
Small biopsies are used for histologic, immunophenotypic, cytogenetic, molecular genetic, and other ancillary studies. Occasionally, this diagnostic tissue is exhausted before molecular testing can be performed.


To investigate a simple banking protocol for currently discarded tissues trimmed off prior to the initial hematoxylin-eosin section, as an alternative source of DNA for molecular studies.


Mock biopsies of lung adenocarcinomas, benign testes, and B-cell lymphomas were constructed from biobank blocks; these simulated biopsies were assessed via epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) p.L858R droplet digital polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Biomed B-cell clonality testing by PCR, or a custom next-generation sequencing panel for lymphomas. For each cancer mock biopsy, DNA amounts and molecular test results from the “trimmings” samples were compared to data from corresponding molecular samples acquired via a “standard” clinical protocol.


The data show that although trimmings samples usually contained less DNA than standard samples, both sample classes generally had sufficient DNA for testing and produced essentially identical molecular results. A single sample showed low-level carryover contamination on droplet digital PCR testing.


Tissue trimmings banked by using the studied protocol demonstrated value as a potential alternative sample for molecular testing.

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Author notes

This study was conducted with funding support from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Foundation.

Competing Interests

The authors have no relevant financial interest in the products or companies described in this article.

Results from the manuscript were previously presented as a poster and a platform presentation at the Association for Molecular Pathology Annual Meeting; November 18, 2023; Salt Lake City, Utah.

Supplementary data