This study investigated relationships between durations of inundation in River Red Gum wetlands and waterbird breeding, in particular the durations of flooding under nest trees that waterbirds need to breed successfully; and developed guidelines for managing water regimes in River Red Gum wetlands for waterbird breeding. The main study area was the middle section of the Murrumbidgee River in New South Wales. Average lag times between flooding under nest trees and first nests of Darter, cormorants, herons, egrets, Australian White Ibis and spoonbills ranged from two to four months following spring floods, and from four to seven months following autumn floods. The average lag times from flooding under the nest trees to first broods of ducks were one to two months, regardless of season of flooding. Average lag times to peak breeding of Darter, cormorants, herons, egrets, Australian White Ibis and spoonbills were three to five months following a winter/spring flood and six to nine months following an autumn flood. The equivalent figures for ducks were four months following a winter1 spring flood and five months following an autumn flood. Taking egg laying, incubation of eggs and fledging of young into account, waterbirds need 5 to 10 months inundation under nest trees to complete breeding. Most Darters, cormorants, herons, egrets, Australian White Ibis and spoonbills nested at wetlands which retained water permanently in their deeper, open areas. In contrast, most ducks bred at wetlands which dried out fully between floods. Water levels in River Red Gum wetlands should be managed to provide breeding habitat for waterbirds by allowing the ground under the nest trees to flood for at least 5 to 10 months, and then dry back before the next flood. River Red Gums should not be flooded for longer than 18 months, but water can be retained permanently in deeper, open areas of wetlands.

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