Ballou, Hubbard W. "Microfilm Technology." In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, vol. 8, edited by Carlos A. Cuadra, pp. 121-62. Washington: American Society for Information Science, 1973. 411 pp.
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
, vol. 8
(pg. 121
) "Bibliografía sobre restauración de material de archivos y bibliotecas." Spain Bol 21 (May-Aug. 1972):129-31.
Clarke, Isabel V., comp. "Bibliography: Selected Writings on Archives, Current Records, and Historical Manuscripts during 1971." AA 36 (July 1973):373-96.
Bibliography: Selected Writings on Archives, Current Records, and Historical Manuscripts during 1971
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 373
) Houriez, Elisabeth. "Bibliographie des inventaires, répertoires et guides d'archives publiés en 1972." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 80 (1973):59-61.
Bibliographie des inventaires, répertoires et guides d'archives publiés en 1972
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 59
) Kahlenberg, Friedrich P., and Hoffman, Heinz, eds. "Bibliographie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1969 und 1970." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. B1-B32. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):442.
Bibliographie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1969 und 1970
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. B1
) Kahlenberg, Friedrich P., and Hoffman, Heinz, eds. "Bibliographie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1967 und 1968." Der Archivar 24 (Feb., May, July, Nov. 1971):col. B57-B80, 61-62; B81-B104; B105-B120; B121-B135 and 25 (Feb. 1972):col. B137-B156. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98-100.
Bibliographie zum Archivwesen für die Jahre 1967 und 1968
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. B57
) Majewski, Lawrence J. "Every Museum Library Should Have…." Museum News 52, no. 3 (Nov. 1973):27-30.
Every Museum Library Should Have…
, Museum News
, vol. 52
(pg. 27
) Le pubblicazioni degli archivi di Stato: 1951-71. [Spoleto: Arti grafiche Panetto & Petrelli, 1972.] 111 pp.
"Publications of the National Archives and Records Service." Prologue 5 (Summer, Fall, Winter 1973):123-25, 193-96, 275-77.
Simmons, J. S. G. Russian Bibliography, Libraries and Archives: A Selective List of Bibliographical References for Students of Russian History, Literature, Political, Social and Philosophical Thought, Theology and Linguistics. Twickenham, Eng.: Anthony C. Hall, 1973. 76, [2] pp. "Archives," pp. 11-14.
Russian Bibliography, Libraries and Archives: A Selective List of Bibliographical References for Students of Russian History, Literature, Political, Social and Philosophical Thought, Theology and Linguistics
pg. 76
Skrifter Udgivet af Rigsarkivet og Landsarkiverne: 1852-1973. Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet, 1973. 17 pp.
Society of American Archivists. Committee on Records Management. "Writings on Records Management: A Select List." AA 36 (July 1973):367-71.
U.S. National Archives. Select List of Publications of the National Archives and Records Service. General Information Leaflet, no. 3. Washington: [1973]. ii, 51 pp.
Argentina. Ministerio de Cultura y Educación. Que es la archivística? By José María Anaya Espinasse. Temas archivísticos, no. 1. Buenos Aires: 1972. 30, [1] pp.
Arhiivinduse sõnastik. Tallinn: Valgus, 1970. 64 pp.
Berning, J. M. Manuscripts in Libraries: A South African Outline of Procedures and Problems. Occasional Papers, no. 3. Grahamstown: Rhodes University, Department of Librarianship, 1971. [ii], 64 l.
Manuscripts in Libraries: A South African Outline of Procedures and Problems
, vol. ii
pg. 64
Canada. Public Archives. Traduction et définition des termes employés dans la gestion des documents. Ottawa: 1972. [4], 6, [1], 16 pp.
Crawford, Miriam I. "Women in Archives: A Program for Action." AA 36 (Apr. 1973):223-32.
Women in Archives: A Program for Action
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 223
) Duchein, Michel. "La révolution archivistique." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 80 (1973): 11-25. Also appears as "The Archival Revolution: The Challenge of Modern Archives to the Archivist" in SE Asian Arch 5 (July 1972):4-14.
La révolution archivistique
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 11
) Evans, Frank B. "Ideas modernas sobre la administración de archivos." Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación, Boletín 61 (Jan.-June 1971):5-16. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):597.
Ideas modernas sobre la administración de archivos. Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación
, Boletín
, vol. 61
(pg. 5
) Fischer, G. L. "University Archives and Archival Independence." Australian Academic and Research Libraries 1 (Autumn 1970):13-15.
University Archives and Archival Independence
, Australian Academic and Research Libraries
, vol. 1
(pg. 13
) Giordano, Virgilio. L'archivistica e la moderna tecnologia. Caltanisetta: Salvatore Sciascia, 1972. 207 pp.
L'archivistica e la moderna tecnologia
pg. 207
Green, K. "Some Comments on ‘Record Types.’" Arch & Mss 5 (Nov. 1973):115-23.
Some Comments on ‘Record Types.’
, Arch & Mss
, vol. 5
(pg. 115
) Jackson, Paul T. "Keep Your Archives in a Public Service Library." AM 34, no. 10 (Oct. 1973):55-57.
Keep Your Archives in a Public Service Library
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 55
) Kartous, Peter. "Zbierkový materiál v nemeckej archívnej téorii." Slovenská Archivistika 5 (1970): 110-25. Collected material in German archival theory. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973): 105-6.
Zbierkový materiál v nemeckej archívnej téorii
, Slovenská Archivistika
, vol. 5
(pg. 110
) Lee, Charles E. "Persons, Places, and Papers: The Joys of Being an Archivist." AA 36 (Jan. 1973):5-14.
Persons, Places, and Papers: The Joys of Being an Archivist
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 5
) Lodolini, Elio. "Caratteri e problemi di Archivi nazionali latinamericani." Rev Arch 3 (1973):19-31. Text in Italian and Spanish.
Caratteri e problemi di Archivi nazionali latinamericani
, Rev Arch
, vol. 3
(pg. 19
) Lovett, Robert W. "Of Manuscripts and Archives." Special Libraries 64 (Oct. 1973):415-18.
Of Manuscripts and Archives
, Special Libraries
, vol. 64
(pg. 415
) Marquant, Robert. "Los archivos y el desarrollo económico y social." Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación, Boletín 61 (July-Dec. 1971):215-24. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):597.
Los archivos y el desarrollo económico y social. Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación
, Boletín
, vol. 61
(pg. 215
) Menżeńska, Mary Jane. Archives and Other Special Collections: A Library Staff Handbook. New York: Columbia University, School of Library Service, 1973. viii, 87 pp.
Archives and Other Special Collections: A Library Staff Handbook
, vol. viii
pg. 87
Milkereit, Gertrud. "Fusion, Unternehmensstruktur und Firmenorganisation als aktuelle werksarchivische Probleme." Der Archivar 26 (Feb. 1973):col. 81-94. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
Fusion, Unternehmensstruktur und Firmenorganisation als aktuelle werksarchivische Probleme
, Der Archivar
, vol. 26
(pg. 81
) Morsey, Rudolf. "Wert und Masse des schriftlichen Quellenguts als Problem der historischen Forschung." Der Archivar 24 (Feb. 1971):col. 17-28. Significance and quantity of written sources as a problem for historical research. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98.
Wert und Masse des schriftlichen Quellenguts als Problem der historischen Forschung
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 17
) Newton, S. C. "The Archivist and Dutton v. Bognor Regis." Society of Archivists, Journal 4 (Apr. 1973):596-97.
The Archivist and Dutton v. Bognor Regis. Society of Archivists
, Journal
, vol. 4
(pg. 596
) "Papers: Public and Private." Nation 217 (2 July 1973):4.
Rieger, Morris. "The Function of Archives in Public Administration." UBL 27 (Jan./Feb. 1973):7-9.
The Function of Archives in Public Administration
, vol. 27
(pg. 7
) Society of American Archivists. Committee on Oral History. "Oral History and Archivists: Some Questions to Ask." AA 36 (July 1973):361-65.
Society of American Archivists. Committee on Terminology. A Glossary of Basic Terms for Archivists, Manuscript Curators, and Records Managers. Compiled by Frank B. Evans, Donald F. Harrison, and Edwin A. Thompson. Edited by William L. Rofes. Ann Arbor: 1973. ii, 30 pp.
Taillemite, Étienne. "Les Archives et le service du public." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):243-52.
Les Archives et le service du public
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 243
) Tanodi, Aurelio. "Manual de Archivología Hispanoamericana." Bol Arch Arg 3, nos. 6, 7, 8 (Jan.-Mar., Apr.-June, July-Sept. 1973):33-40, 41-48, 49-56.
Manual de Archivología Hispanoamericana
, Bol Arch Arg
, vol. 3
(pg. 33
) Toeplitz, J. "A Note on Film Archives." In Cinematographic Institutions: A Report by the International Film and Television Council, pp. 73-75. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 98 pp.
Cinematographic Institutions: A Report by the International Film and Television Council
(pg. 73
) Valette, Jean-Jacques. Le rôle des archives dans l'administration et dans la politique de planification dans les pays en voie de développement. Paris: Unesco, 1972. 79 pp.
Le rôle des archives dans l'administration et dans la politique de planification dans les pays en voie de développement
pg. 79
Verhoeven, F. R. J. The Role of Archives in the Public Administration and the National Planning Policy of Developing Countries, with Particular Reference to Southeast Asia. Paris: Unesco, 1972. 63 pp.
The Role of Archives in the Public Administration and the National Planning Policy of Developing Countries, with Particular Reference to Southeast Asia
pg. 63
"ARBICA-ICA Arab Regional Branch." UBL 27 (July/Aug. 1973):236.
"Arab Regional Branch (ARBICA) of the International Council of Archives." BDT 13 (Mar. 1973):121-22.
Argentina. Ministerio de Cultura y Educación. Notas elementales para un relevamiento estadístico de los archivos Argentinos. By José María Anaya Espinasse. Temas archivísticos, no. 3. Buenos Aires: 1972. 17, [1] pp.
Arkivarforeningens seminar IV, Viborg Gymnastikhøjskole, 16.-18. April 1971. Arkivbygninger og deres indretning. Copenhagen: Rigsarkivet, 1971. 85 pp.
Arquivo & Administração. Vol. 1, no. 1, Apr. 1973-. Rio de Janeiro: Associação dos Arquivistas Brasileiros, 1973-.
"Arquivos em Moscou." Arq & Adm 1, no. 2 (Sept. 1973): 21-25.
"Association des archivistes français: Assemblée générale du 8 octobre 1973." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):280-90.
"Association des archivistes français: Assemblée générale du 31 mars 1973." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 81 (1973):121-23.
"Baltimore—How Sweet It Was!" Mid-Atlantic Archivist 2, no. 3 (June 1973):3-7, 11.
"British Records Association: Annual Conference: 1972." Archives 11, no. 49 (Spring 1973):27-37.
Bulletin. No. 1, Oct. 1973-. n.p.: International Council on Archives, 1973-.
Caribbean Archives. No. 1, 1973-. n.p.: Caribbean Historical Association, 1973-.
Castro Nevares, Federico. "Seminario Multinacional sobre Planificación y Reorganización de Archivos Nacionales." Rev Arch 3 (1973):339-50. A shorter version appears in Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 7 (Apr.-June 1973):6, 8.
"Conclusiones del IV Congreso Nacional de Archivos." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):221.
Concordia Historical Institute. Archives and History: Minutes and Reports of the 11th Archivists' and Historians' Conference. St. Louis: The Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod, 1971. ii, [3], 120 pp.
Conference of Federal Records Management Officers, 12th. Proceedings of the Federal Records Management Officers 12th Annual Conference. Compiled by Seymour J. Pomrenze. Virginia Beach: 1973. 75 pp.
"Congrès: Dix-huitième Congrès national des Archives de France; Paris, 9-11 octobre 1973." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):278-79.
Cortés, Vicenta. "Nueva programa de archivos de la OEA." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):225-26.
Costa, Mercedes. "III Mesa redonda de archivos en el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón." Spain Bol 19 (July-Oct. 1970):26-27. 3d Archival Round Table in the Archives of the Crown of Aragon. AbstAA 36 (Jan. 1973): 104.
III Mesa redonda de archivos en el Archivo de la Corona de Aragón
, Spain Bol
, vol. 19
(pg. 26
) Crespo, Carmen. "I Mesa redonda sobre conservación de materiales de archivo y biblioteca: Madrid, 11-15 junio 1973." Spain Bol 22 (May-Aug. 1973): 111-13.
I Mesa redonda sobre conservación de materiales de archivo y biblioteca: Madrid, 11-15 junio 1973
, Spain Bol
, vol. 22
(pg. 111
) Dahm, Helmut. "Die Gründung des Vereins deutscher Archivare. Zur 25. Wiederkehr des Gründungstages." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 5-8. The foundation of the Association of German Archivists. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101.
Die Gründung des Vereins deutscher Archivare. Zur 25. Wiederkehr des Gründungstages
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 5
) "X Asamblea general del Instituto Panamericano de Geografia e Historia (I.P.G.H.): Comite de Archivos." Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación, Boletín 53, no. 224 (Jan.-June 1973):13-35.
Deutrich, Mabel E. "Women in Archives: Ms. versus Mr. Archivist." AA 36 (Apr. 1973): 171-81.
Women in Archives: Ms. versus Mr. Archivist
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 171
) Evans, Frank B. "Justifying and Implementing a National Historic Records Program." AHA Newsletter 11, no. 1 (Feb. 1973):24-26.
Justifying and Implementing a National Historic Records Program
, AHA Newsletter
, vol. 11
(pg. 24
) "Federación Archivista de la República Argentina." Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 8 (July-Sept. 1973):8, 10-11.
Fernández Catón, José M. "Primer Congreso Nacional de Archiveros Eclesiásticos de España y constitución de la Asociación Española de Archiveros y Bibliotecarios Eclesiásticos." Spain Bol 20 (Sept.-Dec. 1971):228-33. First national congress of ecclesiastical archivists of Spain and the constitution of the Spanish Association of Archivists and Ecclesiastical Librarians. Abst AA 36, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):105.
Primer Congreso Nacional de Archiveros Eclesiásticos de España y constitución de la Asociación Española de Archiveros y Bibliotecarios Eclesiásticos
, Spain Bol
, vol. 20
(pg. 228
) "XIVth International Conference of the Round Table on Archives." BDT 13 (Nov. 1973):359-60.
Franz, Eckhart G. "Der 47. Deutsche Archivtag." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 13-24. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101.
Der 47. Deutsche Archivtag
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 13
) Gallardo, Guillermo. "El Archivo General de la Nación en Moscú y París." Rev Arch 3 (1973): 13-17.
El Archivo General de la Nación en Moscú y París
, Rev Arch
, vol. 3
(pg. 13
) Goldinger, Walter. "Der 9. Österreichische Archivtag in Innsbruck, 4. Oktober 1971." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 83-88. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):102.
Der 9. Österreichische Archivtag in Innsbruck, 4. Oktober 1971
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 83
) González Santos, A. "IV Congreso Nacional de Archivos y V de Bibliotecas." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):259-61.
IV Congreso Nacional de Archivos y V de Bibliotecas
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 259
) "Group of Experts on the Planning of National Archives Service." BDT 13 (Mar. 1973):57.
Hickey, Daniel. "Conference Coverage: Annual Meeting of L'Association des Archivistes du Québec, 1973." Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):64-65.
Conference Coverage: Annual Meeting of L'Association des Archivistes du Québec, 1973
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 64
) Hornabrook, Judith S. "Local Body Archives." New Zealand Libraries 36 (Dec. 1973):394-96.
Local Body Archives
, New Zealand Libraries
, vol. 36
(pg. 394
) Imray, Jean. "The VIIth International Congress on Archives, Moscow, August 1972: A Personal Account." Archives 11, no. 49 (Spring 1973):6-15.
The VIIth International Congress on Archives, Moscow, August 1972: A Personal Account
, Archives
, vol. 11
(pg. 6
) "Inter-American Seminar on Integrated Information Services of Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean." BDT 13 (Jan. 1973):1.
"International Association for the Development of Documentation, Library and Archives Services in Africa." BDT 13 (Mar. 1973):122-24.
International Council on Archives. East and Central African Regional Branch. 2nd General Conference—Proceedings. Nairobi: 1972. [40] pp.
"International Council on Archives Dues Rate Structure (effective 1/1/ 1973)." International Council on Archives, Bulletin, no. 1 (Oct. 1973):10-17.
"International Council on Archives: Working Group for Technical Assistance to Developing Countries: Statement of Objectives and Functions." SE Asian Arch 5, (July 1972):84-86.
