Following the fourth session of the forum, we held a question and answer session facilitated by Paul Willis. The presentations covered by this plenary session were:

  • John Hadley (Western Sydney University) - Does a painless death harm an invertebrate?

  • Trudy Sharp (Department of Primary Industries) - Killing pest animals: are all methods equal?

  • Susan Rhind (University of Wollongong) and Murray Ellis (Office of Environment and Heritage NSW) - Euthanasia in the field. A compact and cheap system for field euthanasia of small mammals; the need, design and trial.

  • Rosie Cooney (University of New South Wales) - The role of the IUCN in sustainable use of wildlife for conservation and livelihoods.

  • Stephanie Hing (RSPCA), Jordan O. Hampton, and Troy. J. Gibson - Animal welfare and the killing of wildlife by captive bolt in Australia. (Paper included post forum.)

  • Denis A Saunders (CSIRO) and Alison Doley - Culling farm wildlife for conservation and production on “Koobabbie”, a cereal and sheep growing property, in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia. (Paper included post forum.)

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