This paper outlines the development in 2001 of a management policy for the Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis in the Eurobodalla Shire in response to case studies conducted by the author for a development proposal. The proposal to clear habitat for a school indicated that significant impact on the Yellow-bellied Glider was likely after addressing the “eight part test” under section 5A of the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979). The subsequent Species Impact Statement placed the impacts of the development into a regional context in respect to the distribution of the glider and included an estimate of population size and identified a habitat corridor in the Broulee area. The local government then requested concurrence from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. A ‘condition of concurrence’ was that a policy be developed by the Local Government Authority to conserve Yellow-bellied Glider habitat in the Broulee subregion. The policy to conserve the Yellow-bellied Glider in the Broulee area identified a major limitation in the EP&A Act, that is, the failure to consider the cumulative impact of development.

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Threatened Species Legislation : is it just an Act?
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Conservation through cooperation: integrated management for the Jervis Bay region
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Threatened Species Legislation : is it just an Act?
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Sap feeding by the marsupial Petaurus australis: an enigmatic behaviour?
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Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna
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Possums and Gliders
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Characteristics of eucalypts incised for sap by the yellow-bellied glider Petaurus australis Shaw (Marsupialia: Petauridae), in northeastern New South Wales
Australian Mammalogy
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