Context.—Breast cancer is increasingly treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy to improve surgical resectability and evaluate tumor response, which is assessed histopathologically. Several histopathologic classification systems have been previously described for assessment of treatment response.
Objectives.—To test performance in a side-by-side comparison of several histopathologic classification systems after neoadjuvant chemotherapy with clinical outcome.
Design.—Sixty-two patients were enrolled in a randomized trial receiving sequential neoadjuvant chemotherapy with doxorubicin and paclitaxel. Histologic sections from the patients' tumors sampled before (core biopsy) and after treatment (excision or mastectomy) were reviewed. Histologic response was assessed following National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project protocol B18, Miller-Payne grading, Sataloff tumor and nodes, Residual Cancer Burden (RCB), and Residual Disease in Breast and Nodes (RDBN). Pathologic classification results were correlated with survival using Kaplan-Meier and Cox hazards regression with a median follow-up of 93 months.
Results.—RDBN was associated with distant disease-free survival by univariate and multivariate analysis (P = .01 and .004, respectively), as were lymph node metastases (P = .02 and .01, respectively). Five patients (8%) had complete pathologic response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and none of them relapsed during the study period. Survival was shorter among patients with higher Residual Cancer Burden scores, but the associations were not significant. Miller-Payne grading and Sataloff tumor scores were not correlated with survival.
Conclusions.—Evaluation of breast specimens after neoadjuvant chemotherapy by the composite index RDBN correlates with long-term outcome. The residual disease in breast and nodes system is suitable for routinely processed pathology cases. This study confirms the importance of lymph node status after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and favorable outcome in patients with pathologic complete response.
Breast cancer is increasingly treated with preoperative neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) to reduce local disease and to directly evaluate treatment response, which can provide additional prognostic information.1–5
Responses to NACT include a spectrum of morphologic alterations in tumors and lymph nodes, ranging from complete disappearance of invasive cancer cells (pathologic complete response [pCR]) to partial tumor regression, no response, or progressive tumor growth during treatment (Figure 1, A through G).6,7 Pathologic complete response has consistently been associated with good long-term outcome but is achieved in only 10% to 20% of cases, and certain subtypes such as lobular carcinoma show even lower response rates.8,9 Higher rates of pCR can be achieved when selecting for certain breast cancer subtypes and treatment regimens.5,10–12 The negative effect of residual tumor in lymph nodes on long-term outcome has also been established.6,13
Clinical examination and imaging provide approximate indicators of response to treatment, but careful gross and histopathologic examination of the excision or mastectomy specimen after chemotherapy is necessary to assess the breast and lymph nodes for residual carcinoma.14,15 A tumor that shows complete clinical response still can show residual carcinoma on microscopic examination; conversely, a palpable residual mass may show only fibrosis.7,16 The majority of breast carcinomas treated with NACT produce a pathologic partial response, and this area with its broad and often morphologically challenging spectrum of residual carcinoma is less well defined.17–20
Several histopathologic classifications are available to categorize the tumor response to NACT. The original National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) B18 trial recognized 2 categories: pCR, defined as no histologic evidence of invasive tumor cells in the breast, and pINV, indicating histologic evidence of residual invasive carcinoma cells.3,6 Miller-Payne grading provides a 5-step scale based on tumor cellularity in the excision/mastectomy specimen as compared with the pretreatment core biopsy.21 Sataloff et al22 proposed a dual 4-tier system, separately assessing residual tumor and treatment in primary tumor site and lymph nodes. Residual Cancer Burden (RCB) uses size and cellularity of the tumor bed including the percentage of residual ductal carcinoma in situ and tumor burden in lymph nodes with a statistically complex algorithm. The result is a continuous score obtained by Web calculator, which is then assigned into 1 of 4 groups of complete and partial response.23,24 Residual Disease in Breast and Nodes (RDBN) uses the formula RDBN = 0.2 × tumor size (cm) + lymph node stage (0–3) + histologic grade (1–3), which takes into account tumor size, lymph node stage, and histologic grade to determine the levels of response.25–27 Residual ductal carcinoma in situ is compatible with complete pathologic response in the NSABP-B18, RDBN, and RCB classifications, and Miller-Payne grade 5.3,21,23,26,28
We chose the classifications for their basis in histopathology and because they provide a spectrum ranging from simple dichotomy (NSABP-B18) and linear histologic response in breast only (Miller-Payne) or breast and lymph nodes (Sataloff) to more complex algorithms, including a formula (RDBN) or Web calculator (RCB). We then tried out how they performed in our hands with an archival cohort. Several other classifications are not included at this point: for example, American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC)29 “y” staging uses standard clinicopathologic staging parameters posttreatment. Chevallier et al30 devised a 4-step algorithm to grade response in breast and lymph nodes. The Rouzier nomogram integrates clinical stage, estrogen receptor status, histologic grade, and number of chemotherapy cycles to predict complete response and survival.31 Prior comparative studies have included NSABP-B18, Chevallier, and Sataloff classifications.32,33
Because of the variety and complexity of classification schemes, clinicians and pathologists alike may question if any classification should be used when reporting the findings in breast cancer specimens after NACT. This study attempts to resolve this situation by performing a side-by-side comparison of some of the available histopathologic classifications using pre- and post-NACT tissue specimens in relation to clinical outcome.