"Mesa Redonda sobre Planeamiento de Archivos." Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 8 (July-Sept. 1973): 12-13.
Miller, Max. "Geschichtlicher Rückblick über die Südwestdeutschen Archivtage (1946-1970)." Der Archivar 24 (May 1971):col. 153-70. An historical summary of the Southwest German archives meetings, 1946-1970. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):99.
Geschichtlicher Rückblick über die Südwestdeutschen Archivtage (1946-1970)
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 153
) O'Neal, Dianne S. "The 1973 Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation." PCN 1, no. 2 (July 1973):1, 4-5.
The 1973 Meeting of the American Institute for Conservation
, vol. 1
pg. 1
Paes, Marilena Leite. "I Congresso Brasileiro de Arquivologia." Arq & Adm 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1973):25-29.
I Congresso Brasileiro de Arquivologia
, Arq & Adm
, vol. 1
(pg. 25
) Penna, Víctor. "Inter-American Seminar on Integrated Information Services of Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean." UBL 27 (May/June 1973): 152-54.
Inter-American Seminar on Integrated Information Services of Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres in Latin America and the Caribbean
, vol. 27
(pg. 152
) Pomrenze, Seymour J. "Federal Records Management Officers—Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference." Records Management Journal 11, no. 4 (Winter 1973):2-4.
Federal Records Management Officers—Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference
, Records Management Journal
, vol. 11
(pg. 2
) "Recomendaciones del VII Congreso Internacional de Archivos: Moscú, 21-25 agosto 1972." Spain Bol 22 (Jan.-Apr. 1973):48-50.
"Recommendations of the Seventh International Congress on Archives." International Council on Archives, Bulletin no. 1 (Oct. 1973):[3]-7.
Represa, Amando. "VII Congreso Internacional de Archivos." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):222-23.
VII Congreso Internacional de Archivos
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 222
) "Resolutions Adopted by the General Assembly of the International Council on Archives at its Moscow Session (August 22-25, 1972)." International Council on Archives, Bulletin no. 1 (Oct. 1973):[8]-10.
Rieger, Morris. "The VIIth International Archives Congress, Moscow, 1972: A Report." AA 36 (Oct. 1973):491-512.
The VIIth International Archives Congress, Moscow, 1972: A Report
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 491
) Rocha, Joelson Gomes. "Documentos historicos se perden no Brasil." Arq & Adm 1, no. 2 (Sept. 1973): 12-14.
Documentos historicos se perden no Brasil
, Arq & Adm
, vol. 1
(pg. 12
) Schwebel, Karl H. "XIII. Internationale Konferenz der Table ronde des Archives. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 13.-16. September 1971." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 79-84. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):102.
XIII. Internationale Konferenz der Table ronde des Archives. Bonn-Bad Godesberg, 13.-16. September 1971
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 79
) Seminario Interamericano sobre la Integración de los Servicios de Información de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación en América Latina y el Caribe, Washington, D.C., 1972. Declaración, Conclusiones y Recomendaciones. Cuadernos Bibliotecológicos, no. 60. Washington: Organización de los Estados Americanos, 1973. 6 pp.
"Seventh International Congress on Archives." UBL 27 (Jan./Feb. 1973):56-57.
"Der VII. Internationale Archivkongress in Moskau, 21. bis 25. August 1972." Der Archivar 26 (Feb. 1973):col. 5-50. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
"South East Asian Regional Branch of the International Council on Archives (SARBICA)." BDT 13 (Nov. 1973):359.
Udina Martorell, Federico. "La XIV Conferencia Internacional de la Mesa Redonda de Archivos: Luxemburgo, mayo 1973." Spain Bol 22 (May-Aug. 1973): 116-17.
Unesco. International Advisory Committee on Documentation, Libraries and Archives, Fourth Session, Paris, 18-21 Sept. 1973. Report of the Session. Paris: 1973. 6 pp.
"Unesco Documentation, Library and Archives Activities in 1971-72." UBL 27 (May/June 1973): 143-51.
Viola, Herman J. " ‘Come to Columbus!’: The SAA 36th Annual Meeting Revisited." AA 36 (Apr. 1973):233-36.
‘Come to Columbus!’: The SAA 36th Annual Meeting Revisited
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 233
) Wagner, Alfred. "Das archivische Programm der UNESCO für Entwicklungshilfe. Studienprojekte und Forschungsvorhaben. Ergebnisse einer Fachberatung zur Ausarbeitung von Richtlinien im Hauptquartier der Organisation in Paris." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 403-8. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101.
Das archivische Programm der UNESCO für Entwicklungshilfe. Studienprojekte und Forschungsvorhaben. Ergebnisse einer Fachberatung zur Ausarbeitung von Richtlinien im Hauptquartier der Organisation in Paris
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 403
) Andreassen, John C. L. "Records Management for Small Institutions: The Small Government College." RMQ 7, no. 3 (July 1973):29-31.
Records Management for Small Institutions: The Small Government College
, vol. 7
(pg. 29
) Bosak, Vincent J. "Congressman Josiah Quincy—An Early Personality in Records Management." Records Management Journal 11, no. 4 (Winter 1973):7-13.
Congressman Josiah Quincy—An Early Personality in Records Management
, Records Management Journal
, vol. 11
(pg. 7
) Campo, Dolores. "Common ¢ Vs. Demon Monster." RMQ 7, no. 4 (Oct. 1973):21-23.
Common ¢ Vs. Demon Monster
, vol. 7
(pg. 21
) Clark, Jesse L., and Wilkes, Gloria. "Better Record Keeping from Objectives to Working Manual." AM 34, no. 5 (May 1973):19-22, 24, 26, 28.
Better Record Keeping from Objectives to Working Manual
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 19
) Clark, Jesse L., and Wilkes, Gloria. "An Office Move—The Ideal Time to Reorganize Records." AM 34, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):30-31.
An Office Move—The Ideal Time to Reorganize Records
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 30
) Cox, R. Linton, and Stewart, Jerry M. "The State Viewpoint: Georgia and South Carolina." RMQ 7, no. 4 (Oct. 1973):7-10.
The State Viewpoint: Georgia and South Carolina
, vol. 7
(pg. 7
) Franz, Eckhart G. "Aktenverwaltung und Zwischenarchive in Frankreich." Der Archivar 24 (July 1971):col. 275-88. Administration of files and records centers in France. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):100.
Aktenverwaltung und Zwischenarchive in Frankreich
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 275
) Gustafson, Milton O. "The Remsen Memorandum—Filing at the Department of State." Records Management Journal 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1973): 3-5.
The Remsen Memorandum—Filing at the Department of State
, Records Management Journal
, vol. 11
(pg. 3
) Katz, Benjamin. The Why, What, and How of Record Keeping for the Sole Proprietor of a Small Business. Alexandria, Va.: Overlook Co., 1973. iv, 64 pp.
The Why, What, and How of Record Keeping for the Sole Proprietor of a Small Business
, vol. iv
pg. 64
Lauck, Raymond A. "The Role of Records Management in Forms Control." IRM 7, no. 2 (Feb. 1973):8-9.
The Role of Records Management in Forms Control
, vol. 7
(pg. 8
) "A Look into Underground Vaults & Commercial Records Centers." IRM 7, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):23-24, 26.
McCarthy, Mary. "A Case of Pepsico Records." Records Management Journal 11, no. 3 (Autumn 1973):9-11.
A Case of Pepsico Records
, Records Management Journal
, vol. 11
(pg. 9
) Maine. State Archives. Policy and Perspective in Government Records Legislation. Information Bulletin, no. 1. Augusta: n.d. 9 pp.
Newton, S. C. "Pre-archival Records Control in East Sussex." Society of Archivists, Journal 4 (Apr. 1973):581-87.
Pre-archival Records Control in East Sussex. Society of Archivists
, Journal
, vol. 4
(pg. 581
) Place, Irene. "New Directions for Records Management." Office 78, no. 3 (Sept. 1973):79-81.
New Directions for Records Management
, Office
, vol. 78
(pg. 79
) Raymond, Joseph C. "The Services that Clients Get from a Records Storage Center." Office 77, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):58, 61.
The Services that Clients Get from a Records Storage Center
, Office
, vol. 77
pg. 58
"Records Management—A Live Experience in Quebec Hydro Electric Commission." RMQ 7, no. 2 (Apr. 1973):15-18. Text in French and English.
Richman, Leo. "Practical Records Management; Part VIII and Part IX." RMQ 7, nos. 1, 2 (Jan., Apr. 1973):28-30, 34-35.
Practical Records Management; Part VIII and Part IX
, vol. 7
(pg. 28
) Russell, Dolores E. "Files Management for Financial Gain and Fast Retrieval." IRM 7, nos. 8, 9 (Sept., Oct. 1973):8-10, 12, 23, 52, 54; 10-11, 24, 27, 37, 39-40.
Files Management for Financial Gain and Fast Retrieval
, vol. 7
(pg. 8
) "Setting Up and Maintaining the Corporate Records Center." IRM 7, no. 2 (Feb. 1973):12, 14-15, 18.
Surgen, Olive R. Records Management Fundamentals. West Hyattsville, Md.: Information & Business Systems, 1973. Various pagings.
Records Management Fundamentals
"Underground Vaults and Commercial Records Storage Centers." Office 78, no. 3 (Sept. 1973):82-87.
U.S. General Accounting Office. Report to the Congress: Ways to Improve Records Management Practices in the Federal Government: National Archives and Records Service. Washington: 1973. [4], 42 pp.
U.S. National Archives and Records Service. Office of Records Management. Correspondence Management. Records Management Handbook. [Washington]: 1973. 35 pp.
"Better Procedures Improve Paperwork." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):76, 79.
Bronstein, Sam. "How the Independent Forms Expert Can Help You." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):96, 98-99.
How the Independent Forms Expert Can Help You
, Office
, vol. 77
pg. 96
Christensen, G. Jay. "The Philosophy and the Profession of Forms Management." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):64-65.
The Philosophy and the Profession of Forms Management
, Office
, vol. 77
(pg. 64
) "Computerized Forms Control: A New Way to Save." MOP 18, no. 2 (Feb. 1973):35-37.
Gordon, Stanley B. "A Functional Filing System for State and Local Government—Part IV and Part V." RMQ 7, nos. 1, 4 (Jan., Oct. 1973):16-21, 26-28.
A Functional Filing System for State and Local Government—Part IV and Part V.
, vol. 7
(pg. 16
) Great Britain. Civil Service Department. Management Services Division. Design of Forms in Government Departments. London: 1972. xi, 123 pp.
LeMond, Jack. "How Business Uses Stock Forms." Office 77, no. 6 (June 1973):114-19.
How Business Uses Stock Forms
, Office
, vol. 77
(pg. 114
) Messemer, Fred C. "Forms Are a Management Tool." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):88.
Forms Are a Management Tool
, Office
, vol. 77
pg. 88
Morgan, Michael G. "Forms As Data Assemblies of the Profit Machine." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):60-63, 102.
Forms As Data Assemblies of the Profit Machine
, Office
, vol. 77
(pg. 60
) Place, Irene; Popham, Estelle L.; and Fujita, Harry N. Fundamental Filing Practice. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973. x, 245 pp.
Fundamental Filing Practice
, vol. x
pg. 245
"Records Systems and the ‘Now’ People: Symposium." AM 33, no. 6 (June 1972):30-34.
Saffady, William. "A Filing System for Official University Records." RMQ 7, no. 4 (Oct. 1973):16-20.
A Filing System for Official University Records
, vol. 7
(pg. 16
) Schied, John P. "A Brief History of the Forms Industry." Office 77, no. 5 (May 1973):57-59, 102.
A Brief History of the Forms Industry
, Office
, vol. 77
(pg. 57
) Searles, Jack R. "An Effective, Do-It-Yourself Filing System." AM 34, no. 9 (Sept. 1973):72-74.
An Effective, Do-It-Yourself Filing System
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 72
) Society of American Archivists. College and University Archives Committee. Forms Manual. n.p., 1973. v, [1], 236 pp.
Bayless, Donald, and Shuman, David. "Protect Your Data Base." Computer Decisions 5, no. 10 (Oct. 1973):14-16.
Protect Your Data Base
, Computer Decisions
, vol. 5
(pg. 14
) Computer Security Research Group. Computer Security Handbook. New York: Macmillan Information, 1973. vii, 172 pp.
Gottfried, Ira S. "Protect or Perish." Data Management 11, no. 9 (Sept. 1973):23-27.
Protect or Perish
, Data Management
, vol. 11
(pg. 23
) Harwood, Gordon B., and Singleton, Roger L. "A Computerized Decision System for College Administration." RMQ 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):5-9.
A Computerized Decision System for College Administration
, vol. 7
(pg. 5
) Howerton, Helen V. "First Principles of Information System Design." Medical Record News 44, no. 2 (Apr. 1973):64-66.
First Principles of Information System Design
, Medical Record News
, vol. 44
(pg. 64
) "Humans and Computers Share the Same Archives." IEEE Spectrum 9, no. 7 (July 1972):85-86.
Judd, D. R. Use of Files. New York: American Elsevier, 1973. ix, 146 pp.
Use of Files
, vol. ix
pg. 146
Levá, Pavla, and Vesely, Arnošt. "Dokumentace výpočetní techniky v podnikové spisovně." Archivní Časopis (1972):4-9. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):593-94.
Dokumentace výpočetní techniky v podnikové spisovně
, Archivní Časopis
(pg. 4
) Menkus, Belden. "Computer Security Needs a Common Sense Approach: Here's Some Practical Advice on How to Decrease Chances of a Mishap in Your DP Area." AM 34, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):28-29, 33.
Computer Security Needs a Common Sense Approach: Here's Some Practical Advice on How to Decrease Chances of a Mishap in Your DP Area
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 28
) Raymond, Morton C. "Computer Based Information Systems—The Records Manager's Vital Role." IRM 7, no. 7 (July/Aug. 1973):24, 58.
Computer Based Information Systems—The Records Manager's Vital Role
, vol. 7
pg. 24
"Records, Computers and the Rights of Citizens." Data Management 11, no. 9 (Sept. 1973):17, 20.
Romberg, Bernhard W. "Data Bases: There Really Is a Better Way to Manage Your Files." Infosystems 20, no. 5 (May 1973):56-58.
Data Bases: There Really Is a Better Way to Manage Your Files
, Infosystems
, vol. 20
(pg. 56
) Szatkowski, Richard L. "File Structures and Operations." Data Management 11, no. 9 (Sept. 1973):74-77.
File Structures and Operations
, Data Management
, vol. 11
(pg. 74
) U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Records, Computers and the Rights of Citizens: Report of the Secretary's Advisory Committee on Automated Personal Data Systems. Washington: 1973. xxxv, 346 pp.
Wright, Joseph L. "The Unfinished Symphony." IRM 7, no. 2 (Feb. 1972):21-22.
The Unfinished Symphony
, vol. 7
(pg. 21
) "At South Carolina National Bank: All Is Filmed." Panorama 8, no. 2 (June 1973):8-10. On computer output microfilm.
Bischof, Wallace F. "Film Technology." In Compact Efficiency: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference and Exposition, edited by Rita Mass, pp. II236-II252. Silver Spring, Md.: National Microfilm Association, 1973. v, 18, 331, [41] pp.
Compact Efficiency: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference and Exposition
, vol. 18
(pg. II236
) "Eliminating Filing Cabinets." Aircraft Engineering 44, no. 10 (Oct. 1972):25.
Goldman, Jack B. "The Computer/Microform Role in Medical Record Linkage and Automation." In Compact Efficiency: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference and Exposition, edited by Rita Mass, pp. II322-II328. Silver Spring, Md.: National Microfilm Association, 1973. v, 18, 331, [41] pp.
The Computer/Microform Role in Medical Record Linkage and Automation
, vol. 18
(pg. II322
) Holmes, James R. "U.S. Patent Office Modernizes Its Files with a Microfilm System." Office 72, no. 4 (Oct. 1970):108, 110, 112.
U.S. Patent Office Modernizes Its Files with a Microfilm System
, Office
, vol. 72
pg. 108
"John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company: The New Age of Record-Keeping." Panorama 8, no. 3 (Sept. 1973):8-10.
Keane, Edward T. "A Microform for Active Records." In Compact Efficiency: Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Annual Conference and Exposition, edited by Rita Mass, pp. II300-II307. Silver Spring, Md.: National Microfilm Association, 1973. v, 18, 331, [41] pp.
A Microform for Active Records
, vol. 18
(pg. II300
) Kish, Joseph L., Jr. "Microfilm Systems Analysis and Design." Business Graphics 7, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):5-6, 8.
