Volume 83 (2020)
Michele Combs, Indexer
This index to volume 83 (2020) of American Archivist includes authors and subjects of articles, book reviews, the editor's column, and letters to the editor. Titles of articles are in quotes. Titles of books reviewed are in italics.
Spring/Summer, 83(1): 1–218
Fall/Winter, 83(2): 495–503
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
Roe, Kathleen D., Advocacy and Awareness for Archivists (review), 83(2): 467–70
Alaoui, Siham (reviewer), 83(2): 470–75
American Archivist(SAA)
editorial policy, 83(1): 212–15, 83(2): 491–94
“Growth and Transition in a Time of Uncertainty,” 83(2): 221–31
Anderson, Bethany
“No Refuge in Complacency,” 83(2): 451–53
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
“We Are All Connected,” 83(1): 165–67
“The Autologic Archive: Appraisal, Institutional Motives, and Essentializing Identity in Refugee and Asylum Application Narratives, In and Out of Fiction,” 83(2): 373–96
Uglean Jackson, Laura (ed.), Reappraisal and Deaccessioning in Archives and Special Collections (review), 83(1): 182–86
archival education.seeeducation, archival
archival literature
“Growth and Transition in a Time of Uncertainty,” 83(2): 221–31
archival silences.seesilences, archival
archival theory
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Lison et al., Archives (review), 83(1): 187–90
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
archives, history of
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Nowoycki, Bartosz, Teoria i praktyka archiwistyki USA (review), 83(1): 175–78
archives buildings
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Meissner, Dennis, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts (review), 83(1): 204–8
artificial intelligence
Padilla, Thomas, Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries (review), 83(2): 483–87
“Becoming an Imagined Record: Archival Intervention in Autofiction,” 83(2): 268–88
Bartlett, Nancy (ed.),Teaching Undergraduates with Archives(review), 83(2): 463–66
Benoit, Edward III (ed.),Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice(review), 83(2): 470–75
Padilla, Thomas, Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries (review), 83(2): 483–87
Big Data
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Caro, Robert A., Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing (review), 83(2): 480–83
Bitter, Jessica (reviewer), 83(2): 467–70
Black studies
Cloutier, Jean-Christophe, Shadow Archives: The Lifecycles of African American Literature (review), 83(2): 454–58
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
born-digital materials.see alsoweb archives
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Purcell, Aaron D. (ed.), The Digital Archives Handbook: A Guide to Creation, Management, and Preservation (review), 83(1): 208–11
Botticelli, Peter
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
Brügger, Neils (ed.),The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present(review), 83(1): 167–75
building design
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
Carmicheal, David W. (ed.),Leading and Managing Archives and Manuscripts Programs(review), 83(1): 190–95
Caro, Robert A.,Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing(review), 83(2): 480–83
Cary, Amy Cooper
“Growth and Transition in a Time of Uncertainty,” 83(2): 232–33
case studies
Bartlett et al. (eds.), Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (review), 83(2): 463–66
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
Centeno, Miriam (reviewer), 83(1): 199–203
children's records
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
Cho, Richard M.
“Becoming an Imagined Record: Archival Intervention in Autofiction,” 83(2): 268–88
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie,The Monumental Challenge of Preservation: The Past in a Volatile World(review), 83(1): 178–81
cloud services
Duranti and Rogers (eds.), Trusting Records in the Cloud (review), 83(2): 458–62
Cloutier, Jean-Christophe,Shadow Archives: The Lifecycles of African American Literature(review), 83(2): 454–58
Kramer-Smyth, Jeanne, Partners for Preservation: Advancing Digital Preservation through Cross-Community Collaboration (review), 83(2): 487–90
collection management
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
college students
Bartlett et al. (eds.), Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (review), 83(2): 463–66
Conway, Martha O'Hara (ed.),Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective(review), 83(1): 199–203
Conway, Paul (ed.),Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective(review), 83(1): 199–203
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
Critlib movement
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
cultural genocide
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, The Monumental Challenge of Preservation: The Past in a Volatile World (review), 83(1): 178–81
culture of power.seepower dynamics
Dallinger, Petra-Maria (ed.),Archive fur Literatur. Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen(review), 83(1): 195–99
data management
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Uglean Jackson, Laura (ed.), Reappraisal and Deaccessioning in Archives and Special Collections (review), 83(1): 182–86
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
Meissner, Dennis, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts (review), 83(1): 204–8
digital archives
Purcell, Aaron D. (ed.), The Digital Archives Handbook: A Guide to Creation, Management, and Preservation (review), 83(1): 208–11
digital curation
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
digital humanities
Ewing and Randall (eds.), Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History (review), 83(2): 475–80
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
digital preservation.seepreservation
digital records.seeborn-digital material digitization
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
Duranti, Luciana (ed.),Trusting Records in the Cloud(review), 83(2): 458–62
editorial policy, 83(1): 212–15, 83(2): 491–94
education, archival
Bartlett et al. (eds.), Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (review), 83(2): 463–66
Conway and Conway (eds.), Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective (review), 83(1): 199–203
Ehrenreich-Risner, Veronica
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
enslaved individuals
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
environmental impact.seesustainability
erasures.seesilences, archival
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
European archives
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
Eveleigh, Alexandra (ed.),Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice(review), 83(2): 470–75
Ewing, E. Thomas (ed.),Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History(review), 83(2): 475–80
fair use
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
fiction and archives
“Becoming an Imagined Record: Archival Intervention in Autofiction,” 83(2): 268–88
“The Autologic Archive: Appraisal, Institutional Motives, and Essentializing Identity in Refugee and Asylum Application Narratives, In and Out of Fiction,” 83(2): 373–96
Fisher, Katherine
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
format registries
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Gadelha, Elizabeth (ed.),Teaching Undergraduates with Archives(review), 83(2): 463–66
Garwood, Deborah A. (reviewer), 83(2): 475–80
General Education Board (GEB)
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
genocide, cultural
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, The Monumental Challenge of Preservation: The Past in a Volatile World (review), 83(1): 178–81
Gerbracht, Julius (reviewer), 83(1): 195–99
Germeck, Karl E.
