A survey of the microchiropteran fauna of Kroombi Tops, central Queensland identified a total of twenty species. This Survey recorded nine additional species to previous surveys due to a greater survey effort, sampling in remote areas away from access roads and employing an additional survey technique, roost location. Three techniques were used: happing using harp trap and tripline methods: ultrasonic detection using hand-held, driving transect and remote sensing techniques; and roost location. No single survey technique recorded all 20 species of bats. A number of significant findings were made, including a southerly range extension of Semon's Leaf-nosed Bat Hippposideros semoni and a record of the Golden-tipped Bat Kerivoula papuensis in riparian vegetation in dry forest. A discussion on the value of employing a variety of techniques in a microchiropteran survey is presented.

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Computer-based call analysis for microbat identification. Eighth International Bat Research Conference Sydney, Australia, 9-15 July 1989. Abstracts
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In search of Hipposideros semoni at St Mary's State Forest, Southeast Queensland
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Complete Book of Australian Mammals
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Bats of Eastern Australia: Qld. Mus. Booklet No. 12
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Bat capture techniques and their use in surveys
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An Atlas of Queensland's Frogs, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals
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Echolocation calls from six species of microchiropteran bats in southeastern Queensland
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The occurrence of Phoniscus papuensis (Dobson) (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) on the south coast of New South Wales
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The plant communities and flora of Kroombit Tops
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Conservation of Australia's Foresl Fauna
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An interim guide to identification of insectivorous hats of southeastern Australia
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A record of the Gold-tipped Bat from the escarpment forests of southern New South Wales
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The bat fauna of Kroombit Tops
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A revision of the inventory and English names of Australian bars
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Complete Book of Austalian Mammals
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Utilization of suspended bird nests by the Golden-tipped Bat (Kerivoula papuensis) in Australia
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Strahan R. (ed.) 1983. Complete Book of Australian Mammals. Angus and Robertson: Sydney.
Complete Book of Australian Mammals
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A collapsible bat tap and a comparison of results obtained with the trap and mist nets
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Mammals at Kroombit Tops, central Queensland
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