Bautier, Robert-Henri. L'activité des archives dans le monde (1945-1952). Archivum, 3:189-238 (1953).
L'activité des archives dans le monde (1945-1952)
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 189
) Bautier, Robert-Henri. Bibliographie analytique internationale des publications relatives à l'archivistique et aux archives, publications parues en 1952. Archivum, 3:109-188 (1953).
Bibliographie analytique internationale des publications relatives à l'archivistique et aux archives, publications parues en 1952
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 109
) Bibliographie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1945-1952. Der Archivar, 7:cols. 153-170, 275-300 (1954); 8:cols. 117-130 (1955). To be continued.
Brownson, Helen L. Abstracts of documentation literature. American documentation, 6:63-67 (Apr., 1955).
Abstracts of documentation literature
, American documentation
, vol. 6
(pg. 63
) Historical abstracts, 1775-1945; a quarterly of abstracts of historical articles appearing currently in periodicals the world over. Vol. 1, no. 1. Mar. 1955. New York, 640 West 153d St., New York 31, N. Y. Historical Abstracts, 1955- . Editorial address: Historisches Seminar, Universität Wien, Vienna 1, Austria. Items relating to archives appear on p. 23-25.
Hussein, Mohamed Ahmed. Archives, a study on historical documents. [n. p.] Cairo Univ. Press, 1954. [124] p. Report on a survey of national archival establishments. Text in Arabic.
Archives, a study on historical documents
pg. 124
International bibliography of historical sciences. Twentieth volume, 1951, in-cluding some publications of previous years. Paris, Librarie Armand Colin, 1953. 387 p. Edited for the International Committee of Historical Sciences. References relating to the auxiliary sciences appear on p. 1-14, to archives, on p. 18-20, and to libraries and museums, on p. 20-23.
International Federation for Documentation. Bibliographia [1954] Revue de la documentation, 21:136-186 (Dec., 1954). Items relating to archives appear on p. 181. "Bibliographia" for 1953 appears in Revue de la documentation, 20:150-212 (Dec., 1953), items relating to archives on p. 206-207.
Leland, Waldo G. Archival principles: selections from the writings of Waldo Gifford Leland. [Washington] 1955. 13 p. (U. S. National Archives, Staff information papers, no. 20). Selections from Leland's writings during his leadership of the movement for the establishment of a National Archives of the United States. Includes postscript by the author, "Quarante ans après."
Archival principles: selections from the writings of Waldo Gifford Leland
pg. 13
Masterson, James R., ed. Writings on American history, 1950. [Washington, 1955] 609 p. (American Historical Association, Annual report for the year 1952, vol. 2. Also published as 83d Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 232). Items relating to historiography and applied disciplines are listed on p. 1-4; to lists and descriptions of historical materials, on p. 10-26; and to repositories and custodians of historical materials, on p. 31-39.
Writings on American history, 1950
pg. 609
Mitiaev, K. G. Teoria i praktyka pracy archiwalnej. [Tlum.: W. Suchodolski et al. Wyd. 1.] Warszawa, Państwowe Wydawn. Naukowe, 1954. 252 p.
Teoria i praktyka pracy archiwalnej
pg. 252
Pan American Union. Columbus Memorial Library. Bibliography on public administration in Latin America. Washington, D. C., 1954. 115 p. (Bibliographic series 43). References relating to archival and records management appear on p. 69-72.
Roy, Sourindranath. The problem of archival estrays (continued). Indian archives, 7:151-161 (July-Dec., 1953).
The problem of archival estrays (continued)
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 151
) Smith, Lester W., comp. Writings on archives, current records, and historical manuscripts, July 1953-May 1954. American archivist, 17:341-365 (Oct.,1954).
Writings on archives, current records, and historical manuscripts, July 1953-May 1954
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 341
) Social Science Research Council. Committee on Historiography. The social sciences in historical study; a report. New York, 1954. 181 p. (Bulletin 64).
Society of Archivists. Journal. Vol. 1, no. 1. Apr., 1955- [London?] Printed for the Society by the Chiswick Press, 1955- . The first issue of the successor to the Bulletin of the Society of Local Archivists, whose name has been changed to the Society of Archivists in recognition of extension of membership eligibility to archivists in the British Isles and the Commonwealth.
Verharen, Th. J. De Handleiding en het vrije herkomstbeginsel van Brenneke. Nederlands archievenblad, 59:47-53 (1954-55). Discusses the differences between Adolf Brenneke's "free" principle of provenance, as expounded in his Archivkunde (1953), and the stricter precept of Muller, Feith, and Fruin.
De Handleiding en het vrije herkomstbeginsel van Brenneke
, Nederlands archievenblad
, vol. 59
(pg. 47
) Wallace, William S., comp. Bibliography of published bibliographies on the history of the eleven western States, 1941-1947: a partial supplement to the Writings on American History. New Mexico historical review, 29:224-233 (July, 1954).
Bibliography of published bibliographies on the history of the eleven western States, 1941-1947: a partial supplement to the Writings on American History
, New Mexico historical review
, vol. 29
(pg. 224
) Wenig, Otto. Bibliotheksgut und Archivgut. Zentralblatt für Bibliotekswesen, 68:321-334 (Sept.-Oct., 1954). II. Filing Techniques and Management of Current Records A. General Discussion
Bibliotheksgut und Archivgut
, Zentralblatt für Bibliotekswesen
, vol. 68
(pg. 321
) Alldredge, Everett O. The Federal Records Center, St. Louis: personnel files and fiscal records. American archivist, 18:111-122 (Apr., 1955). Describes economies and more effective service resulting from the concentration of Federal personnel records under records center management.
The Federal Records Center, St. Louis: personnel files and fiscal records
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 111
) Allsman, M. F. T. Principles and objectives of a good directives system. [Reproduced by the Records Management Division, National Archives and Records Service with the permission of the author and the Office Methods Division, Administrative Office, Navy Department]. [n. p., n. d.]. 6 p.
Barcan, Arthur. Summing up. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 78-79.
Summing up
(pg. 78
) Beach, Terry. Centralized vs. decentralized files; which system for your company? abstract. Management review, 43:512-513 (Aug., 1954).
Centralized vs. decentralized files; which system for your company? abstract
, Management review
, vol. 43
(pg. 512
) Blank, Joseph P. Business files hold 1,200,000,000,000 worthless papers. Nation's business, 42:46+ (Aug., 1954). A discussion of the importance of records and paperwork management.
Business files hold 1,200,000,000,000 worthless papers
, Nation's business
, vol. 42
pg. 46+
Brown, Melvin J. Quality control and paper work: applying quality control to credit reporting. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 36-43. Quality control at Dun & Bradstreet, Inc.
Quality control and paper work: applying quality control to credit reporting
(pg. 36
) Conference on Records Management, New York, 1954. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. Ed. by H. W. MacDowell. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955] 82 p. (New York University Business Series no. 20).
Canada. Civil Service Commission. Manual of office layout, prepared by Organisation and Methods Service. Ottawa, Canada, 1954. 41 p. A practical handbook for estimating space requirements and developing layout plans.
Cook, R. G. The merger of the Ministries of Transport and Civil Aviation; integrating the establishment records. O & M bulletin, 9, no. 6:3-13 (Dec., 1954).
The merger of the Ministries of Transport and Civil Aviation; integrating the establishment records
, O & M bulletin
, vol. 9
(pg. 3
) Cooper, Joseph D. Written instruction systems; how to communicate policy and procedure. [Revised and adapted to the special needs of the Post Office Department] [Washington, D. C.? 1955] 234 p. Deals systematically with the preparation, content, and methods of maintaining revisable procedure manuals. "The coordination of policy and procedure … [published in 1946] was the first version of this book."
Written instruction systems; how to communicate policy and procedure. [Revised and adapted to the special needs of the Post Office Department]
pg. 234
Costello, Timothy W. Are there human factors in records control? Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 24-31.
Are there human factors in records control?
(pg. 24
) Darling, R. H. Industry looks at records management. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 16-23. The E. I. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. experience.
Industry looks at records management
(pg. 16
) Five cities ok microfilming records. American city, 70, no. 5:114-116 (May, 1955).
Friedley, F. R. Clerical cost reduction and control. National Association of Cost Accountants, Bulletin, 35:171-185 (Oct., 1953).
Clerical cost reduction and control. National Association of Cost Accountants
, Bulletin
, vol. 35
(pg. 171
) Gowers, Sir Ernest. Plain words: their ABC. New York, Knopf, 1955. 298 p.
Great Britain. Treasury. Organisation and Methods Division. Machines and appliances in government offices. [rev. ed.] [London] 1954. 71 p.
Great Britain. Treasury. Organisation and Methods Division. Organisation charts and list of duties, rev. June 1954. London, 1954. 15 p.
Great Britain. Treasury. Organisation and Methods Division. The practice of O & M. [London] H. M. Stationery Office, 1954. 48 p. A manual for persons (whole-time staff) engaged in "organisation and methods" study, the study of the organization of public bodies or private firms and of their office procedures.
How the secretariat aids executive action, October 15, 1954. [Washington, 1954] 20 p. A staff report submitted to the Task Force on Paperwork Management of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. Not a Commission or Task Force report.
Hubin, Thomas. Characteristics of a formal system of reporting to management. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 60-77. Comparative analysis of reporting practice of six companies.
Characteristics of a formal system of reporting to management
(pg. 60
) Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Correspondence management. [Washington, 1955] 16 p. Meeting of November 19, 1954. Speakers: Mona Sheppard of the National Archives and Records Service and Edward J. Lewis of the Internal Revenue Service.
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. … Paperwork management in the Navy. [Washington, 1955]. 20 p. Meeting of September 17, 1954, at which Earl H. Kuhl, Office Methods Division, Administrative Office, Navy Department was the speaker. Discusses the Navy Department's exhibit, "Paperwork Management in the Navy."
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Records training courses — their planning and appraisal. [Washington, 1955]. 21 p. Meeting of February 25, 1955. Speakers: Terry Beach of the National Archives and Records Service and S. J. Pomrenze of the Army Department.
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Reports management; installing and operating a reports management program. [Washington, 1955]. 18 p. Meeting of March 25, 1955. Speakers: Max Garchik of the Post Office Department, William B. Kittle of the Navy Department, and Robert E. Weil of Bethlehem Steel Company.
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Site audit records; an agency-GAO problem. [Washington, 1955]. 16 p., [3 1.] Meeting of December 17, 1954. Speakers: Allen N. Humphrey of the General Accounting Office and Everett O. Alldredge of the National Archives and Records Service.
Kenyon, Howard A. Government looks at records management. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 10-15. The Rhode Island experience.
Government looks at records management
(pg. 10
) Leahy and Company, inc. Target: red tape. New York, 1953. 8 p. (Leahy newsletter. Special report issue).
National Records Management Council. Guide to selected readings in records management. New York, 1954. 27 p.
New York Life Insurance Company. Public Relations Department. Effective letters: a portfolio of suggestions for making ourselves understood. [New York, c1953]. 67 p.
O'Connell, James T. Management program for municipal records. American city, 69, no. 11: 79 (Nov., 1954).
Management program for municipal records
, American city
, vol. 69
pg. 79
Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company. Mark to Arthur to you: comments on business letter writing. [n. p., n. d.]. 20 p.
Payne, Marjorie T. File this, please! Chicago, Dartnell Corp., 1955. 64 p.
File this, please!
pg. 64
Phelps, Ralph H. Filing, classification, and indexing systems for engineering offices and libraries, by Ralph H. Phelps and John J. Soroka. Special libraries, 46: 109-112 (Mar., 1955).
Filing, classification, and indexing systems for engineering offices and libraries, by Ralph H. Phelps and John J. Soroka
, Special libraries
, vol. 46
(pg. 109
) Philadelphia. Records Department. Annual report, 1954. [n. p., n. d.]. 42 p. Archives Division, including the Record Center, p. 13-24; Forms Control and Records Service Division, p. 25-38. Notes the transfer to the American Philosophical Society of ledgers relating to Benjamin Franklin's legacy to the young artificers of Philadelphia.
Philippines (Republic). Government Survey and Reorganization Commission. Administrative services, Executive Branch of the Government of the Philippines: reorganization plans and reports, presented to the President. Manila, Bureau of Printing, 1955. 97 p. The Task Force on Administrative Services submits two reports and drafts of Reorganization Plans nos. 4 and 8, which recommend respectively the establishment of a Department of General Services, and, within it, a Bureau of Records Management.
Philippines (Republic). Government Survey and Reorganization Commission. Report on Records Management Conference, October 19 & 21, & November 2-5, & 8-9, 1954; called by [the] Commission; sponsored by The Government Advisory Board for In-service Training; conducted by The Institute of Public Administration of the University of the Philippines, Manila. [n. p., n. d.]. v, 43 1.
Pursuit of perfection; a report on the need for paperwork quality management, October 1954. [Washington, 1954] 16 1. A staff report by the Work Group on Quality Management submitted to the Task Force on Paperwork Management of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. Not a Commission or Task Force report.
Research Institute of America, inc. Cutting paperwork costs. New York, c1954. 63 p. Gives examples of shortcuts and simplified methods in various companies.
Roan, Peter F. Records management in Iowa City. Office, 41, no. 5: 84-88 (May, 1955).
