Dr and Mrs John Theodore Lindquist on the occasion of Evie's 91st birthday.
Dr John Lindquist (1925–2018) was an icon in orthodontics who contributed at many levels to his profession, including teaching, research, publication, private practice, board certification, applied technology, orthodontics materials, manufacturing, professional service, and political leadership. Dr Lindquist died October 27, 2018, at the age of 93 in Carmel, Indiana. He lost his soul mate Evelyn May Adams Lindquist (Evie) on June 28, 2017. The detailed family obituary for Dr John T. Lindquist was published in the Indianapolis Star on November 1, 2018, and is available online. A tribute based on the “nine treasures of his career” appeared in the November 2018 GLAO eNews. A biographic vignette published in the American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics profiles the interesting lives of this remarkable couple. This Angle Orthodontist contribution focuses on the importance of the Angle tradition and the contributions of his devoted wife Evie.
John Lindquist's professional leadership was legend: he was president, director, and/or trustee at the local, state, and national levels for all dental and orthodontic professional societies relevant to his career. A notable example of his star power was serving simultaneously as a director of the American Board of Orthodontics (ABO) as well as trustee for the Great Lakes Association of Orthodontics and on the Board of Trustees of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). Despite an unbelievable Swedish work ethic, John realized it was unfair to his profession to pursue the presidency of the ABO and AAO at the same time, so he resigned from the ABO to serve as president of the AAO in 1988–1989.
One can only imagine the stress back home in supporting such a brilliant professional career, but John had an ace up his sleeve. Indeed, many professionals owe a great deal of their success to the partners in their lives, but Mrs Evelyn Lindquist ranks with Mother Angle in her selfless devotion to her husband, his specialty, and a family orthodontic supply business. Evie was the wind in John's sail as he excelled in almost every professional pursuit imaginable. Not only was she home raising the family (Bonnie and John II), but Mrs Evelyn Lindquist was the “secret” CEO of their orthodontics manufacturing and supply business (OSCAR). She took care of all the professional details while John was in the limelight from the local to the international levels. It was important to Evie that everyone thought John was managing a large private practice, an amazing professional career, as well as a progressive manufacturing and supply firm, all by himself. To make sure no one saw her entering and leaving OSCAR, she climbed in and out of a back window on a daily basis to sit at her desk and serve as CEO of the company! Does that dedication and service remind you of Anna Hopkins?
The Midwest Component of the Edward H. Angle Society was a passion for John and Evie Lindquist. After the family was raised, Evie attended almost all professional meetings with John because orthodontics was also her business. They were an inseparable couple, supporting the orthodontics profession both as participants and exhibitors. John enjoyed 73 years with his devoted soul mate and missed her terribly. The faithful can conclude they are now back at work! Orthodontics was well served by John and Evie Lindquist both at the clinical and commercial levels. It is hard to imagine more dynamic contributors to our specialty since the legendary Dr and Mrs Edward Hartley Angle. The Lindquists will be sorely missed.
Author notes
W. Eugene Roberts, DDS, PhD is a Professor Emeritus of Orthodontics and Adjunct Professor of Mechanical Engineering Indiana University and Purdue University at Indianapolis, and a Member of Angle Midwest.