This listing of academic opportunities is provided as a free service to the profession and the community.

Mayo Clinic Dental Specialties

Mayo Clinic Building, Fourth Floor

200 First Street SW

Rochester, MN 55905

Apply online:

Position # 304265

Include: Cover letter, CV, 3 references

Rank: Full-time Consultant

Requirements: Candidates must be board-certified/board-eligible in orthodontics with an interest in joining a busy quality-oriented orthodontic practice. The division is seeking an individual with a strong interest in a clinical position and clinical instruction, with opportunities to facilitate clinical and basic science research and work collaboratively with a variety of specialists. Board-certified/board-eligible in orthodontics and eligible for MN licensure.

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook School of Dental Medicine

Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry

South Drive

Stony Brook, NY 11794

Rank: Clinical Non-tenure Assistant or Associate Professor

Requirements: DDS or DMD (from CODA accredited institution) or equivalent degree. Completion of 3 year CODA accredited advanced specialty education Program in Orthodontics. New York State License (or eligible for license). ABO Certified. Prefer MS and/or PhD Degree; experience in clinical orthodontic treatment; didactic and clinical teaching experience; teaching in post/under graduate orthodontics; research experience; supervising esearch projects.

Position # 116892

Apply online:

C.V. and Cover Letter required.

Seton Hill University

Advanced Education Program in Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics

Greensburg, PA

Rank: Assistant/Associate Professor of Orthodontics

Requirements: A dental degree DMD/DDS; must have completed post-graduate education in orthodontics from an ADA CODA graduate program, and must have, or be eligible for a dental license in the state of Pennsylvania before hired. Pennsylvania does not offer a restricted temporary faculty license for our program. ABO certification, master's degree, and experience in teaching, research, and clinical practice are desireable.

View posting:

Applications will be accepted and evaluated on an on-going basis until the position is filled. Please provide a letter of interest, CV, and the names and contact information for three references to: Dr. Daniel Rinchuse, DMD, MDS, MS, PhD, Seton Hill University Center for Orthodontics, 2900 Seminary Drive, Building E, Greensburg, PA 15601 or via email: [email protected]

The University of Washington

Department of Orthodontics, School, of Dentistry

1959 NE Pacific Street

Seattle, WA 98195

Apply Online:

For more info: email: [email protected]

Position # 119909

Rank: Full-time Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Orthodontics

Requirements: DDS, DMD, or foreign equivalent in dentistry, and completion of a CODA-accredited advanced education program in Orthodontics. Candidates must demonstrate teaching and research ability in orthodontics, dentistry, and/or related sciences. The successful candidate will demonstrate a commitment to an academic career in the areas of scholarship, teaching, and service, along with strong interpersonal skills. A PhD degree is desirable. A history of external funding, along with the potential to obtain external funding in the future, are highly desirable. Past and future contributions to diversity, equity, and inclusion will also be considered.

Include: Letter of interest, CV, evidence of teaching and research experience (if any), statement of past and planned contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion, contact information of three references.

The Written Examination consists of multiple-choice questions related to the basic sciences, applied biomedical sciences, orthodontic theory, orthodontic practice, related dental disciplines and the orthodontic literature. Questions are developed from various sources by the ABO's Written Examination Committee. The committee formulates questions using the recommended reading list and referencing journals, textbooks and actual clinical case reports.

In order to keep the examination relevant to orthodontics as it is practiced today, the ABO solicits questions from educators and residents across the country. These questions are reviewed and refined by the examination committee and then added to the bank of questions. The goal is to have thousands of questions in order to write multiple examinations for the computerization process. We invite you to submit potential examination questions by following the path below: >

Orthodontic Professionals > Advocates and Educators > Submit Written Exam Questions

The ABO would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to help increase the relevance and validity of the ABO Written Examination.

The ABO Written Examination Committee 401 North Lindbergh Blvd., Suite 300, St. Louis, MO 63141P: 314.432.6130 F: 314.432.8170

[email protected]