Records management in Iowa City
, Office
, vol. 41
(pg. 84
) Ruddell, Richard. City records in the modern era. Missouri municipal review, 20, no. 4: 50-51, 61 (Apr., 1955).
City records in the modern era
, Missouri municipal review
, vol. 20
(pg. 50
) Shiff, Robert A. The new science of records management. By Robert A. Shiff and Arthur Barcan. Harvard business review, 32, no. 5: 54-62 (Sept.-Oct., 1954).
The new science of records management. By Robert A. Shiff and Arthur Barcan
, Harvard business review
, vol. 32
(pg. 54
) Shiff, Robert A. A records-management credo. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 7-9. Stresses twofold responsibility of combining "scientific controls on record making and record keeping with a very positive policy of ensuring the preservation of recorded experience."
A records-management credo
(pg. 7
) Shiff, Robert A. Records management in smaller stores. By R. A. Shiff and Arthur Barcan, the National Records Management Council. Washington, U. S. Small Business Administration, 1954. 4 p. (Small marketers aids, no. 1).
Records management in smaller stores
pg. 4
Shiff, Robert A. A technique to preserve the memory of business. Office, 41, no. 1: 121-125, 186-188 (Jan., 1955). Oral history techniques.
A technique to preserve the memory of business
, Office
, vol. 41
(pg. 121
) Stopford, Viscount. The measurement of clerical work. O & M bulletin, 9, no. 6: 40-45 (Dec., 1954). The author is head of the Office Administration Department, Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd.
The measurement of clerical work
, O & M bulletin
, vol. 9
(pg. 40
) Systems and Procedures Association of America. Workshop for management. Proceedings of the seventh annual systems meeting, 1954. New York, Pub. by Management Magazines, Inc. [1955] 504 p. Papers and discussion relating to various aspects of office, records, and paperwork management, with special emphasis on electronic systems.
U. S. Agriculture Department. Plant and Operations Office. Records management: how to file correspondence records. Washington, 1954. 22 p. A revision of Publication no. 9, How to file and find correspondence records (1951).
U. S. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1953-). Paperwork management. Part I. In the United States Government; a report. January 1955. [Washington, 1955] 24 p. Also published as 84th Cong., 1st sess., H. Doc. 92. Recommends establishment by executive order, within existing framework of the General Services Administration, of a Government-wide paperwork management program.
U. S. Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government (1953-). Task Force on Paperwork Management. Report on paperwork management. Part I. In the United States Government. Prepared for the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government. [Washington, 1955] 66 p.
U. S. Foreign Operations Administration. Records filing handbook; an alphabetical system of subject classification, with a complete index, for use of FOA/W and missions. [n. p.] Dec. 1954. var. pag. (FOA Manual order no. 522.2)
U. S. Information Agency. Records Management Section. A guide to finding of papers; principles, procedures, techniques. [Washington] 1955. 10 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Baltimore correspondence project, May 1954; Internal Revenue Service, Office of the District Director, Baltimore, Maryland. [Washington, 1954] 11 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Check-list for determining if weaknesses exist in present location of active files. [n. d.] 6 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Federal records centers. [Washington, 1955] 25 p. (Records management handbook. Managing noncurrent files).
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Form letters. [Washington, 1955]. (Records management handbook. Managing correspondence).
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. A guide to appraising subject classification & filing systems. October 1954. [Washington, 1954] 18 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. A guide to classifying of papers; principles, procedures, and techniques. June 1954. [Washington, 1954] 7 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. A guide to filing of papers; principles, procedures, and techniques. June 1954. [Washington, 1954] 4 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. A guide to finding of papers; principles, procedures, and techniques. October 1954. [Washington, 1954. 11] p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. A guide to planning a forms management program; elements and principles; organizing and operating a program. November 1954. [Washington, 1955] 5 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. The management of current records. May 1954. [Washington, 1954] 8 p.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Plain letters. [Washington, 1955] 45 p. (Records management handbook. Managing correspondence).
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Records Management Division. Records management bibliography, June 1954. [Washington, 1954] 41 p.
[U. S. Navy Department] Office Methods Division. Paperwork management in the Navy. Washington, 1954. 31 p. Highlights progress to date on the overhaul of its paperwork system.
Weil, Robert E. Planning for a records-management program. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 55-59.
Planning for a records-management program
(pg. 55
) Zitmore, Irving. Planning a records management survey. American archivist, 18: 133-140 (Apr., 1955). A paper read at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists at Williamsburg, Virginia, September 13, 1954. The author is vice president and general manager of Records Engineering, Inc. See also 122-123, 126, 128, 138, 145, 225, 228, 230, 232, 352-353, 376, 390, 419, 421-423, 425. B. Machine Techniques in Office Operations and in Information Processing
Planning a records management survey
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 133
) American Management Association. The impact of computers on office management; experience in computer application. New York [1954]. 60 p. Contents. — W. W. Smith, Impact of the computer on methods; Byron F. Burch, The computer at work on payrolls; A. C. Vanselow, Programming the computer for clerical production; Emerson F. Cooley, Computer methods and applications: a case study [Prudential Insurance Company of America].
American Management Association. A new approach to office mechanization. New York [1954]. 62 p. Integrated data processing through common language machines. The U. S. Steel Corporation program.
American Management Association. Streamlining office equipment and services. New York, 1953. 35 p. (Office management series no. 135). Review of developments in office electronics.
Ball, Norman T. Searching patents by machine. American documentation, 6: 88-92 (Apr., 1955).
Searching patents by machine
, American documentation
, vol. 6
(pg. 88
) Business Machines management survey: electronic data-processing machines; electric accounting machines; "other" business machines; a report of the Business Machines Group to the Task Force on Paperwork Management of the Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, October 15, 1954. [Washington, 1955]. 41 p. Not a Commission or Task Force report.
Controllership Foundation. Business applications of electronic machines: an annotated bibliography. New York, 1954. 46 p. Includes lists of machine manufacturers, training programs, seminars, and conferences.
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Management implications of electronic data processing. [Washington, 1954]. 22 p. Meeting of June 18, 1954. Speakers: Howard Gammon of the Budget Bureau, Edward Mahoney of the General Accounting Office, and Joseph F. Daley of the Census Bureau.
Morlock, William J. Greatest electronics expansion to be in office mechanization. Office, 41, no. 3: 7-19 (Mar., 1955).
Greatest electronics expansion to be in office mechanization
, Office
, vol. 41
(pg. 7
) Murdock, Bennet B. The utilization of technical equipment — with special reference to electronic computers. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 32-35.
The utilization of technical equipment — with special reference to electronic computers
(pg. 32
) Puutio, A. E. Automation is in the cards; prepare for it. National Association of Cost Accountants, Bulletin, 35: 1245-1251 (June, 1954).
Automation is in the cards; prepare for it. National Association of Cost Accountants
, Bulletin
, vol. 35
(pg. 1245
) U. S. Commerce Department. Report of the Advisory Committee on Application of Machines to Patent Office operations. December 22, 1954. Washington, 1954. 76 p.
U. S. National Bureau of Standards. First annual progress report on applications of electronic data processing techniques to supply management problems, covering period July 1, 1953-June 30, 1954, to Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Department of Navy. [Washington, 1954] 44 p. (NBS Report 3786). See also 35, 65, 240-242. III. History, Organization, and Current Activities of Archival Agencies, Manuscript Depositories, and Related Organizations A. United States in General and Federal Government
American Historical Association. Annual report for the year 1953. Vol. I. Proceedings. Washington [1954] 52 p. Of particular interest are the reports of the Executive Secretary and Managing Editor, Boyd C. Shafer, p. 8-13; the Committee on Documentary Reproduction, p. 36-40 (including, as Appendix, "Russian historical sources: priority list No. 1, for microprint project," p. 39-40); and the Committee on Historians and the Federal Government, p. 42-43.
Berkeley, Francis L. History and problems of the control of manuscripts in the United States. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 98, no. 3: 171-178 (June 15, 1954). A paper read in the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication, November 12, 1953.
History and problems of the control of manuscripts in the United States. American Philosophical Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 98
(pg. 171
) Butterfield, Lyman H. Archival and editorial enterprise in 1850 and in 1950: some comparisons and contrasts. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 98, no. 3: 159-170 (June 15, 1954). A paper read in the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication, November 12, 1953. Includes bibliography.
Archival and editorial enterprise in 1850 and in 1950: some comparisons and contrasts. American Philosophical Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 98
(pg. 159
) Fishbein, Meyer H. Records management in the Bureau of Corporations. American archivist, 18: 161-167 (Apr., 1955).
Records management in the Bureau of Corporations
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 161
) Grover, Wayne C. Archives: society and profession. American archivist, 18: 3-10 (Jan., 1955). Presidential address read at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, Williamsburg, Virginia, September 13, 1954. Discusses advantages of broader membership base for the Society and points out present value to both archivists and records managers in having membership in common in a professional society.
Archives: society and profession
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 3
) Hall, Ardelia R. U. S. program for return of historic objects to countries of origin, 1944-54. State Department, Bulletin, 31: 493-498 (Oct. 4, 1954). Bibliographical footnotes. Describes recent accomplishments under the United States postwar program for the restitution of cultural property, including the recovery and return of Dutch archives of the Netherlands East Indies dating from 1767 to 1939; German archives of the 15th and 17th centuries, mainly from the town of Grebenstein in Hesse; a 10th-century codex containing one page of the Hildebrandslied from the Landesbibliothek at Kassel; and a 14th-century codex "De Africa" by Petrarch, from the Biblioteca Civica of Trieste.
U. S. program for return of historic objects to countries of origin, 1944-54. State Department
, Bulletin
, vol. 31
(pg. 493
) Hinkley, Mary E. The role of the college library in the preservation and organization of the archives of its own institution. Rochester, N. Y., Univ. of Rochester Press for the Association of College and Reference Libraries, 1954. (ACRL Microcard series no. 28). 3 cards (6, 80 1.) Comparison of 27 centralized and 100 noncentralized archival programs. Urges appointment of qualified archivists and statement of administrative responsibility and policy regarding archives.
The role of the college library in the preservation and organization of the archives of its own institution
Klein, Arthur G. Scholars fear United States will return Nazi archives before full study; extension of remarks of Hon. Arthur G. Klein, of New York, in the House of Representatives. Congressional record, 101, no. 47: A1812-A1813 (Mar. 16, 1955). Includes an article from the New York Times, Mar. 7, 1955, of the same title, by Anthony Leviero.
Scholars fear United States will return Nazi archives before full study; extension of remarks of Hon. Arthur G. Klein, of New York, in the House of Representatives
, Congressional record
, vol. 101
(pg. A1812
) Leland, Waldo G. The creation of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: a personal narrative. American archivist, 18: 11-29 (Jan., 1955). Based in part on materials in the author's file, kept as chairman of the Executive Committee, which will be transferred to the National Archives in due time.
The creation of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library: a personal narrative
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 11
) Lloyd, David D. The Harry S. Truman Library. American archivist, 18: 99-110 (Apr., 1955).
The Harry S. Truman Library
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 99
) Mearns, David C. Comments on the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 98, no. 3: 185-188 (June 15, 1954).
Comments on the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication. American Philosophical Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 98
(pg. 185
) Phillips, Helen C. Signal Corps historical collection. Military affairs, 18: 88-89 (Summer, 1954). A note on the Historical Branch of the Signal Corps Center, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, since designated the Signal Corps Museum. Its collections include "signal equipment, memorabilia, and archival and reference materials."
Signal Corps historical collection
, Military affairs
, vol. 18
(pg. 88
) Schellenberg, Theodore R. The finding aid programme in the National Archives, U. S. A. Indian archives, 8: 1-7 (Jan.-June, 1954). Discusses goals and accomplishments in the systematic program of records description.
The finding aid programme in the National Archives, U. S. A.
, Indian archives
, vol. 8
(pg. 1
) Society of American Archivists. Reports for the year 1953-1954. American archivist, 18: 46-52 (Jan., 1955).
U. S. Congress. House. A bill to amend the Federal Records Act of 1950 to improve the microfilming services available to Federal agencies. [Washington, 1955] 3 p. (84-1, H. R. 5821).
U. S. Congress. House. Joint resolution to provide for the acceptance and maintenance of Presidential libraries, and for other purposes. [Washington, 1955] 7 p. (84-1, H. J. Res. 330). Amends the Federal Records Acts of 1950 by authorizing the Administrator of General Services to accept for deposit the papers and other historical materials of any President of the United States, to accept gifts of land or buildings for Presidential archival depositories, and to enter into other agreements to use land or buildings for such depositories without transfer of title to the United States. H. J. Res. 331 and 332 and S. J. Res. 81 are to the same effect. Approved as Pub. Law 373, 84th Cong.
U. S. Congress. House. Appropriations Committee. Independent offices appropriations for 1956. Hearings … 84-2. Pt. 2. Washington, 1955. p. 799-1,706. Hearings on the National Archives and Records Service appear on p. 927-941.