Microfilm Systems Analysis and Design
, Business Graphics
, vol. 7
(pg. 5
) "A Management Briefing on New Microfilm Tools." AM 34, no. 7 (July 1973):28, 30, 33-36, 40-42.
"The Management Measure of Microfilm: Roll Film Loses Ground to Fiche and Cards, Opinion Surveys Taken in '70 and '73 Show." AM 34, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):32, 72, 74.
Menkus, Belden. "How to Cost Out Microfilm." AM 34, no. 5 (May 1973):37, 40, 42, 44.
How to Cost Out Microfilm
, AM
, vol. 34
pg. 37
"Microfilm: An Every Office Tool." MOP 18, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):36-40.
"Microfilm Helps Marine Midland-Western Handle Record Growth: Pressure on Personal Credit Staff Relieved, 50% of File Space Freed for Expansion." Panorama 8, no. 2 (June 1973):2-3.
"Microfilm Speeds Michigan State Police Accident Report Retrieval: Savings, Quick Referencing, Increased File Capacity." Panorama [8], no. 1 (Mar. 1973):6-7.
Microform Review. Vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 1972-. Weston, Conn.: Microform Review, Inc., 1972-.
Millichamp, David. "Microfilm Systems Put Efficiency Right in the Picture." Engineer 234, no. 6064 (1 June 1972):28-30.
Microfilm Systems Put Efficiency Right in the Picture
, Engineer
, vol. 234
(pg. 28
) Powell, Henry E., Jr. "The Systemic Miniature." RMQ 7, no. 3 (July 1973):14-18, 20-21.
The Systemic Miniature
, vol. 7
(pg. 14
) "A Prescription for Paperwork Problems." MOP 18, no. 6 (June 1973):27-30. On computer output microfilm.
"Reproduction Equipment." Machine Design 44, no. 28 (23 Nov. 1972):103-7.
"The Search Is Over: Liberty Mutual Film Jacket Program Assures 100% File Integrity at All Times." Panorama 8, no. 3 (Sept. 1973):4-5.
Siegmund, Karl P. "A Unitized Drawing Microfilm System." RMQ 7, no. 2 (Apr. 1973):20-25.
A Unitized Drawing Microfilm System
, vol. 7
(pg. 20
) "With COM, More Than Meets the Eye." AM 34, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):38-39.
Zaffarano, Joan. "Microfilm: In the Final Analysis, What You Get Is What You See." AM 34, no. 7 (July 1973):19-24, 26, 27.
Microfilm: In the Final Analysis, What You Get Is What You See
, AM
, vol. 34
(pg. 19
) Zarabet, Joseph. "Selling COM to Management: The Procedure for Converting Customer History Files to Microfilm." IRM 7, no. 3 (Mar. 1973):46, 48, 50, 52.
Selling COM to Management: The Procedure for Converting Customer History Files to Microfilm
, vol. 7
pg. 46
American Library Association. American Library Laws. Edited by Alex Ladenson. 4th ed. Chicago: 1973. viii, 1992 pp.
Annotation: The Newsletter of the Historical Publications Commission. Fall/Winter 1973-. Washington: National Historical Publications Commission, 1973-.
"Archival Materials Returned to Government of Japan." Library of Congress Information Bulletin 32 (23 Nov. 1973):407.
Belgium. Archives générales du Royaume and Archives de l'Etat dans les provinces. La gestion des archives aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique: Un exemple à suivre. By Gustaaf Asaert. Miscellanea archivistica, no. 3. Brussels: 1973. vi, 53 pp.
Conference on the History of the Territories of the United States, 1st, Washington, D.C., 1969. The American Territorial System: [Papers and Proceedings]. Edited by John Porter Bloom. National Archives Conferences, vol. 5. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xv, 248 pp.
Council on Library Resources, Inc. 17th Annual Report for the Year Ending June 30, 1973. Washington: n.d. 56 pp. "Archives and Special Collections," pp. 46-47.
Davison, Kenneth. "The American Presidency: A Bibliographical Essay." American Studies 12, no. 1 (Autumn 1973):16-23.
The American Presidency: A Bibliographical Essay
, American Studies
, vol. 12
(pg. 16
) Deschin, Jacob. "Government Agencies Have a Half-Million Recordings—And You Can Copy Them, Free." Popular Photography 73, no. 5 (Nov. 1973):49-50, 146.
Government Agencies Have a Half-Million Recordings—And You Can Copy Them, Free
, Popular Photography
, vol. 73
(pg. 49
) "Documents Bring History to Students." History News 28 (Sept. 1973):[218]. Elementary school program of the National Archives and Records Service.
Eisenhower Center: Abilene, Kansas. Prepared for the Eisenhower Foundation by Don Richards. n.p., n.d. [32] pp.
Granier, Gerhard. "Verzeichnung der Mikrofilme deutscher militärischer Archivalien in Alexandria, USA." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. 367-76. Guides to microfilms of German military archives in Alexandria, USA. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):442.
Verzeichnung der Mikrofilme deutscher militärischer Archivalien in Alexandria, USA
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 367
) "Indians and the American West." Santa Fe Magazine 66, no. 12 (Nov. 1973):8-11. On an exhibit at the National Archives and Records Service.
"JFK's Monument." Newsweek 81, no. 24 (11 June 1973):85.
James, J. C. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library." Manuscripts 25 (Winter 1973):38-40.
The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
, Manuscripts
, vol. 25
(pg. 38
) Murphy, William. "The National Archives and the Historian's Use of Film." History Teacher 6 (Nov. 1972):119-34.
The National Archives and the Historian's Use of Film
, History Teacher
, vol. 6
(pg. 119
) "National Archives Conference on the American Revolution." Library of Congress Information Bulletin 32 (7 Dec. 1973):434-35.
"National Historic Records Act: MARAC's Position." Mid-Atlantic Archivist 2, no. 3 (June 1973):13-15.
Newsletter. Vol. 1, no. 1, Feb. 1973-. n.p.: U.S. National Archives and Records Service, 1973-.
O'Neill, James E. "Will Success Spoil the Presidential Libraries?" AA 36 (July 1973):339-51.
Will Success Spoil the Presidential Libraries?
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 339
) Papenfuse, Edward C. "Preserving the Nation's Heritage through a National Historic Records Program." AHA Newsletter 11, no. 1 (Feb. 1973):19-23.
Preserving the Nation's Heritage through a National Historic Records Program
, AHA Newsletter
, vol. 11
(pg. 19
) "Problems for JFK Memorial Library." American Libraries 4 (July/Aug. 1973):416.
Rhoads, James B. "The Role of the National Archives in Facilitating Statistical Inquiry." In The National Archives and Statistical Research: [Papers and Proceedings], edited by Meyer H. Fishbein, pp. 6-13. National Archives Conferences, vol. 2. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xiv, 255 pp.
The Role of the National Archives in Facilitating Statistical Inquiry
, vol. xiv
(pg. 6
) Smith, Philip R., Jr. "Presidential Libraries: Preserving Our Heritage." Retired Officer 29, no. 7 (July 1973):14-17.
Presidential Libraries: Preserving Our Heritage
, Retired Officer
, vol. 29
(pg. 14
) U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriation Bill, 1974. 93d Cong., 1st sess., 1973. H. Rept. 93-399. 57 pp. National Archives and Records Service, pp. 36-37.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1974: Hearings…. 93rd Cong., 1st sess., 1973. 4 vols. National Archives and Records Service, part 4, pp. 648-90.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriation Bill, 1974. 93d Cong., 1st sess., 1973. S. Rept. 93-378. 45 pp. National Archives and Records Service, pp. 29-30.
U.S. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1974: Hearings…. 93rd Cong., 1st sess., 1973. 2 vols. Includes discussion of appropriations for the National Archives and Records Service.
U.S. General Services Administration. Archives and Records: Chapter 3 of Basic Laws and Authorities of the General Services Administration: A GSA Handbook. rev. ed. Washington: 1973. i, 66 pp.
U.S. General Services Administration. A New Way: General Services Administration Annual Report: 1972. n.p.: [1973]. 64 pp. National Archives and Records Service, pp. 10-11.
U.S. National Archives. Cartographic Archives Division. General Information Leaflet, no. 26. Washington: n.d. 9 pp.
U.S. National Archives. The Center for Polar Archives. General Information Leaflet, no. 11. Washington: n.d. 6 pp.
U.S. National Archives and Records Service. Regional Branches of the National Archives. General Information Leaflet, no. 22. Washington: n.d. 7 pp.
Wagner, Susan. "Authors' Tax Exemption—And the Nixon Papers Gift." Publishers Weekly 203, no. 26 (25 June 1973):50.
Authors' Tax Exemption—And the Nixon Papers Gift
, Publishers Weekly
, vol. 203
pg. 50
Whistle Stop: Harry S. Truman Library Institute Newsletter. Vol. 1, no. 1, Winter 1973-. Independence, Mo.: Harry S. Truman Library Institute, 1973-.
American Jewish Historical Society and Institute of Contemporary Jewry. Guide for American-Holy Land Studies: Section on American Individual and Institutional Presence, 1620-1948: Specimen Pages. Edited by Moshe Davis. Jerusalem: Institute of Contemporary Jewry, 1973. 50, [1] pp.
Anderson, Leland. "Across the Continent: Important Northern Pacific Railroad Records Transferred from Seattle." Minnesota History News 13, no. 4 (Aug. 1972):[3].
Across the Continent: Important Northern Pacific Railroad Records Transferred from Seattle
, Minnesota History News
, vol. 13
pg. 3
"At the Archives." The New South Carolina State Gazette 6, no. 2 (April 1973):[3-4].
Baa, Enid M. "The U.S. Virgin Islands Archives Legislation." Caribbean Archives 1 (1973):29-31.
The U.S. Virgin Islands Archives Legislation
, Caribbean Archives
, vol. 1
(pg. 29
) Barton, Judy J., and Moorer, Frank. "A Report on Oral History at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center." Journal of Library History, Philosophy and Comparative Librarianship 7 (Jan. 1972):61-63.
A Report on Oral History at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Center
, Journal of Library History, Philosophy and Comparative Librarianship
, vol. 7
(pg. 61
) Becker, Robert H. "Library Resources: The Bancroft Library—Then and Now." California Historical Quarterly 52 (Fall 1973):261-71.
Library Resources: The Bancroft Library—Then and Now
, California Historical Quarterly
, vol. 52
(pg. 261
) Benjamin, Philip S. "Preserving the Sources for Urban History." PLA [Pennsylvania Library Association] Bulletin 27 (Jan. 1972):14-20.
Preserving the Sources for Urban History. PLA [Pennsylvania Library Association]
, Bulletin
, vol. 27
(pg. 14
) DePauw University and United Methodist Church. Commission on Archives and History. Archives of DePauw University and Indiana Methodism: 1971-72 Annual Report. Greencastle, Ind.: 1972. 15 pp.
Detroit. Public Library. The Burton Historical Collection of the Detroit Public Library. [Detroit: 1971.] Leaflet.
The Emergency in Preserving Local Government Records. n.p.: [Ohio Network of American History Research Centers], n.d. [4] pp.
Fisher, Barbara. "E Pluribus Unum: An Archivist's View." PNLA [Pacific Northwest Library Association] Quarterly 36, no. 2 (Winter 1972):7-11.
E Pluribus Unum: An Archivist's View. PNLA [Pacific Northwest Library Association]
, Quarterly
, vol. 36
(pg. 7
) Gatton, Frank D. "The Local Records Program." RMQ 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):12-15, 22.
The Local Records Program
, vol. 7
(pg. 12
) Holden, Harley P. "The Collecting of Faculty Papers." Harvard Library Bulletin 19 (Apr. 1971):187-93.
The Collecting of Faculty Papers
, Harvard Library Bulletin
, vol. 19
(pg. 187
) Illinois. University. University Archives. Tenth Annual Report: July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. n.p., n.d. 21 pp.
Kivett, Marvin F. "The Nebraska State Historical Society in 1973." Nebraska History 54 (Winter 1973):657-86. "State of Nebraska Archives," pp. 675-82.
The Nebraska State Historical Society in 1973
, Nebraska History
, vol. 54
(pg. 657
) Lathrop, Alan K. "Architectural Records: A Heritage on Paper." Historic Preservation 25, no. 4 (Oct.-Dec. 1973):38-42.
Architectural Records: A Heritage on Paper
, Historic Preservation
, vol. 25
(pg. 38
) Maine. State Archives. Report of the State Archivist: 1973. Augusta: [1973]. 50 pp.
Maryland. Hall of Records Commission. Activities Report No. 37: Fiscal Year 1972. Annapolis: n.d. 33 pp.
Michigan. University. Michigan Historical Collections. Report … 1972-1973. Ann Arbor: [1973]. 24 pp.
Michigan. University. William L. Clements Library. 1972-73 Annual Report. Ann Arbor: 1973. [12] pp.
Mississippi. Department of Archives and History. Annual Report: 1972-1973. By R. A. McLemore. Jackson: 1973. 57 pp.
Missouri. Records Management and Archives Service. Annual Report: 1971-1972. [Jefferson City]: n.d. [2], 11 pp.
"New Archives Program at Rockefeller Foundation." Center for the History of Physics, Newsletter 6, no. 2 (Dec. 1973):6.
New Jersey. Division of State Library, Archives and History. Annual Report for the Year July 1, 1969-June 30, 1970, July 1, 1970-June 30, 1971 and July 1, 1971-June 30, 1972. Trenton: 1970, 1972, 1972. [1], 77; [3], 99; [2], 58 pp.
Potter, James E. "The Archival Program at the Nebraska State Historical Society." Nebraska History 54 (Summer 1973):307-17.
The Archival Program at the Nebraska State Historical Society
, Nebraska History
, vol. 54
(pg. 307
) "Proceedings of the One Hundred and Twenty-seventh Annual Business Meeting of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin: 1972-1973: Director's Report." Wisconsin Magazine of History 57 (Autumn 1973):69-80. "Archives and Manuscripts," p. 77.
Radcliffe College. Library. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. Report of the Schlesinger Library: 1970-1972. n.p., [1973]. 29 pp.
Shannon, Mike. "Local Historical Records—Out of Chaos, Comes Order." RQ 12 (Fall 1972):44-49.
Local Historical Records—Out of Chaos, Comes Order
, RQ
, vol. 12
(pg. 44
) Simpson, Robert R. "Leland to Connor: An Early Survey of American State Archives." AA 36 (Oct. 1973):513-22.
Leland to Connor: An Early Survey of American State Archives
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 513
) Simpson, Robert R. "The Origin of the Arkansas History Commission." Arkansas Historical Quarterly 32 (Autumn 1973):241-54.
The Origin of the Arkansas History Commission
, Arkansas Historical Quarterly
, vol. 32
(pg. 241
) Sokol, David M. "In Praise of Archives." Art in America 61, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 1973):42-43.
In Praise of Archives
, Art in America
, vol. 61
(pg. 42
) Somers, Dale A.; Crimmins, Timothy J; and Reed, Merl E. "Surveying the Records of a City: The History of Atlanta Project." AA 36 (July 1973):353-59.
Surveying the Records of a City: The History of Atlanta Project
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 353
) Temple University. Libraries. Urban Archives Center. Private Social Services in Philadelphia: A Survey of the Records. Philadelphia: 1973. 76 pp.
"The Archival Organization of the United Church of Canada." United Church of Canada, Bulletin no. 22 (1973):5-15.
Canada. Public Archives. Report: 1971/1972. Ottawa: 1973. [1], 96, [1], 107 pp. In English and French.
Gordon, Robert S. "The Protocol of S.N.A.P.: Demarcation of Acquisition Fields." Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):48-54.
The Protocol of S.N.A.P.: Demarcation of Acquisition Fields
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 48
) Hickey, Daniel. "Quebec Manuscript Collections and ‘L'Affaire des Manuscrits.’" Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):55-59.
Quebec Manuscript Collections and ‘L'Affaire des Manuscrits.’
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 55
) McGill University, Montreal. Annual Report of the University Archivist for the Year Ending 31 May 1973. Montreal: n.d. 21 pp.
Nova Scotia. Public Archives. Report of the Board of Trustees of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia for the Year 1972. Halifax: n.d. 43 pp.
Quebec. Ministère des Affaires Culturelles. État Sommaire des Archives nationales du Québec à Montréal (en collaboration). n.p., n.d. 29 pp.
Smith, Wilfred I. "The Public Archives of Canada." RMQ 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):23-25, 30.
