The captive breeding and management of the Western Swamp Tortoise Pseudemydura umbrina is a major zoological success story. Yet such programs do not operate in a social vacuum, and they have many critics. Science is a human activity and, as such, indivisible from social values. It is useful both for the scientific community and the wider community to ground our ideas of science by presenting the stories of scientists and the science they enact. This disrupts the diehard assumption that science is objective. For some, objectivity is held to be the indisputable gold standard for science; for others, objectivity is the, indelible original sin of science, which leads to an inevitable and dangerous disconnection from social and natural contexts. The reality of practising science is far more complex. This semi-biographical account of the history and people involved with the conservation of the Western Swamp Tortoise is intended to give a lively sense of science-in-action. Using a reflective essay style, it explores the story of the captive breeding of Pseudemydura umbrina within the social context of science, and includes a discussion of relevant ethical and political issues. It is therefore relevant to researchers interested in zoology, sociology of science, history of science, philosophy of science and ecocritical literature.

Burbidge, A. and Kuchling, G. (for the Western Swamp Tortoise Recovery Team) 1994.Western Swamp Tortoise Recovery Plan, Wildlife Management Program No 11, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Perth, Western Australia.
Kuchling, G., DeJose, J.P., 1989. A Captive Breeding Operation to Rescue the Critically Endangered Western Swamp Turtle Pseudoemydura umbrina from Extinction. The Zoological Society of London International Zoo Yearbook 28: 103-109.
A Captive Breeding Operation to Rescue the Critically Endangered Western Swamp Turtle Pseudoemydura umbrina from Extinction
International Zoo Yearbook
, vol.
Kuchling, G., DeJose, J.P., Burbidge, A.A. and Bradshaw, S.D. 1992. Beyond Captive Breeding: The Western Swamp Tortoise (Pseudemydura umbrina) Recovery Program. The Zoological Society of London. Inernational Zoo Yearbook. 32: 37-41.
Beyond Captive Breeding: The Western Swamp Tortoise (Pseudemydura umbrina) Recovery Program
Inernational Zoo Yearbook
, vol.
Kuchling, G. and Bradshaw, S.D. 1993. Ovarian Cycle and Egg Production of the Western Swamp Tortoise Pseudoemydura umbrina (Testudines: Chelidae) in the Wild and in Captivity. Journal of Zoology, London 405-419.
Ovarian Cycle and Egg Production of the Western Swamp Tortoise Pseudoemydura umbrina (Testudines: Chelidae) in the Wild and in Captivity
Journal of Zoology
Kuchling, G. 1995 Ethics of Manipulation - the Western Swamp Tortoise (Pseudemydura umbrina) Example. International Congress of Chelonian Conservation - Gonfaron, France - 6th- 10th July. SOPTOM, Editor.
Kuchling, G. 1995-Present. Personal communication with author.
Noske, B. 2004. Two Movements and Human-Animal Continuity: Positions, Assumptions, Contradictions. Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal, 2,1: 1-12.
Two Movements and Human-Animal Continuity: Positions, Assumptions, Contradictions
Animal Liberation Philosophy and Policy Journal
, vol.
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