U. S. Congress. House. Foreign Affairs Committee. The Pan American Institute of Geography and History; report. [Washington, 1954] 11 p. (83-2, H. Rept. 2524). A favorable report on a resolution (H. J. Res. 565) authorizing continued United States membership in the Pan American Institute of Geography and History and increasing the annual appropriation. The resolution was approved as Pub. law 736, 83rd Cong.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee. Creation and management of United States Government records; report of the Investigations Division of Senate Appropriations Committee, July 1954. Washington, 1954. 31 p. (83-2, S. Com. print).
U. S. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee. Independent offices appropriations, 1956. Hearings … 84-1. Washington, 1955. 571 p. Hearings on the National Archives and Records Service appear on p. 148-158, including report on records and paperwork management surveys performed under contract.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee. Legislative-judiciary appropriations, 1955. Hearings … 83-2. Washington, 1954. 147 p. Discussion of the motion-picture collection of the Library of Congress appears on p. 40-46, and a compilation of Congressional enactments relating to the use of the Library of Congress, 1802-1952, appears on p. 99-127.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Appropriations Committee. The supplemental appropriation bill, 1955. Hearings … 83-2. Washington, 1954. 1,366 p. Hearings on H. R. 9936. Testimony relating to the "creation and management of records" appears on p. 928-945. The Senate report was favorable (83-2, S. Rept. 2034) and the bill was approved as Pub. law 663, 83rd Cong.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Government Operations Committee. Amending the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, and for other purposes; report. [Washington, 1955] 3 p. (84-1, S. Rept. 272). A favorable report on a bill (S. 1007) that would establish the General Services Administration as a central statutory depository for agreements or compacts between the several States. The legislation is permissive and not mandatory.
U. S. Congress. Senate. Rules and Administration Committee. Nomination of Lawrence Quincy Mumford to be Librarian of Congress. Hearing … 83-2. Washington, 1954. 147 p. The appendix, p. 29-147, consists of background material prepared for use by the Committee, including statistical and other data on the history and present status of the Library's operations.
U. S. General Services Administration. Business Service Center, Region 9. Ready with an answer: GSA Records Management Service. [San Francisco, 1955] 16 p. (Information bulletin, Mar. 11, 1955). Information, in question-and-answer form, on the work of the GSA's Records Management Service.
U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Annual report on the National Archives and Records Service, from the annual report of the Administrator of General Services for the year ending June 30, 1954. Washington, 1955. 29 p. See also 20, 67-68, 71-82, 230, 232, 252-253, 255, 258, 366, 374, 378-380, 387, 389, 419, 421-422. B. State and Local
Beekman, Fenwick. The founding and future of the Society. New-York Historical Society, Quarterly, 34: 97-106 (Jan., 1955). An address delivered at the Society's sesquicentennial meeting, November 19, 1954.
The founding and future of the Society. New-York Historical Society
, Quarterly
, vol. 34
(pg. 97
) California. Legislature. Senate. An act to repeal Articles 4 and 6 of Chapter 3, Part 2, Division 3, Title 2 of the Governmental Code, and to add a new Article 6 to said chapter, relating to the State Archives and State Record Depository. [n. p., n. d.] 4 p. (S. Bill 437). Would abolish the State Archives and the State Record Depository and establish in lieu thereof a division of the Office of the Secretary of State to be known as the State Archives.
Colorado. State Historical Society. State Archives and Public Records Division. Eleventh annual report for the calendar year 1954. Denver, 1954. 17 p.
Corey, Albert B. Rescue of fugitive New York State records. Manuscripts, 7: 183 (Spring, 1955). Relates to the partial recovery from a paper mill in Quebec of certain New York State records inadvertently removed with records authorized for disposal.
Rescue of fugitive New York State records
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
pg. 183
Crittenden, Christopher. The North Carolina Record Center. American archivist, 18: 53-57 (Jan., 1955). A paper read at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists at Williamsburg, Virginia, September 14, 1954.
The North Carolina Record Center
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 53
) Crittenden, Christopher. Preserving New England history; a report on certain archives and historical agencies and their programs, December 1954. [n. p., n. d.] 17 1. Report on a visit to Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.
Delaware. Public Archives Commission. Report for the year July 1, 1952, to June 30, 1953. Dover, 1953. 56 p.
Doane, G. H. Lyman Draper, founder of a great library. Wisconsin magazine of history, 37: 207-209, 244-246 (Summer, 1954).
Lyman Draper, founder of a great library
, Wisconsin magazine of history
, vol. 37
(pg. 207
) Fowlkes, John G. The educators' debt to Lyman Copeland Draper. Wisconsin magazine of history, 38: 29-30, 52-54 (Autumn, 1954). An address delivered by Dean Fowlkes at the Wisconsin State Historical Society's Founders' Day luncheon in January 1954.
The educators' debt to Lyman Copeland Draper
, Wisconsin magazine of history
, vol. 38
(pg. 29
) Kansas. Legislature. Senate. An Act creating the Eisenhower Presidential Library Commission, prescribing the powers, duties, authority, and jurisdiction of said commission, and making appropriations. [Topeka, 1955]. 3 p. (S. Bill 300).
Kansas. State Historical Society. Secretary's report, year ending October 19, 1954. Kansas historical quarterly, 21: 288-301 (Winter, 1954). The reports on the Archives Division, the Manuscript Division, and the Microfilm Division appear on p. 292-296.
Lord, Clifford. What are we doing? Utah historical quarterly, 23: 65-73 (Jan., 1955). Describes program of Wisconsin State Historical Society.
What are we doing?
, Utah historical quarterly
, vol. 23
(pg. 65
) McNeil, Donald R. Collecting Wisconsin's medical history. Bulletin of the history of medicine, 28: 333-340 (July-Aug., 1954). Describes the cooperative project undertaken by the State Historical Society of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Medical Society, known as the Medical Records Project.
Collecting Wisconsin's medical history
, Bulletin of the history of medicine
, vol. 28
(pg. 333
) Martin, Thomas P. A manuscripts collecting venture in the Middle West: Indiana, 1950-1953. American archivist, 17: 305-312 (Oct., 1954). Business records collection at the University of Indiana.
A manuscripts collecting venture in the Middle West: Indiana, 1950-1953
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 305
) Maryland. Hall of Records. Nineteenth annual report of the Archivist, July 1, 1953, through June 30, 1954. [n. p., n. d.]. 62 p.
Mississippi. Archives and History Department. Biennial report, July 1, 1951-June 30, 1953. Jackson, Miss., 1953. 30 p.
North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History. Twenty-fifth biennial report, 1952-1954. Raleigh, 1954. 76 p.
Norton, Margaret. Native archivist of Gold Coast, Africa. Illinois libraries, 37: 55 (Mar., 1955). A note on the visit of Jeremias Mama Akita, Archivist of the Gold Coast, to the Illinois State Library, in the course of his study of American archival practices.
Native archivist of Gold Coast, Africa
, Illinois libraries
, vol. 37
pg. 55
Olson, James C. The Nebraska State Historical Society in 1954. Nebraska history, 35: [305]-321 (Dec., 1954). The work of the Manuscript Division is reported on p. 313-314.
The Nebraska State Historical Society in 1954
, Nebraska history
, vol. 35
(pg. [305]
) Oregon. Legislative Assembly. Interim Committee on Historical Institutions. Report authorized by H. J. Res. 26, Oregon laws, 1953. [Salem] Jan. 1955. 21 p. Appointed to consider providing a single building for the four State-aided organizations preserving materials relating to the history of Oregon, the Committee recommends establishment of a State Historical Commission to coordinate historical services. Includes a "Report on the loss of manuscript material" by Martin Schmitt, p. 17-19, concerning historical documents lost to the State by lack of funds for purchase.
Radoff, Morris L. Reports of State archivists. American archivist, 17: 331-339 (Oct., 1954).
Reports of State archivists
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 331
) Santen, Vernon B. Managing New York State's records. Public administration review, 15: 21-25 (Winter, 1955). The author is associate budget examiner (management), New York State Division of the Budget.
Managing New York State's records
, Public administration review
, vol. 15
(pg. 21
) Sellers, Charles C. Manuscripts at Dickinson College. Manuscripts, 6: 202-204 (Summer, 1954).
Manuscripts at Dickinson College
, Manuscripts
, vol. 6
(pg. 202
) Shearer, James. Bay City and the Clements Library. Michigan history, 38: 253-264 (Sept., 1954). Consists of biographical notes on three men whose names are associated with the Clements Library and its origins—James Shearer, Aaron J. Cooke, and William L. Clements.
Bay City and the Clements Library
, Michigan history
, vol. 38
(pg. 253
) Society of American Archivists. Directory of State and Territorial archival agencies. American archivist, 17: 209-219 (July, 1954).
Special Libraries Association. Georgia Chapter. [Abstracts of papers read in panel discussion on "The management of archives in special libraries" at the Southeastern Library Association conference] Georgia Chapter, Bulletin, Nov., 1954, p. 4-7. Contents. — Official archives from the State archivist point of view, by Mrs. Mary G. Bryan; Institutional archives, by Elizabeth Royer; Business archives, by Mrs. Carolyn J. Jones; and the Archives patron, by Dr. John H. Goff.
Special Libraries Association. Insurance Division. Symposium: handling company archives [and company historical materials]. Special libraries, 46: 7-17 (Jan., 1955). Contents. — Metropolitan Life Insurance Archives, by Nancy M. Akers; The National Safety Council Archives, by Ruth Parks; Building company archives, by Vernie H. Wolfsberg [St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, St. Paul, Minn.]; Notes on handling and preserving company historical materials, by Emma T. McCall [Insurance Company of North America, Philadelphia, Pa.].
Texas. Historical Survey Committee. Report to the Governor and the fifty-fourth legislature (As required by Senate concurrent resolution no. 44 of the fifty-third legislature). Austin, [1955]. 51 p. Preliminary and supplemental reports of the Subcommittee on Archives, Papers, and Documents, p. 21-28, including list of depositories of archival and manuscript materials and recommendations for a survey of materials in the National Archives relating to Texas and for a Texas Archives and Records Building. The Survey Committee also organized the Texas Historical Foundation, a private, nonprofit foundation chartered by the State.
Texas Historical Foundation. Texas looks to its heritage, [n. p., 1954?] Folder. Describes the organization and purposes of the Foundation, established with the encouragement and counsel of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The Foundation's fields of interest will include archives and manuscripts.
Vail, R. W. G. Knickerbocker birthday; a sesqui-centennial history of the New-York Historical Society, 1804-1954. New York, the Society, 1954. 547 p. Also published serially in the Society's Quarterly.
Knickerbocker birthday; a sesqui-centennial history of the New-York Historical Society, 1804-1954
pg. 547
Vermont. Public Records Commission. Biennial report, 1953-1954. [n. p., n. d.] 32 p.
Virginia. State Library. Report for the year ending June 30, 1954. Richmond, 1954. 15 p. The report of the Archives Division appears on p. 8-10. See also 45, 53, 251, 291, 351, 368. C. Foreign Countries
Aarhus, Denmark. Erhvervsarkivet. Erhvervshistorisk årbog, 1954. VI. [Aarhus] Rosenkilde og Bagger, 1954. 153 p. Beretning om virksomheden, 1. april 1953-31. marts 1954. p. 149-153.
Andersson, Ingvar. Archives in Sweden. Stockholm, the Swedish Institute [1954] p. 169-206. Reprinted from Libraries and Archives in Sweden. Includes chapters on national and regional archives, archives of the army and navy, archives of central administrative boards, and private archives.
Archives in Sweden
(pg. 169
) Das Archiv des ITS (International Tracing Service). Der Archivar, 8: cols. 3-10 (1955).
Australia. Commonwealth Archives Committee. Second annual report, July 1st, 1952, to June 30th, 1953. [Canberra, 1953] [9] p.
Basel-Stadt (Canton) Staatsarchiv. Jahresbericht, 1954. [n. p., n. d.] 12 p.
Bombay (Presidency) Record Office. Annual report of the Secretariat Record Office for the year 1953-54. Bombay, 1954. 66 p.
Brańska, E. Sprawozdanie z dzialalności państwowej sluzby archiwalnej w r. 1953, by E. Brańska i W. Lipińska. Archeion, 23: 169-182 (1954). Report on activities of the State Archival Service for 1953.
Sprawozdanie z dzialalności państwowej sluzby archiwalnej w r. 1953, by E. Brańska i W. Lipińska
, Archeion
, vol. 23
(pg. 169
) British Records Association. The annual conference. Archives, 2, no. 11: 140154 (Lady Day, 1954). Contents. — Publications Meeting, Illustrations in record publications, p. 140-142; Records Preservation Section, [Fragmentation of archives, Stamp collecting, and Documents in houses taken over by the National Trust], p. 142-145; Exhibition of Document Repairs [including lamination by W. J. Barrow] p. 145-150; Discussion Meeting, The British Records Association: the first 21 years and the future [noting as its principal achievement the growth of the "new profession of Archivist," and of the University courses for his (or her) training] p. 151-153; Annual General Meeting, p. 153-154.
British Records Association. Twenty-second report of Council, accounts, and list of members for the year ending 31 August 1954. [n. p.] 1954. 29 p.
British Records Association. Records' Preservation Section. Report for the year 1953-54. [n. p., n. d.] 6 p.
Carias, Fernando G. Consideraciones sobre el estado actual de la Biblioteca y Archivos Nacionales. Revista del Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales, 33: 88-94 (1954). Brief history and description of the National Archives of Honduras.