Sixty-two patients were enrolled between 2000 and 2004 in randomized clinical trial 99-278 ( identifier NCT00096291) for sequential NACT with doxorubicin (A) and paclitaxel (T).34 Patient consent and approval by the institutional review board had been obtained. Patients were randomized to receive both chemotherapeutic agents doxorubicin (A) and paclitaxel (T) in either the sequence A > T or T > A. At interim analysis for the pathology evaluation, the survival in both groups was not significantly different, and statistical analysis included stratification for treatment randomization. Patients underwent diagnostic core biopsies before NACT, followed by excision or mastectomy after NACT. Mean (median) patient age at diagnosis was 49 (48) years, ranging from 30 to 68 years. For patients without recurrence, the mean and median follow-up time was 93 months.
Histologic Samples
Tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutrally buffered formalin and paraffin embedded following standard protocols of the histology laboratory. Five-micrometer sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin for histologic review. If original slides were unavailable at the time of this study, recuts from archival paraffin blocks were prepared. Immunohistochemical stains for E-cadherin, myoepithelial cells (p63, calponin, and smooth muscle myosin), lymphatic endothelial cells (D2-40 and CD31), and estrogen and progesterone receptor proteins were prepared following standard immunoperoxidase protocols. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 evaluation was primarily done by immunohistochemistry with scoring as described followed by fluorescence in situ hybridization in cases with equivocal (2+) Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 (HER2) immunohistochemical staining.35 Most immunohistochemical and fluorescence in situ hybridization tests were done at time of primary diagnosis.
Histopathologic Review
Study pathologists reviewed hematoxylin and eosin and immunohistochemically stained sections from patients' tumors sampled before (core biopsy) and after treatment (excision or mastectomy). The findings reported at time of initial histopathologic evaluation were updated when necessary. Histologic grading was performed as previously described.36,37 The macroscopic measurements of tumor bed area and residual tumor mass were supplemented by microscopic measurements. Proportion of ductal carcinoma in situ and overall tumor cellularity was estimated following the instructions of the authors or using the Web-based calculator as applicable.23,24 The number of positive lymph nodes was grouped for American Joint Committee on Cancer staging and individual classification schemes.22,26,29
Radiologic Imaging
All patients had magnetic resonance imaging of the breast before NACT. The maximum diameter of the largest nodule evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging served as tumor size pre-NACT, and the gross or histologic evaluations defined tumor size post-NACT.
Statistical Analysis and Endpoint Definitions
Distant relapse was defined as histopathologic and/or radiologic documentation of distant metastasis. Distant disease-free survival (DDFS) was defined as the time interval between surgery and the first documented distant relapse, death, or last follow-up. Overall survival (OS) was defined as the time between surgery and death or last follow-up, whichever occurred first. The T and N categories were assigned according to the American Joint Committee on Cancer.29 Survival curves were estimated by Kaplan-Meier product-limit estimates. Log-rank tests were used for unadjusted, univariate analysis of each classification scheme as a predictor of DDFS and OS, stratified by treatment randomization. Linear trend tests were used for ordinal classifications. Cox proportional-hazards regression, adjusting for age and stratified by treatment randomization, was used for age-adjusted univariate and multiple regression models. Number of positive lymph nodes and maximum tumor diameter were Winsorized at their 90th percentiles to avoid undue influence by a few highly leveraged points. P values were increased by Winsorizing in all cases. P values < .05 were considered statistically significant. Hazard ratios (HRs) were given when trends were tested across groups. Statistical analyses were performed using SAS (version 9.2, SAS Institute, Cary, North Carolina). Graphs were generated with MedCalc Software (version 11.2.1, MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium).
