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June 2022
ISSN 0003-9985
eISSN 1543-2165
Placental Tissue Destruction and Insufficiency From COVID-19 Causes Stillbirth and Neonatal Death From Hypoxic-Ischemic Injury: A Study of 68 Cases With SARS-CoV-2 Placentitis From 12 Cou...
David A. Schwartz, MD, MS Hyg; Elyzabeth Avvad-Portari, MD, PhD; Pavel Babál, MD, PhD; Marcella Baldewijns, MD, PhD; Marie Blomberg, MD, PhD; Amine Bouachba, MD; Jessica Camacho, MD; Sophie Collardeau-Frachon, MD, PhD; Arthur Colson, MD; Isabelle Dehaene, MD; Joan Carles Ferreres, MD, PhD; Brendan Fitzgerald, MB, BCh, FRC Path; Marta Garrido-Pontnou, MD; Hazem Gergis, MB, BCh, MSc, MRCOG (UK); Beata Hargitai, MD; A. Cecilia Helguera-Repetto, PhD; Sandra Holmström, MD; Claudine Liliane Irles, PhD; Åsa Leijonhfvud, MD; Sasha Libbrecht, MD; Tamás Marton, MD; Noel McEntagart, MB BCh BAO, FRC Path; James T. Molina, MD, PhD; Raffaella Morotti, MD; Alfons Nadal, MD, PhD; Alexandra Navarro, MD; Maria Nelander, MD, PhD; Angelica Oviedo, MD; Andre Ricardo Oyamada Otani, MD; Nikos Papadogiannakis, MD
Comparison of Symptoms and Antibody Response Following Administration of Moderna or Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines
Michael T. Kelliher, PhD; Joshua J. Levy, PhD; Robert D. Nerenz, PhD; Bradley Poore, PhD; Abigail A. Johnston, MS; Amanda R. Rogers, BS; Mary E. O. Stella, BS; Sarah E. Snow, BS; Mark A. Cervinski, PhD; Jacqueline A. Hubbard, PhD
The Percentage of [−2]Pro–Prostate-Specific Antigen and the Prostate Health Index Outperform Prostate-Specific Antigen and the Percentage of Free Prostate-Specific Antigen in the Detectio...
Manuel M. Garrido, MD; José C. Marta, MD; Rui M. Bernardino, MD; João Guerra, MD; Francisco Fernandes, MD; Maria H. Pereira, MD; Ruy Ribeiro, PhD; Stefan Holdenrieder, MD, PhD; Luís C. Pinheiro, MD, PhD; João T. Guimarães, MD, PhD
Clinical and Pathologic Features Associated With Invasive Breast Carcinoma With 2018 American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists In Situ Hybridization Group 2 R...
Raza S. Hoda, MD; Shabnam Zarei, MD; Patrick J. McIntire, MD; Cathy Sprague, BS; Yasmin Mekhail, MD; Diane L. Carlson, MD; Miglena K. Komforti, DO; Erinn P. Downs-Kelly, DO
Sequential Development of JAK2V617F Mutation and BCR-ABL1 Fusion in Individual Patients With Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: A Linear Clonal Evolution or Parallel Clonal Competition?
Yue Zhao, MD, PhD; Deepti Reddi, MD; Jenna McCracken, MD, PhD; Natasha Iranzad, MD; Cathrine Rehder, PhD; Jadee Neff, MD, PhD; Endi Wang, MD, PhD
A Hybrid Human–Machine Learning Approach for Screening Prostate Biopsies Can Improve Clinical Efficiency Without Compromising Diagnostic Accuracy
David Dov, PhD; Serge Assaad, BS; Ameer Syedibrahim; Jonathan Bell, MD; Jiaoti Huang, MD, PhD; John Madden, MD, PhD; Rex Bentley, MD; Shannon McCall, MD; Ricardo Henao, PhD; Lawrence Carin, PhD; Wen-Chi Foo, MD
Detection of Corynebacterium kroppenstedtii in Granulomatous Lobular Mastitis Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction and Sanger Sequencing on Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
Hamza Tariq, MD; Preethi D. Menon, MD; Hongxin Fan, MS, MD; Kumari V. Vadlamudi, MT; Sri Lakshmi Pandeswara, PhD, MB; Alia N. Nazarullah, MD; Daniel D. Mais, MD
Histologic Findings in Surgical Pathology Specimens From Individuals Taking Masculinizing Hormone Therapy for the Purpose of Gender Transition: A Systematic Scoping Review
Alicia R. Andrews, MB, BCh, BAO; Archan Kakadekar, MD; Dina N. Greene, PhD; Mahmoud A. Khalifa, MD, PhD; Victor Santiago, MD; Robert L. Schmidt, MD, PhD
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Twenty-Four Years’ Experience With a Pulmonary Pathology Journal Club: What Have We Learned?