Consideraciones sobre el estado actual de la Biblioteca y Archivos Nacionales
, Revista del Archivo y Biblioteca Nacionales
, vol. 33
(pg. 88
) Coates, W. D. Private archives in England: the work of the National Register. Indian archives, 8: 56-58 (Jan.-June, 1954).
Private archives in England: the work of the National Register
, Indian archives
, vol. 8
(pg. 56
) Cohen, Eldon S. French archives in Indochina. American archivist, 17: 313-316 (Oct., 1954).
French archives in Indochina
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 313
) Cousland, Kenneth H. George Alfred Boyle. United Church of Canada, Committee on Archives, Bulletin, no. 7: 4-5 (1954). A note on the newly appointed Archivist-Historian (now a permanent office).
George Alfred Boyle
(pg. 4
) Cuba. Archivo Nacional. Biografia del Archivo Nacional de Cuba. La Habana, 1954. 59 p.
Demeter, Karl. Das Bundesarchiv Abteilung Frankfurt a. M.; Entstehung, Aufgabe, Tätigkeit. Archivalische Zeitschrift, 49: 111-125 (1954).
Gabaldón Márquez, Joaquín. Misones venezolanas en los archivos europeos [por] Joaquín Gabaldón Márquez con la colaboraeión de Carlos Urdaneta Carrillo [et al.] Mexico, 1954. 230 p. (Pan American Institute of Geography and History, Commission on History, Misiones americanas en los archivos europeos, 8).
Goldinger, Walter. Die Österreichischen Archive und die Geschichtswissenschaft. Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs, 7: 165-189 (1954). Surveys developments in use of archives in Austria and the effects of preparation of inventories in facilitating and promoting research.
Die Österreichischen Archive und die Geschichtswissenschaft
, Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs
, vol. 7
(pg. 165
) Great Britain. Departmental Records Committee. Report. London, H. M. Stationery Office, 1954. 88 p. (Command paper 9163). A report with recommendations on records management problems in the British Government, with emphasis on appraisal and disposal.
Great Britain. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Bulletin of the National Register of Archives. No. 5. [London] H. M. Stationery Office, 1954. 37 p.
Great Britain. Public Record Office. 115th report of the Deputy Keeper of the Records, 1953. London, 1954. 36 p. Sir Hilary Jenkinson's final report as Deputy Keeper.
The Grigg report. Society of Archivists, Journal, 1: 7-13 (Apr., 1955). Contents. — I. Departmental records, by P. E. Jones; II. The Public Record Office, by Rupert C. Jarvis. Comment on the report described in item 174, above, with reference to its recommendations regarding the Departmental Record Officer and the extension of meaning of the term "public records"
Hague. Archief der Gemeente. Verslag over het jaar 1954. 's-Gravenhage [n. d.] 7 p.
Harvey, John H. Architectural archives. Archives, 2, no. 11: 117-122 (Lady Day, 1954). Relates chiefly to "architectural archives proper: those records produced by architects."
Architectural archives
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 117
) Hummel, Arthur W. Ancient archival depository in Peking. American archivist, 17: 317-318 (Oct., 1954). A translation, with minor omissions, of an article by T. L. Yuan in T'u-shu-kuan hsüeh chi-k'an, 2, no. 3 (Sept., 1928).
Ancient archival depository in Peking
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 317
) India. Historical Records Commission. Proceedings of the twenty-ninth session, Bhopal, February 1953. Vol. 29, pt. 1-2. Delhi, 1953. 2 vols.
India. National Archives. Annual report for the year 1953. Delhi [n. d.] 26 p.
Italy. Ufficio Centrale Degli Archivi di Stato. Gli Archivi di Stato al 1952. 2d ed. Roma, 1954. 750 p. Descriptive and statistical guide to the organization, content, and administration of the national and provincial archival establishments, with related laws.
Jørgensen, Harald. Rigsarkivets tjenestemaend, 1889-1953. København, I Kommission hos Ejnar Munksgaards Forlag, 1954. 49 p. Biographical directory of archival officials and employees in the national and provincial archives of Denmark between 1889 and 1953.
Rigsarkivets tjenestemaend, 1889-1953
pg. 49
Jones, Philip E. The records of the City of London. Archives, 2, no. 11: 123-131 (Lady Day, 1954).
The records of the City of London
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 123
) Kolankowski, Zygmunt. Organizacja i praca archivów NRD w świetle Kongresu Archiwistów w Weimarze w Maju 1952 R. Archeion, 23: 5-27 (1954). Discusses the organization and work of the archives of the German Democratic Republic.
Organizacja i praca archivów NRD w świetle Kongresu Archiwistów w Weimarze w Maju 1952 R
, Archeion
, vol. 23
(pg. 5
) Kromnow, Åke. Svenska arkivsamfundet. Tidskrift för dokumentatie, 8: 46-47 (1952).
Svenska arkivsamfundet
, Tidskrift för dokumentatie
, vol. 8
(pg. 46
) Lechner, Karl. Adalbert Meinhard Böhm — ein vergessener "Landesarchivar," ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des österreichischen Archivwesens in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs, 7: 222-255 (1954). A review of Böhm's work as a provincial archivist (1847-55).
Adalbert Meinhard Böhm — ein vergessener "Landesarchivar," ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des österreichischen Archivwesens in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts
, Mitteilungen des Österreichischen Staatsarchivs
, vol. 7
(pg. 222
) La Legge-Delega e gli Archivi di Stato. Archivi, 2d ser., 21: 426-429 (1954).
Le Hardy, William. Local record offices in England. Indian archives, 7: 146-150 (July-Dec., 1953).
Local record offices in England
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 146
) Lodolini, Elio. Archivi e pubblicazioni archivistiche dell'America Latina. Archivi, 2d ser., 21: 131-149, 361-375 (1954).
Archivi e pubblicazioni archivistiche dell'America Latina
, Archivi
, vol. 21
(pg. 131
) Madras (Presidency) Record Office. Administration report for 1953-54. Madras, Superintendent, Government Press, 1954. 13 p.
Mauritius. Archives. Annual report for the year 1953. Port Louis, Mauritius, 1954. 27 p.
Meinert, Hermann. Albert Brackmann und das deutsche Archivwesen. Archivalische Zeitschrift, 49: 127-138 (1954).
Albert Brackmann und das deutsche Archivwesen
, Archivalische Zeitschrift
, vol. 49
(pg. 127
) Netherlands (Kingdom, 1815-) Rijksarchief. Verslagen omtrent 's rijks oude archieven, 1953. 's-Gravenhage, 1954. 134 p. (2d ser., vol. 26).
Nissen, Walter. Das Schicksal der ausgelagerten Bestände des Preussischen Geheimen Staatsarchivs und des Brandenburg-Preussischen Hausarchivs und ihr heutiger Zustand. Archivalische Zeitschrift, 49: 139-150 (1954).
Das Schicksal der ausgelagerten Bestände des Preussischen Geheimen Staatsarchivs und des Brandenburg-Preussischen Hausarchivs und ihr heutiger Zustand
, Archivalische Zeitschrift
, vol. 49
(pg. 139
) Nova Scotia. Public Archives. Report of the Board of Trustees for the year 1953. Halifax, 1954. 31 p.
Outrey, Amédée. Sur la notion d'archives en France à la fin du XVIIIe siècle. Revue historique de droit français et étranger, 4th ser., 31, no. 2: 277-286 (1953).
Sur la notion d'archives en France à la fin du XVIIIe siècle
, Revue historique de droit français et étranger
, vol. 31
(pg. 277
) Pérotin, Yves. The archives of Réunion: a workshop opened for historical research. Translated from the French by Albert Dannenhirsch. American archivist, 17:257-261 (July, 1954).
The archives of Réunion: a workshop opened for historical research. Translated from the French by Albert Dannenhirsch
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 257
) Poliakov, L. Le centre de documentation juive contemporaine. Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale, 4: 137-139 (1954). Describes the origin and resources of the Contemporary Jewish Document Center at Grenoble.
Le centre de documentation juive contemporaine
, Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale
, vol. 4
(pg. 137
) Le Problème de la conservation des archives privées. By A. S. et M.-R. D.-T. Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique, 25: 291-293 (1954).
Roden, Günter Von. Archivverordnungen und -richtlinien im Gebiet der Deutschen Bundesrepublik. Der Archivar, 7: cols. 29-50, 87-102 (1954).
Archivverordnungen und -richtlinien im Gebiet der Deutschen Bundesrepublik
, Der Archivar
, vol. 7
(pg. 87
) Roy, P. G. A landmark in Indian archive-keeping. Indian archives, 8: 8-13 (Jan.-June, 1954). The refusal in 1807 by the Court of Directors to permit official papers to go to England with the retiring Governor-General of India, Lord Wellesley.
A landmark in Indian archive-keeping
, Indian archives
, vol. 8
(pg. 8
) Sabbe, Étienne. The safekeeping of business records in Europe. American archivist, 18: 31-45 (Jan., 1955). The text, annotated, of a paper read at the annual meeting of the Society of American Archivists, at Detroit, Michigan, September 13, 1953. Besides giving a summary of the survey of economic archives published by the author in 1934, it contains a supplement concerning the period 1935-50. The original survey, entitled "Les archives économiques," was published in Archives, bibliothèques, et musees de Belgique, 1934, p. 7-33; Revue d'économie politique (Paris), 1935, p. 1567-1568; and the article "Wirt-schaftarchive," in Archivalische Zeitschrift, 44: 113-130 (1936).
The safekeeping of business records in Europe
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 31
) Saletore, G. N. The Mughal archives. Indian archives, 8: 43-55 (Jan.-June, 1954). Study of record-keeping practices for the Imperial Mughals.
The Mughal archives
, Indian archives
, vol. 8
(pg. 43
) Schmidt, H. Th. Rückführung Berliner Archivgutes nach dem Kriege. Der Archivar, 8: cols. 87-90 (1955).
Rückführung Berliner Archivgutes nach dem Kriege
, Der Archivar
, vol. 8
Scotland. General Register House. Annual report of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland for the calendar year 1954. [Edinburgh] 1955. 13 p.
Society of Archivists. Constitution. [n. p., 1955?] Folder. The constitution of the Society of Archivists (formerly Society of Local Archivists), Great Britain and the Commonwealth.
Somerville, Robert. Diocesan record offices. Archives, 2, no. 11: 138-139 (Lady Day, 1954). Lists 16 diocesan record offices in England.
Diocesan record offices
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 138
) South Australia. Libraries Board. Annual report, 1st July, 1952 to 30th June, 1953. Adelaide, Government Printer, 1954. 11 p. The report of the Archives Department appears on p. 8.
Stephens, Geoffrey B. Archives and libraries. Library Association. Proceedings, papers, and summaries of discussions at the Llandudno conference, 28 April to 1st May 1953. London, Library Association, 1953. p. 50-54.
Archives and libraries. Library Association
(pg. 50
) Tihon, C. Échange d'archives entre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas. Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique, 25: 131-138 (1954).
Échange d'archives entre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas
, Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique
, vol. 25
(pg. 131
) Tihon, C. Première Conférence internationale de la "Table ronde des Archives," Paris, mars-avril 1954. Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique, 25: 147-151 (1954).
Première Conférence internationale de la "Table ronde des Archives," Paris, mars-avril 1954
, Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique
, vol. 25
(pg. 147
) United Church of Canada. Archivist-Historian. Report of the Archivist-Historian. United Church of Canada, Committee on Archives, Bulletin, no. 7: 6-9 (1954). Includes mention of significant accessions.
United Church of Canada. Committee on Archives. Conference reports. Bulletin, no. 7: 45-52 (1954). Comprises the reports of the archivists of the several conferences of the Church.
Van Meerbeeck, Lucienne. L'inauguration solennelle des Archives restaurées de l'État à Mons. Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique, 25: 139-147 (1954).
L'inauguration solennelle des Archives restaurées de l'État à Mons
, Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Belgique
, vol. 25
(pg. 139
) Wood, Anthony C. Local archives of Great Britain: X. The Warwick County Record Office and the preservation of records in Warwickshire. Archives, 2, no. 12: 192-204 (Michaelmas, 1954).
Local archives of Great Britain: X. The Warwick County Record Office and the preservation of records in Warwickshire
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 192
) Zhitomirskaia, S. V., I. M. Kudriavtsev and B. A. Shlikhter. O pravil'nom ispol'zovanii materialov sovetskikh arkhivov. Voprosy istorii, 1954 (9) : 120-121. Discusses inconveniences to searchers wishing to use Soviet archival materials.
O pravil'nom ispol'zovanii materialov sovetskikh arkhivov
, Voprosy istorii
(pg. 120
) Zurich (Canton) Staatsarchiv. Jahresbericht, 1954. [Zurich, n. d.] 4 p. See also 16, 54-55, 103, 105, 224, 308, 312, 322, 324, 328, 417, 419-424, 426, 428. D. International Organizations
Charlick, Carl. Fine arts of foreign policy. Foreign service journal, 31, no. 12: 22-25, 54-57 (Dec., 1954). Relates to the history of the protection of cultural property of all kinds, but chiefly to the fine arts. Comes down to Hague draft of 1954.
