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Daniel Lunney, Brad Law and Martin Predavec
ISSN: 0067-2238
eISSN: 2204-2105
About this Journal
Australian Zoologist attracts papers on a wide variety of zoological, ecological and environmentally related topics...Read more
Parma wallabies: a history of translocations and reintroductions
Samaa Kalsia, Melanie Edwards, George Wilson
Breeding by Barn Owls Tyto alba in artificial nest hollows established for an endangered black cockatoo in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia
Peter R Mawson, Rick Dawson, Denis A Saunders
Health and Disease at the Human-Wildlife-Environment Interface: Foreword
Daniel Lunney, Brad Law, Martin Predavec
Importance of Rodents and Bandicoots in the diet of the Tasmanian Masked Owl
Michael K. Todd, Rodney P. Kavanagh, Chris P. Spencer, Phil J. Bell, Nick J. Mooney, Sarah A. Munks
Early Access Papers
Michael K. Todd, Rodney P. Kavanagh et al.
Samaa Kalsia, Melanie Edwards et al.
Garry Daly, Philip Craven et al.

Issues prior to 1982 can be accessed through the Biodiversity and Heritage Library.
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Featured Paper
Raking over the ashes: assessing the impact of fire on native fauna in the aftermath of Australia’s 2019–2020 fires
Christopher R. Dickman; Pat Hutchings; Brad Law; Daniel Lunney

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