Australian warblers (Acanthizidae) and pardalotes (Pardalotidae) are abundant keystone species in Australia. Collectively they help regulate arthropod populations and dampen outbreaks of phytophagous insects. Their conservation in the face of habitat degradation and climate change is essential for the retention of healthy forest ecosystems and biodiversity. Information at the level of detail required for effective conservation management is missing for most Australian birds, including warblers and pardalotes. It is unlikely the data needed for the conservation of these species will be obtained in time to prevent further losses of avian biodiversity. However, it is important to try. This paper describes the foraging behaviour during spring of seven species of Australian warblers and pardalotes (small insectivores) in the Great Western Woodland, Western Australia and expands our knowledge of the ecology of these birds. As reported for small insectivores elsewhere in the world, species differed in prey-attack behaviours, foraging substrates, plant species used for foraging, foraging heights, and habitats. These data are used to explain why, without changes in how Australia approaches the preservation of biodiversity, abundant birds, such as Australian warblers and pardalotes will decline towards extinction.