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Gottlieb, Peter (ed.),Leading and Managing Archives and Manuscripts Programs(review), 83(1): 190–95
government records
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Gracy, David, II
“No Refuge in Complacency,” 83(2): 451–53
“green” archives.seesustainability
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
Harper, Dan (reviewer), 83(2): 480–83
Harvard University
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
H boards
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
Hofer, Georg (ed.),Archive fur Literatur. Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen(review), 83(1): 195–99
Holden, Jessica
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Records,” 83(1): 77–90
Howdeshell, Ashley (reviewer), 83(1): 208–11
imagined records
“Becoming an Imagined Record: Archival Intervention in Autofiction,” 83(2): 268–88
Bartlett et al. (eds.), Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (review), 83(2): 463–66
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
internet, as archive
Brügger and Schroeder (eds.), The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present (review), 83(1): 167–75
Milligan, Ian, History in the Age of Abundance?: How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research (review), 83(1): 167–75
Conway and Conway (eds.), Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective (review), 83(1): 199–203
Janak, Edward
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
Judex, Bernhard (ed.),Archive fur Literatur. Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen(review), 83(1): 195–99
Kramer-Smyth, Jeanne,Partners for Preservation: Advancing Digital Preservation through Cross-Community Collaboration(review), 83(2): 487–90
Larson, Emily
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Gottlieb and Carmicheal (eds.), Leading and Managing Archives and Manuscripts Programs (review), 83(1): 190–95
Lee, Christopher
“Archival Evolution,” 83(1): 3–4
“Growth and Transition in a Time of Uncertainty,” 83(2): 221–37
letters to the editor
Lockard, Katy, 83(2): 449–50
Dallinger et al. (eds.), Archive fur Literatur. Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen (review), 83(1): 195–99
Lison, Andrew,Archives(review), 83(1): 187–90
literary archives
Cloutier, Jean-Christophe, Shadow Archives: The Lifecycles of African American Literature (review), 83(2): 454–58
Dallinger et al. (eds.), Archive fur Literatur. Der Nachlass und seine Ordnungen (review), 83(1): 195–99
literature reviews
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
living archives
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
Lockard, Katy (letter), 83(2): 449–50
Lowe, Carli V.
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
MacGregor, Rachel (reviewer), 83(2): 483–87
machine learning
Padilla, Thomas, Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries (review), 83(2): 483–87
Gottlieb and Carmicheal (eds.), Leading and Managing Archives and Manuscripts Programs (review), 83(1): 190–95
Mars, Marcell,Archives(review), 83(1): 187–90
Martzahl, Veronica (reviewer), 83(1): 182–86
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
Medak, Tomislav,Archives(review), 83(1): 187–90
medicine, history of
Ewing and Randall (eds.), Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History (review), 83(2): 475–80
Meissner, Dennis,Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts(review), 83(1): 204–8
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Milligan, Ian,History in the Age of Abundance?: How the Web is Transforming Historical Research(review), 83(1): 167–75
names, changing
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
National Archives and Records Administration (NARA)
Nowoycki, Bartosz, Teoria i praktyka archiwistyki USA (review), 83(1): 175–78
Neal, Kathryn M. (reviewer), 83(2): 454–58 network analysis
Ewing and Randall (eds.), Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History (review), 83(2): 475–80
Nielsen, Cameron C.
