The herpetofauna of Mutawintji (previously Mootwingee) National Park (31°17′ S, 142°15′ E) was surveyed on five occasions from 1994 to 1996. From these surveys and other sources, a total of 49 reptile species and 5 amphibian species were recorded, or probably occur in the region. Five species, now listed under the New South Wales Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995, were recorded during the surveys. Two of these species, Egernia margaretae (endangered) and Ramphotyphlops endoterus (endangered), were confirmed in NSW for the first time. Egernia margaretae and Antaresia stimsoni (vulnerable) were recorded only from the rocky gorges, which are a feature of the Bynguano Range in the Park, and the agamid species Ctenophorus decresii (endangered) and varanid Varanus tristis tristis were also restricted to this habitat type. Five species (Diplodactylus steindachneri, Nephrurus levis, Lerista labialis, Ramphotyphlops endoterus and Brachyurophis fasciolatus (vulnerable)) were recorded only from the adjacent red soil grasslands and shrublands, and did not occur in the gorges or on the rocky ridges.
March 17 2014
The reptiles and amphibians of Mutawintji National Park, Western New South Wales
Ralph Foster
Ralph Foster
South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000
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Australian Zoologist (2005) 33 (1): 39–48.
Gerry Swan, Ralph Foster; The reptiles and amphibians of Mutawintji National Park, Western New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 1 June 2005; 33 (1): 39–48. doi:
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