Timber production forests and adjacent lands of the south-west slopes New South Wales were surveyed tor frogs and reptiles over three periods during 1994/95. Hand and aural surveys targeted the habitats of eight endangered species known from or considered likely to occur within the region. Eleven species of frog and eighteen species of reptile were located during the survey. but only one of these was a listed threatened species (with another being recorded incidentally after the survey period). However, the presence of suitable habitat indicated that four other threatened species could be present in the area. It is suggested that continued habitat alteration through gazing and agricultural practices may be having the greatest impact on the herpetotauna of the area and hat a suitable reserve system is required incorporating known a likely sites for each species. It is recommended that grazing should be phased out of some state forest areas and burning regimes modified to provide a diversity of habitats.

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Annotated check list of the reptiles of Wagga Wagga and district, NSW
, vol.
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A Field Guide to Australian Frogs
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Relevance of zoogeographical transition to conservation of fauna: Amphibians and reptiles in the southwestern slopes of New South Wales
Aust. Zool.
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Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia
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A taxonomic revision of the Litoria aurea complex (Anura: Hylidae) in south eastern Australia
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Encyclopedia of Australian Animals: Reptiles
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The rediscovery of the endangered Spotted Tree Frog (Litoria spenceri) in New South Wales and some subsequent findings
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Gillespie, G. R., 1992. Survey for the Spotted Tree Frog (Liloria spenceri) in Victoria, February-March. 1992. Vic. Nat. 109(6): 203-11.
Survey for the Spotted Tree Frog (Liloria spenceri) in Victoria, February-March. 1992
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Nocturnal forest birds and arboreal marsupials of the southwestern slopes, New South Wales
Aust. Zool.
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A bat survey in State Forests on the south-west slopes region of New South Wales with suggestion of improvements for future surveys
Aust. Zool.
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Lemckert, F. L., Law, B., Anderson, J. and Chidel, M., 1995. A further south-western range extension of the Broad-palmed Frog Litoria latopalmata. Herpetofauna 25(2): 12-13.
A further south-western range extension of the Broad-palmed Frog Litoria latopalmata
, vol.
Lunney, D., Curtin. A., Ayers. D., Fisher. D., Law, B. and Morse, R" 1995. Identifying endangered fauna. Report on a National Estate Grant by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.
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Osborne, W., 1989. Distribution, relative abundance and conservation status of Corroboree Frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae). Aust. Wildl. Res. 16: 537-47.
Distribution, relative abundance and conservation status of Corroboree Frogs, Pseudophryne corroboree Moore (Anura: Myobatrachidae)
Aust. Wildl. Res.
, vol.
Osborne, W. and Jones, S., 1995. Recovery plan for the Pink-tailed Worm Lizard (Aprasia parapulchella). ACT Parks and Conservation Service Technical Report No. 10.
Osborne, W. S., Kukolic, K. and Williams, K. D., 1993. Conservation of reptiles in lowland native grasslands in the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Pp. 151-58 in Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline ed by D. Lunney and D. Ayers. Transactions of the Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.
Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline
Osborne, W. S., Littlejohn, M. J. and Thomson, S. A., 1996. Former distribution and apparent disappearance of the Litoria aurea complex from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. Aust. Zool. 30(2): 190-98.
Former distribution and apparent disappearance of the Litoria aurea complex from the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
Aust. Zool.
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A Field Guide to Frogs of Australia: From Port Augusta to Fraser Island Including Tasmania
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A survey of ground-dwelling mammals inhabiting forests of the southwestern slopes, New South Wales
Aust. Zool.
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A Field Guide to the Snakes and Lizards of New South Wales
Thomson, S. A., Littlejohn, M. J., Robinson, W. A. and Osborne, W. S., 1996. Taxonomy of the Litoria aurea complex: a re-evaluation of the Southern Tablelands populations of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. Aust. Zool. 30: 158-69.
Taxonomy of the Litoria aurea complex: a re-evaluation of the Southern Tablelands populations of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales
Aust. Zool.
, vol.
White, A. W. and Pyke, C. H., 1996. Distribution and conservation status of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea). Aust. Zool. 30: 177-89.
Distribution and conservation status of the green and golden bell frog (Litoria aurea)
Aust. Zool.
, vol.
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