Clinicopathologic Factors and Clinical Outcome
The findings are summarized in Table 1. Mean (median) tumor size was 4.3 (3.5) cm pre-NACT and 1.8 (1.4) cm post-NACT. The majority of tumors were invasive ductal carcinomas (n = 54), with positive estrogen receptor and negative human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status. Lymph node involvement was associated with survival. No correlations with DDFS or OS were detected between pre-NACT tumor size measured by magnetic resonance imaging and post-NACT tumor size established by pathologic evaluation. Pre-NACT median tumor size in the 5 breast tumors with pCR was 6.5 cm, and was therefore larger than the median tumor size in the overall study population of 3.5 cm. Also, in our study, histologic type (invasive ductal versus invasive lobular carcinoma), histologic grade, presence of lymphovascular invasion, estrogen receptor or Her2 status, and some patient characteristics, such as age or menopausal status, did not correlate with prognosis.
RDBN Predicts Survival After NACT
Among the classification schemes evaluated, the age-adjusted trend for the 4 levels of RDBN predicted DDFS but not OS in our cohort (Figure 2, A and B; Table 2). The age-unadjusted trend for the 4 levels of RDBN predicted both DDFS (P = .01; HR, 2.54; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.36–5.08) and OS (P = .04; HR, 2.25; 95% CI, 1.06–5.16). The continuous RDBN score was also associated with DDFS (P = .01; HR, 1.55; 95% CI, 1.11–2.25) but not OS (P = .08; HR, 1.44; 95% CI, 0.98–2.20) when analyzed by Cox proportional-hazards regression with adjustment for age. The RDBN score remained a significant independent predictor of DDFS even in multiple Cox regression models that adjusted for age and each of the pathologic predictors Sataloff tumor (P = .002; HR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.29–2.91), Sataloff nodes (P = .02; HR, 2.13; 95% CI, 1.22–4.25), RCB (P = .01; HR, 2.07; 95% CI, 1.23–3.56), pretreatment tumor size (P = .003; HR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.24–2.71), posttreatment tumor size (P = .001; HR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.37 to 3.34), NSABP-B18 (P = .01; HR, 1.88; 95% CI, 1.22–3.05), and number of involved lymph nodes (P = .02; HR, 2.36; 95% CI, 1.26–5.51). RDBN remained a strong but not significant independent predictor in models with age and AJCC grouping of lymph nodes (P = .07; HR, 1.83; 95% CI, 1.04–3.94) and the maximum size of lymph node metastases (P = .07; HR, 1.79; 95% CI, 1.02–3.51). The small number of observed distant recurrences (n = 16 among patients with scored samples) precluded evaluation of more complex models.
Median DDFS and OS were shorter among patients with higher RCB scores, but the associations were not significant either by age-unadjusted log-rank test (P = .09 and .08, respectively) or by age-adjusted Cox regression for the continuous RCB score (P = .07 and .14, respectively) (Figure 3, A and B; Table 2).
Lymph Node Status Predicts Survival After NACT
More positive lymph nodes after NACT correlated with worse outcome (Figure 4, A and B; Table 1). The size of the largest lymph node deposit as measured microscopically also predicted DDFS (P = .01; HR, 1.1; 95% CI, 1.04–1.33) but not OS (P = .17; HR, 1.1; 95% CI, 0.95–1.27). Seventeen patients had been diagnosed with axillary lymph node metastases by cytology (n = 5) or sentinel node excision (n = 12) before NACT; the lymph node status pre-NACT was not associated with survival (data not shown). Lymph node score according to the Sataloff system was associated with DDFS by Kaplan-Meier (Figure 5, A; Table 2) and Cox regression analysis (P = .04 and .04, respectively), but not with OS (P = .11).
pCR Indicates Favorable Outcome
29% of all patients (n = 18) developed distant metastases during follow-up, whereas none of the patients with no residual carcinoma in the breast after NACT relapsed (Table 2). Absence of invasive tumor cells in the breast (n = 5) post-NACT was considered pCR with the NSABP-B18, and grade 5 with the Miller-Payne classification. Two patients with pCR in the breast had micrometastatic deposits in the axillary lymph nodes; they were subsequently excluded from the RDBN level 1 (pCR) category (n = 3), which requires absence of invasive tumor in both breast and lymph nodes (Figure 2; Table 2). Pathologic complete response according to the RCB criteria requires absence of invasive carcinoma in both breast and lymph nodes for the most favorable categories (Figure 3; Table 2).
Sataloff Tumor, Miller-Payne Grading, and NSABP-B18 Are Not Associated With Clinical Outcome
We found no statistically significant association between NSABP-B18 categories and DDFS or OS by log-rank test or Cox regression. Incongruent patterns of the Kaplan-Meier survival curves, that is, better survival of patients with larger tumor or score grades or with less regressive changes over those with smaller tumors, were observed with classifications based exclusively on tumor size or estimates of tumor cellularity such as Miller-Payne grading or Sataloff tumor (Table 2; Figure 5, B through D).