Fine arts of foreign policy
, Foreign service journal
, vol. 31
(pg. 22
) Intergovernmental Conference on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, The Hague, 1954. Final act. [Paris] Unesco [1954] 83 p. Text in English, Spanish, French, and Russian.
International Congress on Archives, 2d, The Hague, 1953. Proceedings. Archivum, 3: 5-37 (1953). Proceedings of the Congress, including minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and of the Constituent Assembly, addresses made at the general sessions, and abstracts of and discussion on the reports (itemized in the "Annual writings" for 1953/54) read at the working sessions. See also 115, 172. IV. Buildings and Equipment for Archival and Manuscript Depositories
Gondos, Victor. A note on record containers. American archivist, 17: 237-242 (July, 1954).
A note on record containers
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 237
) Petit, R. Les nouveaux bâtiments d'archives dans le Midi de la France. Archives, bibliothèques, et musées de Belgique, 25: 230-235 (1954). See also 31. V. Appraisal, Accessioning, and Disposal of Records and Historical Manuscripts
Les nouveaux bâtiments d'archives dans le Midi de la France
, Archives, bibliothèques, et musées de Belgique
, vol. 25
(pg. 230
) Bahmer, Robert H. Preserving business records for management and historians. Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 44-52. Discusses value of business records as corporate asset and as source for historian.
Preserving business records for management and historians
(pg. 44
) Brooks, Philip C. Records selection — a cooperative task. Indian archives, 7: 79-86 (July-Dec., 1953).
Records selection — a cooperative task
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 79
) Campbell, Edward G. Records disposal in the United States. Der Archivar, 8: cols. 107-112 (1955).
Records disposal in the United States
, Der Archivar
, vol. 8
Interagency Records Administration Conference, Washington, D. C. Federal requirements for the retention of non-Federal records. [Washington, 1954] 17 p. Meeting of October 15, 1954. Speakers: Edward G. Campbell of the National Archives and Records Service and Edward T. Crowder of the Budget Bureau.
Overton, Richard C. Remarks in response to Dr. Bahmer's paper: "Preserving business records for management and historians." Proceedings of the first annual Conference on Records Management, September 20-21, 1954. New York, New York University, Graduate School of Business Administration [1955]. p. 53-54.
Remarks in response to Dr. Bahmer's paper: Preserving business records for management and historians
(pg. 53
) National Records Management Council. Index to Federal record keeping requirements. New York, 1955. 32 p.
Scriven, Margaret. "They'd none of 'em be miss'd." Manuscripts, 7: 114-116 (Winter, 1955). Recommends the weeding of material in manuscript collections.
They'd none of 'em be miss'd
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 114
) U. S. National Archives and Records Service. Federal Register Division. Guide to record retention requirements. Federal register, 20: 2217-2273 (Apr. 8, 1955). Published as Appendix A to Title 1 of the Code of Federal Regulations. An indexed guide to generally applicable provisions of Federal laws and regulations relating to the retention of records by the public. See also 44, 174, 177. VI. Physical Preservation and Rehabilitation of Records and Historical Manuscripts
Barrow, William J. Migration of impurities in paper. Archivum, 3: 105-108 (1953). Abstracts in Spanish and French.
Migration of impurities in paper
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 105
) Borkenhagen, Erich. Zur restaurierung von Pergamenturkunden. Archivalische Zeitschrift, 49: 169-171 (1954).
Zur restaurierung von Pergamenturkunden
, Archivalische Zeitschrift
, vol. 49
(pg. 169
) Donnelley (R. R.) and Sons Company. All the king's horses [and all the king's men couldn't put Humpty-Dumpty together again. Drawings by Joseph Low. Chicago, 1954?] 41 p. A nontechnical manual on the restoration and preservation of books and documents.
Goel, O. P. Repair of documents with cellulose acetate foils on small scale. Indian archives, 7: 162-165 (July-Dec., 1953).
Repair of documents with cellulose acetate foils on small scale
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 162
) Great Britain. Public Record Office. Domesday re-bound. London, 1954. 55 p. An account of the recently executed rebinding of the Domesday Book, with detailed analysis of the history, the physical characteristics, and earlier bindings of the manuscripts.
Langwell, W. H. The preservation of paper records. Archives, 2, no. 11: 136-137 (Lady Day, 1954). See also 163, 301, 393. VII. Arrangement and Description of Records and Historical Manuscripts, Including Published Finding Aids A. General Discussion
The preservation of paper records
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 136
) Brand, Katharine E. The place of the register in the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress. American archivist, 18: 59-67 (Jan., 1955).
The place of the register in the Manuscripts Division of the Library of Congress
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 59
) Randall, G. E. Practicality of coordinate indexing. College and research libraries, 15:417-419 (Oct., 1954).
Practicality of coordinate indexing
, College and research libraries
, vol. 15
(pg. 417
) Taube, Mortimer. Comments on "Practicality of coordinate indexing." College and research libraries, 15: 419-420 (Oct., 1954).
Comments on Practicality of coordinate indexing
, College and research libraries
, vol. 15
(pg. 419
) Taube, Mortimer. Studies in coordinate indexing, by Mortimer Taube and associates. Vol. 2. [Washington, D. C.] Documentation, Inc., 1954. 111 p.
Studies in coordinate indexing, by Mortimer Taube and associates
, vol. 2
pg. 111
U. S. Library of Congress. Descriptive Cataloging Division. Rules for descriptive cataloging in the Library of Congress: manuscripts. Prelim. ed. Preprint of the rules for collections of manuscripts. [Washington] 1954. 10 p. See also 17, 89, 96, 110, 403, 409, 410. B. United States in General and Federal Government
Calkin, Homer L. The United States Government and the Irish: a bibliographical study of research materials in the U. S. National Archives. Irish historical studies, 9: 28-52 (Mar., 1954).
The United States Government and the Irish: a bibliographical study of research materials in the U. S. National Archives
, Irish historical studies
, vol. 9
(pg. 28
) Ellis, Mary B. The Hale Family Papers. Library of Congress, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions, 12: 106-111 (May, 1955). Describes the papers of Nathan Hale (1784-1863), of Alexander Hill Everett (1790-1847), and of Edward Everett (1794-1865), recently presented to the Library of Congress.
The Hale Family Papers. Library of Congress
, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions
, vol. 12
(pg. 106
) Epstein, Fritz T. Washington research opportunities in the period of World War II. American archivist, 17: 225-236 (July, 1954). A paper read at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Chicago, December 29, 1953. Describes materials in The Adjutant General's Office, the National Archives, and the Library of Congress.
Washington research opportunities in the period of World War II
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 225
) Epstein, Fritz T. Zur Quellenkunde der neuesten Geschichte. Stuttgart, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt [1954] p. 513-525. (Sonderdruck aus dem Juli-Heft 1954, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte). A German version of an article published in the American archivist, July, 1954, including annotations and notes not in the English version.
Zur Quellenkunde der neuesten Geschichte
(pg. 513
) Freidel, Frank. Are there too many New Deal diaries? American heritage, 6, no. 3: 109-112 (Apr., 1955). A paper, slightly abridged, delivered at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in New York City, December 29, 1954, under the title "Memoirs and diaries of the New Deal Era."
Are there too many New Deal diaries?
, American heritage
, vol. 6
(pg. 109
) Goff, Frederick R. The Hersholt gift of works of Hugh Walpole and Sinclair Lewis. Library of Congress, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions, 11: 195-198 (Aug., 1954). Highlights of two collections containing virtually complete representations of all the authors' published writings, as well as considerable unpublished correspondence.
The Hersholt gift of works of Hugh Walpole and Sinclair Lewis. Library of Congress
, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions
, vol. 11
(pg. 195
) Harrison, Robert W. Public land records of the Federal Government. Mississippi Valley historical review, 41: 277-288 (Sept., 1954). The author is an agricultural economist in the Bureau of Land Management.
Public land records of the Federal Government
, Mississippi Valley historical review
, vol. 41
(pg. 277
) Horn, Jason. Seventh Day Adventist archives. American archivist, 17: 221-224 (July, 1954).
Seventh Day Adventist archives
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 221
) Land, Robert H. The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections. American archivist, 17: 195-207 (July, 1954).
The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 195
) Lokke, Carl L. The Continental Congress Papers: their history, 1789-1952. National archives accessions, no. 51: 1-19 (June, 1954).
The Continental Congress Papers: their history, 1789-1952
, National archives accessions
(pg. 1
) Marchman, Watt P. Acquisitions, gifts, and collections. Manuscripts, 7: 53-57 (Fall, 1954). Describes manuscript additions to institutional collections.
Acquisitions, gifts, and collections
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 53
) Peckham, Howard H. Manuscript repositories and the national register. American archivist, 17: 319-324 (Oct., 1954). A paper read at a joint meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association and the Society of American Archivists at Madison, Wisconsin, April 24, 1954. Relates to the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections in the Library of Congress.
Manuscript repositories and the national register
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 319
) Pinkett, Harold T. Records of the first century of interest of the United States Government in plant industries. Agricultural history, 29: 38-45 (Jan., 1955). A description of records in the National Archives.
Records of the first century of interest of the United States Government in plant industries
, Agricultural history
, vol. 29
(pg. 38
) Reingold, Nathan. The National Archives and the history of science in America. Isis, 46: 22-28 (Mar., 1955). A description of records in the National Archives.
The National Archives and the history of science in America
, Isis
, vol. 46
(pg. 22
) Rothwell, C. Easton. Resources and research in the Hoover Institute and Library. American archivist, 18: 141-150 (Apr., 1955). A paper read at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Chicago, December 29, 1953.
Resources and research in the Hoover Institute and Library
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 141
) U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Guide for servicing inquiries relating to annual and sick leave records. Prepared by Research and Coordination Section. St. Louis, Mo., 1953. 71 1. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 4.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the Department of Agriculture. St. Louis, Mo., 1955. 148, [14] 1. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 9.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the Department of Labor. Prepared by Research and Coordination Section. St. Louis, Mo., 1953. 63 I. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 3.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the Department of the Army — Department of the Air Force — Office Secretary of Defense. St. Louis, Mo., 1954. var. pag. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 8.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the Department of the Navy. Prepared by Research and Coordination Section. St. Louis, Mo., 1953. var. pag. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 2.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the General Services Administration. St. Louis, Mo., 1953. 38 1. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 5.)
U. S. Federal Records Center, St. Louis, Mo. Personnel records of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. St. Louis, Mo., 1955. 56 1. (Reference Service Branch, Monograph no. 10.)
U. S. Library of Congress. Annual reports on acquisitions: manuscripts. Quarterly journal of current acquisitions, 12: 113-143 (May, 1955). Describes personal papers, presidential papers, private archives, journals and diaries, miscellaneous manuscripts, literary manuscripts, and reproductions added to the holdings of the Manuscripts Division. Manuscripts in the fields of law, music, maps, and Orientalia, Renaissance books and codices in manuscript, and reproductions of manuscripts not of specific interest for United States history are described elsewhere in the Journal.
U. S. Library of Congress. Processing Department. The card catalogs of the Library of Congress; a brief description. Washington, 1955. 30 p. Manuscripts Division catalogs are described on p. 10-11.
U. S. National Archives. Federal population censuses, 1840-80; a price list of microfilm copies of the original schedules. Washington, 1955. 73 p.
U. S. National Archives. Materials in the National Archives relating to the Middle East. [Washington, 1955] 96 p. (Reference information paper no. 44.)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Bureau of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, 1814-1946 (Record Group 28). Comp. by Arthur Hecht. Washington, 1955. 40 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 82)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Commission of Fine Arts (Record Group 66). Comp. by Richard S. Maxwell. Washington, 1955. 38 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 79)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the House Committee on the Civil Service pertaining to the investigation of civilian employment in the Federal Government, 1942-46 (Record Group 233). Comp. by George P. Perros. Washington, 1954. 12 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 69)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Joint Congressional Aviation Policy Board, 1947-48 (Record Group 128). Comp. by Watson G. Caudill and George P. Perros. Washington, 1954. 26 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 74)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Military Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives relating to an investigation of the War Department, 1934-36 (Record Group 233). Comp. by George P. Perros. Washington, 1955. 21 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 80)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the National War Labor Board (World War II) (Record Group 202). Comp. by Estelle Rebec. Washington, 1955. 188 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 78)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives Investigating National Defense Migration, 1940-43 (Record Group 233). Comp. by George P. Perros. Washington, 1954. 30 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 71)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Select Committee of the House of Representatives on Post-War Military Policy, 1944-46 (Record Group 233). Comp. by George P. Perros. Washington, 1954. 6 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 70)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce: Subcommittee to Investigate Interstate Railroads, 1935-43 (Record Group 46). Comp. by Albert U. Blair and John W. Porter. Washington, 1954. 10 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 75)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the Wage Adjustment Board (Record Group 236). Comp. by Leonard Rapport. Washington, 1954. 9 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 72)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of the War Relocation Authority (Record Group 210). Comp. by Estelle Rebec and Martin Rogin. Washington, 1955. 45 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 77)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the records of United States participation in international conferences, commissions, and expositions (Record Group 43). Comp. by H. Stephen Helton. Washington, 1955. 161 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 76)
U. S. National Archives. Records in the National Archives concerning age and citizenship. [Washington, 1955] 4 p. See also 20, 109-110, 149-150, 239, 332, 383, 389, 397, 405, 411-415. C. State and Local
Abajian, James de T. [Preliminary listing of manuscript collections of more than fifty leaves each in the library of the California Historical Society]. California Historical Society, Quarterly, 33: 372-376 (Dec., 1954). A list, compiled in response to a request by the National Historical Publications Commission, of personal papers, business papers, organizational and miscellaneous papers, and ships' logs or journals.
