A Population Viability Assessment (PVA) workshop was held in Melbourne in May, 1990, to demonstrate its potential to wildlife managers by applying PVA to six species of threatened wildlife in Victoria. The workshop ran for one week and involved 32 participants, who worked in teams. The computer program VORTEX was used to simulate population behaviour resulting from random demographic, genetic and environmental variation, and catastrophic events. VORTEX runs on an MS-DOS microcomputer, and Toshiba laptop microcomputers plus printers and plotters were used. Simulations were run and analysis of results completed in the week following the workshop. PVA results were used to set management goals and strategies for the species examined. PVA is a useful tool for the management of threatened species for which there are adequate population data, and regular application of the technique is likely in the future. The workshop proved a useful way to demonstrate and apply Population Viability Assessment in a relatively short period of time.

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The Management and Conservation of Small Populations
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Risk analysis for the Concho Water Snake
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