A pilot study, using remotely deployed ultrasonic bat detectors, was undertaken in the Conondale Ranges as part of a research programme to assess the impacts of wet sclerophyll logging on native wildlife. The remote system was of the voice activated type and tested because of its costs relative to other systems. The remote detection technique was inefficient as a means for identifying ail potential species that occur in the area, because of slow response by the equipment to switch on in response to bat calls, problems with high noise to signal ratio and the behaviour of some species relative to the remote equipment. Only eight species were recorded out of a potential eighteen species that occur in the Conondale Ranges. The highest diversity and activity measures were recorded in the intermediate site, last logged in 1961, and the lowest in the regrowth site. These preliminary results are not conclusive because of small sample size and difficulties with the methodology.

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The influence of habitat structure on insectivorous bat activity in montane ash forests of the Central Highlands, Victoria
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In search of Hipposideros semoni at St. Mary's State Forest, Southeast Queensland
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Towards standardised descriptions of the echolocation calls of microchiropteran hats: pulse design terminology for seventeen species from Queensland
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The experimental analysis of distribution and abundance
Kutt, A. S., 1995. Activity and stratification of microchiropteran bat communities in thinned, unthinned and old lowland re-growth forest, east Gippsland. Vic. Nat. 112: 86-92.
Activity and stratification of microchiropteran bat communities in thinned, unthinned and old lowland re-growth forest, east Gippsland
Vic. Nat.
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Law, B. S., 1996. The ecology of bats in south-east Australian forests and potential impacts of forestry practices: a review. Pac. Cons. Biol 2: 363-74.
The ecology of bats in south-east Australian forests and potential impacts of forestry practices: a review
Pac. Cons. Biol
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A bat survey in state forest on the south-west slopes region of New South Wales with suggestions of improvements for future surveys
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Roost selection by Gould's Long-eared Bat Nyctophilus gouldi Tomes (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae), in logged forest on the south coast of New South Wales
Aust. Wild Res.
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Australian Soil and Land Survey — Field Handbook
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Microchirapteran fauna of Kroombit Tops, central Queensland, including a discussion on survey techniques
Aust. Zool.
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The Complete Book of Mammals of Australia
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