connecticut Labor Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 39-43.
The Connecticut Labor Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 39
) Johnson, L. Rebecca. A guide to the papers of Senator John J. Williams of Delaware. Newark: University of Delaware Library, 1990. 71 pp.
A guide to the papers of Senator John J. Williams of Delaware
pg. 71
Karlowich, Robert A. A guide to scholarly resources on the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the New York metropolitan area. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1990. xxii, 312 pp.
A guide to scholarly resources on the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union in the New York metropolitan area
, vol. xxii
Kneebone, John T., and Jon Kukla. A key to survey reports and microfilm of the Virginia Colonial Records Project. Richmond: Virginia State Library and Archives, 1990. 957 pp.
A key to survey reports and microfilm of the Virginia Colonial Records Project
pg. 957
Koplowitz, Bradford, ed. Guide to the historical records of Oklahoma. Bowie, MD: Heritage Books, 1990. ix, 189 pp.
Guide to the historical records of Oklahoma
, vol. ix
Lewis, Tab. "Labor history sources in the National Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 96-104.
Labor history sources in the National Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 96
) Lichtenstein, Nelson. "Labor and social history records at the Catholic University of America." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 105-108.
Labor and social history records at the Catholic University of America
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 105
) Mason, Philip P. "The Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 145-154.
The Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Walter P. Reuther Library, Wayne State University
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 145
) Mason, Philip P. "Labor archives and collections in the United States." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 10-15.
Labor archives and collections in the United States
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 10
) McMullen, Lorraine. "Archival sources for research on nineteenth-century women writers." In Re[Dis]covering our foremothers: nineteenth-century Canadian women writers. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1990. 203 pp.
Archival sources for research on nineteenth-century women writers
pg. 203
McNitt, William, and Jennifer Sternaman. Science and technology: a guide to manuscript holdings available for research. Ann Arbor, MI: Ford Library, 1990. 20 pp.
Science and technology: a guide to manuscript holdings available for research
pg. 20
Montgomery, Bruce P. "The Joseph A. Bierne Memorial Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 109-112.
The Joseph A. Bierne Memorial Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 109
) Morris, Robert C. "The government's lawyers: United States attorneys records in the National Archives." Prologue 22:4 (Winter 1990): 388-395.
The government's lawyers: United States attorneys records in the National Archives
, Prologue
, vol. 22
(pg. 388
) Morse, Richard E. Personal papers in the United States Air Force Historical Research Center. 5th ed. Maxwell A.F.B., AL: United States Air Force Historical Research Center, 1990. vii, 225 pp.
Personal papers in the United States Air Force Historical Research Center
, vol. vii
Moseley, Eva. "Labor holdings at the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 16-24.
Labor holdings at the Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 16
) Murphy, Ellen M., and Jeane M. Knapp, eds. Kaleidoscope of history: photographic collections in the Golda Meir Library. AGSC special publication no. 1. Milwaukee, WI: American Geographical Society Collection, 1990. xiii, 115 pp.
Kaleidoscope of history: photographic collections in the Golda Meir Library
, vol. xiii
Muse, Franklin. The Jewish Publication Society records, 1888-1988. Philadelphia: Philadelphia Jewish Archives Center, 1990. 288 pp.
The Jewish Publication Society records, 1888-1988
pg. 288
Neagles, James C. The Library of Congress: a guide to genealogical and historical research. Salt Lake City, UT: Ancestry Publishing, 1990. ix, 381 pp.
The Library of Congress: a guide to genealogical and historical research
, vol. ix
Nestle, Joan. "The will to remember: the Lesbian Herstory Archives of New York." Feminist Review 34 (Spring 1990): 86+.
The will to remember: the Lesbian Herstory Archives of New York
, Feminist Review
, vol. 34
pg. 86
New York County Clerk. Guide to federal, county, municipal archives in the City of New York. New York: New York County Clerk, 1990. 30 pp.
New York State. State Archives and Records Administration. Guide to records of the Department of Correctional Services in the New York State Archives. Albany: State Archives and Records Administration, 1990. 52 pp.
Newcombe, Barbara T. Paper trails: a guide to paper records in California. Sacramento: California Newspaper Publishers Association, 1990. 191 pp.
Paper trails: a guide to paper records in California
pg. 191
Oregon State Archives. Guide to Oregon provisional and territorial government records. Salem: Oregon State Archives, 1990. 125 pp. plus 5" computer disk.