Henry D. Tazelaar, MD, Marie-Christine Aubry, MD, Anja C. Roden, MD, Cynthia Heltne, Carolyn Mead-Harvey, MS, Matthew J. Cecchini, MD, PhD, Donald Guinee, Jr, MD, Jeffrey L. Myers, MD
A Multicenter Study to Evaluate Diagnostic Accuracy by Pathologists Using the Aperio GT 450 DX in Local and Remote Viewing Stations
Alexander D. Borowsky, MD, Dylan V. Miller, MD, Thomas W. Bauer, MD, PhD, Richard M. Feddersen, MD, Dorina Gui, MD, PhD, Brian J. Hall, MD, James E. Albro, MD, Isaac E. Lloyd, MD, John W. Bishop, MD, Morgan A. Darrow, MD, James H. Spigel, MD, David R. Martin, MD, Samuel J. Reynolds, MD, Thomas G. McConnell, MD, Eric F. Glassy, MD, Jonathan Zuckerman, MD, PhD, Nathash S. Kallichanda, MD, Xiaozhi Zhou, PhD, Jenny V. Lewis, Shubham Dayal, PhD, MSRA, Joseph Chiweshe, MD, MPH, Aysegul Ergin Sutcu, PhD, Michael White, PhD
Intraoperative Evaluation of Pediatric Bone and Soft Tissue Lesions: Retrospective Analysis of 595 Frozen Sections With Emphasis on Discrepancy and Diagnostic Pitfalls
Benjamin L. Coiner, MD, Hernán Correa, MD, Joyce E. Johnson, MD, Jiancong Liang, MD, PhD, Huiying Wang, MD
The Impact of Scoring Method on Accuracy and Reproducibility of Hans Cell-of-Origin Prediction in Excisional Biopsies of Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma, Not Otherwise Specified
Oleksandr Yanko, MD, Andrew G. Lytle, MD, PhD, Pedro Farinha, MD, PhD, Merrill Boyle, BS, Graham W. Slack, MD, David W. Scott, MBChB, PhD, Jeffrey W. Craig, MD, PhD
The Pathologic Diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis: Time for Reassessment
Mamoun Younes, MD, Dorina Gui, MD, PhD
Introducing Diagnostic Testing for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in a Public Hospital Setting in Western Kenya
Millicent Orido, BS, Teresa Cherop Lotodo, MD, Nicholas Kigen, BS, Ryan Stohler, BS, Terry A. Vik, MD, Gail H. Vance, MD
Addition of Lay Language Comments in Placental Pathology Reports Increases Provider Understanding and Comfort
Linda M. Ernst, MD, MHS, Alexa A. Freedman, PhD, Sonia Gilani, MD, Sunitha C. Suresh, MD
The Presence of Small-Size Circulating Tumor Cells Predicts Worse Prognosis in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
Jinghong Li, MD, Xianxian Fu, MD
High-Grade Astrocytoma With Piloid Features: Case Series and Review of a Recently Described Brain Tumor Entity
Mark A. Rudolf, MD, PhD, Sean P. Ferris, MD, PhD
Optimization of Current Procedural Terminology Coding in Complex Genitourinary Surgical Specimens
David B. Behrman, MD, Robert Achram, MD, Carol McClure, MHA, CPC, CRC, Beverly E. Allen, CPC, Christine Miller, CPC, Carla J. Shoffeitt, MSM, HT(ASCP), Kelly R. Magliocca, DDS, MPH, Scott M. Steward-Tharp, DDS, PhD, Cindy Alexander, MT(ASCP), Twanda Triplet, MT(ASCP), Catherine Maloney, MHA, PT, Chad W. M. Ritenour, MD, Lara R. Harik, MD