This paper outlines the development in 2001 of a management policy for the Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis in the Eurobodalla Shire in response to case studies conducted by the author for a development proposal. The proposal to clear habitat for a school indicated that significant impact on the Yellow-bellied Glider was likely after addressing the “eight part test” under section 5A of the NSW Environmental Planning & Assessment Act (1979). The subsequent Species Impact Statement placed the impacts of the development into a regional context in respect to the distribution of the glider and included an estimate of population size and identified a habitat corridor in the Broulee area. The local government then requested concurrence from the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service. A ‘condition of concurrence’ was that a policy be developed by the Local Government Authority to conserve Yellow-bellied Glider habitat in the Broulee subregion. The policy to conserve the Yellow-bellied Glider in the Broulee area identified a major limitation in the EP&A Act, that is, the failure to consider the cumulative impact of development.
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March 17 2014
Mapping glider songlines: development of a landscape management policy for the Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis (Shaw 1791) in the Eurobodalla Shire on the south coast of New South Wales
Garry Daly
Garry Daly
Gaia Research Pty Ltd, PO Box 3109 North Nowra NSW 2541
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Australian Zoologist (2005) 33 (2): 180–187.
Garry Daly; Mapping glider songlines: development of a landscape management policy for the Yellow-bellied Glider Petaurus australis (Shaw 1791) in the Eurobodalla Shire on the south coast of New South Wales. Australian Zoologist 1 December 2005; 33 (2): 180–187. doi:
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