The Public Archives of Canada
, vol. 7
(pg. 23
) Speirs, W. Brian. "Yukon Archives—A Regional Experiment." Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):26-37.
Yukon Archives—A Regional Experiment
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 26
) Stacey, C. P. "The Public Archives of Canada at the End of Its First Century." In Historical Papers: 1972, edited by Jay Atherton, pp. 11-22. n.p.: Canadian Historical Association, n.d. 373 pp.
Historical Papers: 1972
(pg. 11
) Wilson, Ian E. "Shortt and Doughty: The Cultural Role of the Public Archives of Canada: 1904-1935." Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):4-25.
Shortt and Doughty: The Cultural Role of the Public Archives of Canada: 1904-1935
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 4
) Allen, David. "Surveys of Records in the British Isles." Aslib Proceedings 23 (July 1971):372-77.
Surveys of Records in the British Isles
, Aslib Proceedings
, vol. 23
(pg. 372
) Amsterdam. Gemeentelijke Archiefdienst. Verslagen der bedrijven diensten en commissies van Amsterdam 1972. n.p., n.d. 30 pp.
"Les Archives départementales en 1970-1971 et 1971-1972 (Nièvre à Réunion)." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):263-73.
Archivní zprávy ČSAV. No. 1, 1970-. Prague: Československá akademie věd. Ustřední archiv, 1970-.
Argentina. Ministerio de Cultura y Educación. Archivos publicos, privados y mixtos: Archivos provinciales y municipals. By José María Anaya Espinasse. Temas archivísticos, no. 2. Buenos Aires: 1972. 58, [1] pp.
"Arquivo Nacional." Arq & Adm 1, no. 3 (Dec. 1973):22.
Asaert, G. "Eigentijds Archiefbeheer in Engeland. De Relatie Public Record Office—Centrale Administrate." Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique/Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België 44 (1973):71-84.
Eigentijds Archiefbeheer in Engeland. De Relatie Public Record Office—Centrale Administrate
, Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique/Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België
, vol. 44
(pg. 71
) Babelon, Jean-Paul, and Putfin, Guy. "L'exposition ‘Coligny’ aux Archives nationales, quelques réflexions de visiteurs." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 81 (1973):79-84.
L'exposition ‘Coligny’ aux Archives nationales, quelques réflexions de visiteurs
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 79
) Bangladesh. Directorate of Archives and Libraries. National Archives of Bangladesh: First Annual Report, 1973. Dacca: n.d. 7 pp.
Basel-Stadt (Canton). Staatsarchiv. Jahresbericht des Staatsarchivs Basel-Stadt: 1973. Basel: n.d. 20 pp.
Bekker-Nielsen, Hans. "Icelandic Manuscripts in Denmark and Their Return to Iceland." Libri 23 (1973):169-80.
Icelandic Manuscripts in Denmark and Their Return to Iceland
, Libri
, vol. 23
(pg. 169
) Black, Clinton V. "The Jamaica Archives." Caribbean Archives 1 (1973):27-28.
The Jamaica Archives
, Caribbean Archives
, vol. 1
(pg. 27
) Boegehold, Alan L. "The Establishment of a Central Archive at Athens." American Journal of Archaeology 76 (Jan. 1972):23-30.
The Establishment of a Central Archive at Athens
, American Journal of Archaeology
, vol. 76
(pg. 23
) Bucher, Peter. "Wechsel in de Leitung des Bundesarchivs." Der Archivar 26 (Feb. 1973):col. 59-74. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
Wechsel in de Leitung des Bundesarchivs
, Der Archivar
, vol. 26
(pg. 59
) Charous, Jaromír. "Na okraj nové ‘Směrnice pro organizaci, činnost a řízení okresních a městských archivů v ČSR.’" Archivní Časopis (1971):10-22. Commentary on the new directives for organization, activity, and administration of district and city archives in the Czech Republic. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):97.
Na okraj nové ‘Směrnice pro organizaci, činnost a řízení okresních a městských archivů v ČSR.’
, Archivní Časopis
(pg. 10
) Cologne. Historisches Archiv. Kölner archivalische Kostbarkeiten: Austellung zur Einweihung des neuen Hauses des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln vom 9. Dezember 1971-25. Februar 1972. Compiled by Hugo Stehkämper. Cologne: n.d. 68 pp.
Dale, Doris Cruger. "Research in the Archives of the United Nations." Illinois Libraries 55 (Mar. 1973):156-60.
Research in the Archives of the United Nations
, Illinois Libraries
, vol. 55
(pg. 156
) "Decret NR. 472 privind fondul archivistic national al republicii socialiste românia." Revista Archivelor 34 (1972):199-216. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):445.
Diemer, Kurt. "Die reichsstädtischen Archive in Oberschwaben." Arch Zeit 68 (1972):67-74. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
Die reichsstädtischen Archive in Oberschwaben
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 67
) Duboscq, Guy. "Les Archives départementales en 1970-1971 et 1971-1972." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 81 (1973):194-209.
Les Archives départementales en 1970-1971 et 1971-1972
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 194
) Duchein, Michel. "Les Archives nationales en 1972." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 82 (1973):189-94.
Les Archives nationales en 1972
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 189
) Fernández Pinto, Augusto. "Reformas propuestas para el funcionamiento del Archivo General de los Tribunales de la Capital Federal." Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 7 (Apr.-June 1973):14-16, 26-28.
Ferry, Ferréol de. "Le dépôt central de microfilms d'Espeyran." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 82 (1973):143-57.
Le dépôt central de microfilms d'Espeyran
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 143
) Finland. Valtionarkisto. Maakunta-arkistojen opas. Valtionarkiston julkaisuja, no. 2. Helsinki:1972. [2], 64, [2] pp.
Finland. Valtionarkisto. Riksarkivet En handledning. Riksarkivets publikationer, no. 3. Helsinki: 1973. [2], 53, [5] pp.
Finland. Valtionarkisto. Valtionarkiston opas. Valtionarkiston julkaisuja, no. 1. Helsinki: 1972. [2], 52, [2] pp.
Gowing, Margaret. "The Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre." Archives 11, no. 50 (Autumn 1973):73-75.
The Contemporary Scientific Archives Centre
, Archives
, vol. 11
(pg. 73
) Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office. India Office Library & Records: Report for the Year Ended 31 March 1971. London: 1973. 77, [1] pp.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Record Repositories in Great Britain. 5th ed. London: 1973. 78 pp.
Great Britain. Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Secretary's Report to the Commissioners: 1972-73. London: 1973. 17 pp.
Greater London Council. Greater London Record Office and Library Report: 1972. [London: 1973.] 26, [1] pp.
Grimsted, Patricia Kennedy. "Regional Archival Development in the USSR: Soviet Standards and National Documentary Legacies." AA 36 (Jan. 1973):43-66.
Guěze, Raoul. Note sugli archivi di Stato della Grecia. Quaderni della Rassegna degli archivi di Stato, no. 41. Rome: n.p., 1970. 107 pp.
Gut, C. Tchad: Création d'un service national d'archives. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 15. [19] pp.
Tchad: Création d'un service national d'archives
pg. 15
The Hague. Archief Der Gemeente. Verslag over het jaar 1972. n.p., n.d. 12 l.
Hardenberg, H. "Archives in the Netherlands." Arch & Mss 5 (May 1973):51-65.
Archives in the Netherlands
, Arch & Mss
, vol. 5
(pg. 51
) Harrisson, Tom. "The Mass-Observation Archive at Sussex University: Paper Presented at an Aslib Evening Meeting, Wednesday, 19th May 1971." Aslib Proceedings 23 (Aug. 1971):398-411.
The Mass-Observation Archive at Sussex University: Paper Presented at an Aslib Evening Meeting, Wednesday, 19th May 1971
, Aslib Proceedings
, vol. 23
(pg. 398
) Hertfordshire, Eng. County Council. Report of the County Archivist for 1971 and 1972. n.p., [1973]. 11 pp.
History in Motion: The Abraham F. Rad Jewish Film Archives, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. n.p., n.d. 16 pp.
Huder, Walther. "Die Archive der Deutschen Akadamie der Künste zu Berlin." Der Archivar 25 (July 1972): col. 263-66. The archives of the German Academy of Arts at Berlin. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Die Archive der Deutschen Akadamie der Künste zu Berlin
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 263
) Huder, Walther. "Die Archive, Sammlungen und Bibliotheken der Akademie der Künste." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. 393-98. The archives, collections, and libraries of the Academy of the Arts. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):442.
Die Archive, Sammlungen und Bibliotheken der Akademie der Künste
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 393
) Japan. Kokuritsu Kobunshokan. Annual Report … (The National Archives):1972 (No. 2). n.p., n.d. [56] pp. Title page in English, contents in Japanese.
Jenkins, Paul. "The Archival Collections in the Mission House in Basel, with Special Reference to Africa." In Archivbeiträge, by Paul Jenkins, H. Max J. Trutenau, K. Peter Johanson, and Carl Schlettwein, pp. 9-24. Mitteilungen der Basler Afrika Bibliographien, no. 9. Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien; Schwäbisch-Gmünd: Afrika-Verlag Der Kreis, 1973. 86 pp.
(pg. 9
) Jerusalem. Central Zionist Archives. The Central Zionist Archives. Jerusalem: World Zionist Organization, 1970. [1], 31, [16], [1] pp.
Jørgensen, Harald. "Die skandinavischen Archive." Arch Zeit 66 (1970):54-115. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98.
Die skandinavischen Archive
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 66
(pg. 54
) Kahlenberg, Friedrich P. "Abschied des Bundesarchiv-Zwischenarchivs von Bad Godesberg." Der Archivar 24 (July 1971):col. 273-76. Farewell of the Federal records center from Bad Godesberg. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):99-100.
Abschied des Bundesarchiv-Zwischenarchivs von Bad Godesberg
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 273
) Kahlenberg, Friedrich P. "Zur Lage des Archivwesens in der Republik Irland." Der Archivar 25 (May 1972):col. 175-82. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):103.
Zur Lage des Archivwesens in der Republik Irland
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 175
) Labracherie, J.-C. "La Sous-Commission des Livres et les spoliations allemandes pendant l'occupation de 1940-1944." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 82 (1973):159-62.
La Sous-Commission des Livres et les spoliations allemandes pendant l'occupation de 1940-1944
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 159
) Lancashire, Eng. Record Office. Report for 1972. Preston: n.d. 23 pp.
Leesch, Wolfgang. "Entwicklungstendenzen im Archivwesen der DDR." Der Archivar 25 (May 1972):col. 149-70. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):102-3.
Entwicklungstendenzen im Archivwesen der DDR
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 149
) Levine, Herbert S. "The League of Nations Archives at Geneva." Central European History 3 (Dec. 1970):392-96.
The League of Nations Archives at Geneva
, Central European History
, vol. 3
(pg. 392
) Library Association. Reference, Special and Information Section. Railway History: A Guide to Sixty-One Collections in Libraries and Archives in Great Britain. By George Ottley. Subject Guides to Library Resources, no. 1. London: 1973. 80 pp.
Lodolini, Elio. "La catastrofe degli archivi italiani." Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique/Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België 44 (1973):599-604.
La catastrofe degli archivi italiani
, Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique/Archief- en Bibliotheekwezen in België
, vol. 44
(pg. 599
) Malaysia. Director General of National Archives and Library. Penyata tahunan bagi Arkib dan Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia: 1971 [Annual Report on the National Archives and Library of Malaysia: 1971] Kuala Lumpur: 1973. iv, 113, [2] pp. In Malay and English.
Meisner, Heinrich Otto. "Das Reichsarchiv." Arch Zeit 66 (1970):50-53. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98.
Das Reichsarchiv
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 66
(pg. 50
) Mendoza, L. Gunnar. El Salvador: Situación y planificación del Servicio de Documentos Públicos. Paris: Unesco, 1973. vii, 113 pp.
El Salvador: Situación y planificación del Servicio de Documentos Públicos
, vol. vii
pg. 113
Morel, Jean. "Libraries in the French Antilles and Cooperation." In Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean, edited by Alma Jordan, pp. 28-35. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. xii, 145 pp. Includes section on government archives.
Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean
, vol. xii
(pg. 28
) "A National Archives System: A Background Document." Arch & Mss 5 (Nov. 1973): 104-9.
Netherlands. Ministerie van Cultuur, Recreatie en Maatschappelijk Werk. Jaarverslag van de Rijksarchiefdienst over 1971. The Hague: 1973. 111 pp.
New South Wales. Archives Authority. Report … 1972. n.p.: 1973. 14 pp.
New Zealand. National Archives. A Summary of Work: 1973. Wellington: n.d. 28 pp.
Oliva, Terezinha Alves de. "Sergipe em tempo de arquivo." Arq & Adm 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1973):22-23.
Sergipe em tempo de arquivo
, Arq & Adm
, vol. 1
(pg. 22
) Pansini, G. Gabon: Réorganisation des archives nationales: Novembredécembre 1972. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 19 pp.
Gabon: Réorganisation des archives nationales: Novembredécembre 1972
pg. 19
Pantin, W. A. Oxford Life in Oxford Archives. London: Oxford University Press, 1972. x, 123 pp.
Oxford Life in Oxford Archives
, vol. x
pg. 123
"Preserving Tibetan Culture." American Libraries 4 (Nov. 1973):598.
Ranger, Felicity, ed. Prisca Munimenta: Studies in Archival and Administrative History: Presented to Dr. A. E. J. Hollaender. London: University of London Press, 1973. xv, 307 pp.
Prisca Munimenta: Studies in Archival and Administrative History: Presented to Dr. A. E. J. Hollaender
, vol. xv
pg. 307
Rhodesia. National Archives. Report of the Director … 1972. [Salisbury]: n.d. 15 pp.
Ribberink, A. E. M. "Archivrat und Reichsarchivdienst in den Niederlanden." Der Archivar 25 (July 1972):col. 267-70. Archival service in the Netherlands. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Archivrat und Reichsarchivdienst in den Niederlanden
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 267
) Rubio Mañé, J. Ignacio. El Archivo General de la Nación México, Distrito Federal, Estados Unidos Mexicanos: II edición, conmemorativa del sesquicentenario de su fundación, 1823-1973. Mexico City: Secretaria de Gobernación, 1973. 69 pp.
El Archivo General de la Nación México, Distrito Federal, Estados Unidos Mexicanos: II edición, conmemorativa del sesquicentenario de su fundación, 1823-1973
pg. 69
Salas, Carmen. "El Archivo de la Presidencia del Gobierno." Spain Bol 22 (May-Aug. 1973):109-11.
El Archivo de la Presidencia del Gobierno
, Spain Bol
, vol. 22
(pg. 109
) Saunders, D. Gail. "The Public Record Office, Nassau, Bahamas." Caribbean Archives 1 (1973):15-25.
The Public Record Office, Nassau, Bahamas
, Caribbean Archives
, vol. 1
(pg. 15
) Schindler, Margarete. "Das Buxtehuder Stadtarchiv." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. 387-92. The Buxtehuder city archives. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):442.
Das Buxtehuder Stadtarchiv
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 387
) Schmitz, Hans, and Tiepelmann, Hannelore. "Gesetzliche Bestimmungen und Verwaltungsvorschriften für das staatliche Archivwesen und zur Archivpflege in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland." Der Archivar 24 (Feb., July 1971):col. 53-60, 289-300 and 25 (July 1972):col. 269-90 and 26 (Feb. 1973):col. 93-100. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98, 100.
Gesetzliche Bestimmungen und Verwaltungsvorschriften für das staatliche Archivwesen und zur Archivpflege in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 53
) Scotland. Record Office. Annual Report of the Keeper of the Records of Scotland for the Calendar Year 1972. n.p.: 1973. 46 pp.
Sharman, R. C. "Victory in Victoria: An Outsider's Comments on the Public Records Act, 1973 of That State." Arch & Mss 5 (Aug. 1973):85-90.
Victory in Victoria: An Outsider's Comments on the Public Records Act, 1973 of That State
, Arch & Mss
, vol. 5
(pg. 85
) Singapore. National Archives and Records Centre. Annual Report: 1972. Singapore: n.d. 8 pp.
South Africa. Department of National Education. Annual Reports of the Director of Archives for 1971. Pretoria: [1973]. [1], 52 pp.
Stengel, August. "Archive am Rande des Kontinents: Die Staatsarchive Griechenlands." Arch Zeit 68 (1972):139-46. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):596.
Archive am Rande des Kontinents: Die Staatsarchive Griechenlands
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 139
) Venezuela. Archivo General de la Nación. Estudio bibliográfico de los archivos venezolanos y extranjeros de interés para la historia de Venezuela. By Agustín Millares Carlo. Biblioteca venezolana de historia, no. 12. Caracas: 1971. 367 pp.