[Preliminary listing of manuscript collections of more than fifty leaves each in the library of the California Historical Society]. California Historical Society
, Quarterly
, vol. 33
(pg. 372
) Campbell, Ivah F. Resources of the Wisconsin State Historical Library. Rochester, N. Y., Univ. of Rochester Press for the Association of College and Reference Libraries, 1954. (ACRL Microcard series no. 29). 2 cards (38 1.)
Resources of the Wisconsin State Historical Library
Colonial Williamsburg, inc., Williamsburg, Va. Guide to the manuscript collections of Colonial Williamsburg. Comp. by Lynette Adcock. Williamsburg, Va., 1954. 58 p.
Ellsworth, S. George. A guide to Utah manuscripts in the Bancroft Library, with an introduction to Hubert Howe Bancroft and the history of Utah. [Salt Lake City, Utah State Historical Society, 1954]. p. 99-124, 197-247. Reprinted from Utah historical quarterly, 22 (Apr., July, 1954).
A guide to Utah manuscripts in the Bancroft Library, with an introduction to Hubert Howe Bancroft and the history of Utah
(pg. 99
) Ermatinger, Charles J. A partial list of catalogues, inventories, and indices, both printed and handwritten, on file in the Vatican Manuscript Depository of the Knights of Columbus Foundation [in St. Louis, Mo.]. Manuscripta, 1, no. 2: 8-23 (Oct., 1954).
Fridley, Russell W. The Writings of Jonathan Carver. Minnesota history, 34: 154-159 (Winter, 1954). Describes the collection of books and manuscripts in the Minnesota Historical Society relating to activities of Jonathan Carver (1710-80), in Minnesota country, chiefly 1766-67.
The Writings of Jonathan Carver
, Minnesota history
, vol. 34
(pg. 154
) General John Charles Black's papers. Illinois State Historical Society, Journal, 47: 330-332 (Autumn, 1954). Describes the papers of Black (1839-1915), Civil War soldier, orator, lawyer, Commissioner of Pensions under President Cleveland, and president of the Civil Service Commission under President Taft, which have recently been deposited in the Illinois State Historical Library.
Hill, Robert W. The Liebmann Collection of American historical documents. New York Public Library, Bulletin, 58: 386-391 (Aug., 1954). Reprinted in Manuscripts, 6: 210-214 (Summer, 1954).
The Liebmann Collection of American historical documents
, New York Public Library, Bulletin
, vol. 58
(pg. 386
) Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. Annual report of the Director. Bulletin, 13: 62-68 (Jan., 1955). Contains data on manuscript accessions.
Kane, Lucile M. The papers of John Harrington Stevens. Minnesota history, 34: 144-148 (Winter, 1954). In Minnesota Historical Society. Contains data on experiences of Stevens family in Lower Canada, Illinois, Tennessee, and Minnesota, from 1839 to 1890.
The papers of John Harrington Stevens
, Minnesota history
, vol. 34
(pg. 144
) Michigan. University. Michigan Historical Collections. Report, 1953-1954. Ann Arbor [1955?] 8 p. Preprinted from the president's report.
Phelan, John L. The Philippine Collection in the Newberry Library. Newberry Library, Bulletin, 3: 229-236 (Mar., 1955). Largely inspired by the gift of Edward E. Ayer, the collection comprises both printed and manuscript materials.
The Philippine Collection in the Newberry Library. Newberry Library
, Bulletin
, vol. 3
(pg. 229
) Powell, William S. The Carolina charter of 1663, how it came to North Carolina and its place in history, with biographical sketches of the proprietors. Raleigh, State Dept. of Archives and History, 1954. 79 p. Includes data on steps taken to establish authenticity of the document and to determine wheher the London bookseller from whom it was purchased could offer clear title to it.
The Carolina charter of 1663, how it came to North Carolina and its place in history, with biographical sketches of the proprietors
pg. 79
Walker, Mary A. India and Ceylon in the Archives of the American Board of Foreign Missions. Indian archives, 7: 95-99 (July-Dec., 1953). Describes records on deposit in the Harvard College Library and in the Andover-Newton Theological School, Newton Center, Massachusetts.
India and Ceylon in the Archives of the American Board of Foreign Missions
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 95
) Weaver, Warren. The mathematical manuscripts of Lewis Carroll. Princeton University. Library, Chronicle, 16: 1-9 (Autumn, 1954).
The mathematical manuscripts of Lewis Carroll. Princeton University. Library
, Chronicle
, vol. 16
(pg. 1
) Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Accessions, manuscripts. Wisconsin magazine of history, 38: 125-126 (Winter, 1954-55). Contains information on the several special collecting projects of the Society.
Woodress, James. The [Booth] Tarkington papers. Princeton University. Library, Chronicle, 16: 45-53 (Winter, 1955). See also 53, 137, 143, 335, 337, 351, 364, 368, 372, 401, 416. D. Foreign Countries
The [Booth] Tarkington papers. Princeton University. Library
, Chronicle
, vol. 16
(pg. 45
) Austria. Staatsarchiv. Inventar des Kriegsarchivs Wien. Verfasst von den Beamten des Kriegsarchivs. Wien, Druck und Verlag: Ferdinand Berger in Horn, N.-Ö, 1953. 2 vols. in 1.
Barthelemy, D. Discoveries in the Judean desert, Qumran Cave I. By D. Barthelemy and J. T. Milik. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1955. 178 p. Translation of and commentary on the Dead Sea Scrolls, including accounts of the finding, the method used for separating the layers of leather, the constitution of the ink, and the archeological evidence for the dating. Text in French, English, and Aramaic.
Discoveries in the Judean desert, Qumran Cave I
pg. 178
British Records Association. Handlist of Scottish and Welsh record publications. The Scottish section by Peter Gouldesbrough and A. P. Kup; the Welsh section by Idwal Lewis. London, 1954. 34 p. (Publications pamphlet no. 4). Supplements the Association's Handlist of record publications, 1951, which dealt exclusively with England.
Brome County Historical Society. Collections; preliminary inventory. Published by the Public Archives of Canada in cooperation with Brome County Historical Society. [Ottawa] 1954. 99 p. Compiled by Homer A. Mitchell, President of the Society and edited by the Public Archives, as part of a joint program that will include microfilming the Society's manuscripts by the Public Archives according to the arrangement of the inventory.
Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division. Preliminary inventory. Manuscript group 18. Pre-conquest papers. [Ottawa] 1954. 41 p.
Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division. Preliminary inventory. Manuscript group 19. Fur trade and Indians, 1763-1867. [Ottawa, 1954] 30 p.
Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division. Preliminary inventory. Manuscript group 21. Transcripts from papers in the British Museum. [Ottawa] 1955. 31 p.
Canada. Public Archives. Manuscript Division. Preliminary inventory. Record group 19. Department of Finance. [Ottawa] 1954. 41 p.
Les Collections militaires polonaises à l'étranger. Revue internationale d'histoire militaire, 1952, no. 12: 563-567. Describes holdings of the Bibliothèque Polonaise de Paris (founded 1838) and of the Institut Sikorski at London (founded 1945). The former has a Section des Manuscrits et Archives, the latter has an Archives and a Museum.
Ellis, Roger. The Novello and Cowden Clarke papers. Archives, 2, no. 12: 205-210 (Michaelmas, 1954). Describes the valuable family archives discovered in the Casa Gigliucci at Fermo, Italy, and recently presented to the University of Leeds.
The Novello and Cowden Clarke papers
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 205
) France. Archives Nationales. Le fonds du Comité de sûreté générale (AF II, F7, Dxliii) par Pierre Caron. Paris, Impr. nationale, 1954. 185 p.
Furber, Holden. The East India Company's financial records. Indian archives, 7: 100-114 (July-Dec., 1953). Observations based chiefly on the Company's home office records in London and the Madras (field office) ledgers and journals now in the Madras Record Office.
The East India Company's financial records
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 100
) Gagnebin, Bernard. Le cabinet des manuscripts de la Bibliothèque de Genève. Genève, 1954. 53 p.
Le cabinet des manuscripts de la Bibliothèque de Genève
pg. 53
Guillén, Julio F. Independencia de America, indice de los papeles de expediciones de Indias. Madrid, Instituto Histórico de Marina, 1953. 3 vols.
Independencia de America, indice de los papeles de expediciones de Indias
, vol. 3
Guillén, Julio F. Indice de los papeles de la sección de corso y presas, 1784-1838 [Archivo General de Marina Don Alvaro de Bazán] Madrid, Imprenta del Ministerio de Marina, 1953-54. 2 vols.
Indice de los papeles de la sección de corso y presas, 1784-1838 [Archivo General de Marina Don Alvaro de Bazán]
, vol. 2
Jones, Philip E., ed. Calendar of plea and memoranda rolls preserved among the archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guild Hall, A.D. 1437-1457. Cambridge, Eng., University Press, 1954. 229 p. The fifth volume in a series, the first four of which covered the period 1323-1437.
Calendar of plea and memoranda rolls preserved among the archives of the Corporation of the City of London at the Guild Hall, A.D. 1437-1457
pg. 229
Jong, C. T. de. Études et recherches néerlandaises. Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale, 4: 143-147 (1954). Relates chiefly to study of German deportations and to the National Institute for War Documentation and the Dutch Red Cross, including list of primary source materials in the latter.
Études et recherches néerlandaises
, Revue d'histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale
, vol. 4
(pg. 143
) Kellaway, William. The archives of the New England Company. Archives, 2, no. 12: 175-182 (Michaelmas, 1954). Describes the records of the oldest protestant missionary society still in existence, now in the Guildhall Library.
The archives of the New England Company
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 175
) Kristeller, Paul O. Pt. II. A tentative list of unpublished inventories of imperfectly catalogued extant collections. Traditio, 9: 393-418 (1953). A list of more than 100 inventories covering collections in 245 cities of nearly 20 European countries. Supplements the author's "Latin manuscript books before 1600: a bibliography of the printed catalogues of extant collections" (Traditio, 6: 227-317. 1948).
A tentative list of unpublished inventories of imperfectly catalogued extant collections
, Traditio
, vol. 9
(pg. 393
) Lindsay-MacDougall, K. F. Manuscripts at the National Maritime Museum. Pt. 1. Mariner's mirror, 40: 223-226 (Aug., 1954).
Manuscripts at the National Maritime Museum. Pt. 1
, Mariner's mirror
, vol. 40
(pg. 223
) Macedo Soares, José C. de. Fontes da Historia da Igreja Católica no Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, 1954. 338 p. Includes chapters on archival material in Europe, Brazil, and the rest of the Americas. Also listing of records in national, state, and ecclesiastical archives and manuscript collections in national and state libraries.
Fontes da Historia da Igreja Católica no Brasil
pg. 338
Major, Kathleen, comp. A handlist of the records of the Bishop of Lincoln and of the Archdeacons of Lincoln and Stow. London, Geoffrey Cumberlege, Oxford Univ. Press, 1953. 122 p. Catalogs the principal classes of one of the most extensive collections of ecclesiastical records in England.
A handlist of the records of the Bishop of Lincoln and of the Archdeacons of Lincoln and Stow
pg. 122
Malinin, G. A. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv saratovskoi oblasti. Voprosy istorii, 1954 (10): 174-176. A brief account of materials in Saratov's regional archives.
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv saratovskoi oblasti
, Voprosy istorii
(pg. 174
) New Zealand. Internal Affairs Department. Archives Division. Preliminary inventory no. 4. Archives of the Provinces of New Ulster and New Munster and of the Civil Secretary's Office. Wellington, Department of Internal Affairs, 1954. 15 p.
Northamptonshire Archives Committee. Summary guide to the Northamptonshire Record Office. By P. I. King, with a foreword by Frank Lee. Northampton, J. Stevenson Holt, Ltd., Printers, 1954. 24 p. The Record Office was established in 1952 to take over the archival functions of the Northamptonshire Record Society. The guide comprises the history and rules of the Office, the identity of its more important finding mediums, and descriptions of the six principal classes of holdings.
Purvis, John S. Records of the Diocese of York. Contemporary review, 187: 205-208 (Mar., 1955).
Records of the Diocese of York
, Contemporary review
, vol. 187
(pg. 205
) Scroggs, Edith S. The records of Rochester Bridge and the New College of Cobham. Archives, 2, no. 12: 183-191 (Michaelmas, 1954).
The records of Rochester Bridge and the New College of Cobham
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 183
) Suratteau, J. Archives de la période révolutionnaire en Suisse. Annales historiques de la revolution française, 27: 59-60 (Jan.-Mar., 1955).
Archives de la période révolutionnaire en Suisse
, Annales historiques de la revolution française
, vol. 27
(pg. 59
) Tagarov, Z. Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv irkutskoi oblasti. Voprosy istorii, 1954 (7): 183-184. A brief account of materials available in the Archives at Irkutsk.
