A maternity roost of the Large-eared Pied Bat Chalinolobus dwyeri was found in a sandstone cave near Coonabarabran in central NSW approximately 200 km south west of Copeton where the only other known maternity roost of this species has been found. The roost was first discovered on the 15 November 2001 and visited another four times to August 2004. Between 14 and 40 adult females were observed to carry twin young over 3 separate summers, the young were estimated to been born in the first half of November and 15 adults were also observed in the cave in late winter. Observations of the cave indicated it was well insulated from external temperature fluctuations and showed signs of long term use by the bats.

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Structures of bird communities in woodland remnants in central New South Wales, Australia
Australian Journal of Zoology
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Micromammals and Macroparasites From Evolutionary Ecology to Management
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Terrestrial Vertebrate Fauna of the Greater Southern Sydney Region: Volume 2 Species of Conservation Concern and Priority Pest Species
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Micromammals and Macroparasites From Evolutionary Ecology to Management
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The Action Plan for Australian Bats
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Fox predation on cave-bats
Australian Journal of Science
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Flight Patterns of some Eastern Australian Bats
Victorian Naturalist
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Observations on Chalinolobus dwyeri (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in Australia
Journal of Mammalogy
, vol. 
Hoye, G.A. Fly By Night Bat Surveys Pty Ltd. 2005. Recovery plan for the large-eared pied bat Chalinolobus dwyeri. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, Brisbane.
Recovery plan for the large-eared pied bat Chalinolobus dwyeri
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Bats under a hot tin roof: comparing the microclimate of eastern cave bat (Vespadelus troughtoni) roosts in a shed and cave overhangs
Australian Journal of Zoology
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Pilliga Nature Reserve Plan of Management
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Brigalow Belt South Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Survey, Analysis and Modelling Projects
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Conservation of the Grassy White Box Woodlands: Population Genetics and Fragmentation of Eucalyptus albens Conservation
, vol. 
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