Perkins, Daniel J. "The American Archives of the Factual Film." Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television [Great Britain] 10:1 (1990): 71-80.
The American Archives of the Factual Film
, Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television [Great Britain]
, vol. 10
(pg. 71
) Plunkett, Michael. Afro-American sources in Virginia: a guide to manuscripts. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1990. xviii, 323 pp.
Afro-American sources in Virginia: a guide to manuscripts
, vol. xviii
Potter, Constance. "St. Albans passenger arrival records." Prologue 22:1 (Spring 1990): 90-93.
St. Albans passenger arrival records
, Prologue
, vol. 22
(pg. 90
) Raboteau, Albert J., and David W. Wills. "Retelling Carter Woodson's story: archival sources for Afro-American church history." Journal of American History 77:1 (June 1990): 183-199.
Retelling Carter Woodson's story: archival sources for Afro-American church history
, Journal of American History
, vol. 77
(pg. 183
) Relyea, Harold C. Federal presidential libraries. Washington: Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service, 1990. 28 pp.
Federal presidential libraries
pg. 28
"Research guide; part I: reference report on sources for the study of Black religion in military records; part II: records relating to Afro-American religion in selected records of the Civil Reference Branch of the National Archives." Newsletter of the Afro-American Religious History Group of the American Academy of Religion 14:2 (Spring 1990): 4-8.
Rocha, Guy Louis. "Labor resources at the Nevada State Library." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 197-201.
Labor resources at the Nevada State Library
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 197
) Rose, Kenneth W. The availability of foundation records: a guide for researchers. North Tarrytown, NY: Rockefeller Archive Center, 1990. 112 pp.
The availability of foundation records: a guide for researchers
pg. 112
Rosenzweig, Roy, and Barbara Melosh. "Government and the arts: voices from the New Deal era." Journal of American History 77:2 (September 1990): 596-608.
Government and the arts: voices from the New Deal era
, Journal of American History
, vol. 77
(pg. 596
) Rosswurm, Steve. "Sources for the study of labor history at the Chicago Historical Society." Labor's Heritage 2:1 (January 1990): 64-75.
Sources for the study of labor history at the Chicago Historical Society
, Labor's Heritage
, vol. 2
(pg. 64
) Rutgers University Libraries. Special Collections & Archives. A guide to women's history archives at Rutgers. [New Brunswick, NJ]: Rutgers University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives, 1990. 42 pp.
Saenger, Paul. A catalogue of the pre-1500 western manuscript books at the Newberry Library. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990. xxvii, 260 pp.
A catalogue of the pre-1500 western manuscript books at the Newberry Library
, vol. xxvii
Schacht, John N. "Labor history resources in the University of Iowa libraries, the State Historical Society of Iowa/Iowa City, and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 168-175.
Labor history resources in the University of Iowa libraries, the State Historical Society of Iowa/Iowa City, and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 168
) Schuster, Richard. "Railroad collections at the New Hampshire Historical Society." Historical New Hampshire 45:3 (Fall 1990): 235-252.
Railroad collections at the New Hampshire Historical Society
, Historical New Hampshire
, vol. 45
(pg. 235
) Scott, Kim Allen. Manuscript resources for the Civil War. Fayetteville: Center for Arkansas and Regional Studies and University of Arkansas Libraries, 1990. 49 pp.
Manuscript resources for the Civil War
pg. 49
Sheridan, Clare M. "Labor material in the collections of the Museum of American Textile History." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 25-30.
Labor material in the collections of the Museum of American Textile History
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 25
) Shuster, Robert D. Researching modern evangelism: a guide to the holdings of the Billy Graham Center, with information on other collections. New York: Greenwood Press, 1990. xv, 353 pp.
Researching modern evangelism: a guide to the holdings of the Billy Graham Center, with information on other collections
, vol. xv
Smith, Nancy Kegan. "Private reflections on a public life: the papers on Lady Bird Johnson at the LBJ Library." Presidential Studies Quarterly 20:4 (Fall 1990): 737-744.
Private reflections on a public life: the papers on Lady Bird Johnson at the LBJ Library
, Presidential Studies Quarterly
, vol. 20
(pg. 737
) South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Guide to the archival collection: Devereaux Library, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. Rapid City: South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 1990. 11 pp.
