The Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea population at Sydney Olympic Park is one of the largest populations of the species remaining in New South Wales. This endangered species was identified in the midst of extensive site development occurring for the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, and became the focus of a long-term conservation program that has significantly influenced the design and development of the Park. This program has resulted in conservation of the original population, and establishment of two new self-sustaining sub-populations on newly-built habitats on remediated lands.

This paper presents an overview of the frog conservation and management program at Sydney Olympic Park from 1993 to 2006. It describes how legislation, science, policy, development and sport have, with the dedication of hundreds of people and the tenacity of the frog itself, come together to bring about the frog's conservation. It describes how the frog and its habitat continue to be managed in an urban parkland setting, and the future challenges that are present in securing the long-term viability of the population.

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Management Plan for the Green and Golden Bell Frog at Homebush Bay: Roads Infrastructure
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Strategy for the Conservation of the Green and Golden Bell Frog at Homebush Bay
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Fauna Impact Statement for Proposed Development Works within the 1995 Homebush Bay Masterplan
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Fauna Impact Statement for Proposed Development of the Royal Agricultural Society Site (Showground Precinct) located within the area of the 1995 Homebush Bay Masterplan
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Fauna Impact Statement for Proposed Development of the Homebush Bay Roads Infrastructure to service the area of the 1995 Homebush Bay Masterplan
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Faunal Impact Statement for the Proposed Development Works at the Homebush Bay Brickpit
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Monitoring the Green and Golden Bell Frog at Homebush Bay: Annual Report June 2000-May 2001
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Green and Golden Bell Frog Monitoring at Sydney Olympic Park: Annual Report July 2004 - June 2005
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Management Plan for the Green and Golden Bell Frog at Homebush Bay
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Water Reclamation and Management Scheme and Frog Habitat Works: Species Impact Statement
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Green and Golden Bell Frog Monitoring at Sydney Olympic Park: Annual Report June 1999 - May 2000
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Habitat Assessment Report for the Homebush Bay Brickpit
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Management Plan for the Green and Golden Bell Frog at Homebush Bay
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Distribution and conservation status of the Green and Golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea in New South Wales
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Past distribution of Litoria aurea and Litoria castanea in the Bathurst-Orange area of New South Wales
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