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Richard Krasuski, MD
eISSN: 1933-0898
ISSN: 1933-088X
Impact Factor
About the Journal
Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension: Official Journal of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association is a quarterly publication directed by an editorial board of renowned experts with the oversight of the Association's Scientific Leadership Council.
Racial and Ethnic Equity in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Clinical Trials
Tijana Milinic, Peter J. Leary, Lia M. Barros
Multiomics Integration for Identifying Treatment Targets, Drug Development, and Diagnostic Designs in PAH
El Kabbout Reem, MSc, Abi Sleimen Antonella, MSc, Boucherat Olivier, PhD, Bonnet Sebastien, PhD, Provencher Steeve, MD, MSc, Potus Francois, PhD
New Treatment Pathways, Drug Development and Clinical Trial Designs: Incorporation of Risk Stratification
Alexandria Miller, MD, Sandeep Sahay, MD, MSc, Scott Hall Visovatti, MD
CardioMEMS® and Remote Hemodynamic Monitoring in Pulmonary Hypertension
Anantha S. Madgula, MD, Amresh Raina, MD, Manreet K. Kanwar, MD, Hayah Kassis-George, MD
Pulmonary Artery Intimal Sarcoma and the Role for Vasodilator Therapy—A Case Report and Scoping Review
Christopher Lau, MD, Christopher S. Dossett, MD, Orazio L. Amabile, MD, Nafis Shamsid-Deen, MD
Features & Information

Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension: Official Journal of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association is a quarterly publication directed by...

Author Information
Authors should submit their manuscript using our Editorial Manager system. Detailed instructions for the submission...

Manuscripts and accompanying material are accepted for exclusive publication in Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension and will be...