Weilbrenner, Bernard. Haute-Volta: Réorganisation et développement des archives. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 14, [23] pp.
Haute-Volta: Réorganisation et développement des archives
pg. 14
Welsch, Edwin K., ed. Libraries and Archives in France: A Handbook. Pittsburgh: Council for European Studies, 1973. ii, 78 pp.
Libraries and Archives in France: A Handbook
, vol. ii
pg. 78
Wilson, P. D. "Queensland State Archives—Some Recent Developments." Arch & Mss 5 (Aug. 1973):80-84.
Queensland State Archives—Some Recent Developments
, Arch & Mss
, vol. 5
(pg. 80
) Woods, C. J., and Hunter, R. J. "Libraries and Archives: 10: Ireland." History: The Journal of the Historical Association 58, no. 194 (Oct. 1973):392-96.
Libraries and Archives: 10: Ireland
, History: The Journal of the Historical Association
, vol. 58
(pg. 392
) Worcestershire, Eng. County Archivist. Twenty-Ninth Report … 1972-73. Worcester: 1973. 15 pp.
Života, Jiří. "Čtvrtá archivní pětiletka v českých státních archivech." Archivní Časopis (1971):1-10. Fourth archival five-year plan in Czech state archives. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):97.
Čtvrtá archivní pětiletka v českých státních archivech
, Archivní Časopis
(pg. 1
) "Agnes-soaked Papers Salvaged by Freezing." Industry Week 174, no. 6 (7 Aug. 1972):24.
Banks, Paul N. "Lamination." PCN 1, no. 1 (May 1973):1-3.
, vol. 1
(pg. 1
) Capps, Marie T. "Preservation and Maintenance of Maps." Drexel Library Quarterly 9, no. 4 (Oct. 1973):61-70.
Preservation and Maintenance of Maps
, Drexel Library Quarterly
, vol. 9
(pg. 61
) Chandler, Michael. "Preservation of Government Publications." In Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean, edited by Alma Jordan, pp. 131-38. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. xii, 145 pp.
Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean
, vol. xii
(pg. 131
) Crespo, Carmen. "El Servicio Nacional de Restauración de Libros y Documentos." Spain Bol 21 (May-Aug. 1972):126-29.
El Servicio Nacional de Restauración de Libros y Documentos
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 126
) Doms, Keith, ed. "Preservation of Library Materials." PLA [Pennsylvania Library Association] Bulletin 28 (Nov. 1973).
Preservation of Library Materials. PLA [Pennsylvania Library Association]
, Bulletin
, vol. 28
Echazú Lezica, Mariano de. "Preservación y restauración de fondos documentales." Rev Arch 3 (1973):33-48.
Preservación y restauración de fondos documentales
, Rev Arch
, vol. 3
(pg. 33
) Eley, Wayne. "Framing Paper Artifacts." PCN 1, no. 2 (July 1973):1-4.
Framing Paper Artifacts
, vol. 1
(pg. 1
) Flink, James M. "Utilization of Freeze-Drying to Save Water-Damaged Manuscripts." Vacuum 22 (July 1972):273.
Utilization of Freeze-Drying to Save Water-Damaged Manuscripts
, Vacuum
, vol. 22
pg. 273
"Freeze-Dried History." Newsweek 79, no. 2 (10 Jan. 1972):39.
Guilleumas, Rosalía. "Desinfección y desinsectación de fondos bibliográficos en la Biblioteca Universitaria y Provincial de Barcelona." Spain Bol 21 (May-Aug. 1972): 111-25.
Desinfección y desinsectación de fondos bibliográficos en la Biblioteca Universitaria y Provincial de Barcelona
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 111
) Jørgensen, Harald. "Aufbewahrung und Verzeichnung von älteren Karten und Plänen im Seeländischen Landesarchiv in Kopenhagen." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 389-96. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101.
Aufbewahrung und Verzeichnung von älteren Karten und Plänen im Seeländischen Landesarchiv in Kopenhagen
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 389
) Kathpalia, Yash Pal. Conservation and Restoration of Archive Materials. Documentation, Libraries and Archives: Studies and Research, no. 3. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 231 pp.
Conservation and Restoration of Archive Materials
pg. 231
Kraemer Koeller, Gustavo. Tratado de la previsión del papel y de la conservación de bibliotecas y archivos. Vol. 1. Madrid: Dirección General de Archivos y Bibliotecas, 1973. xxvii, 838 pp.
Tratado de la previsión del papel y de la conservación de bibliotecas y archivos
, vol. 1
pg. 838
Langwell, W. H. "Vapour-phase De-acidification: A Recent Development." Society of Archivists, Journal 4 (Apr. 1973):597-98.
Vapour-phase De-acidification: A Recent Development. Society of Archivists
, Journal
, vol. 4
(pg. 597
) Library Association. The Care of Books and Documents. Library Association Research Publication, no. 10. London: 1972. 23 pp.
"Millions of Records Saved by Freeze Drying Process." Library Journal 98 (1 Dec. 1973):3491.
Paper Conservation News. Vol. 1, no. 1, May 1973-. [New Haven, Conn.]: H. Wayne Eley Associates, Inc., 1973-.
Pennsylvania. Historical and Museum Commission. After Agnes: A Report on Flood Recovery Assistance. Harrisburg: 1973. 23 pp.
Plenderleith, H. J. Preservation of Documentary Material in the Pacific Area: A Practical Guide. Canberra: Australian Government Publishing Service for the Australian National Advisory Committee for Unesco, 1972. 28 pp.
Preservation of Documentary Material in the Pacific Area: A Practical Guide
pg. 28
"Practical Problems." PCN 1, no. 3 (Sept. 1973). Entire issue.
Ramsey, Richard W. "The New Brunswick Flood Relief Program of 1973." Canadian Archivist 2, no. 4 (1973):38-41.
The New Brunswick Flood Relief Program of 1973
, Canadian Archivist
, vol. 2
(pg. 38
) Sellers, David Y., and Strassberg, Richard. "Anatomy of a Library Emergency: How the Cornell University Libraries Dealt with Flood Damages and Developed Plans to Handle Future Emergencies." Library Journal 98 (1 Oct. 1973):2824-27.
Anatomy of a Library Emergency: How the Cornell University Libraries Dealt with Flood Damages and Developed Plans to Handle Future Emergencies
, Library Journal
, vol. 98
(pg. 2824
) Smith, Richard Daniel. A Comparison of Paper in Identical Copies of Books from the Lawrence University, the Newberry, and the New York Public Libraries. Restaurator Supplement, no. 2. Copenhagen: Restaurator Press, 1972. viii, 76 pp.
A Comparison of Paper in Identical Copies of Books from the Lawrence University, the Newberry, and the New York Public Libraries
, vol. viii
pg. 76
Smith, Richard Daniel. "The Nonaqueous Deacidification of Paper and Books." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1970. xv, 295 l.
Trobas, Karl. "Anfaserung—Anfaserungsgeräte—Faserstoffe." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. 401-8. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441-42.
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 401
) "Vapor Phase Process for Mass Deacidification of Paper and Books Developed." PCN 1, no. 4 (Nov. 1973). Entire issue.
Viñas, Vicente. "La conservación y restauración de los materiales de Archivo." Spain Bol 19 (Nov.-Dec. 1970):11-12. The conservation and restoration of archival materials. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973): 104.
La conservación y restauración de los materiales de Archivo
, Spain Bol
, vol. 19
(pg. 11
) Viñas Torner, Vicente. "Causas de alteración del patrimonio bibliográfico y documental: Medidas preventivas." Spain Bol 21 (May-Aug. 1972):103-10.
Causas de alteración del patrimonio bibliográfico y documental: Medidas preventivas
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 103
) Albinus, William. "Konservierung und Lagerung grossformatiger Lagekarten im Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv." Der Archivar (Nov. 1972): col. 397-402. Preservation and storage of large situation maps in the federal military archives. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Konservierung und Lagerung grossformatiger Lagekarten im Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv
, Der Archivar
(pg. 397
) Burke, Frank G. "Innovation at the Archives—The Departure of the Freedom Train." Curator 16 (Dec. 1973):333-41. Describes exhibit cases at the National Archives and Records Service.
Innovation at the Archives—The Departure of the Freedom Train
, Curator
, vol. 16
(pg. 333
) Capers, Charlotte, and McLemore, R. A. "The Archives and History Building, 1971." Journal of Mississippi History 33 (May 1971):87-101.
The Archives and History Building, 1971
, Journal of Mississippi History
, vol. 33
(pg. 87
) "Centralized Retrieval Boosts Field Productivity." MOP 18, no. 2 (Feb. 1973):44-46. On moveable shelving.
Crespo Nogueira, Carmen. "Sistema de detección de incendios por cámara de ionización." Spain Bol 22 (Jan.-Apr. 1973):32-33.
Sistema de detección de incendios por cámara de ionización
, Spain Bol
, vol. 22
(pg. 32
) Gutzwiller, Hellmut. "Der Neubau des Staatsarchivs Solothurn." Arch Zeit 68 (1972): 117-24. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):596.
Der Neubau des Staatsarchivs Solothurn
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 117
) Guzmán, María del Carmen. "Protección de los archivos contra las armas nucleares." Spain Bol 19 (Nov.-Dec. 1970):26. Protection of archives from nuclear arms. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973): 104.
Protección de los archivos contra las armas nucleares
, Spain Bol
, vol. 19
pg. 26
Haase, Carl. "Das neue ‘Magazin Pattensen’ des Hauptstaatsarchivs in Hannover." Der Archivar 26 (Feb. 1973):col. 73-78. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
Das neue ‘Magazin Pattensen’ des Hauptstaatsarchivs in Hannover
, Der Archivar
, vol. 26
(pg. 73
) "In Praise of a Monument to Lyndon B. Johnson." Architectural Record 150, no. 5 (Nov. 1971): 113-20.
Johann, Gerhard. "Der Neubau des Bundesarchiv. Zwischenarchivs bei Bonn." Arch Zeit 68 (1972):93-98. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595-96.
Der Neubau des Bundesarchiv. Zwischenarchivs bei Bonn
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 93
) Kaplan, Archie. "A Filing Layout Primer." MOP 18, no. 8 (Aug. 1973): 24-26.
A Filing Layout Primer
, vol. 18
(pg. 24
) "Never Buy Less Than a Filing System." MOP 18, no. 5 (May 1973):39-42.
"New Files, Old Files—The Many Ways to Store That Piece of Paper." AM 34, no. 5 (May 1973):30-34.
Repollés Sanz, Mariano. "Previsión y lucha contra el fuego en archivos, bibliotecas, y museos." Spain Bol 19 (July-Oct. 1970):13-17. Fire prevention in archives, libraries, and museums. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):103.
Previsión y lucha contra el fuego en archivos, bibliotecas, y museos
, Spain Bol
, vol. 19
(pg. 13
) Soledad Arribas, María. "Nuevo edificio para el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):219-20.
Nuevo edificio para el Archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 219
) Stehkämper, Hugo. "Der Neubau des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 377-82. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101. Also appears in Arch Zeit 68 (1972):99-116. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):596.
Der Neubau des Historischen Archivs der Stadt Köln
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 377
) "The Walter P. Reuther Library of Labor and Urban Affairs." Archives of Labor History and Urban Affairs 2, no. 2 (Spring 1973):[1-3].
Argentina. Ministerio de Cultura y Educación. Hacia una tipología documental Argentina. By José María Anaya Espinasse. Temas archivísticos, no. 4. Buenos Aires: 1972. 11, [1] pp.
"Critérios e definições para a documentaçõeoes nos arquivos." Arq & Adm 1, no. 3 (Dec. 1973):19-21.
Dyos, H. J. "Records of the Recent Urban Past: The Threat and the Opportunity." Archives 11, no. 49 (Spring 1973): 19-26.
Records of the Recent Urban Past: The Threat and the Opportunity
, Archives
, vol. 11
(pg. 19
) Fiala, Tomáš. "Skartace technické dokumentace." Archivní Časopis (1970):22-41. Disposal of technical records. Abst AA 36 (Jan. (1973):97.
Skartace technické dokumentace
, Archivní Časopis
(pg. 22
) McLellan, Peter M. "Ecology and Records Destruction-Update." RMQ 7, no. 1 (Jan. 1973):31-35.
Ecology and Records Destruction-Update
, vol. 7
(pg. 31
) "Methoden und Leitlinien des Archivars zur Erfassung, Bewertung und Aussonderung von Archivgut." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 27-70. Methods and guidelines for the collection, evaluation, and selection of archival material. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973): 102.
Michigan. State University. University Archives and Historical Collections. Records Control Manual, n.p.: [1973]. 16 pp.
Norris, Spaulding. "Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants." RMQ 7, no. 3 (July 1973):22-25, 28, 31.
Quality Assurance Records for Nuclear Power Plants
, vol. 7
(pg. 22
) North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History. The County Records Manual: 1970. Edited by A. M. Patterson and F. D. Gatton. Raleigh: 1970. v, 98 pp.
Ruggles, Richard. "The Preservation and Use of Machine-Readable Records." In The National Archives and Statistical Research: [Papers and Proceedings], edited by Meyer H. Fishbein, pp. 29-38. National Archives Conferences, vol. 2. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xiv, 255 pp.
The Preservation and Use of Machine-Readable Records
, vol. xiv
(pg. 29
) Schultze, Johannes. "Zum Problem der Archivalienkassation." Der Archivar 25 (July 1972):col. 245-48. On the problem of disposal of archival materials. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Zum Problem der Archivalienkassation
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 245
) Skertich, John M., and Hickerson, William C. "Record Retention Program." Management Accounting 53, no. 8 (Feb. 1972):23-28, 37.
Record Retention Program
, Management Accounting
, vol. 53
(pg. 23
) Alexander, David. "A Description of Indexing Procedures for the ‘Agreement on Account of Crew.’" Archives 11, no. 50 (Autumn 1973):86-93.
A Description of Indexing Procedures for the ‘Agreement on Account of Crew.’
, Archives
, vol. 11
(pg. 86
) Alldredge, Everett O. "Preservation of Documentation for Conventional and Automated Systems." In The National Archives and Statistical Research: [Papers and Proceedings], edited by Meyer H. Fishbein, pp. 17-28. National Archives Conferences, vol. 2. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xiv, 255 pp.
Preservation of Documentation for Conventional and Automated Systems
, vol. xiv
(pg. 17
) Castellanos, Olga. "Concurso sobre tecnicas archivísticas: Premio ‘Fundación Biodén’: Clasificatión, catalogación e indizado de documentación de archivos publicos y/o privados." Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 8 (July-Sept. 1973):26-28, 30-35.
Concurso sobre tecnicas archivísticas: Premio ‘Fundación Biodén’: Clasificatión, catalogación e indizado de documentación de archivos publicos y/o privados
, Bol Arch Arg
, vol. 3
(pg. 26
) Cornell University. Libraries. Manual of Manuscript Processing Procedures. Compiled by Richard Strassberg. Ithaca: 1973. [2], 95, 2, [6], 22, [3] pp.
Fischer, Gerald L. "Letting the Archival Dust Settle: Some Remarks on the Record Group Concept." Society of Archivists, Journal 4 (Oct. 1973):640-45.
Letting the Archival Dust Settle: Some Remarks on the Record Group Concept. Society of Archivists
, Journal
, vol. 4
(pg. 640
) Gross, John W. "Inventorying and Scheduling Records." RMQ 7, no. 2 (Apr. 1973):28-31, 35.
Inventorying and Scheduling Records
, vol. 7
(pg. 28
) "Las Guías de los Archivos Departmentales Franceses." Spain Bol 22 (May-Aug. 1973): 115-16.
Kurti, N.; Gowing, M. M.; Pye, J. M.; and Ellis, R. H. "The Archives of Twentieth-Century Scientists and Technologists: Papers Presented at an Aslib Evening Meeting, Wednesday 25th November 1970." Aslib Proceedings 23 (Mar. 1971):118-32.
The Archives of Twentieth-Century Scientists and Technologists: Papers Presented at an Aslib Evening Meeting, Wednesday 25th November 1970
, Aslib Proceedings
, vol. 23
(pg. 118
) Lang, Elfrieda. "Arrangement and Cataloging of Manuscripts in the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana." Serif: Quarterly of the Kent State University Libraries 10, no. 1 (Spring 1973):3-12.
