The endangered Booroolong Frog Litoria booroolongensis has undergone dramatic declines over the majority of its range, which have largely been attributed to extensive clearing and ongoing modification associated with agricultural practices, disease and introduced pests. This paper presents a small-scale assessment of the distribution and habitat associations of the Booroolong Frog, using data collected during surveys for environmental impact assessments, in areas of likely preferred habitat identified along the Campbells and Macquarie Rivers south of Bathurst and the Turon River at Sofala New South Wales. Seven stream reaches were sampled within study areas, and the Boorolong Frog was recorded in four of those. Thirty-four Booroolong Frogs were recorded, by direct observation and call play back, usually in habitat typically associated with the species. Seven of these were found in highly degraded habitat reinforcing similar observations for this species in the literature. Field data collected during this study and the resulting habitat information will add to the knowledge of the distribution and habitat preferences of this threatened species. This study also provides recommendations to assist in the development of appropriate conservation management actions within the area.

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