Amy Cooper Cary (2020–2023), Marquette University
Editorial Board
Sumayya Ahmed (2019–2023), Simmons University
Shirley Franco (2022–2026), Universidade de Brasilia
Rebecca Hankins (2022–2023), Texas A&M University Libraries
Katharina Hering (2019–2023), German Historical Institute
Eric Hung (2020–2024), Music of Asian America Research Center
Jessica Lacher-Feldman (2020–2024), University of Rochester
Maria Matienzo (2021–2025), Stanford University Libraries
Marlee Newman (2021–2025), Archival Consultant
Sylvia Welsh (2020–2024), Harvard University
Reviews Editor
Rose Buchanan (2021–2024), National Archives and Records Administration
Stephanie Luke (2021–2024), University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign
American Archivist (ISSN 0360-9081) is published semiannually (Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter) by:
The Society of American Archivists
17 North State Street, Suite 1425, Chicago, IL 60602-3315 USA
Tel 866-722-7858 or 312-606-0722 Fax 312-606-0728 www.archivists.org
The entire run of American Archivist—from 1938 to date—may be accessed at AmericanArchivist.org.
Subscription rate; $289
Articles and Ideas:
Amy Cooper Cary, Editor, [email protected]
Reviews (books, exhibits, tools, resources):
Rose Buchanan and Stephanie Luke, Reviews Editor, [email protected]
Production and Advertising:
Abigail Christian, Editorial and Production Manager, [email protected]
Hannah Stryker, Editorial and Program Coordinator, [email protected]
About the Cover
German archivists participate in a training course on disaster and emergency response at the Augsburg City Archive in 2016. Guided by a conservator, small groups practiced the handling, packaging, and transport of damaged materials. In his article, “Together We Are Strong”: Emergency Associations for the Protection of Germany's Cultural Heritage, Rainer Jedlitschka discusses the creation and development of several emergency associations in Germany that have collaborated to offer mutual support in the event of natural and human‐made disasters. Read more about the role and success of the new networks and German archivists' new experience and preparedness. Photo courtesy of Kerstin Lengger, Augsburg City Archive.