Arrangement and Cataloging of Manuscripts in the Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
, Serif: Quarterly of the Kent State University Libraries
, vol. 10
(pg. 3
) Matilla Tascón, Antonio. "Guía de Fuentes para la Historia de las Naciones." Spain Bol 21 (Sept.-Dec. 1972):224-25.
Guía de Fuentes para la Historia de las Naciones
, Spain Bol
, vol. 21
(pg. 224
) Nováková, Marta. Kapitoly z typovej klasifikácie dokumentov. D-Študijné príručky, no. 19. Bratislava: Slovenská technická knižnica, 1972. 134, [3] pp.
Kapitoly z typovej klasifikácie dokumentov
pg. 134
Papenfuse, Edward C. "The Retreat from Standardization: A Comment on the Recent History of Finding Aids." AA 36 (Oct. 1973):537-42.
The Retreat from Standardization: A Comment on the Recent History of Finding Aids
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 537
) "Die Publikation von Erschliessungsmitteln." Der Archivar 24 (May 1971):col. 122-54. Publication of guides to sources. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):98-99.
Rezníček, Jan. "Soupis českých a moravských urbářů." Archivní Časopis (1972):73-86. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):594.
Soupis českých a moravských urbářů
, Archivní Časopis
(pg. 73
) "Accessions and Openings." Prologue 5 (Summer, Fall, Winter 1973):104-15, 175-89, 258-72.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Historical Materials in the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, n.p., n.d. [3], 16 pp.
Harry S. Truman Library. Historical Materials in the Harry S. Truman Library. Independence, Mo.: 1973. v, 36 pp.
Historical Materials in the Harry S. Truman Library
, vol. v
pg. 36
Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. Historical Materials in the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. West Branch, Iowa: 1973. v, 37 pp.
Maxwell, Richard S. "Louisiana and Its History: A Discussion of Sources in the National Archives." Louisiana History 13 (Spring 1972):169-80.
Louisiana and Its History: A Discussion of Sources in the National Archives
, Louisiana History
, vol. 13
(pg. 169
) Rhoads, James B. "The Taming of the West: Military Archives as a Source for the Social History of the Trans-Mississippi Region to 1900." In People of the Plains and Mountains: Essays in the History of the West Dedicated to Everett Dick, edited by Ray Allen Billington, pp. 175-203. Contributions in American History, no. 25. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1973. xi, 227 pp.
People of the Plains and Mountains: Essays in the History of the West Dedicated to Everett Dick
, vol. xi
(pg. 175
) Smith, Clifford Neal. Federal Land Series: A Calendar of Archival Materials on the Land Patents Issued by the United States Government, with Subject, Tract, and Name Indexes. Vol. 2: 1799-1835: Federal Bounty-Land Warrants of the American Revolution. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. xxiii, 391 pp.
Federal Land Series: A Calendar of Archival Materials on the Land Patents Issued by the United States Government, with Subject, Tract, and Name Indexes. Vol. 2: 1799-1835: Federal Bounty-Land Warrants of the American Revolution
, vol. xxiii
pg. 391
Tutorow, Norman E. "Library Resources: Potpourri of Graphic Materials in the Los Angeles Federal Records Center." California Historical Quarterly 52 (Winter 1973):366-70.
Library Resources: Potpourri of Graphic Materials in the Los Angeles Federal Records Center
, California Historical Quarterly
, vol. 52
(pg. 366
) U.S. Air Force. Office of Air Force History. United States Air Force History: A Guide to Documentary Sources. Compiled by Lawrence J. Paszek. Washington: 1973. v, 245 pp.
U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Colby Mitchell Chester, William Freeland Fullam, Samuel McGowan, Henry Croskey Mustin: A Register of Their Papers in the Library of Congress. Naval Historical Foundation Collection. Washington: 1973. iii, 4, 6, 7, 5 pp.
U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Manuscript Division. Index to the James A. Garfield Papers. Presidents' Papers Index Series. Washington: 1973. xxix, 422 pp.
U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Manuscript Division. Nelson W. Aldrich: A Register and Index of His Papers in the Library of Congress. Washington: 1973. iii, 142 pp.
U.S. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. Manuscript Division. The Rodgers Family: A Register of Their Papers in the Library of Congress. Naval Historical Foundation Collection. Washington: 1972. 21 pp.
U.S. Marine Corps Museum. Register of the George C. Reid Papers, 1898-1960, P.C. 144 in the United States Marine Corps Museum, Quantico, Virginia. Compiled by Doris S. Davis, Richard A. Long, and Tyson Wilson. Manuscript Register Series, no. 4. Quantico: n.d. [1], 37 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Aerial Photographs in the National Archives. Compiled by Charles E. Taylor and Richard E. Spurr. Special List, no. 25. Washington: 1973. vii, 106 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Black Studies: Select Catalog of National Archives and Records Service Microfilm Publications. Washington: 1973. v, 71 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Cartographic Records in the National Archives of the United States Useful for Urban Studies. Compiled by Ralph E. Ehrenberg. Reference Information Paper, no. 68. Washington: 1973. vii, 14 pp.
U.S. National Archives. The Census of Manufactures: 1810-1890. By Meyer H. Fishbein. Reference Information Paper, no. 50. Washington: 1973. vi, 31 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Commerce Data Among State Department Records. By Milton O. Gustafson. Reference Information Paper, no. 53. Washington: 1973. vi, 8 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Cost Determination Data for World War I Naval Vessels. By Harry Schwartz. Reference Information Paper, no. 62. Washington: 1973. vi, 12 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Data Relating to Negro Military Personnel in the 19th Century. By Aloha P. South. Reference Information Paper, no. 63. Washington: 1973. vi, 8 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Documents from America's Past: Reproductions of Historical Documents in the National Archives. Washington: [1973]. ii, 22 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Economic and Social Data among Pre-Federal Records. By Kathryn M. Murphy. Reference Information Paper, no. 58. Washington: 1973. vi, 10 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Geographical Exploration and Mapping in the 19th Century: A Survey of the Records in the National Archives. Compiled by Ralph E. Ehrenberg. Reference Information Paper, no. 66. Washington: 1973. vii, 22 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Inventory of the Records of the President's Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy: Record Group 272. Compiled by Marion M. Johnson. National Archives Inventory Series, no. 5. Washington: 1973. vii, 158 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Inventory of the Records of the War Manpower Commission: Record Group 211. Compiled by Charles Zaid. National Archives and Records Service Inventory Series, no. 6. Washington: 1973. viii, 75 pp.
U.S. National Archives. List of Free Black Heads of Families in the First Census of the United States: 1790. Compiled by Debra L. Newman. Special List, no. 34. Washington: 1973. v, 44 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Major Sources in Customs Bureau Records for Statistical Data on Exports and Imports of the United States to 1900. By Jerome Finster. Reference Information Paper, no. 49. Washington: 1973. vi, 13 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Nineteenth-Century Puerto Rican Immigration and Slave Data. By George S. Ulibarri. Reference Information Paper, no. 64. Washington: 1973. vi, 9 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Population Data in Passport and Other Records of the Department of State. By Mark G. Eckhoff. Reference Information Paper, no. 47. Washington: 1973. vi, 7 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands: Washington Headquarters: Record Group 105. Compiled by Elaine Everly. Preliminary Inventory, no. 174. Washington: 1973. vii, 41 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the National Capital Planning Commission: Record Group 328. Compiled by Dorothy S. Provine. Preliminary Inventory, no. 175. Washington: 1973. vii, 8 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the Supreme Court of the United States: Record Group 267. Compiled by Marion Johnson. Preliminary Inventory, no. 139. Washington: 1973. vi, 17 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Preliminary Inventory of the Records of the United States Army Continental Commands, 1821-1920: Record Group 393. Preliminary Inventory, no. 172. Washington: 1973. 4 vols.
U.S. National Archives. Records of the Office of Inter-American Affairs: Inventory of Record Group 229. Compiled by Edwin D. Anthony. Washington: 1973. vii, 47 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Records of the Public Land Law Review Commission: Inventory of Record Group 409. Compiled by Richard C. Crawford. Washington: 1973. vii, 12 pp.
U.S. National Archives. The Southeast during the Civil War: Selected War Department Records in the National Archives of the United States. By Dale E. Floyd. Reference Information Paper, no. 69. Washington: 1973. vii, 8, [5] pp.
U.S. National Archives. Statistical Data on the National Wealth and Money Supply To Be Derived from Internal Revenue Records. By Hope K. Holdcamper. Reference Information Paper, no. 55. Washington: 1973. vi, 5 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Statistical Records Concerning National Forest Timber Sales, 1908-37. By Harold T. Pinkett. Reference Information Paper, no. 60. Washington: 1973. vi, 7 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Statistical Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. By Elaine C. Everly. Reference Information Paper, no. 48. Washington: 1973. vi, 9 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Statistics and Statistical Materials in the Records of the War Relocation Authority. By James Paulauskas. Reference Information Paper, no. 59. Washington: 1973. vi, 6 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Tabular Analysis of the Records of the U.S. Colored Troops and Their Predecessor Units in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Joseph B. Ross. Special List, no. 33. Washington: 1973. vii, 27 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Transportation in Nineteenth-Century America: A Survey of the Cartographic Records in the National Archives of the United States. Compiled by Patrick D. McLaughlin. Reference Information Paper, no. 65. Washington: 1973. vii, 15 pp.
U.S. National Archives. The Valuation Records of the Interstate Commerce Commission as a Source of Statistical Data Relating to American Railroads During the 19th Century. By Joseph B. Howerton. Reference Information Paper, no. 56. Washington: 1973. vi, 36 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Vital Statistics in the National Archives Relating to the American Indian. By Carmelita S. Ryan. Reference Information Paper, no. 61. Washington: 1973. vi, 13 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Wage Data among 19th-Century Military and Naval Records. By Francis J. Heppner and Harry W. John. Reference Information Paper, no. 54. Washington: 1973. vi, 5 pp.
U.S. National Archives Trust Fund Board. National Archives and Records Service Microfilm Publications. General Information Leaflet, no. 24. Washington: n.d. 7 pp.
U.S. National Archives Trust Fund Board. Select Audiovisual Records: Sound Recordings: Voices of World War II, 1937-1945. Washington: n.d. 15 pp.
Wilson, Alison. "The Center for Polar Archives, Washington, D.C." Polar Record 16, no. (1973):541-52.
The Center for Polar Archives, Washington, D.C.
, Polar Record
, vol. 16
(pg. 541
) Berrett, LaMar C. An Annotated Catalog of Documentary-Type Materials in the Wilford C. Wood Collection. The Wilford C. Wood Collection, vol. 1. n.p.: Wilford C. Wood Foundation, 1972. ix, 236 pp.
An Annotated Catalog of Documentary-Type Materials in the Wilford C. Wood Collection
, vol. 1
pg. 236
California. University. Bancroft Library. Manuscripts Relating Chiefly to Mexico and Central America. Edited by George P. Hammond. A Guide to Manuscript Collections of the Bancroft Library, vol. 2. Berkeley: 1972. ix, 294 pp.
Cockhill, Brian, and Johnson, Dale L., comp. and ed. Guide to Manuscripts in Montana Repositories. Missoula: University of Montana Library, 1973. Unpaged.
Guide to Manuscripts in Montana Repositories
Cocks, J. Fraser III, comp. A Bibliography of Manuscript Resources Relating to Natural Resources and Conservation in the Michigan Historical Collections of the University of Michigan. n.p., 1970. 14 l.
Columbia University. Oral History Research Office. The Oral History Collection of Columbia University. Edited by Elizabeth B. Mason and Louis M. Starr. New York: 1973. xvii, 459, [1] pp.
Costa de la Torre, Arturo. El archivo historico y la biblioteca de Nicolas Acosta en Estados Unidos: estudio historico-biografico. La Paz: n.p., 1970. 203, [6] pp.
Doenecke, Justus D. The Literature of Isolationism: A Guide to Non-Interventionist Scholarship, 1930-1972. Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles, 1972. 89 pp. "Manuscripts and Oral History Projects," pp. 62-66.
The Literature of Isolationism: A Guide to Non-Interventionist Scholarship, 1930-1972
pg. 89
Donovan, Lynn Bonfield. "Library Resources: CHS Collections on the History of Women in California." California Historical Quarterly 52 (Spring 1973):81-84.
Library Resources: CHS Collections on the History of Women in California
, California Historical Quarterly
, vol. 52
(pg. 81
) Georgia State University. Southern Labor Archives. Holdings: A Descriptive List [#1] and #2. Atlanta: 1972, 1973. [1], 4, [1]; [10] pp.
Hanna, Archibald, Jr. "American Historical Manuscripts." Yale University Library Gazette 47 (Apr. 1973):230-31.
American Historical Manuscripts
, Yale University Library Gazette
, vol. 47
(pg. 230
) Hosier, Scott, Jr. Abstract of Public Records of Hendricks Co., Indiana. n.p.: 1971. 15, [6] pp.
Iowa. State Historical Society. Guide to Manuscripts. Compiled by Katherine Harris. [Iowa City]: 1973. iv, 332 pp.
King's College, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Library. A Description of the George Korson Folklore Archive. Compiled by Judith Tierney. Publications of the D. Leonard Corgan Library, Wyoming Valley Series, no. 1. Wilkes-Barre: 1973. vii, 46 pp.
"Kress Library Acquisitions." Harvard Library Bulletin 21 (Apr. 1973):221-22. Business archives.
Kunstling, Frances W. "The John Sumner Russwurm Papers: A Bibliographical Note." Tennessee Historical Quarterly 32 (Fall 1973):285-89.
The John Sumner Russwurm Papers: A Bibliographical Note
, Tennessee Historical Quarterly
, vol. 32
(pg. 285
) McInnis, Raymond G. "Thar's Gold in Them Stacks! Rich Resources for Historical Research in State Libraries." Washington, State Library, Library News Bulletin 38 (Jan.-Mar. 1971):42-44.
Thar's Gold in Them Stacks! Rich Resources for Historical Research in State Libraries. Washington, State Library
, Library News Bulletin
, vol. 38
(pg. 42
) Michigan. Historical Commission. Finding Aid for the Records of the Executive Office: 1810-1910 (Record Group 44). Compiled by Geneva Kebler Wiskemann. Lansing: 1973. v, 66 pp.
Michigan. Historical Commission. Permanent Records of All Units of Michigan Government: 1796-1972. Lansing: 1973. 14, [1] l.
Mills, Hazel E. "New Manuscript Collection in the Washington State Library: The Alanson Wesley Smith Papers." Washington, State Library, Library News Bulletin 38 (Jan.-Mar. 1971): 47-48.
New Manuscript Collection in the Washington State Library: The Alanson Wesley Smith Papers. Washington, State Library
, Library News Bulletin
, vol. 38
(pg. 47
) Minnesota. University. Center for Immigration Studies and Immigrant Archives. Immigrant Archives: Inventory of Holdings: April, 1972. St. Paul: 1972. 24 pp.
Moseley, Eva. "Women in Archives: Documenting the History of Women in America." AA 36 (Apr. 1973):215-22.
Women in Archives: Documenting the History of Women in America
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 215
) New England College Library. Manuscript Collections. Styles Bridges: A Register of His Papers in the New England College Library. Prepared by James J. Kiepper. Manuscript Register Series, no. 1. Henniker, N. H.: 1972. 150 l.
North Carolina. State Department of Archives and History. Records Relating to Tennessee in the North Carolina State Archives. By C. F. W. Coker. rev. ed. Archives Information Circular, no. 3. Raleigh: 1973. 7, [1] pp.
Ohio Historical Society. A Guide to Manuscripts at the Ohio Historical Society. Edited by Andrea D. Lentz. Columbus: 1972. xv, 281 pp.
Ohio Historical Society. Guide to Ohio County and Municipal Records for Urban Research. By Paul D. Yon. Columbus: 1973. 215 pp.
Oregon Historical Society, Portland. Supplement to the Guide to the Manuscript Collections. Vol. 1. Research and Bibliography Series, no. 3. Portland: 1973. 417 pp.
Pennsylvania Historical Collections and Labor Archives. "United Steelworkers of America Archives: A Guide." Photocopied. n.p.: Pennsylvania State University, Fred Lewis Pattee Library, 1973. [9] l.
Radcliffe College. Library. Arthur and Elizabeth Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America. The Manuscript Inventories and the Catalogs of Manuscripts, Books and Pictures. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1973. 3 vols.
Smith College. Library. Catalog of the Sophia Smith Collection. Northampton, Mass.: n.d. 55 pp.
South Carolina. Department of Archives and History. Colonial and State Records in the South Carolina Archives: A Temporary Summary Guide. By Marion C. Chandler, n.p., 1973. [3], 52 pp.
