A recent trapping record of the Bristle-faced Free-tailed Bat Mormopterus eleryi at Kwiambal National Park, near Ashford, adds to a small, but relatively localised, cluster of records of this species on the northern North West Slopes of New South Wales. This may indicate the relative importance of this region for M. eleryi, the only bat species listed as Endangered in New South Wales under the Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995). The bat was captured adjacent to river flats associated with the McIntyre River, supporting previous reports that this species may favour riverine and drainage line habitats. As focal areas for human habitation and recreation, inland riverine habitats require targeted and strategic conservation management. Population monitoring, targeted trapping surveys, and research into ecology and habitat requirements are essential steps to the conservation of the Bristle-faced Free-tailed Bat but enough baseline information exists to allow formulation of targeted conservation management and planning programs for this high priority species.

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Electrophoretic resolution of species boundaries in Australian Microchiroptera. IV Molossidae (Chiroptera)
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The Action Plan for Australian Bats
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The first record of the Hairy-nosed Freetail Bat in New South Wales
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The Biology and Conservation of Australasian Bats
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Brigalow Belt South Stage 2 Vertebrate Fauna Survey, Analysis and Modelling Projects
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A new species of Australian freetail bat Mormopterus eleryi sp. nov. (Chiroptera: Molossidae) and a taxonomic reappraisal of M. norfolkensis (Gray)
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Scotts, D. and Dudley, A. 2010. The fauna of Kwiambal National Park: survey results, priority species occurrence and preliminary management recommendations. Unpublished report to the Department of Environment and Climate Change; NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, Tenterfield Area.
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