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Instructions for Authors
General Information
Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension: Official Journal of the Pulmonary Hypertension Association (PHA) is a quarterly publication directed by an editorial board of renowned pulmonary hypertension (PH) experts with oversight by PHA’s Scientific Leadership Council. The mission of Advances in PH is to assist physicians in their clinical decision-making by informing them of important trends affecting their practice and providing an analysis of the impact of new findings and current information in the peer-reviewed literature. Each article is reviewed and approved by members of the Editorial Advisory Board.
While most articles are invited by the editorial board, the following submissions will be considered for publication:
While most articles are invited by the editorial board, the following submissions will be considered for publication:
- Reviews that summarize and synthesize peer-reviewed literature to date on relevant topics
- Letters to the Editor
- Clinical case studies
Manuscript Preparation and Submission Process
Authors should submit their manuscript using our Editorial Manager system. Detailed instructions for the submission process can be found in our “Using Editorial Manager” guide. All manuscripts should be in Word format, double-spaced, and following American Medical Association (AMA) style. Full-length manuscripts should not exceed 3,000 words, including references. References should be limited to 50 citations and numbered in order of citation, following AMA style.
No more than a combination of 5 figures or tables should accompany the manuscript. Please include captions and an in-text citation for each. All material reproduced from previously published, copyrighted material should contain a full credit line acknowledging the original source.
We request separate files for each figure; acceptable file formats include .jpg, .tif, .pdf., .ems, .ppt., and .doc. Please use high-resolution images with a dpi of at least 300. Please do not embed figures in the manuscript. Tables should be positioned at the end of the manuscript, after references. Any figure captions should be listed after references and tables.
Manuscripts and accompanying material are accepted for exclusive publication in Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension and will be copyrighted by the Pulmonary Hypertension Association. Upon submission of the manuscript in Editorial Manager, authors will be prompted to complete a copyright release form in the system. This form must be completed before final submission can occur.
Any previously published figures, tables, or other material must contain a full credit line from the copyright owner. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce such material, and will be asked to provide proof of permission.
For questions about reuse of content published in Advances in Pulmonary Hypertension, please contact the Pulmonary Hypertension Association office at [email protected].
Conflict of Interest Disclosures
A statement of any and all grant, contract, and industrial support or proprietary interest(s) of the author(s) related to the subject matter must be submitted with the manuscript. Upon submission in Editorial Manager, authors will be prompted to complete PHA’s Leadership Disclosure form. This form can also be completed online.
Submission Checklist
Before submitting, make sure that you have the following:
- Manuscript in Word format with no embedded figures.
- Contact information for all authors on the first page of the manuscript, including mailing address, titles and affiliations, phone numbers, fax (if applicable), and email addresses, with corresponding author clearly indicated.
- Separate files for each figure accompanying the manuscript, clearly labeled as “Fig. 1”, etc.
- Approximately 5 keywords for indexing purposes.
- Any Supplemental Material should also be in a separate file.