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Dewey Center. John Dewey: Guide to Correspondence and Manuscript Collections. Carbondale: 1971. 10, [1] l.
Stanford University. Libraries. List of Holdings: Stanford University Archives, n.p., 1973. 8 l.
Tolles, Bryant F., Jr. "Dartmouth College Manuscript Materials at the New Hampshire Historical Society." Dartmouth College Library Bulletin n.s. 13 (Apr. 1973):74-94.
Dartmouth College Manuscript Materials at the New Hampshire Historical Society
, Dartmouth College Library Bulletin
(pg. 74
) "The UAW Presidents' Files." Archives of Labor History and Urban Affairs 2, no. 2 (Spring 1973):[3-4].
U.S. Army Military History Research Collection. Manuscript Holdings of the Military History Research Collection. By Richard J. Sommers. Special Bibliography, no. 6, part 1. Carlisle Barracks, Pa.: 1972. ix, 155 pp.
Viccars, Marion. "The First One Hundred." Manuscripts 25 (Winter 1973):27-33.
The First One Hundred
, Manuscripts
, vol. 25
(pg. 27
) Washington University, St. Louis. School of Medicine. Library. Archives. Archival Collections in the Library of the Washington University School of Medicine. n.p., 1973. [4] pp.
Wisconsin. State Historical Society. Guide to the McCormick Collection of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. Edited by Margaret R. Hafstad. Madison: 1973. x, 94 pp.
Canada. Public Archives. National Map Collection. County Atlases of Canada: A Descriptive Catalogue. Compiled by Betty May. n.p., 1970. xii, 192 pp.
Hann, Russell G., et al. Primary Sources in Canadian Working Class History, 1860-1930. Kitchener, Ont.: Dumont Press, 1973. 169 pp.
Primary Sources in Canadian Working Class History, 1860-1930
pg. 169
McGill University, Montreal. Archives. A Preliminary Guide to the C. Kirkland McLeod Collection of Clement Henry McLeod Papers. By Barbara Segal. Montreal: 1972. 11 l.
Aarhus, Denmark. Erhvervsarkivet. Erhvervshistorisk Årbog; Meddelelser fra Erhvervsarkivet; XXIV, 1973. Aarhus: Universitetsforlaget, 1973. 256 pp.
Erhvervshistorisk Årbog; Meddelelser fra Erhvervsarkivet; XXIV, 1973
pg. 256
Anderson, B. "Portuguese Sources for the History of India: A Bibliographical Note." In Comparative Librarianship: Essays in Honour of Professor D. N. Marshall, edited by N. N. Gidwani, pp. 139-50. Delhi: Vikas, 1973. 245 pp.
Comparative Librarianship: Essays in Honour of Professor D. N. Marshall
(pg. 139
) Argentina. Ministerio de Cultura y Educación. Noticia sinóptica sobre documentación en el Archivo del Museo Colonial e Histórico "Enrique Udaondo" (Luján, Provincia de Buenos Aires). By José María Anaya Espinasse. Temas archivísticos, no. 5. Buenos Aires: 1973. 115, [1] pp.
Arribas González, María Soledad. "Los fondos del archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid." Spain Bol 19 (July-Oct. 1970):19-25. The holdings of the archives of the Royal Chancellery of Valladolid. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):103.
Los fondos del archivo de la Real Chancillería de Valladolid
, Spain Bol
, vol. 19
(pg. 19
) Australian National University. Research School of Social Sciences. List of Records Relating to Companies and Firms Held by Archives, R.S.S.S. n.p., 1972. 12 l.
Belgium. Archives générales du Royaume and Archives de l'Etat dans les provinces. Relevé d'archives Roumaines relative à l'histoire de la Belgique precedé d'un aperçu historique. By Andrée Van Nieuwenhuysen. Miscellanea archivistica, no. 1. Brussels: 1973. vi, 71 pp.
Chabord, Marie-Thérèse. "Les archives des Chantiers de la Jeunesse." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 81 (1973):85-94.
Les archives des Chantiers de la Jeunesse
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 85
) Documentos existentes en el Archivo General de Indias: Sección de Guatemala. La Minería hispana e iberoamericana, vol. 6. Leon: VI Congreso Internacional de Minería, Departamento de Publicaciones and Cátedra de San Isidoro, 1970. 298, [1] pp.
Echazú Lezica, Mariano de. "Noticia e inventario del archivo privado del Doctor T. Sánchez de Bustamente." Rev Arch 3 (1973):299-316.
Noticia e inventario del archivo privado del Doctor T. Sánchez de Bustamente
, Rev Arch
, vol. 3
(pg. 299
) Finland. Valtionarkisto. Yksityiset arkistot. Valtionarkiston yleisluettelo, no. 4. Helsinki: 1973. x, 155, [1] pp.
France. Archives nationales. Archives privées: état des fonds de la série AP. By Chantal de Tourtier-Bonazzi and Suzanne d'Huart. Paris: S.E.V.P.E.N., 1973. 426 pp.
Franz, Eckhart G., and Geissler, Peter. Das Deutsch-Ostafrika-Archiv; Inventar der Abteilung "German Records" im Nationalarchiv der Vereinigten Republik Tansania, Dar-es-Salaam. Veröffentlichungen der Archivschule Marburg—Institut für Archivwissenschaft, no. 9. Marburg, n.p.: 1973. 2 vols.
Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inc. Major Genealogical Record Sources in Denmark. Series D, no. 5. rev. ed. Salt Lake City: 1973. 10 pp.
Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inc. Major Genealogical Record Sources in France. Series G, no. 1. rev. ed. Salt Lake City: 1973. [11] pp.
Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Inc. Major Genealogical Record Sources in Japan. Series J, no. 1. Salt Lake City: 1973. [14] pp.
Great Britain. Historical Manuscripts Commission. Report on American Manuscripts in the Royal Institution of Great Britain. 4 vols. 1904-9. Reprint. With a new introduction and preface by George Athan Billias. Boston: Gregg Press, 1972.
Great Britain. House of Lords Record Office. Guide to the Records of Parliament. By Maurice F. Bond. London: 1971. x, 352 pp.
Great Britain. House of Lords Record Office. Select List of Classes of Records in the House of Lords Record Office. 9th ed., rev. House of Lords Record Office Memorandum, no. 1. n.p., 1973. 14 pp.
Great Britain. House of Lords Record Office. A Short Guide to the Records of Parliament. By Maurice F. Bond. 2d ed., rev. London: 1973. iv, 23 pp.
Great Britain. Public Record Office. Calendar of State Papers Preserved in the Public Record Office. Domestic Series: James II. Vol. 3; June, 1687- February, 1689. London: 1972. ix, 523 pp.
"Guide." Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People, Newsletter 3 (1973). Entire issue.
International Council on Archives. Guida delle Fonti per la Storia dell'Africa a Sud del Sahara esistenti in Italia. Edited by Carlo Giglio and Elio Lodolini. Guide to the Sources of the History of Africa, no. 5. Zug, Switzerland: Inter Documentation Co., 1973. vii, 449 pp.
Leedham-Green, E. A Guide to the Archives of the Cambridge University Press. Bishops Stortford: Chadwyck-Healey, 1973. 35 pp.
A Guide to the Archives of the Cambridge University Press
pg. 35
London. University. School of Oriental and African Studies. The Archives of the Council for World Mission (Incorporating the London Missionary Society): An Outline Guide. By C. Stuart Craig. London: 1973. [21] pp.
Mommsen, Wolfgang A. Die Nachlässe in den deutschen Archiven (mit Ergänzungen aus anderen Beständen). Verzeichnis der schriftlichen Nachlässe in deutschen Archiven und Bibliotheken, no. 1. Schriften des Bundesarchivs, no. 17. Boppard am Rhein: Harold Boldt, 1971. xxxix, 582 pp.
Pan American Institute of Geography and History. U.S. National Section. Colombian Archival Sources on Colonial Peru. By Hernán Horna. Pan American Institute of Geography and History Serial Publication, no. 5. n.p.: 1971. 39 pp.
Parker, Geoffrey. Guide to the Archives of the Spanish Institutions in or Concerned with the Netherlands (1556-1706). Archives et Bibliothèques de Belgique, no. 3. Brussels: Association des Archivistes et Bibliothécaires, 1971. 120 pp.
Guide to the Archives of the Spanish Institutions in or Concerned with the Netherlands (1556-1706)
pg. 120
Phillips, Dennis H. "The Deanship Records of the Tangier Diplomatic Corps and the Conseil Sanitaire." Prologue 5 (Fall 1973):167-69.
The Deanship Records of the Tangier Diplomatic Corps and the
, Conseil Sanitaire." Prologue
, vol. 5
(pg. 167
) Pirenne, L. P. L., ed. De Rijksarchieven in Nederland: Overzicht van de inhoud van de rijksarchiefbewaarplaatsen, bijgewerkt tot 1 juli 1972. The Hague: Staatsdrukkerij, 1973. 2 vols.
De Rijksarchieven in Nederland: Overzicht van de inhoud van de rijksarchiefbewaarplaatsen, bijgewerkt tot 1 juli 1972
, vol. 2
Poland. Glowny Urzad Statystyczny. Inwentarz archiwalny wydzialu statystyki handlu zagranicznego i komunikacjr GUS: 1918-1939. Statystyka w Dokumencie Archiwalnym, no. 12. Warsaw: 1973. xxxv, 42 pp.
Poland. Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych. Archiwum Akt Nowych w Warszawie: przewodnik po zasobie archiwalnym. Warsaw: 1973. 488 pp.
Poland. Naczelna Dyrekcja Archiwów Państwowych. Katalog inwentarzy archiwalnych. By M. Pestkowska and H. Stebelska. Warsaw: 1971. 668, [1] pp.
Quezon, Philippines. University of the Philippines. Asian Center. Philippine Evangelical Protestant and Independent Catholic Churches: An Historical Bibliography of Church Records, Publications, and Source Material Located in the Greater Manila Area. By Robert R. Von Oeyen, Jr. Bibliography Series, no. 1. [Quezon City]: 1970. v, 80 l.
"Relevamiento de fuentes para la historia del Río Negro." Rev Arch 3 (1973): 117-67.
Robledo, Nélida Beatriz, et al. "Catálogo de documentos del Archivo de la Legislatura de Tucumán." Rev Arch 3 (1973):353-85.
Catálogo de documentos del Archivo de la Legislatura de Tucumán
, Rev Arch
, vol. 3
(pg. 353
) Romania. Directia Generala a Archivelor Statului. Indrumator în Archivele Centrale. Vol. 1, Part 1-a. Bucharest: 1971. 517 pp.
Spain. Archivo General de Indias, Seville. Catálogo de mapas y planos de Santo Domingo. By Julio González. Madrid: 1973. 447 pp.
Spain. Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid. Indice general de la Sección de Estado. Colección "Guias e inventarios de archivos," no. 3. Madrid: 1973. [2], 193, [3] pp.
Spain. Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid. Inventario de la serie fomento de Puerto Rico. By M. Teresa de la Peña Marazuela. Madrid: n.d. xi, 224 pp.
Spain. Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid. Inventario de libros de la Sección de Estado. Madrid: 1973. [2], 76, 26 pp.
Stemmler, Eugen. "Vorderösterreichische Archivalien in den Staatsarchiven." Arch Zeit 68 (1972):60-66. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):595.
Vorderösterreichische Archivalien in den Staatsarchiven
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 60
) Tan, Lily. "The National Archives and Records Centre, Singapore: Summary List of Archives on Microfilm." SE Asian Arch 5 (July 1972):54-58.
The National Archives and Records Centre, Singapore: Summary List of Archives on Microfilm
, SE Asian Arch
, vol. 5
(pg. 54
) Tanzania. National Archives Division. Guide to the Microfilms of Regional and District Books. Dar Es Salaam: 1973. iv, 56 pp.
Thatcher, Mary, ed. Cambridge South Asian Archive: Records of the British Period in South Asia Relating to India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Nepal and Afghanistan Held in the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge. London: Mansell, 1973. xi, 346 pp.
Cambridge South Asian Archive: Records of the British Period in South Asia Relating to India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma, Nepal and Afghanistan Held in the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge
, vol. xi
pg. 346
Venezuela. Archivo General de la Nación. Estudio bibliográfico de los archivos venezolanos y extranjeros de interés para la historia de Venezuela. By Agustín Millares Carlo. Biblioteca venezolana de historia, no. 12. Caracas: 1971. 367 pp.
Walne, Peter, ed. A Guide to Manuscript Sources for the History of Latin America and the Caribbean in the British Isles. [London]: Oxford University Press, 1973. xx, 590 pp.
A Guide to Manuscript Sources for the History of Latin America and the Caribbean in the British Isles
, vol. xx
pg. 590
Barrows, Robert G. "The Manuscript Federal Census: Source for a ‘New’ Local History." Indiana Magazine of History 69 (Sept. 1973):181-92.
The Manuscript Federal Census: Source for a ‘New’ Local History
, Indiana Magazine of History
, vol. 69
(pg. 181
) Belohlávek, Miloslav. "Archiv a škola: Nekolik poznatků z práce Archivu mesta Plzne." Archivní Casopis (1971): 193-98. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):593.
Archiv a škola: Nekolik poznatků z práce Archivu mesta Plzne
, Archivní Casopis
(pg. 193
) Davis, W. N., Jr. "Research Uses of County Court Records, 1850-1879, and Incidental Intimate Glimpses of California Life and Society." California Historical Quarterly 52 (Fall, Winter 1973):241-66, 338-65.
Research Uses of County Court Records, 1850-1879, and Incidental Intimate Glimpses of California Life and Society
, California Historical Quarterly
, vol. 52
(pg. 241
) Dumbauld, Edward. "Legal Records in English and American Courts." AA 36 (Jan. 1973):15-32.
Legal Records in English and American Courts
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 15
) Emmison, F. G., and Smith, W. J. Material for Theses in Some Local Record Offices. London: Phillimore & Co. for the Emmison Retirement Gift Committee, 1973. [6], 44 pp.
Material for Theses in Some Local Record Offices
pg. 44
Gagan, David, and Mays, Herbert. "Historical Demography and Canadian Social History: Families and Land in Peel County, Ontario." Canadian Historical Review 54 (Mar. 1973):27-47.
Historical Demography and Canadian Social History: Families and Land in Peel County, Ontario
, Canadian Historical Review
, vol. 54
(pg. 27
) Gersack, Dorothy Hill. "Colonial, State, and Federal Court Records: A Survey." AA 36 (Jan. 1973):33-42.
Colonial, State, and Federal Court Records: A Survey
, AA
, vol. 36
(pg. 33
) Great Britain. House of Lords Record Office. The Use of Finding Aids in the Search Room. rev. ed. House of Lords Record Office Memorandum, no. 25(E). n.p., 1972. 2 pp.
Hays, Samuel P. "The Use of Archives for Historical Statistical Inquiry." In The National Archives and Statistical Research: [Papers and Proceedings], edited by Meyer H. Fishbein, pp. 60-71. National Archives Conferences, vol. 2. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xiv, 255 pp.
The Use of Archives for Historical Statistical Inquiry
, vol. 2
(pg. 60
) Iredale, David. Enjoying Archives: What They Are, Where to Find Them, How to Use Them. n.p.: David & Charles, 1973. 264 pp.
Enjoying Archives: What They Are, Where to Find Them, How to Use Them
pg. 264
Kilfoil, Jack F. "Bringing the Archives into the Classroom: The Federal Records Center as the Historian's Laboratory." Prologue 5 (Summer 1973):102-3.
Bringing the Archives into the Classroom: The Federal Records Center as the Historian's Laboratory
, Prologue
, vol. 5
(pg. 102
) Kupp, Jan. "Dutch Notarial Acts Relating to the Tobacco Trade of Virginia, 1608-1653." William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 30 (Oct. 1973):653-55.
Dutch Notarial Acts Relating to the Tobacco Trade of Virginia, 1608-1653
, William and Mary Quarterly
, vol. 30
(pg. 653
) McCay, Betty L. Seven Lesson Course in Irish Research and Sources. n.p., [1972]. 36 l.
Shur, Leonid A., and Gibson, James R. "Russian Travel Notes and Journals as Sources for the History of California, 1800-1850." California Historical Quarterly 52 (Spring 1973):37-63.
Russian Travel Notes and Journals as Sources for the History of California, 1800-1850
, California Historical Quarterly
, vol. 52
(pg. 37
) Slotten, Martha C. "The Fruits of Two Hundred Years of Collecting Manuscripts: Their Use in the Teaching of Undergraduates at Dickinson College." Manuscripts 25 (Summer 1973):155-61.