Strassberg, Richard. "Sources on labor history in the Martin P. Catherwood Library." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Sping 1990): 59-66.
Sources on labor history in the Martin P. Catherwood Library
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 59
) Swanson, Dorothy. "Labor history resources at New York University. 1: The Taminent Institute/Ben Josephson Library." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 48-54.
Labor history resources at New York University. 1: The Taminent Institute/Ben Josephson Library
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 48
) Symons, Lenore. "The archives of the Institution of Electrical Engineers." Center for History of Physics Newsletter [AIP] 22:1 (April 1990): 4-6.
The archives of the Institution of Electrical Engineers
, Center for History of Physics Newsletter [AIP]
, vol. 22
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) Texas State Historical Association. Women and Texas history: an archival bibliography. Austin: Texas State Historical Association, 1990. 150 pp.
Tolzmann, Don Heinrich. Catalog of the German-Americana Collection, University of Cincinnati. New York: K.G. Saur, 1990. 2 vols.
Catalog of the German-Americana Collection, University of Cincinnati
, vol. 2
Treadway, Carole Edgerton. "Friends Historical Collection, Guilford College [NC]." Library Quarterly 60:1 (January 1990): 45-56.
Friends Historical Collection, Guilford College [NC]
, Library Quarterly
, vol. 60
(pg. 45
) Ulrich, Laurel Thatcher. "Of pens and needles: sources in early American women's history." Journal of American History 77:1 (June 1990): 200-207.
Of pens and needles: sources in early American women's history
, Journal of American History
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) University of New Mexico. Center for Southwest Research. Cobb Memorial Photography Collection: fiche and indexed guide. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, Center for Southwest Research, 1990.
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U.S. National Archives and Records Administration. Microfilm resources for research: a comprehensive catalog. Washington: National Archives, 1990. xiv, 118 pp.
Vancil, David E., Robert L. Carter, and Charles D. King. "The Debs Collection at Indiana State University." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 139-144.
The Debs Collection at Indiana State University
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 139
) Vane, Sylvia Brakke, and Lowell John Bean. California Indians primary resources: a guide to manuscripts, artifacts, documents, serials, music, and illustrations. Ballena Press anthropological papers no. 36. Menlo Park, CA: Ballena Press, 1990. 366 pp.
California Indians primary resources: a guide to manuscripts, artifacts, documents, serials, music, and illustrations
pg. 366
Veeder, Gerry K. "The Red Cross Bureau of Pictures, 1917-1921: World War I, the Russian Revolution and the Sultan of Turkey's Harem." Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television [Great Britain] 10:1 (1990): 47-70.
The Red Cross Bureau of Pictures, 1917-1921: World War I, the Russian Revolution and the Sultan of Turkey's Harem
, Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television [Great Britain]
, vol. 10
(pg. 47
) Vogel, Katharine. "The George Meany Memorial Archives." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 117-123.
The George Meany Memorial Archives
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 117
) Walle, D. F. Guide to the manuscript collections at the University of Alaska. Anchorage: University of Alaska Press, 1990. xiv, 146 pp.
Guide to the manuscript collections at the University of Alaska
, vol. xiv
Weinberg, David M. A guide to nursing sources in the Research Libraries Information Network's [RLIN] Archival and Manuscripts Control [AMC] Format. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, School of Nursing, 1990. 75 pp.
A guide to nursing sources in the Research Libraries Information Network's [RLIN] Archival and Manuscripts Control [AMC] Format
pg. 75
Weinberg, David M. "Labor collections at the Urban Archives Center, Temple University Libraries." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Sping 1990): 71-76.
Labor collections at the Urban Archives Center, Temple University Libraries
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 71
) Whealan, Ronald E. Guide to historical materials in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library. Boston, MA: John Fitzgerald Kennedy Presidential Library, 1990. iii, 208 pp.
Guide to historical materials in the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library
, vol. iii
Wurl, Joel. "The Immigration History Research Center as a source for labor history research." Labor History 31:1-2 (Winter-Spring 1990): 185-191.
The Immigration History Research Center as a source for labor history research
, Labor History
, vol. 31
(pg. 185
) Yeshiva University Archives. An inventory to the Peter Wiernik and Bertha Wiernik Collection [1886-1950] and Records of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee [1916-1946]. New York: Yeshiva University Archives, 1990. 32 pp.
