Album: Original Photographs from the Atlanta Historical Society Collection. Catalog of an exhibition at Handshake Center for the Arts, Atlanta, Georgia, 4 June-9 August 1980. Edited by Ann Woodall and Elizabeth Reynolds. Atlanta: Atlanta Historical Society, 1980. 63 pp. Photographs, exhibition checklist, appendix. Paper.
The American Story. Collection of films available for rental or purchase from CRM/McGraw Hill Films, 110 Fifteenth Street, Del Mar, California 92014. Also available are Courage and Hope: Ethnic History in America; Individual Achievement: Historical Biographies; The Past Recaptured: 2,000 Years of Civilization.
Archives and History: Minutes and Reports of the 14th Archivists' and Historians' Conference, 1977. Edited by August R. Suelflow. St. Louis: Concordia Historical Institute, 1979. 158 pp. Paper. $4, plus $1 postage.
The Assassination of John F. Kennedy: A Comprehensive Historical and Legal Bibliography, 1963-1979. Compiled by DeLloyd J. Guth and David R. Wrone. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1980. lvi, 442 pp. Maps, index. $37.50.
Charles C. Burlingham: Twentieth Century Crusader. Exhibit prepared by Erika S. Chadbourn. Cambridge: Manuscript Division, Harvard Law School Library, 1980. 22 pp. Photographs. Paper.
Guide to the Public Archives of Finland. Edited by Raimo Viikki and Eljas Orrman. Translated into English by J. E. O. Screen. Helsinki, Finland: The National Archives, 1980. 50 pp. Diagrams, bibliography. Paper.
Index to Reviews of Bibliographical Publications. Volume III: 1978. Edited by L. Terry Oggel. Assistant Editor Rosalie Hewitt. Boston: G. K. Hall & Co., 1980. 229 pp. $24.
Inventaire Analytique des Archives Ecclesiastiques du Brabant: Inventaire des Archives du Prieure de Val-Duchesse à Auderghem. By André Uyttebrouck and Arlette Graffart. Brussels, Belgium: Archives Générales du Royaume, 1979. Index, appendixes, ix, 244 pp. Paper. Also: Second Inventaire Complementaire des Archives de la Collegiale Sainte-Gertrude à Nivelles, by Philippe Muret, 44 pp., and Inventaris van het Archief van het Sint-Margriethospital te Schorisse (Maarkedal) by G. Gadeyne, 65 pp.
The Lutheran Historical Conference: Essays and Reports, 1978. Volume 8. Edited by August R. Suelflow. St. Louis: Lutheran Historical Conference, 1979. 136 pp. Paper. $7.50, plus $.75 postage. Order from Concordia Historical Institute, 801 DeMun Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63105.
The Paraprofessional and the Professional Job Structure. By Charlotte Mugnier. Chicago: American Library Association, 1980. Appendixes, bibliography, index, vi, 157 pp. Paper. $7.
Serial Publications: Their Place and Treatment in Libraries. By Andrew D. Osborn. Chicago: American Library Association, 1980. Illustrations, bibliography, index, xxii. 486 pp. $20.
Tracing Your Ancestors in Canada. Revised by Patricia Kennedy, Jean-Marie LeBlanc, and Janine Roy. Toronto: Manuscripts Division, Public Archives of Canada, 1980. 34 pp. Paper.
John Broadus Watson. Three-page selective bibliography available upon request to J. Walter Thompson Company Archives, 420 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10017.
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