In the nearly one hundred years since the first state archives was established, all states have designated a repository for their archival records and most have instituted records management. Organizational structures, resources, and programs vary greatly, but state archivists and records administrators have developed common principles and share innovations through organizations that enhance their ability to cooperate and communicate, particularly the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators and the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Priorities and challenges facing these programs include asserting archival concerns as information-related policies and regulations evolve, developing programs for managing and preserving electronic records, and using information technologies to improve access to records.
Research Article|
April 01 1997
State Archives in 1997: Diverse Conditions, Common Directions
Victoria Walch
Victoria Walch
Illinois State Archives
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The American Archivist (1997) 60 (2): 132–151.
Bruce Dearstyne, Victoria Walch; State Archives in 1997: Diverse Conditions, Common Directions. The American Archivist 1 April 1997; 60 (2): 132–151. doi:
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