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The CIO: a bibliographic update and archival guide
, Labor History
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) Surveys of historical manuscripts in the United Kingdom: a select bibliography. London: HMSO, 1990. 20 pp.
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) Bellenger, Aidan. "Downside Abbey architectural drawings collection." Catholic Archives 10 (1990): 26-31.
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) Brown, Michelle P. A guide to western historical scripts from antiquity to 1600. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1990. 4, 138 pp.
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Cantwell, John. The Public Record Office 1838-1958. London: HMSO, 1990. 644 pp.
The Public Record Office 1838-1958
pg. 644
Church, Rosemary, and Jean Cole. In and about record repositories in Great Britain and Ireland. Cambridgeshire, England: J.M. Armstrong, 1990. 104 pp.
In and about record repositories in Great Britain and Ireland
pg. 104
Cuba. Archivo Nacional. Guía breve de los fondos procesados del Archivo Nacional [Brief guide to processed collections of the National Archives]. Havana: Archivo Nacional de Cuba, 1990. 167 pp.
Epp, Marlene. "Women's history and Mennonite Archives." Archivaria [Canada] 30 (Summer 1990): 167-170.
Women's history and Mennonite Archives
, Archivaria [Canada]
, vol. 30
(pg. 167
) Ermisse, Gérard, and Philippe Le Tréguilly. Guide du lecteur [Users’ guide]. Paris: Archives Nationales, 1990. 56 pp.
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pg. 56
Fitzpatrick, Sheila, and Lynn Viola, eds. A researcher's guide to sources on Soviet social history in the 1930s. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 1990. xii, 296 pp.
A researcher's guide to sources on Soviet social history in the 1930s
, vol. xii
Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Glasnost and babushkas - new horizons for genealogical research in the USSR." Heritage Quest 28 (April-May 1990): 38-43.
Glasnost and babushkas - new horizons for genealogical research in the USSR
, Heritage Quest
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(pg. 38
) Gurlong, Gilian. "Manuscripts and archives." In Latin American studies: a basic guide to sources edited by Robert A. McNeil, and Barbara G. Valk, 19-31. 2d ed. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1990.
Manuscripts and archives
(pg. 19
) Hadley, Margery Tanner. Guide to photographs: the fonds and collections of the Archives, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies. Banff, Alberta: Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies, Archives, 1990. 125 pp.
Guide to photographs: the fonds and collections of the Archives, Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
pg. 125
Hickey, Daniel, Louise Charlebois, and Bruce Oliver. A guide to archival sources on the New Brunswick forest industries/Guide des source archivistiques sur l'industrie forestière du Nouveau-Brunswick. Moncton: Les Editions d'Acadie, 1990. 212 pp.
A guide to archival sources on the New Brunswick forest industries/Guide des source archivistiques sur l'industrie forestière du Nouveau-Brunswick
pg. 212
Hildesheimer, Françoise, and Bertrand Joly. État sommaire des archives d'associations conservées aux archives nationales [A summary of associations’ archives kept in the National Archives]. Paris: Archives Nationales, 1990. 119 pp.
État sommaire des archives d'associations conservées aux archives nationales [A summary of associations’ archives kept in the National Archives]
pg. 119
Institut universitaire européen. Guide des Archives historiques des Communautés européenes [Guide to the historic archives of the European Community]. 2d. ed. Florence, Italy: Institut universitaire européen, 1990. 18 pp.
Kemp, Thomas Jay. International vital records handbook: births, marriages, deaths. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing, 1990. 355 pp.
International vital records handbook: births, marriages, deaths
pg. 355
Korea. Government Archives and Records Service. Guide to the sources of Korean history. Seoul, Korea: Government Archives and Records Service, 1990. 738 pp.
Korea. Ministry of Government Administration. Government Archives and Records Service. Seoul, Korea: Ministry of Government Administration, [1990]. 25 pp.
Lawrie, R. Guide to the Archives of the New South Wales Parliamentary Library 1840-1990/Guide to the Archives of the New South Wales Parliament: Sesquicentary of the Parliamentary Library 1840-1990. Sydney: New South Wales Parliamentary Archives, 1990. 188 pp.
Guide to the Archives of the New South Wales Parliamentary Library 1840-1990/Guide to the Archives of the New South Wales Parliament: Sesquicentary of the Parliamentary Library 1840-1990
pg. 188
McNeil, Robert A., and Barbara G. Valk, eds. Latin American studies: a basic guide to sources. 2d ed. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1990. xi, 458 pp.
