The author outlines the need for the development of a research agenda on the management of archives as the basis for the significant changes and innovation required of archives and archivists in order to become more effective and to meet the needs of their constituencies in the next generation. Fundamental changes in the political, technological, and cultural environment in which archives function will require more competent archival managers, more effective archival programs, and a profession more inclined to view its needs and issues from a management perspective. Recommended areas of research include the development of management competency models for archivists; the study of institutional culture, organizational effectiveness, and change management; the analysis of management education needs and delivery; and the evaluation and development of guidelines and standards for archival programs. The role and responsibility of individual archivists and archival institutions to develop this agenda is also outlined.
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Research Article|
January 01 1988
The Management of Archives: A Research Agenda
Paul McCarthy
Paul McCarthy
The University of Alaska
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The American Archivist (1988) 51 (1-2): 52–69.
Paul McCarthy; The Management of Archives: A Research Agenda. The American Archivist 1 January 1988; 51 (1-2): 52–69. doi:
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