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv irkutskoi oblasti
, Voprosy istorii
(pg. 183
) Tudela, José. Los manuscritos de America en las bibliotecas de España. Madrid, Ediciones Cultura Hispánica, 1954. 586 p.
Los manuscritos de America en las bibliotecas de España
pg. 586
Wickberg, Edgar B. Spanish records in the Philippine National Archives. Hispanic American historical review, 35: 77-89 (Feb., 1955).
Spanish records in the Philippine National Archives
, Hispanic American historical review
, vol. 35
(pg. 77
) Wilson, Edmund. The scrolls from the Dead Sea. Neva Yorker, 31, no. 13: 45-121 (May 14, 1955). A more popular treatment of the matter discussed in item 301, above. See also 168, 172-173, 175, 185, 191, 199-200, 204, 217, 237, 341, 348, 359, 367, 382, 388, 391, 402. VIII. Application of Photographic Processes To Work With Records and Historical Manuscripts
The scrolls from the Dead Sea
, Neva Yorker
, vol. 31
(pg. 45
) Born, Lester K. Annual reports on acquisitions: microreproduction. U. S. Library of Congress, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions, 12: 33-36. (Nov., 1954). A report on developments in policy and practice and a summary of significant acquisitions in microfilm, by the Coordinator of Microreproduction Projects.
Annual reports on acquisitions: microreproduction. U. S. Library of Congress
, Quarterly journal of current acquisitions
, vol. 12
(pg. 33
) Born, Lester K. Some animadversions on European standards and practices. American documentation, 5: 160-162 (Aug., 1954). Discusses the lack of standardization in the techniques, sizes, and equipment employed in the micro-photographic reproduction of documents in Europe and the United States.
Some animadversions on European standards and practices
, American documentation
, vol. 5
(pg. 160
) Brée, Rudolf. Mikrofilm im Archivwesen. Der Archivar, 7: cols. 101-108 (1954).
Mikrofilm im Archivwesen
, Der Archivar
, vol. 7
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints microfilming project in Mexico. Hispanic American historical review, 35: 91 (Feb., 1955).
Clapp, Verner W., Francis H. Henshaw, Donald C. Holmes. Are your microfilms deteriorating acceptably? Library journal, 80: 589-594 (Mar. 15, 1955). Studies at Library of Congress indicate need for testing and sampling microfilm products prior to purchase. Suggests specific testing methods.
Are your microfilms deteriorating acceptably?
, Library journal
, vol. 80
(pg. 589
) Fisher, Mary A. Preliminary guide to the microfilm collection in the Bancroft Library. Berkeley, Calif., Univ. of California, 1955. 28 1.
Preliminary guide to the microfilm collection in the Bancroft Library
pg. 281
Gille, Bertrand. Exquisse d'un plan de normalisation pour le microfilmage des archives. Archivum, 3: 87-104 (1953). Abstracts in English and Spanish.
Exquisse d'un plan de normalisation pour le microfilmage des archives
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 87
) Great Britain. Public Record Office. Microphotography and archives, being a memorandum from the Public Record Office. Archivum, 3: 81-86 (1953). Abstracts in Spanish and French.
Hawken, William R. New methods for photocopying. Library journal, 79: 1115-1124 (June 15, 1954).
New methods for photocopying
, Library journal
, vol. 79
(pg. 1115
) Ila, Bálint. I. Országos levéltár. 9. Filmtár. Budapest, Levéltárak országos központja, 1954. 227 p. (Levéltári alapleltárak). A survey of microfilming activities in the National Archives of Hungary. Résumé in French, p. 223-227.
I. Országos levéltár. 9. Filmtár
pg. 227
Mason, Ruth E. What "ASA" and "Z39" mean to librarians. Special libraries, 46: 191-195 (May-June, 1955). Discusses work of the American Standards Association as represented by its Sectional Committee Z39, Standardization in the Field of Documentation and Library Practice, and its Committee PH5, on Photographic Reproduction of Documents.
What "ASA" and "Z39" mean to librarians
, Special libraries
, vol. 46
(pg. 191
) Tate, Vernon D. Annual meeting, National Microfilm Association. American documentation, 5: 173-174 (Aug., 1954).
Annual meeting, National Microfilm Association
, American documentation
, vol. 5
(pg. 173
) Tate, Vernon D. Photographic and other scientific aids of the editor and curator. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 98: 179-184 (June 15, 1954). A paper read in the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication, November 12, 1953.
Photographic and other scientific aids of the editor and curator. American Philosophical Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 98
(pg. 179
) Tyler, A. W., W. L. Myers, and J. W. Kuipers. The application of the Kodak minicard system to problems of documentation. American documentation, 6: 18-30 (Jan., 1955).
The application of the Kodak minicard system to problems of documentation
, American documentation
, vol. 6
(pg. 18
) Vielliard, J. The photographing and reproducing of manuscripts. Unesco bulletin for libraries, 8, no. 10: [E 109]-E 113 (Oct., 1954). The head of the Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes, Paris, discusses briefly national and international microfilm services and various kinds of equipment used in microfilming.
The photographing and reproducing of manuscripts
, Unesco bulletin for libraries
, vol. 8
(pg. [E 109]
-E 113
) Webb, Thompson, Jr. Microcopy, near-print, and the new film composing machines. Library quarterly, 25: 111-124 (Jan., 1955). See also 32, 98, 108, 112, 126, 268, 287. IX. Service, Use, and Publication of Records and Historical Manuscripts
Microcopy, near-print, and the new film composing machines
, Library quarterly
, vol. 25
(pg. 111
) Barraclough, Geoffrey. The historian and his archives. History today, 4: 412-420 (June, 1954). A discussion of the value of multi-archival research, drawing on the author's experience in the use of materials in the Vatican Archives, the Archives of the Crown of Aragon in Barcelona, and the Archives of the Teutonic Knights (formerly at Koenigsberg, since 1944 at Goslar).
The historian and his archives
, History today
, vol. 4
(pg. 412
) Bell, Whitfield J. Franklin's papers and The papers of Benjamin Franklin. Pennsylvania history, 22: 1-17 (Jan., 1955). Discusses the history of the Franklin manuscripts, their earlier editorial treatment, and the problems involved in editing them according to present canons of historical documentary publication.
Franklin's papers and
, The papers of Benjamin Franklin. Pennsylvania history
, vol. 22
(pg. 1
) Blainey, Geoffrey. Review article: Scissors and paste in local history. Historical studies, Australia and New Zealand, 6: 339-344 (Nov., 1954). Includes comments on importance and availability of local records.
Review article: Scissors and paste in local history
, Historical studies, Australia and New Zealand
, vol. 6
(pg. 339
) Bombard, Owen W. A new measure of things past. American archivist, 18: 123-132 (Apr., 1955). An essay on the techniques of oral history by the supervisor of the Oral History Section of the Ford Motor Company Archives.
A new measure of things past
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 123
) Brayer, Herbert O. Why tell your business history? American business, 24: 28+ (Apr., 1954).
Why tell your business history?
, American business
, vol. 24
pg. 28+
Broehl, W. G. Should your company publish its history? Management review, 43: 831-833 (Dec., 1954).
Should your company publish its history?
, Management review
, vol. 43
(pg. 831
) Brooks, Philip C. The historian's stake in Federal records. [n. p., n. d.] II I. A paper read before the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical Association, December 27, 1954.
The historian's stake in Federal records
Browne, Henry J. Raiding labor records. American archivist, 17: 262-264 (July, 1954). Urges that historians join archivists in urging upon labor organizations in the United States the importance of effective preservation of their records.
Raiding labor records
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 262
) Clark, Alexander B. A word about exhibitions. Manuscripts, 6: 234-236 (Summer, 1954). The author is curator of manuscripts at the Princeton University Library.
A word about exhibitions
, Manuscripts
, vol. 6
(pg. 234
) Cochran, Thomas C. Railroad leaders, 1845-1900: the business mind in action. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1953. 564 p. "Biographical data and correspondence," including extracts from office letters preserved in the railroads' archives, p. 231-501.
Railroad leaders, 1845-1900: the business mind in action
pg. 564
Croon, Helmuth. Sozialgeschichtsforschung und Archive. Der Archivar, 7: cols. 243-254 (1954).
Sozialgeschichtsforschung und Archive
, Der Archivar
, vol. 7
Dybdahl, Vagn. Oversigt over industrihistorisk litteratur, 1945-54. Ved Vagn Dybdahl, Andreas Jorgensen og Finn H. Lauridsen. [Aarhus?] Erhvervsarkivet, 1955. 23 p.
Oversigt over industrihistorisk litteratur, 1945-54 Ved Vagn Dybdahl, Andreas Jorgensen og Finn H
pg. 23
The Economics of collecting. Manuscripts, 6: 229-233 (Summer, 1954). Two papers read at the annual meeting of the Manuscript Society, New Haven, May 7-9, 1954. Contents.—Richard Maass, The growing demand; Gordon Banks, Dwindling supply of manuscript material.
Gates, Paul W. Research in the history of American land tenure. Agricultural history, 28: 121-126 (July, 1954). A review article on the literature of public land disposal, urging the need of further research in the records and the publication of documentary materials relating to the original distribution of the public lands.
Research in the history of American land tenure
, Agricultural history
, vol. 28
(pg. 121
) Grieve, Hilda. Illustrations in record publications. Archives, 2, no. 11: 131-135 (Lady Day, 1954).
Illustrations in record publications
, Archives
, vol. 2
(pg. 131
) Grover, Wayne C. Genealogy and American scholarship. National Genealogical Society, Quarterly, 42: [105]-107 (Sept., 1954). Abstract of an address before the National Genealogical Society.
Genealogy and American scholarship. National Genealogical Society
, Quarterly
, vol. 42
(pg. [105]
) Haber, Francis C. Robert Gilmor, Jr. — pioneer American autograph collector. Manuscripts, 7: 13-17 (Fall, 1954). Describes the part of the Gilmor autograph collection in the Maryland Historical Society.
— pioneer American autograph collector
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 13
) Helfers, M. C. The United States Army's history of World War II. Military affairs, 19: 32-36 (Spring, 1955). A note on the Army's program for preparing official history of World War II.
The United States Army's history of World War II
, Military affairs
, vol. 19
(pg. 32
) Holmes, Oliver W. Some reflections on business archives in the United States. American archivist, 17: 291-304 (Oct., 1954).
Some reflections on business archives in the United States
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 291
) Johnson, L. C. Historical records of the British Transport Commission. Journal of transport history, 1: 82-96 (Nov., 1953).
Historical records of the British Transport Commission
, Journal of transport history
, vol. 1
(pg. 82
) Kellar, Herbert A. A case study in evaluating sources for local history. American archivist, 17: 243-255 (July, 1954).
A case study in evaluating sources for local history
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 243
) Kerr, Chester. Publishing historical sources. American Philosophical Society, Proceedings, 98, no. 4: 273-278 (Aug., 1954). A paper read in the symposium on the manuscript sources of American history: problems of their control, use, and publication, November 12, 1953. Includes bibliography.
Publishing historical sources. American Philosophical Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 98
(pg. 273
) Labaree, Leonard W. The papers of Benjamin Franklin. Manuscripts, 7: 36-39 (Fall, 1954). Describes the program of the American Philosophical Society and Yale University to publish the papers of Benjamin Franklin, with financial assistance by Time, Inc., on behalf of Life Magazine.
The papers of Benjamin Franklin
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 36
) Long, Gavin. The Australian war history tradition. Historical studies, Australia and New Zealand, 6: 249-260 (Nov., 1954). Discusses Australian activity dating from 1919 in the writing of official contemporary history.
The Australian war history tradition
, Historical studies, Australia and New Zealand
, vol. 6
(pg. 249
) Lutz, Alma. Facts the historians missed. Independent woman, 33: 125-126, 156 (Apr., 1954). A brief description of the Sophia Smith Collection at Smith College, the Radcliffe Women's Archives, and other collections.
Facts the historians missed
, Independent woman
, vol. 33
(pg. 125
) Malone, Dumas. The pen of Douglas Southall Freeman. In Freeman, Douglas Southall, George Washington, a biography. Vol. 6. New York, Scribner, 1954. 529 p. p. xi-xxxi. An appreciative essay on Freeman's research methods.
George Washington, a biography
, vol. 6
pg. 529
Manuscript Society. The 1954 Manuscript Society meeting. Manuscripts, 6: 221-222 (Summer, 1954).
Mixer, Charles W. New insurance for library collections. Library journal, 79: 1539-1543 (Sept. 15, 1954). Description of a new "valuable papers" policy, applicable either to rarities, or to nonrarities, or to both.
New insurance for library collections
, Library journal
, vol. 79
(pg. 1539
) Nevins, Allen. Business and the historian. American Petroleum Institute, Proceedings, 33 (1): 85-89 (1953).
Business and the historian. American Petroleum Institute
, Proceedings
, vol. 33
(pg. 85
) Overbury, Bertha V. Collecting American women authors. Manuscripts, 7: 104-108 (Winter, 1955). Describes the author's collection of books by women that has expanded to include manuscript materials.