Latin American studies: a basic guide to sources
, vol. 2d
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National Archives of Hungary. Sources of the history of Latin America, Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania in Hungary. New York: K.G. Saur, 1990. 520 pp.
New Zealand National Archives. Family history at the National Archives. Wellington, New Zealand: National Archives, 1990. xiv, 162 pp.
New Zealand. National Library, and Alexander Turnbull Library. National register of archives and manuscripts in New Zealand. Volume II: B626-B1000. Wellington: National Library of New Zealand, 1990. 1 vol. looseleaf.
Nicosia, Francis R. Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem 1939-1945. New York: Garland, 1990. 421 pp.
Central Zionist Archives, Jerusalem 1939-1945
pg. 421
O'Brien, Catherine. Guide to library and other archive resources in the Federal Republic of Germany. Kingston-upon-Thames, England: Apex Centre, 1990. 211 pp.
Guide to library and other archive resources in the Federal Republic of Germany
pg. 211
Pearson, J. D. A guide to manuscripts and documents in the British Isles relating to South and South-East Asia. Volume 2, British Isles excluding London. London: Mansell, 1990. 352 pp.
A guide to manuscripts and documents in the British Isles relating to South and South-East Asia. Volume 2, British Isles excluding London
pg. 352
Raack, R. C. "Poor light on the ‘Dark side of the moon’: Soviet actuality film sources for the early days of World War II." Film & History 20:1 (February 1990): 3-15.
Poor light on the ‘Dark side of the moon’: Soviet actuality film sources for the early days of World War II
, Film & History
, vol. 20
(pg. 3
) Read, Alison. "International archives [Lesbian archives]." Feminist Review 34 (Spring 1990): 94+.
International archives [Lesbian archives]
, Feminist Review
, vol. 34
pg. 94
Sinclair, Cecil. Tracing your Scottish ancestors: a guide to ancestry research in the Scottish Record Office. Edinburgh, Scotland: HMSO, 1990. 153 pp.
Tracing your Scottish ancestors: a guide to ancestry research in the Scottish Record Office
pg. 153
Singapore. National Archives. Guide to the sources of history in Singapore. Vol. I. Guide to the Sources of Asian History 10.1. Singapore: National Archives of Singapore, UNESCO, and the International Council on Archives, [1990]. xlvii, 180 pp.
Skirball, Sheba F. Films of the Holocaust: an annotated filmography of collections in Israel. Garland filmographies no. 2. New York: Garland Press, 1990. 273 pp.
Films of the Holocaust: an annotated filmography of collections in Israel
pg. 273
Smith, Christopher. "The archives of the Plymouth Diocese." Catholic Archives 10 (1990): 17-25.
The archives of the Plymouth Diocese
, Catholic Archives
, vol. 10
(pg. 17
) "Survey of primary records: the Punjab Archives [Pakistan]." NDC Newsletter [National Documentation Center [Pakistan]] 14 (December 1990): 3-4, 9.
United Kingdom. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Records of British business and industry, 1760-1914, textiles and leathers. Guide to Sources for British History no. 8. London: HMSO, 1990. xiii, 130 pp.
Wasserman, Ellen S., ed. Oral history index: an international directory of oral history interviews. Westport, CT: Meckler, 1990. 434 pp.
Oral history index: an international directory of oral history interviews
pg. 434
Watts, Heather. Guide to the records of the Canadian Unitarian and Universalist Churches, Fellowships and other related organizations. Halifax: Archives Committee, 1990. viii, 301 pp.
Guide to the records of the Canadian Unitarian and Universalist Churches, Fellowships and other related organizations
, vol. viii
Whalen, James Murray. Records of federal royal commissions/Archives des commissions royales d'enqute [RG 33]. Volume I: Series 33/1-33/75. General inventory series. Ottawa: National Archives of Canada, 1990. 182 pp.
Records of federal royal commissions/Archives des commissions royales d'enqute [RG 33]. Volume I: Series 33/1-33/75
pg. 182
Wheeler, Douglas. "The archives of Portugal: a guide to an intelligence treasure trove." International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 4:4 (1990): 539-550.
The archives of Portugal: a guide to an intelligence treasure trove
, International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence
, vol. 4
(pg. 539
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