A new species of flying-fox (genus Pteropus) is described as P. banakrisi. This species is similar in appearance to P. alecto which is seasonally sympatric in the type locality, but P. banakrisi is much smaller and differs in dental characteristics. P banakrisi is also smaller than any of the other flying-foxes currently known from Australia. The common name “Torresian Flying-fox” is proposed for P. banakrisi.
Andersen, K., 1912.Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the collection of the British Museum, 2nd edition. Volume 1: Megachiroptera. British Museum Trustees: London.
Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the collection of the British Museum, 2nd edition. Volume 1: Megachiroptera
Hall, L.S. and Richards, G.C. (2000)Flying Foxes: Fruit and Blossom Bats of Australia. University of New South Wales Press: Sydney.
Flying Foxes: Fruit and Blossom Bats of Australia
Kornerup, A. and Wanscher, J.H., 1978.Methuen handbook of colour, 3rd edition. Eyre Methuen : London.
Methuen handbook of colour
Krutsch, P.H., 1962. Additional data on the os penis of Megachiroptera. J. Mammal. 43: 34-42.
Additional data on the os penis of Megachiroptera
, J. Mammal.
, vol. 43
(pg. 34
) McKean, J.L., Richards, G.C. and Price, W.J., 1978. A taxonomic appraisal of the genus Eptesicus (Chiroptera : Mammalia) in Australia. Aust. J. Zool. 26: 529-537.
A taxonomic appraisal of the genus Eptesicus (Chiroptera : Mammalia) in Australia
, Aust. J. Zool.
, vol. 26
(pg. 529
) Richards, G.C., 1990. The conservation status of the Torresian flying fox. Unpublished report to Australian National Parks & Wildlife Service (20pp.).
Richards, G.C., 1995a. A review of ecological interactions of fruit bats in Australian ecosystems. In Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Bats, ed by P.A. Racey and S.M. Swift. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. 67: 79-96.
Richards, G.C., 1995b. Torresian Flying-fox Pteropus sp. Pp 443-444 in The Mammals of Australia, ed by R. Strahan. Reed Books, Sydney.
The Mammals of Australia
(pg. 443
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