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Nofziger, Cinda (ed.),Teaching Undergraduates with Archives(review), 83(2): 463–66
Nowatzki, Robert
“From Datum to Databases: Digital Humanities, Slavery, and Archival Reparations,” 83(2): 429–48
Nowoycki, Bartosz,Teoria i praktyka archiwistyki USA(review), 83(1): 175–78
null curriculum.see alsosilences, archival
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
Oldham, Krista M. (reviewer), 83(2): 487–90
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
Padilla, Thomas,Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries(review), 83(2): 483–87
participatory archives
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
“Curating Digital Surrogates in a Museum Archives: The Historic Boards Collection at the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at Harvard University,” 83(1): 128–43
place names
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
Popp, Tracy
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
Lison et al., Archives (review), 83(1): 187–90
“The Autologic Archive: Appraisal, Institutional Motives, and Essentializing Identity in Refugee and Asylum Application Narratives, In and Out of Fiction,” 83(2): 373–96
power dynamics
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
Prelinger, Rick,Archives(review), 83(1): 187–90
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, The Monumental Challenge of Preservation: The Past in a Volatile World (review), 83(1): 178–81
Conway and Conway (eds.), Flood in Florence, 1966: A Fifty-Year Retrospective (review), 83(1): 199–203
“Copyright and Preservation of Born-Digital Materials: Persistent Challenges and Selected Strategies,” 83(2): 238–67
Kramer-Smyth, Jeanne, Partners for Preservation: Advancing Digital Preservation through Cross-Community Collaboration (review), 83(2): 487–90
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Purcell, Aaron D. (ed.), The Digital Archives Handbook: A Guide to Creation, Management, and Preservation (review), 83(1): 208–11
primary sources, teaching with
Bartlett et al. (eds.), Teaching Undergraduates with Archives (review), 83(2): 463–66
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
“Big Questions: Digital Preservation of Big Data in Government,” 83(1): 5–20
Kramer-Smyth, Jeanne, Partners for Preservation: Advancing Digital Preservation through Cross-Community Collaboration (review), 83(2): 487–90
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Meissner, Dennis, Arranging and Describing Archives and Manuscripts (review), 83(1): 204–8
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
Prom, Christopher J.
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Purcell, Aaron D. (ed.),The Digital Archives Handbook: A Guide to Creation, Management, and Preservation(review), 83(1): 208–11
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
Padilla, Thomas, Responsible Operations: Data Science, Machine Learning, and AI in Libraries (review), 83(2): 483–87
Randall, Katherine (ed.),Viral Networks: Connecting Digital Humanities and Medical History(review), 83(2): 475–80
records management
Duranti and Rogers (eds.), Trusting Records in the Cloud (review), 83(2): 458–62
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“The Autologic Archive: Appraisal, Institutional Motives, and Essentializing Identity in Refugee and Asylum Application Narratives, In and Out of Fiction,” 83(2): 373–96
religious archives
Lockard, Katy (letter), 83(2): 449–50
Rimkus, Kyle
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
Rockefeller Archive
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
Roe, Kathleen D.,Advocacy and Awareness for Archivists(review), 83(2): 467–70
Roeschley, Ana
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children Records,” 83(1): 77–90
Rogers, Corinne (ed.),Trusting Records in the Cloud(review), 83(2): 458–62
Shallcross, Mike (reviewer), 83(2): 458–62
silences, archival
“Becoming an Imagined Record: Archival Intervention in Autofiction,” 83(2): 268–88
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
slavery.seeenslaved individuals
Smith, Helen Wong (reviewer), 83(1): 190–95
social tagging
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
South Africa
“‘Living Archive' in Postcolonial South Africa,” 83(1): 21–56
Sromek, Teresa (reviewer), 83(1): 175–78
Stehkämper Method
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
Summers, Ed (reviewer), 83(1): 167–75 sustainability
Cloonan, Michèle Valerie, The Monumental Challenge of Preservation: The Past in a Volatile World (review), 83(1): 178–81
“Partnering Preservation with Sustainability,” 83(1): 144–64
“What Do You Mean It's Not There? Doing Null History,” 83(1): 57–76
Trace, Ciaran B.
“Maintaining Records in Context?: A Historical Exploration of the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(1): 91–127
“Maintaining Records in Context?: Disrupting the Theory and Practice of Archival Classification and Arrangement,” 83(2): 322–72
Trammell, Anna (reviewer), 83(2): 463–66
Benoit and Eveleigh (eds.), Participatory Archives: Theory and Practice (review), 83(2): 470–75
Turner, Alison
“The Autologic Archive: Appraisal, Institutional Motives, and Essentializing Identity in Refugee and Asylum Application Narratives, In and Out of Fiction,” 83(2): 373–96
Uglean Jackson, Laura (ed.),Reappraisal and Deaccessioning in Archives and Special Collections(review), 83(1): 182–86
undergraduates.seecollege students
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
“Preservation and Access for Born-digital Electronic Records: The Case for an Institutional Digital Content Format Registry,” 83(2): 397–428
University of Massachusetts, Boston
“Privacy and Access in the Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children,” 83(1): 77–90
user experience
Caro, Robert A., Working: Researching, Interviewing, Writing (review), 83(2): 480–83
van Schaik, Sam (reviewer), 83(1): 178–81
Warren, Kellee E.
“Reimagining Instruction in Special Collections: The Special Case of Haiti,” 83(2): 289–321
Watson, Brian M. (reviewer), 83(1): 187–90
web archives
Brügger and Schroeder (eds.), The Web as History: Using Web Archives to Understand the Past and the Present (review), 83(1): 167–75
Duranti and Rogers (eds.), Trusting Records in the Cloud (review), 83(2): 458–62
Milligan, Ian, History in the Age of Abundance?: How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research (review), 83(1): 167–75
Wick, Amanda (reviewer), 83(1): 204–8