The Occurrence of megachiropterans and microchiropterans on Fraser island was examined using a combination of visual observations, mist nets, harp traps, and ultrasonic detection. The distribution and activity were examined in relation to vegetation categories. Eighteen bat species were recorded in the survey area, making bats the most numerous mammal group on Fraser island. The greatest number of species was found over water and in woodland. The highest bat activity levels on vehicle transects Occurred in heath and open forest. Miniopterus australis and Nyctinomus australis were widespread and were recorded in most of the vegetation categories. Five species were captured in mist nets and harp traps, five solely from spotlighting, five from vehicle transects and thirteen from on-foot and remote detection. The biases and the importance of using a combination of survey techniques are discussed.

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Mammals of Cooloola and Beerwah
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Vertebrate Zoogeography and evolution in Australasia
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The mammals of Australia
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Echolocation calls of fourteen bats from eastern New South Wales
Aust. Mammal.
, vol.
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