A short terrestrial vertebrate survey was conducted in November 1994 in the coastal wetlands surrounding the Cairns International Airport. Six discrete habitat types were recorded for the study area: sand ridge woodland; beach dune low woodland/shrubland; mangrove-intertidal; eucalyptus woodland: clavpan/saltmarsh and disturbed habitat. The survey utilized direct and indirect sampling techniques including live-mammal trapping, hair-tubing, spotlighting ultrasonic bat detection, bird census, active searching and predator scat collection. A total of 129 terrestrial vertebrate species (Seven amphibians, 23 reptiles, 85 birds seven non-volant mammals, seven bats) were recorded including three amphibians and seven reptile species from the records of the Queensland Museum. The diversity of the fauna assemblages and habitats recorded are discussed and number of important environmental features of coastal wetland habitats for terrestrial vertebrates are identified.

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