The Yabby Cherax destructor has a natural distribution across inland river systems in central and south-eastern Australia. Within that range it supports important recreational and commercial fisheries, and is also widely used for aquaculture and as a pet in the aquarium trade. Recently, the species has become established in parts of Australia outside its natural range. This paper documents sites of translocation in the coastal drainages of eastern New South Wales, Australia. Potential implications of these translocations are discussed with regard to the native aquatic fauna of the region. We draw particular attention to: (i) the native species of amphibian that are threatened by predation by introduced yabbies, and (ii) the native crayfish fauna threatened by competition with this species. The Fitzroy Falls Crayfish Euastacus dharawalus has a distribution restricted to one small catchment and C. destructor has been recently translocated into this creek. On the basis of these data, we propose to nominate C. destructor as a key threatening process under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 and Euastacus dharawalus as a threatened species, also under that Act.

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