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May 2023
ISSN 0003-3219
eISSN 1945-7103
In this Issue
Pain and discomfort perception during miniscrew-anchored maxillary protraction: secondary data analysis of a randomized clinical trial
Felicia Miranda; Lucas Duarte Parra; José Carlos da Cunha Bastos; Alexandre Magno dos Santos; Ivan de Souza Silva; Beatriz Quevedo; Aron Aliaga-Del Castillo; Daniela Garib
Role of six cytokines and bone metabolism biomarkers in gingival crevicular fluid in patients undergoing fixed orthodontic appliance treatment in comparison with aligners: a clinical study
Muhammad Abdullah Kamran; Abdullah A. Alnazeh; Mohammad Almagbol; Salem Almoammar; Ali Hasan A. Alhaizaey; Ibrahim Alshahrani
Cover Image
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Skeletal and dental effects of a new compliance-free appliance, the NET3 corrector, in management of skeletal Class III malocclusion compared to rapid maxillary expansion-facemask
Nour Eldin Tarraf, Ayse Tuba Altug, Kerem Dalci, M. Ali Darendeliler, Oyku Dalci
Predictors of willingness to uptake orthodontic treatment and qualitative insights into the reasons for its postponement in young adults
Chrysanthi Anagnostou, Ioannis P. Zogakis, Ilias Pagkozidis, Theodoros Dardavesis, Apostolos Matiakis, Zoi Tsimtsiou
Investigation of MMP1 rs1799750 and TGF-ß1 rs1800470 polymorphisms in individuals with different vertical facial patterns and temporomandibular joint disorder
Begum Turan, Elvan Onem Ozbilen, Beste Tacal Aslan, Ozlem Ozge Yilmaz
Factors influencing treatment duration of impacted maxillary canines
Dina Vasović, Tina Pajević, Ljiljana Vučić, Branislav Glišić, Jovana Juloski