The Broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus is infrequently recorded in Tasmania and was only recently discovered at altitudes >1000 m, although the species occurs on the Australian mainland at >2200 m. A survey of Tasmanian alpine habitat found evidence of M. fuscus within a metre or two of the summit of Cradle Mountain at 1545 m, the highest altitude recorded for M. fuscus within Tasmania. There was a negative relationship between the presence of Bennett's Wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) and M. fuscus at all sites. This is analogous to the absence of tall alpine herbfield as a plant community in Tasmania as a result of grazing by M. rufogriseus. At Cradle Mountain, M. fuscus occurred in alpine areas above rock barriers that prevented access by M. rufogriseus and hence allowed sufficient growth of grass to support populations of M. fuscus.This study further demonstrates the importance of M. rufogriseus in alpine ecosystems that lack a seasonal snow cover and raises the question of the potential impacts of M. rufogriseus in habitats with declining snow cover in mainland alpine areas.

Bridle K.L. and Kirkpatrick J.B. 1998. Why do tall herbs rarely dominate Tasmanian alpine vegetation? Evidence from islands in the Ouse River system. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania. 132: 9-14
Why do tall herbs rarely dominate Tasmanian alpine vegetation? Evidence from islands in the Ouse River system
Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania.
, vol. 
Carron, PPL., Happold, D. C. D. and Bubela, T. M. 1990. Diet of two sympatric Australian subalpine rodents Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus fuscipes. Australian Wildlife Research 17: 479-489.
Diet of two sympatric Australian subalpine rodents Mastacomys fuscus an
Rattus fuscipes. Australian Wildlife Research
, vol. 
Driessen, M.M. 2002. Broad-toothed Rat, Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia, Muridae), found in alpine heathland in Tasmania. Australian Mammalogy 23: 163-165.
Broad-toothed Rat, Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia, Muridae), found in alpine heathland in Tasmania
Australian Mammalogy
, vol. 
Green, K. 1988. A study of Antechinus swainsonii and Antechinus stuartii and their prey in the Snowy Mountains. Ph.D. Thesis, Australian National University, Canberra.
A study of Antechinus swainsonii and Antechinus stuartii and their prey in the Snowy Mountains
Green, K. 2002. Selective predation on the broad-toothed rat Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia:Muridae) by the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes (Carnivora: Canidae) in the Snowy Mountains. Austral Ecology 27: 353-359.
Selective predation on the broad-toothed rat Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia:Muridae) by the introduced red fox Vulpes vulpes (Carnivora: Canidae) in the Snowy Mountains
Austral Ecology
, vol. 
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Wildlife of the Australian Snow-Country
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The Distribution and status of the broad-toothed rat Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia: Muridae) in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory
Australian Zoologist
, vol. 
Green, K. and Pickering C.M. 2002. A scenario for mammal and bird diversity in the Australian Snowy Mountains in relation to climate change. Pp241-249 in Mountain biodiversity: a global assessment, edited by C. KÖrner and E.M. Spehn. Parthenon Publishing, London.
Mountain biodiversity: a global assessment
Green, K., Stein, J.A. and Driessen, M.M. 2008. The projected distributions of Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus lutreolus in south-eastern Australia under a scenario of climate change: potential for increased competition? Wildlife Research 35: 113-119.
The projected distributions of Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus lutreolus in south-eastern Australia under a scenario of climate change: potential for increased competition
Wildlife Research
, vol. 
Green, R.H. 1968. The murids and small dasyurids in Tasmania. Part 4. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum 32: 12-19.
The murids and small dasyurids in Tasmania. Part 4
Records of the Queen Victoria Museum
, vol. 
Green, R.H. 1973. The mammals of Tasmania. Mary Fisher Bookshop, Launceston.
The mammals of Tasmania
Happold, D.C.D. 1983. The Broad-toothed Rat. Mastacomys fuscus. Pp. 423 in Complete Book of Australian Mammals, edited by R. Strahan, Angus and Robertson, North Ride.
Complete Book of Australian Mammals
Happold, D.C.D. 1989. The value of faecal pellets for ascertaining the presence of Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia, Muridae) in field surveys. Victorian Naturalist 106: 41-43.
The value of faecal pellets for ascertaining the presence of Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia, Muridae) in field surveys
Victorian Naturalist
, vol. 
Happold, D.C.D. 1998. The subalpine climate at Smiggin Holes, Kosciusko National Park, Australia, and its influence on the biology of small mammals. Arctic and Alpine Research 40: 241-251.
The subalpine climate at Smiggin Holes, Kosciusko National Park, Australia, and its influence on the biology of small mammals
Arctic and Alpine Research
, vol. 
Hocking, G. J. and Driessen, M. M. 2000. Status and conservation of the rodents of Tasmania. Wildlife Research 27: 371-77.
Status and conservation of the rodents of Tasmania
Wildlife Research
, vol. 
Kirkpatrick, J.B. 1989. The comparative ecology of mainland Australia and Tasmanian alpine vegetation. Pp127-142 in The scientific significance of the Australian Alps. Edited by R.B. Good. Australian Alps Liaison Committee, Canberra.
The scientific significance of the Australian Alps
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Mammals of Victoria
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Mammal tracks and signs
Wallis, R. L. 1992. The Broad-toothed Rat (Mastacomys fuscus) in Dandenong Ranges National Park - a colony in regenerating forest. Victorian Naturalist 109: 177-178.
The Broad-toothed Rat (Mastacomys fuscus) in Dandenong Ranges National Park - a colony in regenerating forest
Victorian Naturalist
, vol. 
Wallis, R.L., Brunner, H. and Menkhorst, P.W. 1982. Victorian field studies of the broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus Thomas). Victorian Naturalist 99: 12-21.
Victorian field studies of the broad-toothed rat (Mastacomys fuscus Thomas)
Victorian Naturalist
, vol. 
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