Objective: To address the need for a more definitive approach to critical thinking during athletic training educational experiences by introducing the clinical reasoning model for critical thinking.

Background: Educators are aware of the need to teach students how to think critically. The multiple domains of athletic training are comprehensive and complex. Thinking is the fundamental connection between didactic and experiential components. Therefore, clinical thinking must be viewed as a critical part of experiential education in athletic training.

Description: Research from educational journals in medicine, physical therapy and athletic training, as well as relevant texts, were searched to investigate the theoretical and practical underpinnings of clinical thinking models. Definitions, applications, and the historical underpinnings of the clinical thinking processes in allied health were reviewed and presented to highlight the need for athletic training educators to better appreciate the thinking processes of students and practitioners. Practical suggestions for the implementation of clinical reasoning in athletic training are presented.

Application: Athletic training requires clinically based decision-making and problem solving skills. Medical educators recognize differences between the thinking of novice and expert practitioners, and have investigated the nature of clinical cognition as part of their formal curriculum. As AT's professional scope and credibility expand, the process of teaching, fostering, and evaluating clinical reasoning is paramount for AT educators.

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Author notes

Dr. Geisler is an Asst. Professor and Director of Athletic Training Education at Ithaca College, and has 21 years experience, 11 as an AT educator and Program Director [email protected]

Mr. Lazenby is an Asst. Clinical Professor and Athletic Trainer at Ithaca College. He has 21 years experience, including 10 years with the San Francisco 49ers. [email protected]