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May 2022
ISSN 0003-9985
eISSN 1543-2165
Fetal Deaths in Ireland Due to SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis Caused by SARS-CoV-2 Alpha
Brendan Fitzgerald, MB, BCh, BAO, BMedSc, MSc, DMI, FRCPath, FFPath (RCPI); Keelin O'Donoghue, PhD, FRCOG, FRCPI; Noel McEntagart, MB, BCh, BAO, FRCPath; John E. Gillan, MB, MSc, FRCPath, FRCPC; Peter Kelehan, FRCPath; John O'Leary, FTCD, FRCPath, FFPath (RCPI), DPhil/PhD, MD; Paul Downey, MB, FRCPI, FRCPath; Jonathan Dean, PhD; Cillian F. De Gascun, MD, FRCPI, FRCPath (Virology); John Bermingham, MB, BCh, BAO, MRCOG, MRCPI; Fionnvola Armstrong, MB, BCh, BAO, MRCPI; Attia Al Fathil, MBBS, MRCOGDWH; Nicola Maher, MB, BCh, BAO, MRCOG, MRCPI, BSc Pharm; Cliona Murphy, MB, BCh, BAO, MSc, HEPM (LSE), MRCOG, FRCSI, FRCPI; Louise Burke, MD, FRCPath, FRCPI
Longitudinal Comparison of Automated SARS-CoV-2 Serology Assays in Assessing Virus Neutralization Capacity in COVID-19 Convalescent Sera
Tobias Niedrist, MD; Camilla Drexler, MD; Patrick Paul Torreiter, MD; Julia Matejka; Manuela Strahlhofer-Augsten, PhD; Sabrina Kral, MSc; Skaiste Riegler, MA; Christian Gülly, PhD; Christoph Zurl, MD; Lisa Kriegl, MD; Robert Krause, MD; Andrea Berghold, PhD; Ivo Steinmetz, MD; Peter Schlenke, MD; Markus Herrmann, MD
Molecular Biomarker Testing for the Diagnosis of Diffuse Gliomas: Guideline From the College of American Pathologists in Collaboration With the American Association of Neuropathologists, ...
Daniel J. Brat, MD, PhD; Kenneth Aldape, MD; Julia A. Bridge, MD; Peter Canoll, MD, PhD; Howard Colman, MD, PhD; Meera R. Hameed, MD; Brent T. Harris, MD, PhD; Eyas M. Hattab, MD, MBA; Jason T. Huse, MD, PhD; Robert B. Jenkins, MD, PhD; Dolores H. Lopez-Terrada, MD, PhD; William C. McDonald, MD; Fausto J. Rodriguez, MD; Lesley H. Souter, PhD; Carol Colasacco, MLIS, SCT(ASCP); Nicole E. Thomas, MPH, CT(ASCP) cm; Michelle Hawks Yount, MS; Martin J. van den Bent, MD, PhD; Arie Perry, MD
Laboratory Detection and Initial Diagnosis of Monoclonal Gammopathies: Guideline From the College of American Pathologists in Collaboration With the American Association for Clinical Chem...
