One hundred and thirty-three species of vertebrates were recorded from areas representing three different landsystems on a grazing property on the Paroo River, located 52 kilometres south of Wanaaring in the Western Division of New South Wales. Fauna diversity was highest along the riparian zone of the Paroo River (the Paroo landsystem) and lowest on the red sand plains of the Gumbalara landsystem. The Cobham landsystem, of which the wetland environment of Waitche Lake is an example, gave an intermediate level of species diversity. The Paroo landsystem had the greatest number of small birds, which may have been indicative of the presence of a dense understorey and shrub layer in conjunction with a distinct tree canopy. Overall waterbird abundance and diversity was low due to flood conditions and local rainfall providing ample feeding and nesting areas, thus spreading populations over a greater area. Three threatened species (Brolga. Pink Cockatoo, Yellow-bellied Sheathtail Bat) were recorded as well as a new range extension for the reptile Lerista xanthura. Ten species from this survey have not been recorded in the nearby Nocoleche Nature Reserve, indicating the importance of maintaining the wetland environments along the Paroo River in order to conserve regional biodiversity.

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Reptiles and Amphibians of Australia
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Future of the Fauna of Western New South Wales
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Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline
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Herpetofauna of the Yathong Nature Reserve
Australian Zoologist
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The Fauna of Western NSW: The Southern Mallee Region
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Fauna Survey in the Floodplain of the Great Anabranch of the Lower Darling River
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The Fauna of Western NSW The Northern Floodplains Region
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A Field Guide to the Snakes and lizards of New South Wales
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