Collecting American women authors
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 104
) Papers of great listed for study. Manuscripts, 7: 100-101 (Winter, 1955). A note on the recently published report of the National Historical Publications Commission.
Publishing the papers of great men; a session at the sixty-ninth annual meeting of the American Historical Association, 30 December 1954. By Walter M. Whitehill, Julian P. Boyd, Leonard W. Labaree, Lyman H. Butterfield, Wilmarth S. Lewis, and Waldo G. Leland. Daedalus, 86: 47-79 (May, 1955). Addresses by the editors of the Jefferson, the Franklin, the Adams, and the Walpole papers, with comments by Messrs. Whitehill and Leland.
Quartermaster Corps historical program. Military affairs, 18: 111 (Summer, 1954). A note on the current historical program of the Quartermaster Corps.
Sanborn, Herbert J. Exhibition catalogs. By Herbert J. Sanborn and Nelson R. Burr. American archivist, 17: 265-271 (July, 1954).
Exhibition catalogs. By Herbert J. Sanborn and Nelson R. Burr
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 265
) Schellenberg, Theodore R. The approach to historical source materials, with particular reference to the Archives of Tasmania. Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Papers and proceedings, 3: 57-60 (June, 1954). A paper read before a meeting of the Association, March 31, 1954.
The approach to historical source materials, with particular reference to the Archives of Tasmania. Tasmanian Historical Research Association
, Papers and proceedings
, vol. 3
(pg. 57
) Shelley, Fred. Ebenezer Hazard: America's first historical editor. William and Mary quarterly, 3d ser., 12: 44-73 (Jan., 1955). Discusses Hazard's widely used documentary publication, Historical collections (1792-94) and places him in the first rank of American antiquaries.
Ebenezer Hazard: America's first historical editor
, William and Mary quarterly
, vol. 12
(pg. 44
) Smith, Louis C. The copying of literary property in library collections. Pt. II. Law library journal, 47: 204-208 (Aug., 1954). Relates only to matters involving copyrighted materials, not to the common law right of literary property. A condensed version of this article and its predecessor in the Law library journal for August 1953 appeared in the Library journal, 80: 23-27 (Jan. 1, 1955).
The copying of literary property in library collections. Pt. II
, Law library journal
, vol. 47
(pg. 204
) Stutler, Boyd B. John Brown's letters and documents. Manuscripts, 7: 4-12 (Fall, 1954). A discussion of the nature, quantity, and market value of autographs of John Brown.
John Brown's letters and documents
, Manuscripts
, vol. 7
(pg. 4
) U. S. Congress. Senate. Judiciary Committee. Establishment of a commission to celebrate the two hundredth anniversary of the birth of Alexander Hamilton. Hearing … 83-2, on S. J. Res. 140. Washington, 1954. 13 p. Among other items the proposed Commission would interest itself in promoting the publication of a comprehensive edition of the writings of Alexander Hamilton.
U. S. National Historical Publications Commission. A national program for the publication of historical documents: a report to the President. Washington, 1954. 106 p. Outlines a cooperative program for the publication of (1) papers of individual leaders in varied fields and (2) papers relating to subject areas. Lists 361 individuals whose papers have been recommended to the Commission as worthy of publication, to 112 of whom it has given special study. Announces the Commission's own plan to publish documentary histories of the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and of the work of the First Federal Congress. Includes a selective list of documentary historical publications of the United States Government.
Walsh, H. H. Research in Canadian church history. Canadian historical review, 35: 208-216 (Sept., 1954). Mentions the need for information on unpublished sources, citing Bulletin of the Committee on Archives of the United Church of Canada.
Research in Canadian church history
, Canadian historical review
, vol. 35
(pg. 208
) Wiley, Bell I. Historians and the national register. American archivist, 17: 325-330 (Oct., 1954). A paper read at a joint meeting of the Mississippi Valley Historical Association and the Society of American Archivists at Madison, Wisconsin, April 24, 1954. Relates to the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections in the Library of Congress.
Historians and the national register
, American archivist
, vol. 17
(pg. 325
) Wohl, R. Richard. The significance of business history. Business history review, 28: 128-140 (June, 1954). See also 15, 63, 98-100, 108, 136-137, 143, 163, 173, 204, 225-226, 229, 248, 250, 253, 286, 301, 331. X. Special Physical Types of Records and Historical Manuscripts
The significance of business history
, Business history review
, vol. 28
(pg. 128
) Bascapè, Giacomo C. La sigillografie in Italia. Notizia. Saggio bibliografico. Archivi, 2d ser., 21: 191-243 (1954).
La sigillografie in Italia. Notizia. Saggio bibliografico
, Archivi
, vol. 21
(pg. 191
) Blaschke, Karlheinz. "Bildstücke" im Archiv. Der Archivar, 7: cols. 191-196 (1954).
Bildstücke im Archiv
, Der Archivar
, vol. 7
Bousse, A. La restauration et le moulage des sceaux aux Archives du Royaume á Stockholm. Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Beigigue, 25:220-230 (1954).
La restauration et le moulage des sceaux aux Archives du Royaume á Stockholm
, Archives, bibliothèques et musées de Beigigue
, vol. 25
(pg. 220
) California. University. Library. Duties of the clerk assigned to phonorecord cataloger. Berkeley, 1953. 50 1.
California. University. Library. Manual for the phonorecord cataloger. Berkeley, 1953. iii, 51, [35] p.
Deshpande, C. D. A note on Maratha cartography. Indian archives, 7: 87-94 (July-Dec., 1953).
A note on Maratha cartography
, Indian archives
, vol. 7
(pg. 87
) Dexter, Lorraine. American collections of stereoscopic photographs. Eye to eye, no. 5:3-23 (June, 1954).
American collections of stereoscopic photographs
, Eye to eye
(pg. 3
) Fisher, Allan C. Eastman of Rochester: photographic pioneer. National geographic magazine, 106:423-438 (Sept., 1954).
Eastman of Rochester: photographic pioneer
, National geographic magazine
, vol. 106
(pg. 423
) Friis, Herman R. Cartographic and geographic activities of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Washington Academy of Sciences, Journal, 44: 338-351 (Nov., 1954). Extensive bibliographical notes indicate locations of records of the expedition.
Cartographic and geographic activities of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. Washington Academy of Sciences
, Journal
, vol. 44
(pg. 338
) Goodman, Marie C. Map collections in the United States and Canada. Surveying and mapping, 15: 30-35 (Jan.-Mar., 1955). A review article on the directory, Map collections in the United States and Canada (New York, Special Libraries Association, 1954).
Map collections in the United States and Canada
, Surveying and mapping
, vol. 15
(pg. 30
) Graphic History Society of America. Survey of picture collections relating to individual states. Eye to eye, no. 4: 24-28 (Mar., 1954). Covers Alabama, Colorado, Kansas, and Nebraska.
Jenkinson, Sir Hilary. Guide to seals in the Public Record Office. London, H. M. Stationery Off., 1954. x, 67 p.
Guide to seals in the Public Record Office
pg. x
London. National Film Library. Cataloguing Department. Rules for use in the Cataloguing Department of the National Film Library. 3d rev. ed. London, British Film Institute, 1954. 40 I.
Meserve, Frederick H. My experience in collecting historical photographs and how that life-time adventure led to great friendship. Lincoln herald, 56: 2-20, 30 (Spring-Summer, 1954). Describes the author's experiences in building up the "Meserve Collection" of photographs of Abraham Lincoln and of the Civil War period.
My experience in collecting historical photographs and how that life-time adventure led to great friendship
, Lincoln herald
, vol. 56
(pg. 2
) SLA Picture Division Issue. Special libraries, 45: 267-300. Pt. contents.—Josephine Cobb, The still picture program at the National Archives, p. 269-273; Hermine M. Baumhofer, Pictorial documentation, p. 274-276.
Terveen, Fritz. Der Film als historisches Dokument. Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 3: 57-66 (Jan., 1955).
Der Film als historisches Dokument
, Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte
, vol. 3
(pg. 57
) Terveen, Fritz. Vorschläge zur Archivierung und Wissenschaftlichen Aufbereitung von historischen Filmdokumenten. Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht, 6: 169-177 (Mar., 1955).
Vorschläge zur Archivierung und Wissenschaftlichen Aufbereitung von historischen Filmdokumenten
, Geschichte in Wissenschaft und Unterricht
, vol. 6
(pg. 169
) Tietze-Conrat, F. Documentary prints. Eye to eye, no. 4: 18-24 (Mar., 1954).
Documentary prints
, Eye to eye
(pg. 18
) United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization. International standard system for the cataloguing of educational, scientific, and cultural films and filmstrips. [n. p.] 1954. 53 1. A draft edition of April 1954.
U. S. Library of Congress. Comment on Unesco's International standard system for the cataloguing of educational, scientific, and cultural films and filmstrips, April 1954. [n. p., n. d.] 14 I.
U. S. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Pictorial Americana, a select list of photographic negatives in the Prints and Photographs Division. 2d ed. Washington, 1955. 68 p. A list of photographic negatives available for reproduction, arranged under three broad groupings—"History (through 1899)," "views," and "General Subjects."
U. S. National Archives. List of cartographic records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Record Group 75). Comp. by Laura E. Kelsay. Washington, 1954. 127 p. (Special lists, no. 13).
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the cartographic records of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior (Record Group 48). Comp. by Laura E. Kelsay. Washington, 1955. 11 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 81)
U. S. National Archives. Preliminary inventory of the cartographic records of the United States Marine Corps (Record Group 127). Comp. by Charlotte M. Ashby. Washington, 1954. 17 p. (Preliminary inventory no. 73)
Wheat, Carl I. Mapping the American West, 1540-1857; a preliminary study. American Antiquarian Society, Proceedings, 64: [19]-194 (1954). Bibliographical notes provide many references to archival and manuscript sources in numerous repositories.
Mapping the American West, 1540-1857; a preliminary study. American Antiquarian Society
, Proceedings
, vol. 64
(pg. [19]
) Whitehill, Walter M. The Boston Athenaeum collection of topographical and architectural view of Boston and vicinity. Eye to eye, no. 4: 11-17 (Mar., 1954). See also 118. XI. The Recruitment and Training of Archivists, Custodians of Manuscripts, and Records Officers
The Boston Athenaeum collection of topographical and architectural view of Boston and vicinity
, Eye to eye
(pg. 11
) Altman, Henryk. La formation professionelle des archivistes dans la République populaire de Pologne. Archivum, 3: 41-44 (1953). Includes abstracts in English and Spanish.
La formation professionelle des archivistes dans la République populaire de Pologne
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 41
) American University. School of Social Sciences and Public Affairs. Institutes on Records Management and Archives Administration, [n. p., n. d.] Folder. An announcement of the second Institute on Records Management, June 20-July 1, 1955, and of the first Institute on the Preservation and Administration of Archives: advanced, July 5-16, 1955.
[Angel, Herbert E. Tehran University course on archives and records management, 1954. n. p., 1954] var. pag. Lectures given during the author's consultantship mission to Iran under the technical assistance program of the Foreign Operations Administration. In Farsi.
Battelli, Giulio. La Scuola d'archivistica presso l'Archivio segreto Vaticano. Archivum, 3:45-49 (1953). Includes abstracts in English, French, and Spanish.
La Scuola d'archivistica presso l'Archivio segreto Vaticano
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 45
) Brooks, Philip C. Archival heritage meets modern records in Panama. American archivist, 18: 151-159 (Apr., 1955). Describes the author's consultantship mission to Panama, Jan.-July 1954, under the technical assistance program of the Foreign Operations Administration.
Archival heritage meets modern records in Panama
, American archivist
, vol. 18
(pg. 151
) Brooks, Philip C. El manejo de archivos y documentos; curso dictado por el Dr. Philip C. Brooks, bajo los auspicios del Gobierno Nacional de la República de Panamá y la Universidad de Panama, con la cooperación del Instituto de Asuntos Interamericanos. [Panama City, 1954] var. pag. Cover title. Lectures given during the course described in the immediately preceding item.
Fahlstrom, Jan M. Kurs för industriarkivarier. Tidskrift för dokumentation, 10: 41-44 (1954). Describes course for industrial archivists. Includes abstract in English.
Kurs för industriarkivarier
, Tidskrift för dokumentation
, vol. 10
(pg. 41
) Marot, Pierre. La formation de l'archiviste en France. Archivum, 3: 51-60 (1953). Includes abstracts in English and Spanish.
La formation de l'archiviste en France
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 51
) New York University. Graduate School of Business Administration. 1st annual conference on records management, Monday and Tuesday, September 20-21, 1954; records management — a new science comes of age. [New York, 1954] Folder. The program of the conference, presented by New York University in cooperation with the National Records Management Council.
Papritz, J. Die Archivschule Marburg. Archivum, 3: 61-75 (1953). Includes abstracts in English, Spanish, and French.
Die Archivschule Marburg
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 61
) Radcliffe College. Institute on historical and archival management; second annual session, June 20-August 12, 1955. [n. p., n. d.] Folder. At head of title: Radcliffe College and the Department of History, Harvard University.
Saletore, B. A. Professional archives training in India. Archivum, 3: 77-80 (1953). Includes abstracts in Spanish and French. See also 42, 55, 163.
Professional archives training in India
, Archivum
, vol. 3
(pg. 77
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