Listed below are questions based on articles that appeared in last month's issue of the Archives. Answers appear inverted at the bottom of the page.
Parosteal osteosarcoma (Figure) is histologically indistinguishable from low-grade central osteosarcoma.
True or False?
(from Low-Grade Intraosseous Osteosarcoma With Prominent Lymphoid Infiltrate—Ostrowski et al)
Endogenous antibodies included in the broad term human anti-mouse antibodies include:
a. anti-isotypic antibodies to murine immunoglobulin
b. anti-idiotypic
c. anti–anti-idiotypic
d. all of the above
(from Human Anti-Mouse Antibodies—Klee)
Only __% of pathology training programs in the United States offer a guaranteed funded fifth year of training.
a. 10
b. 20
c. 40
d. 60
(from Informed Evaluation of Pathology Residency Programs: A Guide for Pathology Resident Candidates—Yorke)
Confirmation of lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma includes:
a. positive CD19 and CD20 cells
b. negative CD5, CD10, and CD23 cells
c. light chain restriction
d. all of the above
(from Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia Presenting as a Pleural Effusion: The Utility of Flow Cytometry and Gene Rearrangement Analysis in the Diagnosis—Mansoor et al)
Polymerase chain reaction on urine alone or urine plus cervical cells is superior to enzyme immunoassay on combined cervical and urethral swabs.
True or False?
(from Comparison of the Effectiveness of Polymerase Chain Reaction and Enzyme Immunoassay in Detecting Chlamydia trachomatis in Different Female Genitourinary Specimens—Chan et al)
K-ras gene alteration is probably not an important factor in the oncogenesis of human salivary gland tumors.
True or False?
(from ras Gene Mutations in Salivary Gland Tumors—Yoo and Robinson)
Answers: 1, True. 2, d. 3, c. 4, d. 5, True. 6, True.