This listing of academic opportunities is provided as a free service to the profession and the community.

University of British Columbia

Division of Orthodontics

Apply: Rosamund Harrison, DMD Msc

[email protected]

Professor and Chair, Department of Oral Health Sciences

University of British Columbia, 2199 Wesbrook Mall

Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z3

Rank and Salary: Commensurate with training and experience; Full time.

Require: Postgrad training & experience in orthodontics/be eligible for licensed specialist

Nova Southeastern University

College of Dental Medicine/Orthodontics

3200 South Diversity Drive, Ft Lauderdale, FL 3328-2018

Apply:, job #992943

Contact: Dr. Abraham B. Lifshitz,

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Post Graduate Director/Faculty rank commensurate with training & experience.

Require: DDS/DMD or equivalent. ABO certification; experience in academic and clinical supervision and teaching. MS Dent or PhD preferred.

University of Florida

College of Dentistry

Department of Orthodontics

Apply:, job #497108

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor, Full-time, tenure or clinical track.

Require: DOS/DMD or equivalent degree and completion of advanced training program in orthodontics. Prefer CODA accredited advanced training program.

The Georgia School of Orthodontics

Dr. Pramod Sinha, Program Director

Atlanta, GA 30350

Apply: [email protected]

Rank: Full-Time, Part-Time

Requirement: DDS/DMD is equivalent, certificate in orthodontics from an ADA accredited program. Elgibility for licensure in Georgia. ABO certification/eligibility and relocate in Atlanta, Georgia.

LSUHSC School of Dentistry

Chair, Department of Orthodontics

New Orleans, LA

Contact: Dr. John Gallo

e-mail: [email protected]

Rank: Commensurate with training & experience

Requirement: DDS/DMD or equivalent & certificate in Orthodontics from CODA accredited program

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

Apply: Carroll Ann Trotman, BDS, MA, MS

Professor and Chair, Department of Orthodontics

Tufts University School of Dentistry

1 Kneeland Street, Room 1146, Boston, MA 02111

Rank: Associate/Full Professor, Full-time, Tenure Track/Tenured

Require: DDS/DMD w/MS in orthodontics or certificate MS and PhD from CDA/ADA accredited school. ABO preferred/Board eligible and slated for the exam.

UNC at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry Must apply online at:

Selection committee chair:

Dr. Sylvia Frazier-Bowers

[email protected]

2 full-time tenured/tenure track or fixed-term open-rank positions

Rank: commensurate with training and experience

Requirements: DDS/DMD or equivalent, MS or certificate in Orthodontics. Prefer ABO Board certified/eligible

University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Department of Orthodontics


HTHSC-Houston, Dept. of Orthodontics

7500 Cambridge St., Suite 5130, Houston, TX 77054

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor, Full-Time, Tenure tract

Require: DDS/DMD w/MS or certificate in orthodontics. Prefer ABC Board certified/eligable. Academic/clinical teaching experience.

The Written Examination consists of multiple-choice questions related to the basic sciences, applied biomedical sciences, orthodontic theory, orthodontic practice, related dental disciplines and the orthodontic literature. Questions are developed from various sources by the ABO's Written Examination Committee. The committee formulates questions using the recommended reading list and referencing journals, textbooks and actual clinical case reports.

In order to keep the examination relevant to orthodontics as it is practiced today, the ABO solicits questions from educators and residents across the country. These questions are reviewed and refined by the examination committee and then added to the bank of questions. The goal is to have thousands of questions in order to write multiple examinations for the computerization process. We invite you to submit potential examination questions by following the path below: >

Orthodontic Professionals > Advocates and Educators > Submit Written Exam Questions

The ABO would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to help increase the relevance and validity of the ABO Written Examination.

The ABO Written Examination Committee 401 North Lindbergh Blvd., Suite 300, St. Louis, MO 63141P: 314.432.6130 F: 314.432.8170

[email protected]