Winners in this year's College of American Pathologists (CAP) Top 5 Junior Member Abstract Program were recognized during ceremonies held at the recent CAP22 meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana. CAP President Emily E. Volk, MD, personally congratulated the winners on Sunday, October 9 during the 2022 Honors in Pathology Awards Ceremony.

All abstracts accepted for presentation at the CAP22 meeting that were submitted by CAP junior members were eligible for selection as one of the Top 5 Junior Member Abstract Program winners. Prior to being selected as a winning abstract, these submissions were reviewed by a group of experts within various anatomic and clinical pathology disciplines who were blinded to the authors' identities.

The winning abstracts (CAP junior members shown in bold) are as follows:

First Place ($1,500 award): Correlation of SARS-CoV-2 Viral Growth on Cultures, Cycle Threshold Values, and Symptom Status in Asymptomatic, Presymptomatic, and Postinfection Asymptomatic COVID Patients. Harsimar Kaur, MBBS ([email protected]); Chiristopher R Morris, MD, PhD; Jaiprasath Sachithanandham, PhD; Nicholas Gallagher, BSc; Julie M. Norton, MSc; Andrew Pekosz, PhD; Heba H. Mostafa, MBB.Ch., PhD. Department of Pathology, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland.

Second Place ($1,000 award): Microscopic Evaluation of Trauma Surgical Specimens Is an Overuse of Health Care Resources. Joseph V. Calderaro, MD ([email protected]); Haaris Iqbal, DO; Jennifer Anderson, MBA; Julie M. Jorns, MD. Department of Pathology, Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Third Place ($750 award): Liver Injury in COVID-19: Direct Evidence of Hepatic SARS-CoV-2 Infection and Associated Histopathologic Findings. Zaid Khreefa, MD ([email protected]); Jihuan Chen, MD; Gordon Love, MD; Luis Del Valle, MD. Department of Pathology, Louisiana State University Health Science Center, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Fourth Place ($500 award): Antigenicity of Frozen Section Versus Nonbozen Section Tissue Blocks: An Immunohistochemical Comparison with Emphasis on Antibodies Commonly Used in Gynecologic Pathology. Quratulain Obaid, MD ([email protected]); Amal Shukri, MD; Andre Pinto, MD. Department of Pathology, University of Miami/Jackson Health System, Miami, Florida.

Fifth Place ($500 award): Correlation Between Positive High-Risk HPV (16,18, Other) and Follow-up Cervical Biopsies in Patients With Negative Cervical Cytology in a Community Health Center. Hanae Benchbani, MD1 ([email protected]); Tara Krishnan, BA2; Emma M. Gloe, BS2; Soheila Hamidpour, MD.11Department of Pathology, University of Missouri Kansas City — University Health, Kansas City, Missouri; 2School of Medicine, University of Missouri Kansas City, Missouri.

The Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Editorial Board acknowledges the efforts of the following individuals for their assistance in selecting the winning Top 5 Junior Member abstracts:

  • David A Schwartz, MD, Chair

  • Kim A. Collins, MD

  • Genevieve M. Crane, MD, PhD

  • Andre L. Moreira, MD, PhD

  • Maria M. Picken, MD, PhD

  • Jae Y. Ro, MD, PhD

  • Anja C. Roden, MD

  • Roseann I. Wu, MD, MPH

  • Rhonda K. Yantiss, MD

The accepted CAP22 abstracts and case studies are available on the Archives Web site (; click on the CAP Annual Meeting Abstracts link).