Quanda Nature Reserve was originally established in 1963 to conserve the remnant old growth mallee vegetation and its suspected Malleefowl, Leipoa ocellata, population. This study reports on the first detailed fauna survey of the reserve since its establishment. Eleven survey techniques were used in order to identify as many vertebrate species as possible; with all techniques, except call playback, detecting at least one species. Nine of the techniques detected species not detected by any other technique (i.e. “unique species”). The effectiveness of each technique for detecting species varied depending on the fauna group. A total of 110 native vertebrate species and 10 exotic vertebrates were identified, of which 39 native and seven exotic species had not previously been recorded within the reserve. Seven of the native species are listed as threatened, and five of the exotic species are listed as key threatening processes, under NSW State legislation. No evidence of recent L. ocellata activity was observed. This survey substantially increased the knowledge of the fauna diversity within the reserve, particularly within the old-growth mallee habitat. Having a comprehensive understanding of species diversity and habitat associations within the reserve will be critical in underpinning conservation management plans and actions for the reserve which effectively achieve biodiversity conservation goals.

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