This listing of academic opportunities is provided as a free service to the profession and the community.

Rank: Orthodontic Residency Program Dir.

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry

Dept. of Orthodontics, Birmingham, AL 35294-0007

Contact: Dr. Chung How Kau, (205) 934-1289

FAX: (205) 975-7590 e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: 2 Orthodontic Instructors

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Dentistry

Dept. of Orthodontics, Birmingham, AL 35294-0007

Contact: Dr. Chung How Kau, (205) 934-1289

FAX: (205) 975-7590 e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Assistant Professor

University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine

Dept. of Orthodontics, Farmington, CT 06030-1725

Contact: Dr. Ravindra Nanda, (860) 679-2550

FAX: (860) 679-1920 e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Full-time Asst/Assoc Professor

University of Florida College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

Gainesville, FL 32610

Contact: Dr. John Neubert (352) 273-5687

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: (Two) Part-time Adjunct Clinical Asst/Assoc Professor

University of Florida College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

Gainesville, FL 32610

Contact: Dr. John Neubert (352) 273-5687

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Full-time Asst/Assoc Professor

Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics

Jacksonville, FL 32211, Contact: Dr. Joseph Pelle

(904) 256-7847 - Fax (904) 256-7126 –

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Orthodontic Instructor and Pre-Doctoral Researcher

Indiana University School of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics and Oral Facial Genetics

1121 W. Michigan St., DS 102, Indianapolis, IN 46202

Contact: Office of Faculty Affairs, [email protected]

Rank: Full-time, Endowed, Tenure-track

The University of Iowa, College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics, Iowa City, IA

Applicants must apply electronically.

Go to Jobs@UIowa at

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor

University of Kentucky College of Dentistry

Division of Orthodontics

Dental Science Building, D-406

800 Rose Street, Lexington, KY 40536-0297

Contact: Kandace Bright, Department Administrator

e-mail [email protected]

Rank: Not stated Full-time

Mayo Clinic, Rochester

Department of Dental Specialties

Contact: Kevin I. Reid, DMD, Chair

200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor Clinical-track or tenure-track

University of Minnesota School of Dentistry

Division of Orthodontics

Minneapolis, MN

Electronic applications only will be accepted for this position:

Clinical-track position URL: = 95042

Tenure-track position URL: = 95041

Rank: 2 Full-time, tenure track - all levels Part-time positions – all levels

UMDNJ-New Jersey Dental School

Dept. of Orthodontics, 110 Bergen Street

PO Box 1709, Newark, New Jersey

Contact: Dr. Robert E. Binder, Interim Chair

(973) 972-6858 FAX: (973) 972-0526

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor

New York University College of Dentistry

George J. Cisneros, DMD, MS, Professor and Chair

Dept. of Orthodontics, 345 E. 24th Street,

New York, NY 10010

Rank: Chairperson

New York University, College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

New York, NY 10010

Contact: Robert Glickman, DMD

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Orthodontist (assistant/associate or 146 Rockland Hall Full Professor level)

Stony Brook University, School of Dental Medicine

Stony Brook, NY 11794-8700

Full position description at:

(REF: F-4898-08-0)

Contact: Patricia Vitale, VP Coordinator

Rank: Orthodontics Residency Program Director Required: DMD, DDS degree or or equivalent Submit: CV and 3 Letters of Reference Must be eligible for Ohio licensure

The Ohio State University, College of Dentistry

Division of Orthodontics

Room 4088 Postle Hall

305 W. 12th Avenue

Columbus, OH 43210-1267

Contact: Dr. Henry W. Fields, Chair

[email protected]

Rank: Assistant Professor, Full-time Clinical Educator Track

University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine

Dept. of Orthodontics, 240 S. 40th Street

Philadelphia, PA 19104-6303

Contact: Dr. Robert L. Vanarsdall, Chair

215-898-5910 FAX: 215-898-0998

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Professor and Chair Full-time

University of Pennsylvania, School of Dental Medicine

Department of Orthodontics, 240 So. 40th St., Levy 436

Contact: Dr. Carolyn Gibson, Professor

Philadelphia, PA 19104

Phn: (215) 898-6660

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Graduate Program Director (1) Full-Time position

Temple University Kornberg School of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

3223 North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19140

Contact: Dr. Lisa Deem, Chair Search Committee,

Admissions and Students Affairs

Rank: Full-time, tenure track

University of Tennessee

Dept. of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry

Contact: Dr. James L. Vaden, Chair

875 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38163

Rank: Associate Professor Orthodontic Program Dir.

Baylor College of Dentistry

The Texas A&M University Health Science Center

Department of Orthodontics

Dallas, TX 75266

Contact: Dr. Phillip M. Campbell, Chair

Department of Orthodontics, Baylor College of Dentistry

PO Box 66067, Dallas, Texas 75266-0677

July, 2012