David F. Keren, MD; Gregary Bocsi, DO, MS; Brooke L. Billman, MLIS, AHIP; Joan Etzell, MD; James D. Faix, MD; Shaji Kumar, MD; Brea Lipe, MD; Christopher McCudden, PhD; Roberta Montgomery, MLS, MLS(ASCP)SI; David L. Murray, MD, PhD; Alex J. Rai, PhD; Teresita Cuyegkeng Redondo, MD; Lesley Souter, PhD; Christina B. Ventura, MPH, MT(ASCP); Mohammad Qasim Ansari, MD
Challenges in Pathology Specimen Processing in the New Era of Precision Medicine
Ossama William Tawfik, MD, PhD; Janakiraman Subramanian, MD, MPH; Samuel Caughron, MD; Pradip Mana, PhD; Eric Ewing, MD; Matthew Aboudara, MD; John Borsa, MD; Liudmila Schafer, MD; Timothy Saettele, MD; Sreeni Jonnalagadda, MD
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Loss of H3K27me3 Is Not Specific to Malignant Triton Tumor: Immunohistochemical Analysis of 23 Cases of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma
Laura M. Warmke, MD, Jessica L. Davis, MD, Alyaa Al-Ibraheemi, MD, Michael Arnold, MD, PhD, Serena Tan, MD, Archana Shenoy, MD, Lea F. Surrey, MD, David M. Parham, MD, Erin R. Rudzinski, MD
Turnaround Time for Image-Guided Breast Core Biopsies: A College of American Pathologists Survey Q-Probes Study
Anthony J. Guidi, MD, Barbara J. Blond, MT(ASCP), MBA, Thomas A. Long, MPH, Suzanne N. Coulter, MS, Richard W. Brown, MD
Artificial Intelligence–Based Classification of Renal Oncocytic Neoplasms: Advancing From a 2-Class Model of Renal Oncocytoma and Low-Grade Oncocytic Tumor to a 3-Class Model Including Chromophobe Renal Cell Carcinoma
Katrina Collins, MD, Shubham Innani, Kingsley Ebare, MD, Mohammed Saad, MD, Stephanie E. Siegmund, MD, PhD, Sean R. Williamson, MD, Fiona Maclean, MD, Andres Matoso, MD, Ankur Sangoi, MD, Michelle S. Hirsch, MD, PhD, Dibson D. Gondim, MD, Andres M. Acosta, MD, Bhakti Baheti, PhD, Spyridon Bakas, PhD, Muhammad T. Idrees, MD
Twenty-Four Years’ Experience With a Pulmonary Pathology Journal Club: What Have We Learned?
Henry D. Tazelaar, MD, Marie-Christine Aubry, MD, Anja C. Roden, MD, Cynthia Heltne, Carolyn Mead-Harvey, MS, Matthew J. Cecchini, MD, PhD, Donald Guinee, Jr, MD, Jeffrey L. Myers, MD
A Multicenter Study to Evaluate Diagnostic Accuracy by Pathologists Using the Aperio GT 450 DX in Local and Remote Viewing Stations
Alexander D. Borowsky, MD, Dylan V. Miller, MD, Thomas W. Bauer, MD, PhD, Richard M. Feddersen, MD, Dorina Gui, MD, PhD, Brian J. Hall, MD, James E. Albro, MD, Isaac E. Lloyd, MD, John W. Bishop, MD, Morgan A. Darrow, MD, James H. Spigel, MD, David R. Martin, MD, Samuel J. Reynolds, MD, Thomas G. McConnell, MD, Eric F. Glassy, MD, Jonathan Zuckerman, MD, PhD, Nathash S. Kallichanda, MD, Xiaozhi Zhou, PhD, Jenny V. Lewis, Shubham Dayal, PhD, MSRA, Joseph Chiweshe, MD, MPH, Aysegul Ergin Sutcu, PhD, Michael White, PhD
Intraoperative Evaluation of Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Lesions: Retrospective Analysis of 595 Frozen Sections With Emphasis on Discrepancy and Diagnostic Pitfalls
Benjamin L. Coiner, MD, Hernán Correa, MD, Joyce E. Johnson, MD, Jiancong Liang, MD, PhD, Huiying Wang, MD
The Impact of Scoring Method on Accuracy and Reproducibility of Hans Cell-of-Origin Prediction in Excisional Biopsies of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Not Otherwise Specified
Oleksandr Yanko, MD, Andrew G. Lytle, MD, PhD, Pedro Farinha, MD, PhD, Merrill Boyle, BS, Graham W. Slack, MD, David W. Scott, MBChB, PhD, Jeffrey W. Craig, MD, PhD
The Pathologic Diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Time for Reassessment
Mamoun Younes, MD, Dorina Gui, MD, PhD
Introducing Diagnostic Testing for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a Public Hospital Setting in Western Kenya
Millicent Orido, BS, Teresa Cherop Lotodo, MD, Nicholas Kigen, BS, Ryan Stohler, BS, Terry A. Vik, MD, Gail H. Vance, MD
Addition of Lay Language Comments in Placental Pathology Reports Increases Provider Understanding and Comfort
Linda M. Ernst, MD, MHS, Alexa A. Freedman, PhD, Sonia Gilani, MD, Sunitha C. Suresh, MD