The Fruits of Two Hundred Years of Collecting Manuscripts: Their Use in the Teaching of Undergraduates at Dickinson College
, Manuscripts
, vol. 25
(pg. 155
) Stevenson, Noel C. Genealogical Evidence: A Practical System for Judging the Reliability of Records. Los Angeles: n.p., 1973. 22 pp.
Genealogical Evidence: A Practical System for Judging the Reliability of Records
pg. 22
U.S. National Archives. Federal Census Schedules, 1850-80: Primary Sources for Historical Research. By Carmen R. Delle Donne. Reference Information Paper, no. 67. Washington: 1973. v, 29 pp.
U.S. National Archives. Public Land Records of the Federal Government, 1800-1950, and Their Statistical Significance. By Richard S. Maxwell. Reference Information Paper, no. 57. Washington: 1973. vi, 18 pp.
Weinberg, Helene Barbara. "The Archives' Autograph Collections." Archives of American Art Journal 13, no. 4 (1973):2-8.
The Archives' Autograph Collections
, Archives of American Art Journal
, vol. 13
(pg. 2
) Wells, Robert V. "The New York Census of 1731." New York Historical Society Quarterly 55 (July 1973):255-59.
The New York Census of 1731
, New York Historical Society Quarterly
, vol. 55
(pg. 255
) "Wertung archivischer Quellen zum Wandel der Bevölkerungsstruktur im Zeitalter der Industrialisierung am Beispiel des rheinischwestfälischen Industriegebietes." Der Archivar 25 (May 1972):col. 119-42. Evaluation of archival sources pertaining to population changes during the industrial revolution in Rhenish-Westphalia. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):102.
Anderson, Stanley V. "Public Access to Government Files in Sweden." American Journal of Comparative Law 21 (Summer 1973):419-73.
Public Access to Government Files in Sweden
, American Journal of Comparative Law
, vol. 21
(pg. 419
) Anderson, Stanley V. "Some Essential Characteristics of an Effective Public Records Law: Sweden and the United States." Administrative Law Review 25 (Summer 1973):329-33.
Some Essential Characteristics of an Effective Public Records Law: Sweden and the United States
, Administrative Law Review
, vol. 25
(pg. 329
) Goldfield, Edwin D. "Preservation of Confidential Source Records." In The National Archives and Statistical Research: [Papers and Proceedings], edited by Meyer H. Fishbein, pp. 41-59. National Archives Conferences, vol. 2. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1973. xiv, 255 pp.
Preservation of Confidential Source Records
, vol. 2
(pg. 41
) Klempner, I. M. "The Concept of ‘National Security’ and Its Effect on Information Transfer." Special Libraries 64 (July 1973):263-69.
The Concept of ‘National Security’ and Its Effect on Information Transfer
, Special Libraries
, vol. 64
(pg. 263
) Munro, Paul. "Official Secrecy and Freedom of Information." Australian Academic and Research Libraries 2 (Sept. 1971):101-8.
Official Secrecy and Freedom of Information
, Australian Academic and Research Libraries
, vol. 2
(pg. 101
) Punjab. Secretariat Record Office. Rules Regulating the Access of the Public to the Archives of the Punjab Government Preserved in the Punjab Secretariat Record Office. Lahore: 1971. 6 pp.
Reeves, Thomas C. "The Search for the Chester Alan Arthur Papers." Manuscripts 25 (Summer 1973):171-85.
The Search for the Chester Alan Arthur Papers
, Manuscripts
, vol. 25
(pg. 171
) U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. The Freedom of Information Act: Hearings…. 93d Cong., 1st sess., 1973. iv, 412 pp.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Government Operations. U.S. Government Information Policies and Practices: Hearings. … 92nd Cong., 2nd sess., 1972. 6 vols.
U.S. Congress. House. Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. Subcommittee on Census and Statistics. Briefing by the Archivist of the United States. 93d Cong., 1st sess., 1973. 22 pp.
U.S. General Services Administration. Document Security: A GSA Handbook. Washington: 1973. Various pagings.
Wagner, Alfred. "Das Archiv des Völkerbunds in Genf." Der Archivar 25 (May 1972):col. 171-76. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):103.
Das Archiv des Völkerbunds in Genf
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 171
) American National Standards Institute, Inc. American National Standard Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver-Gelatin Type on Cellulose Ester Base. New York: 1973. 16 pp.
American National Standards Institute, Inc. American National Standard Specifications for Photographic Film for Archival Records, Silver-Gelatin Type on Polyester Base. New York: 1973. 16 pp.
Born, Lester K. "Planning for Scholarly Photocopying." Microform Review 1 (July 1972): 181-97. "Archives and Manuscripts," pp. 182-85.
Planning for Scholarly Photocopying
, Microform Review
, vol. 1
(pg. 181
) Braun, Joan M. "The Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library: The Mating of Medieval Knowledge with Modern Technology." Microform Review 1 (Oct. 1972):281-83.
The Monastic Manuscript Microfilm Library: The Mating of Medieval Knowledge with Modern Technology
, Microform Review
, vol. 1
(pg. 281
) Busley, Hermann-Joseph. "Phototechnische Tagung München 1961." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 363-76. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):100.
Phototechnische Tagung München 1961
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 363
) Crespo, Carmen. "El Servicio Nacional de Microfilm." Spain Bol 20 (May-Aug. 1971):133-34. National microfilm service. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):104.
El Servicio Nacional de Microfilm
, Spain Bol
, vol. 20
(pg. 133
) Dascher, Ottfried, and Eyll, Klara van. "Die Ersatzverfilmung bei Schriftgut der Wirtschaft—Möglichkeiten und Grenzen." Der Archivar 24 (July 1971):col. 255-62. Supplementary microfilming in economic archives—possibilities and limitations. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):99.
Die Ersatzverfilmung bei Schriftgut der Wirtschaft—Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 255
) "Decision of Utah State Records Committee, July 19, 1973: Microfilming Business Records." Utah, State Archives and Records Service, Technical Facts no. 9 (Aug. 1973).
Denel, Francis. "Une expérience de microfilmage de substitution." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):223-27.
Une expérience de microfilmage de substitution
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 223
) Ehrenberg, Ralph. "Reproducing Maps in Libraries and Archives: The Custodian's Point of View." Special Libraries 64 (Jan. 1973):18, 20-24.
Reproducing Maps in Libraries and Archives: The Custodian's Point of View
, Special Libraries
, vol. 64
pg. 18
Fernando Piazzali, Luís. "El microfilm brinda apoyo a un importante aspecto del Servicio Telegráfico de nuestro país." Bol Arch Arg 3, no. 6 (Jan.-Mar. 1973):12-15, 36.
El microfilm brinda apoyo a un importante aspecto del Servicio Telegráfico de nuestro país
, Bol Arch Arg
, vol. 3
(pg. 12
) Hachey, Thomas E. "Research at the London Public Record Office: A Commentary on British Foreign Office Papers and Other Collections/Review Article." Microform Review 1 (Jan. 1972):33-39.
Research at the London Public Record Office: A Commentary on British Foreign Office Papers and Other Collections/Review Article
, Microform Review
, vol. 1
(pg. 33
) Hemmerle, Josef. "10 Jahre Sicherungsverfilmung. Rückblick, Ergebnisse, Aufgaben." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 357-64. A decade of security filming. Review, results and future tasks. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):100.
10 Jahre Sicherungsverfilmung. Rückblick, Ergebnisse, Aufgaben
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 357
) International Council on Archives. A Study of the Basic Standards for Equipping, Maintaining, and Operating a Reprographic Laboratory in Archives. By Albert H. Leisinger, Jr. Brussels: 1973. vii, 101 pp.
LaHood, Charles G., Jr. "Microfilm for the Library of Congress." College and Research Libraries 34 (July 1973):291-94.
Microfilm for the Library of Congress
, College and Research Libraries
, vol. 34
(pg. 291
) LaHood, Charles G., Jr. "Reproducing Maps in Libraries: The Photographer's Point-of-View." Special Libraries 64 (Jan. 1973):19, 25-28.
Reproducing Maps in Libraries: The Photographer's Point-of-View
, Special Libraries
, vol. 64
pg. 19
Langdon, Robert. "The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau." Australian Academic and Research Libraries 2 (June 1972):43-50.
The Pacific Manuscripts Bureau
, Australian Academic and Research Libraries
, vol. 2
(pg. 43
) Leisinger, Albert H., Jr. "User Evaluation of Microfilm Readers for Archival and Manuscript Materials/Special Report." Microform Review 2 (July 1973): 177-209.
User Evaluation of Microfilm Readers for Archival and Manuscript Materials/Special Report
, Microform Review
, vol. 2
(pg. 177
) Lim, Pui Huen P. "SARBICA-CONSAL Regional Microfilm Clearing-House: A Report." SE Asian Arch 5 (July 1972):87-88.
SARBICA-CONSAL Regional Microfilm Clearing-House: A Report
, SE Asian Arch
, vol. 5
(pg. 87
) Quétin, Michel. "L'équipement photographique des Archives en France, résultats et enseignements d'une enquěte." Gazette des Archives n.s., no. 83 (1973):229-41.
L'équipement photographique des Archives en France, résultats et enseignements d'une enquěte
, Gazette des Archives
(pg. 229
) Richtering, Helmut. "Die Ersatzverfilmung des Schriftgutes der Registraturen und die Archive." Der Archivar 24 (July 1971):col. 245-56. Supplementary microfilming of registers and archives. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):99.
Die Ersatzverfilmung des Schriftgutes der Registraturen und die Archive
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 245
) Silva, Antonio Paulo de Andrade e, and Lima Filho, Waldemar Durval Falcão. O microfilme no arquivo. Sao Paulo: Associação Brasileira do Microfilme, n.d. 30 pp.
O microfilme no arquivo
pg. 30
Veenstra, John G. "Cooperative Microfilming for the Caribbean Area." In Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean, edited by Alma Jordon, pp. 60-71. Chicago: American Library Association, 1973. xii, 145 pp.
Research Library Cooperation in the Caribbean
, vol. xii
(pg. 60
) Franz, Eckhart G. "Projekt HETRINA. Elektronische Datenverarbeitung an der Archivschule Marburg." Der Archivar 24 (Nov. 1971):col. 381-90. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):101.
Projekt HETRINA. Elektronische Datenverarbeitung an der Archivschule Marburg
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 381
) Kahlenberg, Friedrich P. "Informationsbankensysteme ohne Archive? Bemerkungen zum Funktionswandel öffentlicher Archive." Arch Zeit 68 (1972):125-33. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):596.
Informationsbankensysteme ohne Archive? Bemerkungen zum Funktionswandel öffentlicher Archive
, Arch Zeit
, vol. 68
(pg. 125
) Milz, Joseph. "Zum Einsatz der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung im Archiv." Der Archivar 24 (July 1971):col. 261-72. On electronic data processing in archives. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):100.
Zum Einsatz der elektronischen Datenverarbeitung im Archiv
, Der Archivar
, vol. 24
(pg. 261
) Salton, G. "Recent Studies in Automatic Text Analysis and Document Retrieval." Association for Computing Machinery, Journal 20 (Apr. 1973):258-78.
Recent Studies in Automatic Text Analysis and Document Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery
, Journal
, vol. 20
(pg. 258
) U.S. Library of Congress. MARC Development Office. Manuscripts: A MARC Format: Specifications for Magnetic Tapes Containing Catalog Records for Single Manuscripts or Manuscript Collections. Washington: 1973. v, 47 pp.
Cappon, Lester J. "American Historical Editors before Jared Sparks: "They Will Plant a Forest …'" William and Mary Quarterly 3d ser. 30 (July 1973):375-400.
American Historical Editors before Jared Sparks: They Will Plant a Forest …
, William and Mary Quarterly
, vol. 30
(pg. 375
) Clark, Harry. A Venture in History: The Production, Publication, and Sale of the Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft. University of California Publications; Librarianship, no. 19. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1973. xiii, 177 pp.
A Venture in History: The Production, Publication, and Sale of the Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft
, vol. xiii
pg. 177
Milošević, Miloš. "Objavljivanje arhivske gradje." Arhivist 20, no. 1 (1970):3-18. Publication of archival material. Abst AA 36 (Apr. 1973):281.
Objavljivanje arhivske gradje
, Arhivist
, vol. 20
(pg. 3
) Morris, Robert. The Papers of Robert Morris: 1781-1784. Vol 1: February 7-July 31, 1781. Edited by E. James Ferguson. n.p.: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1973. xlix, 437 pp. "Editorial Method," pp. xxxiii-xxxvii.
U.S. National Historical Publications Commission. Fact Sheet: The National Historical Publications Commission and Its Work. n.p.: [1973]. Leaflet.
American University, Washington, D.C. Department of History. The Twenty-Eighth Institute: Introduction to Modern Archives Administration: March 19-30, 1973 and The Twenty-Ninth Institute … October 15-26, 1973. Washington: n.d. Folders. The institutes were held in cooperation with the National Archives and Records Service, Library of Congress, and Maryland Hall of Records.
Bennett, James C., and Lind, Virginia M. "An Analysis of Contemporary Records Management Curricula in U.S. Colleges and Universities." RMQ 7, nos. 3, 4 (July, Oct. 1973):32-35, 29-33.
An Analysis of Contemporary Records Management Curricula in U.S. Colleges and Universities
, vol. 7
(pg. 32
) Bickelhaupt, Helmut. "Gegenwartswirkungen auf die Archivschule Marburg." Der Archivar 25 (Nov. 1972):col. 363-68. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Gegenwartswirkungen auf die Archivschule Marburg
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 363
) Bordonau Mas, Miguel. "Formación profesional de los archiveros en España." Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación, Boletín 62 (Jan.-June 1972):5-14. Abst AA 36 (Oct. 1973):597.
Formación profesional de los archiveros en España
, Venezuela, Archivo General de la Nación, Boletín
, vol. 62
(pg. 5
) Bousso, Amadou. "University of Dakar School for Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists." UBL 27 (Mar./Apr. 1973):72-77, 107.
University of Dakar School for Librarians, Archivists and Documentalists
, vol. 27
(pg. 72
) Busley, Hermann-Joseph. "Archivtechnische Lehrgänge München 1969-1971." Der Archivar 25 (Feb. 1972):col. 77-80. Abst AA 36 (Jan. 1973):102.
Archivtechnische Lehrgänge München 1969-1971
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 77
) Colson, John C. "Modifying Library School Curricula: Archivists and Education." RQ 12 (Spring 1973):267-72.
Modifying Library School Curricula: Archivists and Education
, RQ
, vol. 12
(pg. 267
) d'Orleans, J. Sénégal: Centre régional deformation d'archivistes, Dakar: ler janvier 1972-ler août 1973. Paris: Unesco, 1973. 46 pp.
Sénégal: Centre régional deformation d'archivistes, Dakar: ler janvier 1972-ler août 1973
pg. 46
Dülfer, Kurt. "Gegenwartswirkungen auf die Archivschule Marburg." Der Archivar 25 (July 1972):col. 247-52. Current influences at the archival school at Marburg. Abst AA 36 (July 1973):441.
Gegenwartswirkungen auf die Archivschule Marburg
, Der Archivar
, vol. 25
(pg. 247
) Ferreira, Myrtes de Silva. "Cursos de Arquivo Nacional." Arq & Adm 1, no. 1 (Apr. 1973):12-13, 15-16.
Cursos de Arquivo Nacional
, Arq & Adm
, vol. 1
(pg. 12
) Ohio Historical Society. Third Annual Archives-Library Institute: July 9-20, 1973. Columbus: n.d. 36 pp.
"The Postgraduate Course in Archives Administration at the School of Librarianship, University of New South Wales." Arch & Mss 5 (Feb. 1973):38-40.
Quiason, Serafin D. "A Proposal for the Creation of an Institute of Archival Science for Southeast Asia (IASSA)." SE Asian Arch 5 (July 1972):89-96.
A Proposal for the Creation of an Institute of Archival Science for Southeast Asia (IASSA)
, SE Asian Arch
, vol. 5
(pg. 89
) Ramírez Báez, Carmen Celeste. Oportunidades de estudio y empleo en el campo de los archivos en Venezuela. Asociación Venezolana de Archiveros, Colección Documentos, no. 2. Caracas: [Asociación Venezolana de Archiveros], 1970. [3], i, 52 l.
Oportunidades de estudio y empleo en el campo de los archivos en Venezuela
pg. 52
Society of American Archivists. Education Directory: Careers and Courses in Archival Administration. Ann Arbor: 1973. vi, 33 pp.
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