This small elapid snake is endangered because of its restriction to a specific habitat (weathered sandstone outcrops in southeastem Australia) that is under heavy pressure for commercial exploitation, especially for “bushrock” in suburban gardens. We review the conservation status of this species, suggest strategies to maintain viable populations, and report consistent success in breeding this species in captivity.

EHMANN, H. AND CODGER, H. G., 1985. Australia's endangered herpetofauna - A review of criteria and policies. Pp. 435-47 in Biology of Australasian Frogs and Reptiles ed. by G. Grigg, R. Shine and H. Ehmann. Surrey Beatty & Sons and The Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales: Sydney.
Biology of Australasian Frogs and Reptiles
HERSEY, F., 1980. Broad-headed Snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Parks and Wildlife, Endangered Animals of New South Wales. Ed. C. Haegl. N.P.W.S. Sydney.
Broad-headed Snake Hoplocephalus bungaroides. Parks and Wildlife, Endangered Animals of New South Wales
KREFFT, G., 1869. The Snakes of Australia: An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of All the Known Species. Thomas Richards, Govt. Printer: Sydney.
The Snakes of Australia: An Illustrated and Descriptive Catalogue of All the Known Species
SHINE, R., 1983. Arboreality in snakes: Ecology of the Australian genus Hoplocephalus. Copeia 1983: 198-205.
Arboreality in snakes: Ecology of the Australian genus Hoplocephalus
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