In recognition of outstanding veterinary medical contributions to field prevention and control of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza through providing knowledge and leadership to government institutions and animal health organizations

Dr. Les Sims is a graduate veterinarian (B.VSc. [Hons] Melb 1977, MANZCVSc [Diagnostic Pathology 1987], and MRCVS). From 1978 until 2002, he worked in a range of government positions in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Hong Kong. He initially worked in veterinary diagnostic laboratories focusing on production animal diseases and published a book on pathology of pigs in 1996. Over time, the emphasis of his work shifted from diagnostic pathology to management of animal diseases and veterinary programs. Since 2003, Dr. Sims has managed his own veterinary consulting company. He is based in Australia but still spends considerable time in East and South East Asia where he has focused his worked for the past 20 yr.

Dr. Sims has been...

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