In 1995 the Yale University Library agreed to serve as an "early implementer" site for the FindAid DTD, now EAD. Three Yale manuscript repositories—the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Special Collections in the Divinity School Library, and the Manuscripts and Archives Department of Sterling Memorial Library, agreed to participate in this test phase by creating an integrated database of SGML-encoded finding aids, accessible via the World Wide Web. This case study describes the basic configuration of the Yale finding aid site, reviews the project's history and accomplishments since its inception in 1995, discusses the methods employed by the participating units to mark up legacy files and to integrate EAD into their routines for creating new finding aids, and suggests issues to be considered by others contemplating an SGML/EAD encoding project of their own.
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September 01 1997
Implementing EAD in the Yale University Library
Nicole Bouché
Nicole Bouché
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University
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The American Archivist (1997) 60 (4): 408–419.
Jackie Dooley, Nicole Bouché; Implementing EAD in the Yale University Library. The American Archivist 1 September 1997; 60 (4): 408–419. doi:
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