In our study, the composite index RDBN to assess histologic response after NACT was associated with relapse-free survival by age-adjusted univariate and multivariate analysis. Because of the small size of our cohort and rare events in certain groups, statistical evaluation had limitations. Residual disease in breast and nodes and lymph node status for this cohort were statistically significant for DDFS but not for OS when adjusted for age. In age-unadjusted calculations, however, both were significant. The authors think that qualitative interpretation of the survival analysis presented in this study is valuable despite those limitations, and that results should subsequently be validated on larger sample sizes and different cohorts.
Our study confirms that the number of positive lymph nodes is a highly important parameter for the long-term outcome after NACT. We showed that the number of involved lymph nodes as well as the size of metastases is relevant for long-term outcome (Figure 4; Table 1).38 When comparing different classification schemes, those that integrate lymph node involvement, such as RDBN and RCB, demonstrated better correlation with long-term outcome than those based only on breast tumor size or cellularity.
Pathologic complete response indicates an overall favorable survival in breast cancer after NACT, but pCR is defined differently in different classifications and may be redefined for future practice.5 Both the RDBN and RCB systems require absence of invasive carcinoma in both breast and lymph nodes.23,26 Both NSABP-B18 and Miller-Payne grading require absence of invasive carcinoma in the breast but do not include the assessment of the lymph nodes.6,21 The Sataloff T-A category is defined as “total or near-total therapeutic effect,” which may include a proportion of residual invasive carcinoma, whereas the Sataloff N-A/B category refers to negative lymph nodes.22,32 The number of patients with pCR in the cohort of this study was small (n = 5), and included patients with no residual tumor in both breast and lymph nodes (n = 3), as well as those with no tumor in the breast but with residual tumor in the lymph nodes (n = 2).
Histologic grade is a well-established prognostic factor for treatment-naïve breast cancer, which also has predictive value for post-NACT breast cancer evaluation.25,31,36 In RDBN, high tumor grade weighs in as a negative prognostic factor when residual tumor is present, in addition to lymph node involvement and tumor size.26 Other post-NACT response classifications discussed in this study do not consider histologic grade.6,21–23,25,36,39 The favorable survival of low-grade tumors in our cohort coincided with the one of complete responders, and those were high grade.25,26,31,40 Prior studies emphasized the lack of response to NACT for invasive lobular carcinomas or other low-grade breast cancers.8,41,42 Overall, high tumor grade was associated with less favorable survival, which is in agreement with other studies whose classifications use histologic grade.25,26,31,40 Histologic grade was reassessed for tumors in pre-NACT core biopsies and post-NACT excision or mastectomy specimens by histologic slide review; minor differences between pre- and post-NACT grade were observed for low-grade tumors (Table 1). The limiting factor for grading core biopsies was small sample size and poor preservation in 3 cases. The authors conclude that histologic grade on post-NACT specimens is feasible, mostly congruent with the pre-NACT tumor grade, and important to report.
Related to histologic grade and proliferative activity are molecular subtypes of breast cancer, which are increasingly used for prediction of neoadjuvant response.5,43,44 Independently of their genomic subtype, the post-NACT breast excision or mastectomy specimens still have to be evaluated by a pathologist to assess individual response.
Classifications based on routine staging and grading parameters (eg, tumor size, lymph node involvement, histologic grade) were easier to apply in this retrospective setting than those that require dedicated or prospective measurements to obtain the information in the grossing area or at the microscope (eg, tumor bed size, comparison with prior core biopsy, cellularity estimates). Direct morphologic comparison with the core biopsy is of course desirable, but may not always be possible in practice because some patients have their diagnostic core biopsy at a different hospital. Also, the core biopsy might not necessarily be representative of the entire tumor.
In summary, we confirmed the favorable prognosis of patients with pCR after NACT, none of whom relapsed. Overall, 29% of patients (n = 18) developed distant metastases during follow-up of up to 10 years. Because the majority of breast carcinomas treated with NACT in mixed cohorts do not show pCR, the pathologist needs to determine the extent of residual tumor in breast and lymph nodes. Among the different classifications used to assess pathologic response after NACT, composite classifications that integrate features of primary tumor and lymph node status showed better associations with outcome than those using only a single tumor characteristic, for example, tumor size or cellularity. In this study, RDBN was associated with clinical outcome by univariate and multivariate analysis. However, practical considerations will contribute to the decision which classification, if any, is chosen by an institution to report breast carcinoma response after NACT.
Author notes
The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or companies described in this article.
Accepted for publication September 18, 2012.
Competing Interests
Presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology; March 1, 2011; San Antonio, Texas (abstract 133).