Listed below are questions based on articles that appeared in last month's issue of the Archives. Registered continuing medical education participants should use the September 2001 answer sheet to answers these questions.

The differential diagnosis of a breast mass developing in a male patient who has prostatic carcinoma includes (Figure):

a. gynecomastia secondary to estrogen therapy

b. metastatic prostatic carcinoma in the breast

c. primary carcinoma of the breast

d. b and c

e. a, b, and c

(from Metastatic Prostatic Adenocarcinoma Within a Primary Solid Papillary Carcinoma of the Male Breast—Sahoo et al)

Gangliocytic paraganglioma has been described to occur in:

a. jejunum

b. appendix

c. stomach

d. a and b

e. a, b, and c

(from Nasopharyngeal Gangliocytic Paraganglioma—Sinkre et al)

CD30 is a transmembrane glycoprotein and is a member of the tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily.

True or False?

(from CD30 Expression in Follicular Lymphoma—Gardner et al)

The distinction of neoplastic from nonneoplastic Hürthle cell lesions in thyroid aspirates has recently been based on:

a. staining density

b. intracytoplasmic lumen

c. transgressing vessels

d. b and c

e. a, b, and c

(from Diagnostic Utility of Intracytoplasmic Lumen and Transgressing Vessels in Evaluation of Hürthle Cell Lesions by Fine-Needle Aspiration—Yang & Khurana)

How many sections of breast core needle biopsy specimens are necessary to ensure that all atypical ductal hyperplasia lesions and atypical small acinar proliferations are sampled?

a. 3

b. 5

c. 7

d. 10

(from Adequate Histologic Sampling of Breast Core Needle Biopsies—Renshaw)

Brain tumor incidence in the United States is estimated to be 12.8 per 100 000.

True or False?

(from Decreasing Incidence of Sudden Death Due to Undiagnosed Primary Central Nervous System Tumors—Eberhart et al)

Answers to these questions will appear in the October 2001 issue.

(Answers to questions from August 2001 issue: 1, e; 2, True; 3, e; 4, d; 5, True; 6, c.)